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best wedding date?

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Hello everyone -


I'm new to your group and I'm seeking some advice regarding picking a

wedding date.


My fiance and I have both been married previously (more than once

actually) and we are looking to be married in the fall of this year,

2004. We are thinking October and leaning toward the 16th or the

23rd. But I'm open to seeking the opinions of others that are

familiar with the astrological slant of something like this. I'd

really like to pick the best possible date for us.


I'm very new to astrology and have been doing a lot of reading, but

I'm finding a lot of the information seems over my head. So, I'm

posting this to see if anyone in this group might be able to point

me in the right direction?




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Dear Dawn ...



There are several things to take into account to figure out if a

relationship will be successful. I'll list a few: 1) Composite chart ...

that is, where you find the midpoints between each pair of planets of the

husband and wife; f'rexample, the midpoint between their two Suns, two

Moons, two Venuses, etc. and set up a whole chart of those mps. There's a

whole book on it called Planets in Composite, by Rob't. Hand. Just

remember, he uses the tropical system. 2) Comparing charts; that is, how do

his planets aspect yours and vice versa. Obviously close conjunctions and

even oppositions (and trines in the case of Jupiter) between the lights and

the benefics are good, and conjunctions, squares, and oppositions between

lights (also the personal planets, Venus, Mercury, Mars) and malefics are

difficult. One partner's Mars aspecting another's Saturn is supposed to be

THE WORST, but I've known good marriages where the partners had that. It's

proabably a heavy karmic thing, and if they're up to working it out, more

power to them. 3) The single most important thing to make a marriage work

is how each person works in the marriage department. Some people are

marriage material, others aren't. But, some people can have a string of

failed marriages and then hit pay dirt.


As far as the chart of the wedding itself, you'd probably want to find a

time when the aspects were good of and by themselves and the benific

transits to both natal charts were good, so that the wedding experience

itself would be successful and enjoyable.


I have read that it's better for a wedding to take place when the Moon is

going from new to full (waxing), rather than from full to new (waning).

But, my husband and I got married during the waning half of the cycle, and

we've had a successful marriage of 28 years, so, go figure.



.... Bettina



dawnornii [dawnornii]

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:42 PM

best wedding date?



Hello everyone -


I'm new to your group and I'm seeking some advice regarding picking a

wedding date.


My fiance and I have both been married previously (more than once

actually) and we are looking to be married in the fall of this year,

2004. We are thinking October and leaning toward the 16th or the

23rd. But I'm open to seeking the opinions of others that are

familiar with the astrological slant of something like this. I'd

really like to pick the best possible date for us.


I'm very new to astrology and have been doing a lot of reading, but

I'm finding a lot of the information seems over my head. So, I'm

posting this to see if anyone in this group might be able to point

me in the right direction?









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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