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RE: Digest Number 651

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Message: 3


Hi Chris,


However - what about, say, Dubhe?


I have a program " Janus " (Australian) who provides me the

Fixed stars in a list; besides that the program gives me

the aspects between Sun, Moon and planetes and the fixed

stars. I myself have a book of Vivian Robson with a

explanation. A Western astrologer told me once that the

delineation of aspects between fixed stars and the birth

chart are as well good, because all knowledge about the

influence of the stars are built up by experience long

time ago. It is actually funny, dat tropical astrologers

are using the knowledge of astrology, which is based on the

time when only the sidereal zodiac is practiced.

At the time Ptolemaus wrote his book on astrology the

equinox did not even arrived at 0° Aries, 8° Aries or

higher, I reckoned once. That is why astrogers were better

in their prognoses than in later centuries. I was asking

myself why, formerly.


Dubhe is conjunct MC (Saturnus return chart) I see.

I also see MC is conjunct transite Dragon's tail,

Mars however occupies the second house and 45° the

Ascendant of the return-chart, 120° radix Asc/Uranus.

Dubhe however is associated with destructive and

agressive energy, but only in aspect with malefic


It interested me to see why the return of Jupiter,

was not as happy as expected. Indeed Saturn aspected

the birth Mercurius in a sextile and was conjunct

Mercurius rx/Pluto transite midpoint.Jupiter however

was square several Uranian TransNeptuner. I have not

yet prepared a delineation. The next email I might

might be able to tell you more. Possible you like

it better to keep it privately. It is just to prove

the value of these TransNeptuner. Every time I am

very surprised about their conjunctions in event charts.


Sofar my contribution here. I have to send away another

email this night. Regards, Anny



In my own chart, according to tropical astrology I have Moon at 24 Libra,

Jupiter at 2 Cap and Saturn at 17 Cap. If I switch to sidereal, I get Moon

30 Virgo (29Vir53 according to my software, but I suppose this depends

precisely what ayanamsa is used), Jupiter at 7 Sag, Saturn at 23 Sag. My Sun

remains in Pisces (1 degree sidereally), and my Ascendant remains in Leo (3

Leo). Now, I can definitely relate to the idea of Moon in Virgo for me

rather than Libra (though I can see *some* arguments for Moon in Libra).

However, I feel my Saturn is very strong - my Saturn return was a fabulous

year for me, with extra promotion and a pay rise and lots of holidays, and

not remotely traumatic. My Jupiter returns have not generally been happy

times. Now - I can see that " lots of foreign holidays " on my Saturn return

has a Sagittarian flavour - but according to tropical astrology, my Saturn

is well placed in the sign he rules (Capricorn), and Jupiter badly placed in

his fall (Capricorn). In sidereal terms, my Saturn in Sag wouldn't be the

best placement, but Jupiter in Sag is excellent. So taking the simplistic

viewpoint - if I perceive " Saturn good, Jupiter bad " that would indicate the

tropical zodiac fits me better, if I perceive " Jupiter good, Saturn bad "

that would indicate the sidereal zodiac is a better fit. I have to say I do

tend to perceive " Saturn good, Jupiter bad " in my own chart - so I can see

the sidereal zodiac working better in some cases (eg my Moon), and the

tropical in others (my Jupiter and Saturn).



However, I may well be missing something here.


If anyone is interested, my birth data is: 15 March 1960, 15:25GMT, Windsor

United Kingdom. 0W35, 51N28. Asc: 3Leo25 (sidereal), Sun: 0Pis52 (sidereal).











Message: 4

Sat, 08 Nov 2003 05:33:09 -0000

" call me sheep " <Sheeptribe1

a couple responses


I just want to respond to a couple posts i read in the digests.



I'd love to hear others' opinions about their planetary philosophy, so

to speak.




Peace! very interesting to read your experiences. Astrology/astrologer

craves for philosophy to work out well a native chart and inspire the

native to approach the prognose without fear and with optimisme in

confidence of God's help, for inspiration. Then we are able to influence

the final outcome for our soul in relation to God. That is most important

of all.







Message: 5

Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:54:50 -0000

" librach2003 " <librach2003

Re: my question


, " jeremy nelson "

<lalakerfan4life2002> wrote:


Librach! In comparision to eternity your birthchart (Ascendant)

does not progress as fast as you would like to, perhaps. You

have to work with the knowledge of your birthchart, because it

promises everything what you are going to experience in your life.

You better take a book to study astrology to understand everything

about the progression of your Ascendant, because there are several

modes of technique in calculating the progression. The most used mode

is one degree par year, added to all the " points " in the birth chart.

But better is to ask an astrologer to calculate for you the total

total degrees of your age for the details. It is worth the time

to take up the study, because astrology answers all the questions

you get in mind during life. If you are curious, you will not object

to find out, because it is quite rewarding to help someone in need

of information. You will create happiness instead of fear.






Message: 6

Fri, 14 Nov 2003 09:49:29 -0000

" Chris Mitchell " <chrismitchell

Re: Re: The equality of signs


I agree with you Chris. It is marvelous to experiment with your knowledge

with the sidereal zodiac.












Message: 7

Fri, 14 Nov 2003 17:13:50 -0000

António <Xonicman

Re: Sidereal signs


This is my first post, so I would like to say hello to everybody.


Welcome Antonio to the group. What you remarked is true. You just

find out so yourself.I did the same. I often tell everybody , who

practices tropical astrology, that they have only to change the

zodiac and furthermore nothing. The knowledge you gained already

is enough to prove the value of the sidereal zodiac.






Hi Therese

Indeed Moon in Leo needs more attention than the sun in Leo. I have

a grandson with the Moon in Leo. Luckily my daughter has done what

is necessary for him. I have confidence it works out well for him.

I discovered early in study, that most people are living more out

of their Moon (emotion) in connection with surrounding people. In

the Uranian Astrology the sun is connected more with health care.

The Sun settled in the fourth of 12 houses, creates a whole new

picture; planets in the various houses point out eventual health

problems; I discovered before. See for yourself.It is quite

interesting to study the subject.

The delineaton of the houses is not so much different from the chart

with MC on top of the figure.









Message: 8

Sat, 15 Nov 2003 01:36:06 -0000

" koreesdaughter " <CauldronofDreams

re: New Member Intro


Hi Koreesdaughter! Welcome here! Do you practice astrology

in combination with Tarot? It would be quite interesting to

know. I have a daughter in law, who practices the tarot, but

is not in need of astrology, she says so. It interests her

however. It is remarkable, I have cards and a book to study,

but up till now I did not yet picked up Tarot. I intend to.

For horary it might help me perhaps. That is real art to

succeed in it.










Message: 10

Sat, 15 Nov 2003 19:21:04 -0800

Therese Hamilton <eastwest

This is a Test


Hi....I'm testing to see if this post goes through, as a couple of messages

I sent to the list today have seemingly disappeared.




Hi Therese! How about your friend's Saturn conjunct Ascendant in Gemini.

Is she shy in groups to talk with? Quite a pity for her, because Gemini

usually enjoys company. You think, she might outgrow this aspect ever?




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Hi Anny,


The only thing Juppiter is obligated to produce is...fullness. If he completes a

picture for suicide, they may just go off a bridge. I have two from thre Golden


Because of the dominance of the midpoint people the eyeball TransNeptune

conjunctions are often not considered. They should be.





Anny van Berckel wrote:



> It interested me to see why the return of Jupiter,

> the value of these TransNeptuner. Every time I am

> very surprised about their conjunctions in event charts.


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On Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:37 PM ,

Anny van Berckel wrote:


> Message: 3


> Hi Chris,


> However - what about, say, Dubhe?


> I have a program " Janus " (Australian) who provides me the

> Fixed stars in a list; besides that the program gives me

> the aspects between Sun, Moon and planetes and the fixed

> stars. I myself have a book of Vivian Robson with a

> explanation. A Western astrologer told me once that the

> delineation of aspects between fixed stars and the birth

> chart are as well good, because all knowledge about the

> influence of the stars are built up by experience long

> time ago. It is actually funny, dat tropical astrologers

> are using the knowledge of astrology, which is based on the

> time when only the sidereal zodiac is practiced.

> At the time Ptolemaus wrote his book on astrology the

> equinox did not even arrived at 0° Aries, 8° Aries or

> higher, I reckoned once. That is why astrogers were better

> in their prognoses than in later centuries. I was asking

> myself why, formerly.


Hi, Anny - thanks for your response!


I'm not saying that most astrology programs won't tell you the projected

degree of Dubhe - they will. I'm simply saying that as it's nowhere near the

ecliptic, trying to place it on the ecliptic is like me talking to a New

Yorker and saying " oh, New York! Yeah, I've got a friend who lives in

Florencia, Columbia, too " and then explaining to the puzzled New Yorker that

because he lives at a longitude of 74W, I've projected it onto the equator

and pretended he lives in Florencia, Columbia instead, which shares roughly

the same longitude. Now, I've never been to either place - but I would guess

that New York and Florencia are probably very different places :)


A classic example of this blunder is an astrology group which three of us

set up in my home city of Bristol, England earlier this year. The time of

the first meeting saw 4 Libra (sidereally) rising, which corresponded to the

position of Arcturus. So we called the group " Arcturus Rising " . Makes sense?

Not really - the star Arcturus actually, physically rose some two hours

before the meeting. Spica was rising by the time the meeting started.


So I'm not convinced of the efficacy of mapping stars a long way from the

ecliptic onto the ecliptic. Those stars already pretty close to the

ecliptic - Regulus for instance - sure; but not stars like Dubhe.




> Dubhe is conjunct MC (Saturnus return chart) I see.

> I also see MC is conjunct transite Dragon's tail,

> Mars however occupies the second house and 45° the

> Ascendant of the return-chart, 120° radix Asc/Uranus.

> Dubhe however is associated with destructive and

> agressive energy, but only in aspect with malefic

> planetes.

> It interested me to see why the return of Jupiter,

> was not as happy as expected. Indeed Saturn aspected

> the birth Mercurius in a sextile and was conjunct

> Mercurius rx/Pluto transite midpoint.Jupiter however

> was square several Uranian TransNeptuner. I have not

> yet prepared a delineation. The next email I might

> might be able to tell you more. Possible you like

> it better to keep it privately. It is just to prove

> the value of these TransNeptuner. Every time I am

> very surprised about their conjunctions in event charts.


I'm Leo Ascendant (and Pisces Sun) whether we use the sidereal or tropical

zodiac - so I've no objection at all to discussing this on list :)


Thanks for the offer Anny - I look forward to your insights. I'm very

interested in the focus that Sidereal astrologers have on solar return

charts - it's an area I need to consider more. And also Therese's

contribution that the apparent attributes of signs may be more down to

planets instead. Much food for thought!




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