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Izmit Quake

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[TH] For my own purposes for the time being I ignore all other

planets in the

quake chart since (as I currently judge charts) they aren't related

to the

angles by major aspect.


[MQ] This is yet another instance where we differ. I can't ignore the

Moon-Jupiter-Mercury-Neptune grand cross as part of the pattern.

Jupiter-Neptune is too often around in quake charts. The MC ties the

T-square to the cross: MC = JU/UR = SA/NE, both direct midpoints.

Mars = ASC/MC.






[TH] The F-B CanSolar is convincing enough in and of itself, but the


angles don't pick up the key planets in the quake chart.


[MQ] The F-B CanSolar has Uranus and Neptune either side of the ASC

with their midpoint (14 Cap 41) conjoining ASC, Saturn partile

squares the angular Uranus; MA/SA = 15 Can 27. Moon sesqui-squares

ASC, applying by 19'; Moon = SA/NE = JU/UR = UR/NE = JU/SA = MA/SA =

MA/UR = ASC. This, to me, is *at least* as descriptive of the event

as quake transits hitting the angles.


[TH] Matthew, you've

said you don't consider this kind of contact important, but if it


in all (or most) quake charts with the K ayanamsa, then it has to be

seriously considered.


[MQ] But, Therese, we don't know if this is only anecdotal or if it

is part of a pattern of *all* or even many ingress charts with

quake/event transits to them. It would certainly be nice if it were,

but we don't know that.



The CapLunars don't hold together very well. They can't compare in


to the K lunar Libra ingress just before the quake.


[MQ] Here again, I would disagree. The F-B CapLunar, which many of us

consider covers the month, has a tight T-square Sun/Mercury -

Neptune - Jupiter, with Jupiter on the IC at 8 Ari 57 and MC 8 Lib

19. We might even extrapolate a little on the Jupiter/max rainfall

data to say that during the month covered, a big *something* would

occur. Jupiter is certainly not always benefic, especially involved

with Neptune. Mars partile sextiles the ASC and, while not tightly

angular, is in the foreground.






The F-B CapSolar has Jupiter 4 degrees from the ascendant. Rahu is

aspecting via the quinxunx as is Mars. This could perhaps be a pre-


warning, though so far I haven't seen a quake chart with Jupiter near




The Moon is at the M.C. sextiled by Mars. Not serious enough for a


However, Mars is square Sun/Neptune and both are in sextile to the

ascendant and Jupiter.


[MQ] You did not mention that the Moon at MC also is in partile trine

to Saturn, thus catching both ends of the Mars-Saturn opposition, as

does the Sun. When the Moon is angular, I generally expect that

whatever happens at that location will involve the people, high

emotions, and get general attention. Pluto also semi-squares both the

Sun and Mars by less than a degree. Although these configurations

are not degree-tied to the quake, they are definitely descriptive of

the event.


Q1 PROGRESSIONS (for the CapSolar ingress)


[TH] The F-B Quotidian progressed chart has the powerful

configuration of

Mars-Saturn-Neptune linked to the Asc/Dec, but this configuation


touch the quake angles. If we didn't have the date of the quake,

would we

be able to pick it out with Q1 progressions alone?


[MQ] By quotidian progression the angles go completely around the

zodiac in the course of the year. Software such as Solar Fire can

track the ingress and transiting planets hitting the angles quite

quickly. Then the problem lies in determining which of the several

angular hits is likely to be worse, more difficult, however you want

to phrase it. Sometimes a difficult paran will enter the picture, as

with the San Francisco quotidian when the Moon-Mars opposition was

across the horizon while Pluto crossed the IC; with SF, transit

Saturn's *bodily rising* with ingress Mars added to the destructive

configuration. At other times, a series of angular crossings can be

supplemented by a transit, as in Izmit, where transit Pluto semi-

squared the Q1 ASC on 8/16; this was reinforced with the transiting

Mars (25 Lib 13) semi-square to the Q1 Moon (10 Sag 24)on the day of

the quake while transit Pluto was still within one degree orb of the





[TH] The K Q1 progressed chart has Uranus/Venus conjunct the IC,

which I

consider irrelevant because no other planets tie into this

conjunction via

major aspect except for a Pluto sextile. I give this chart a near

zero. It

has no real tie-in with the quake chart itself.



[TH] Bi-Wheels: A bi-wheel (CapSolar plus Q1 progressions) would show


CapSolar/Q1 progressions relationship best, since the Q1 progressions

are a

sort of transit to the CapSolar. It's easy to check a bi-wheel

against the

quake chart.


[MQ] Therese, bi-wheels would have to be on separate pages. More

relevant bi-wheel would be Q1 with transits, as the progressed

ingress positions are not that far from the natal ingress longitudes

except for the Moon or sometimes a fast-moving Mercury.


Sidereally yours,


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