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Smarty Jones

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Therese Hamilton wrote:



> I don't know anything about racing, but out of curiosity I drew up the

> race

> chart and a 12:00 noon chart for Smarty Jones. If 'Smarty' does have

> to do

> with Mercury, Mercury is on the descendant of the race chart, and the

> ascendant lord Venus is in Gemini conjunct Mars.


Hi Therese,


Yes, I saw that also--the problem is--which factors to pick over others.

Like in many other areas of prediction, it's definitely easier to pick

the combinaitions after the event.



> Interaspects: We don't have Smarty's time of birth, but the Moon is in


> Aries, the race descendant and Mercury sign.


Yes a possible factor I agree, but then again Song of the Sword had Sun

close to the 7th cusp along with Mercury in Aries exactly square the MC.




> Smarty's Moon has lots of transiting aspects: (I have 17 Aries, could

> be

> off by maybe 5 degrees, but...)


> Transit Jupiter trine Smarty's Moon (the same aspect that put Bush in

> the

> White House)

> Transting Rahu conj Moon

> Race MC square Moon


> Also:

> Race MC trine Smarty's Mars--close, about a degree

> Race MC opp S's Neptune (don't know what that would mean)

> Race Mars/Saturn trine S's natal Sun, Saturn partile--same degree,

> natal

> Sun in Saturn's sign-AQU


> Race Part of Fortune is trine Smarty's natal Saturn


The horse racing thing is definitely not easy, if it was, we would have

many multi -millionaire astrologers----it's a very very slippery slope

if ever I saw one. I've been at it intensely for almost 2 years with the

results of literally hundreds of races and looking at over 1500 horses

charts.. What appears to support a winner in one race, will not do so in

another. Many times the horses have the same birth day--one will win,

the other will lose.

Sometimes Jupiter and Venus trines seem to help, at other times not.


Most of the horses in this race are born only a few months apart, so the

outer planets will be close in all charts.


It's very maddening for the most part, but much fun also. I once picked

8 winners in a row on paper and when I went to bet on the 9th race,

picked the best horse by transits, who was also the favorite to win, and

the horse didn't even finish 4th.




> There's a lesson here: Trines helped Smarty win the race! Don't

> underestimate close trines.


I used to think that also, but experience has shown that the hard

aspects generally give the horse the needed kick in the butt to win. I

don't rule out the trines, but without the hard aspects, the horse is

not going to win.


One of the main factors for the win, now in retrospect, was the

transiting Mars approaching a close quincunx to Smarty's natal Mars.

Smarty was the only horse that had this, except for long shot Water

Cannon and transiting Mars was nearly 2 deg away and separating by the

time of the race.









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Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:


The horse racing thing is definitely not easy, if it was, we would have

many multi -millionaire astrologers----it's a very very slippery slope

if ever I saw one. I've been at it intensely for almost 2 years with the

results of literally hundreds of races and looking at over 1500 horses

charts.. What appears to support a winner in one race, will not do so in

another. Many times the horses have the same birth day--one will win,

the other will lose.

Sometimes Jupiter and Venus trines seem to help, at other times not.


Most of the horses in this race are born only a few months apart, so the

outer planets will be close in all charts.


It's very maddening for the most part, but much fun also. I once picked

8 winners in a row on paper and when I went to bet on the 9th race,

picked the best horse by transits, who was also the favorite to win, and

the horse didn't even finish 4th.




I find it so amazing that you could work 8 winners in a row on paper and waited

until the ninth to finally wager.... I might have lasted through 3 races at

best but by then the urge to wager would have been too great. I can appreciate

what you are implying by sharing this experience... There is always a dimension

which may go undetected in research and that even on a day when our abilities

appear infallible be mindful of being human.






> There's a lesson here: Trines helped Smarty win the race! Don't

> underestimate close trines.


I used to think that also, but experience has shown that the hard

aspects generally give the horse the needed kick in the butt to win. I

don't rule out the trines, but without the hard aspects, the horse is

not going to win.


I agree completely with your assessment... hard aspects are primary. I would

bring my computer to the track and run charts..Races would hardly ever run on

time. I would cast charts in anticipation prior to their occurring. Natal data

of horses or jockeys was not readily available information. When available, it

would be questionable. The names of horses supplied wonderful insights in

determining results. It would seem as though one could choose 4,5 or 6 horses in

a race whose name could be interpreted to be aligned with the transits. Besides

the beginning of a race I would look at the anticipated time for the ending of a

race to pick winners.... The difference between winner and loser could be a

photo finish and so less than a second of time would separate a winner from a

" place " , " show " or also ran.


A second of time....Who is that good at calculating and determining accuracy

within all of the variables to within a second of time? Its far easier to

determine a trend within the stock market.


Then of course there are one's own chart(s) to look at, as to when or even if

one should be wagering.


Being mathematical or being intuitive.... choose your poison.


As for those that hold the belief that one needs to be intuitive to be a " good "

astrologer, I say being an astrologer is a mathematical exercise and only after

failing at math does one rely on their intuition.




One of the main factors for the win, now in retrospect, was the

transiting Mars approaching a close quincunx to Smarty's natal Mars.

Smarty was the only horse that had this, except for long shot Water

Cannon and transiting Mars was nearly 2 deg away and separating by the

time of the race.









In a prior post(I think?) you mentioned that the transiting Sun would conjunct

his Saturn on race day and you implied that to be a negative. I would agree with

you (with conditions) if it were transiting Saturn aspecting his natal Sun.

Having the Sun shine on his " structure " and " conditioning " would be a major

positive to me... I get kidded allot because of my appreciation of Saturn but

I'm a big fan of Saturn because in " time " it teaches much....


I missed the race but hopefully I can see it run again on ESPN. I would be

curious to see how Saturn got played by the Sun... A Sun that was semisquare

transiting Saturn... Didn't take long... just saw the finish of the race on

ESPN... Strong, run away finish.... I'm curious to know what was the MC at the

end of the race... Was it sextile to the MP of Sun/Saturn? Was it trine to the

Moon & Pluto? I'll be looking at Smarty's natal when I get the chance.... The

Belmont is only a couple of weeks away....








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Juan Oliver wrote:



> I find it so amazing that you could work 8 winners in a row on paper

> and waited until the ninth to finally wager.... I might have lasted

> through 3 races at best but by then the urge to wager would have been

> too great. I can appreciate what you are implying by sharing this

> experience... There is always a dimension which may go undetected in

> research and that even on a day when our abilities appear infallible

> be mindful of being human.


Hi Juan,


I'm headed out for the day, but thought I would fire off a quick



This only happened (picking 8), because I was sitting at home doing

on-line betting at various locations around the US. At the track, I

don't have much control and get swept up in the excitement. Seeing some

of these magnificent throughbreds up close is sometimes all I need to

lose my focus.



> I agree completely with your assessment... hard aspects are primary. I

> would bring my computer to the track and run charts..Races would

> hardly ever run on time. I would cast charts in anticipation prior to

> their occurring. Natal data of horses or jockeys was not readily

> available information. When available, it would be questionable. The

> names of horses supplied wonderful insights in determining results. It

> would seem as though one could choose 4,5 or 6 horses in a race whose

> name could be interpreted to be aligned with the transits. Besides the

> beginning of a race I would look at the anticipated time for the

> ending of a race to pick winners.... The difference between winner and

> loser could be a photo finish and so less than a second of time would

> separate a winner from a " place " , " show " or also ran.


Yes, absolutely to all the above. The space of only seconds between 1st

place and last place is a realization (although it seems obvious) that I

had eventually after viewing many races. I also calculate a " late " chart

for the beginning of the race and end of the race. The little parade to

the winners circle, where both jockey and horse bask in the glory of

victory is also important.



> Then of course there are one's own chart(s) to look at, as to when or

> even if one should be wagering.


Easier said than done......:>)







> In a prior post(I think?) you mentioned that the transiting Sun would

> conjunct his Saturn on race day and you implied that to be a negative.

> I would agree with you (with conditions) if it were transiting Saturn

> aspecting his natal Sun. Having the Sun shine on his " structure " and

> " conditioning " would be a major positive to me... I get kidded allot

> because of my appreciation of Saturn but I'm a big fan of Saturn

> because in " time " it teaches much....


I've come to 'appreciate' Saturn too, after a life of pleading with the

infinite for relief.


The transiting Sun was at the degree of natal Saturn--many of the horses

had the Sun to Saturn, but I think Smarty was the only one that had it

by degree




> I missed the race but hopefully I can see it run again on ESPN. I

> would be curious to see how Saturn got played by the Sun... A Sun that

> was semisquare transiting Saturn... Didn't take long... just saw the

> finish of the race on ESPN... Strong, run away finish.... I'm curious

> to know what was the MC at the end of the race... Was it sextile to

> the MP of Sun/Saturn? Was it trine to the Moon & Pluto? I'll be

> looking at Smarty's natal when I get the chance..


I'll have to look at his again myself--- my transits for the day were


and I shouldn't have even thought about betting. This showed up even in

the simple viewing of the race on TV.

I was all set, with snacks and remote control at hand, watching one of

the sports channels for over a half hour before the race. The

commentators were at the track at Hollywood Park and talking the whole

time about the Preakness while showing the results of other races. I

kept watching and watching and watching--thinking the race had been

delayed--until a friend called to tell me the results of the race, that

had already run, and was not shown on the channel I was watching.





> .. The Belmont is only a couple of weeks away....


Yes, I'll be doing this one on paper only--transiting Saturn will be 2'

from exact conjunction to my natal Moon, while Mars will square my natal

Neptune by a degree.










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Dear Steve......I like to bet on anything. Trouble is my chart sucks for gaming.

So I mainly bet on paper. Playing baseball I usually win 2 parlays and then I'm

done for a 1 to 2 months. I have Mars at 15 Sag and Asc 18 Sag. So transiting

Saturn is giving me all kinds of teeth problems. Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules

teeth and with Mars rising I'm writhing in pain from inflamation. Going to

dentist tomorrow, but I really think it's more planetary than physical. Thanks

for your letters on horse racing. I'm sure you've heard of Joyce Wehrman. I just

sold her out of print book on horse racing. If you never read it I think I can

find another copy for you. Thank God for hydrocordone.


Sincerely Kit Karson


Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:



Juan Oliver wrote:



> I find it so amazing that you could work 8 winners in a row on paper

> and waited until the ninth to finally wager.... I might have lasted

> through 3 races at best but by then the urge to wager would have been

> too great. I can appreciate what you are implying by sharing this

> experience... There is always a dimension which may go undetected in

> research and that even on a day when our abilities appear infallible

> be mindful of being human.


Hi Juan,


I'm headed out for the day, but thought I would fire off a quick



This only happened (picking 8), because I was sitting at home doing

on-line betting at various locations around the US. At the track, I

don't have much control and get swept up in the excitement. Seeing some

of these magnificent throughbreds up close is sometimes all I need to

lose my focus.



> I agree completely with your assessment... hard aspects are primary. I

> would bring my computer to the track and run charts..Races would

> hardly ever run on time. I would cast charts in anticipation prior to

> their occurring. Natal data of horses or jockeys was not readily

> available information. When available, it would be questionable. The

> names of horses supplied wonderful insights in determining results. It

> would seem as though one could choose 4,5 or 6 horses in a race whose

> name could be interpreted to be aligned with the transits. Besides the

> beginning of a race I would look at the anticipated time for the

> ending of a race to pick winners.... The difference between winner and

> loser could be a photo finish and so less than a second of time would

> separate a winner from a " place " , " show " or also ran.


Yes, absolutely to all the above. The space of only seconds between 1st

place and last place is a realization (although it seems obvious) that I

had eventually after viewing many races. I also calculate a " late " chart

for the beginning of the race and end of the race. The little parade to

the winners circle, where both jockey and horse bask in the glory of

victory is also important.



> Then of course there are one's own chart(s) to look at, as to when or

> even if one should be wagering.


Easier said than done......:>)







> In a prior post(I think?) you mentioned that the transiting Sun would

> conjunct his Saturn on race day and you implied that to be a negative.

> I would agree with you (with conditions) if it were transiting Saturn

> aspecting his natal Sun. Having the Sun shine on his " structure " and

> " conditioning " would be a major positive to me... I get kidded allot

> because of my appreciation of Saturn but I'm a big fan of Saturn

> because in " time " it teaches much....


I've come to 'appreciate' Saturn too, after a life of pleading with the

infinite for relief.


The transiting Sun was at the degree of natal Saturn--many of the horses

had the Sun to Saturn, but I think Smarty was the only one that had it

by degree




> I missed the race but hopefully I can see it run again on ESPN. I

> would be curious to see how Saturn got played by the Sun... A Sun that

> was semisquare transiting Saturn... Didn't take long... just saw the

> finish of the race on ESPN... Strong, run away finish.... I'm curious

> to know what was the MC at the end of the race... Was it sextile to

> the MP of Sun/Saturn? Was it trine to the Moon & Pluto? I'll be

> looking at Smarty's natal when I get the chance..


I'll have to look at his again myself--- my transits for the day were


and I shouldn't have even thought about betting. This showed up even in

the simple viewing of the race on TV.

I was all set, with snacks and remote control at hand, watching one of

the sports channels for over a half hour before the race. The

commentators were at the track at Hollywood Park and talking the whole

time about the Preakness while showing the results of other races. I

kept watching and watching and watching--thinking the race had been

delayed--until a friend called to tell me the results of the race, that

had already run, and was not shown on the channel I was watching.





> .. The Belmont is only a couple of weeks away....


Yes, I'll be doing this one on paper only--transiting Saturn will be 2'

from exact conjunction to my natal Moon, while Mars will square my natal

Neptune by a degree.










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Kit Karson wrote:


> I have Mars at 15 Sag and Asc 18 Sag. So transiting Saturn is giving

> me all kinds of teeth problems. Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules teeth

> and with Mars rising I'm writhing in pain from inflamation. Going to

> dentist tomorrow, but I really think it's more planetary than

> physical.


Hi Kit,


That sounds like Saturn all right. I've found Saturn/Mars interaction

very common for pain in general and especially common for spinal

subluxations, where bone and muscle seem to be at odds. Good luck at

the dentist--from much past experience there, I usually only had pain

when there was an infection--but not to fear, the happy dentist will

have a cupboard full of antibiotics strong enough to kill every living

thing in you body. Since Mars is on its way, to join fellow 'gang'

member Saturn for some merry bedevilment, I think you are wise to see

the dentist now.




> Thanks for your letters on horse racing. I'm sure you've heard of

> Joyce Wehrman. I just sold her out of print book on horse racing. If

> you never read it I think I can find another copy for you. Thank God

> for hydrocordone.


I've heard the name but have never read any of her books--in fact have

read no books at all on horse racing (I didn't want to condition by own

empirical work on this). I would be interested though, if you have an

extra copy you'd like to sell.









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Hi Steve....Typical Saturn delay. The dentist overbooked and now I can't get in

before Thursday. I know Mars is getting ready to join the fun. Are we looking

for a terrorist attack around May 24-25, or something naturally horrific???

Thanks for writing.




Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:



Kit Karson wrote:


> I have Mars at 15 Sag and Asc 18 Sag. So transiting Saturn is giving

> me all kinds of teeth problems. Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules teeth

> and with Mars rising I'm writhing in pain from inflamation. Going to

> dentist tomorrow, but I really think it's more planetary than

> physical.


Hi Kit,


That sounds like Saturn all right. I've found Saturn/Mars interaction

very common for pain in general and especially common for spinal

subluxations, where bone and muscle seem to be at odds. Good luck at

the dentist--from much past experience there, I usually only had pain

when there was an infection--but not to fear, the happy dentist will

have a cupboard full of antibiotics strong enough to kill every living

thing in you body. Since Mars is on its way, to join fellow 'gang'

member Saturn for some merry bedevilment, I think you are wise to see

the dentist now.




> Thanks for your letters on horse racing. I'm sure you've heard of

> Joyce Wehrman. I just sold her out of print book on horse racing. If

> you never read it I think I can find another copy for you. Thank God

> for hydrocordone.


I've heard the name but have never read any of her books--in fact have

read no books at all on horse racing (I didn't want to condition by own

empirical work on this). I would be interested though, if you have an

extra copy you'd like to sell.









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Hi Kit,


Do you know about oil of cloves for aching teeth? Paint it right on.

Also, several days before and several after hurting work with the

dentist, especially root canals...several times a day eat fresh raw

pineapple, chewing slowly on the area that hurts. The bromeliad

enzymes will do much to ameliorate. Sometimes the dentist will

be so surprised he will ask what you've been doing.


Be well,



Kit Karson wrote:


> . Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules teeth and with Mars rising I'm writhing in

pain from inflamation.

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Kit Karson wrote:


> Are we looking for a terrorist attack around May 24-25, or something

> naturally horrific??? Thanks for writing.


Hi Kit,


Something not too nice, that's for sure, at least for my own self, the

exact conjunction happening on the degree of my natal Moon. Like Bob

Nicewander, I've seen this appearing closely in charts of friends and



The conjunction occured previously in April/May of 1974--a lot of

nuclear testing going on then, by the USSR, US and Britain. India also

detonated its first atomic bomb on May 18, 1974 @ 8:05 AM IST at

Pokharan, India.

Nixon handed over the Watergate tapes in this time-frame and Barbara

Walters became the co- anchor of the Today Show. :>))


Previous to this was May of '44, August of 1915 and August of 1885 (when

Mars and Saturn came to degree conjunction in the nakshatra of Ardra).

The first funding for the Statue of Liberty came in this month. It's

designer and sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi born. August 2, 1834 @

6:30 AM LMT in Colmar, France.












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Hi....Thank you so much for the home remedies. Part of me wants to watch the

passing of transits and see if I don't get better without forking out $$$$ to

dentist. The other part which must be a mother somewhere in the world is telling

me to seek a dentist. Ha

Love and Light Kit Karson


Dark Star <pansophia wrote:


Hi Kit,


Do you know about oil of cloves for aching teeth? Paint it right on.

Also, several days before and several after hurting work with the

dentist, especially root canals...several times a day eat fresh raw

pineapple, chewing slowly on the area that hurts. The bromeliad

enzymes will do much to ameliorate. Sometimes the dentist will

be so surprised he will ask what you've been doing.


Be well,



Kit Karson wrote:


> . Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules teeth and with Mars rising I'm writhing in

pain from inflamation.





" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Hi Bob.....No you can't predict where or if the Mars/Saturn conjunction will

cause any toil. But I wouldn't board a plane around those dates, or be long the

stock market. Some things we can control. Have a great day. KK


bobnicewander <jan61108 wrote:--- In

, Steven Stuckey

<shastrakara@s...> wrote:



> Kit Karson wrote:


> > Are we looking for a terrorist attack around May 24-25, or


> > naturally horrific??? Thanks for writing.


> Hi Kit,


> Something not too nice, that's for sure,

> (...)

> Steve


Kit and Steve,


Alas, just another reminder\example that it is not possible to give a

definitive answer as to what planets in aspect will produce. While we

may get the timing and possibly the location right, exact predictions

are largely a product of luck.


Los Angeles (perhaps local governing body) may be involved in some

way by the Mars-Saturn conjunction as it aspects Mars and Saturn in

the incorporation chart of LA. (Apr 4, 1850, no time) followed by

their aspects to the Sun in that chart.






" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Christopher Kevill wrote:



> I noticed the hits to LA as well. In addition, secondary progressed

> Mars

> 16Vi47 squares its natal position at 17Ge05. Secondary progressed

> Mercury

> is conj the progressed Mars as well 16Vi20.


> Maybe it's a sign of just the Lakers winning. Or the riots to

> follow...



Bob and Chris,


There is a lot of tension here in LA, but perhaps this is everywhere. I

wonder why I keep having visions of trouble in Toronto and Chicago--but

since you're both closer to those locations than myself, maybe you can

come up with an answer. :>))


I'm a home owner here and have been going through endless worries about

how to 'beat' my own transits. I've decided not to sell the house until

this Mars/Saturn, station of Uranus etc is over, because experience has

taught me that trying to outsmart the planets never works--it will just

manifest in another way.


A gifted psychc friend of mine is convinced that 'They' have turned up

the frequencies at HARP in Alaska.

Another friend, with a very gifted chart for clairavoyance, who has

picked two earthquakes previously to the day here in LA, has told me the

Big One is coming--but not until next Spring. There will be another one

before then, the one the scientists have forecasted by September, but

this will be nothing in comparison.


She is closing in on a date around March 21, 2005---a 10.0 magnitude

that will shake the entire area from LA to Palm Springs with a

tremendous amount of destruction.


My home sits on liquifaction, meaning essentially the ground becomes

like mush when a quake hits--so I've decided to sell, in anticipation of

this upcoming quake.


As far as the next 2 to 3 weeks, I'm predicting the only thing that will

happen to LA is a noisy swarm of cicadas will wing their way here from

the east coast. :>))







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I noticed the hits to LA as well. In addition, secondary progressed Mars

16Vi47 squares its natal position at 17Ge05. Secondary progressed Mercury

is conj the progressed Mars as well 16Vi20.


Maybe it's a sign of just the Lakers winning. Or the riots to follow...





" bobnicewander " <jan61108


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 6:47 AM

Re: Smarty Jones



> , Steven Stuckey

> <shastrakara@s...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Kit Karson wrote:

> >

> > > Are we looking for a terrorist attack around May 24-25, or

> something

> > > naturally horrific??? Thanks for writing.

> >

> > Hi Kit,

> >

> > Something not too nice, that's for sure,

> > (...)

> > Steve

> >

> Kit and Steve,


> Alas, just another reminder\example that it is not possible to give a

> definitive answer as to what planets in aspect will produce. While we

> may get the timing and possibly the location right, exact predictions

> are largely a product of luck.


> Los Angeles (perhaps local governing body) may be involved in some

> way by the Mars-Saturn conjunction as it aspects Mars and Saturn in

> the incorporation chart of LA. (Apr 4, 1850, no time) followed by

> their aspects to the Sun in that chart.


> Bob





> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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As the hour approaches(Mars/Saturn) I find myself gorging on pineapple... Thanks

for the great tip.... I find fresh pineapple resolves many oral issues...


Tsunami Juan




Kit Karson <skyguides wrote:

Hi....Thank you so much for the home remedies. Part of me wants to watch the

passing of transits and see if I don't get better without forking out $$$$ to

dentist. The other part which must be a mother somewhere in the world is telling

me to seek a dentist. Ha

Love and Light Kit Karson


Dark Star



Hi Kit,


Do you know about oil of cloves for aching teeth? Paint it right on.

Also, several days before and several after hurting work with the

dentist, especially root canals...several times a day eat fresh raw

pineapple, chewing slowly on the area that hurts. The bromeliad

enzymes will do much to ameliorate. Sometimes the dentist will

be so surprised he will ask what you've been doing.


Be well,



Kit Karson wrote:


> . Ivy Jacobsen says Saturn rules teeth and with Mars rising I'm writhing in

pain from inflamation.





" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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And for another perspective.....


Prediction is possible if enough information and knowledge exists.


No two Mars/Saturn conjunctions will produce the same results...

However they interact with time and space and exert their influence.


Understanding how the Mars/Saturn will manifest is the challenge afforded to us.

Looking at the picture in helio as well as geocentric may provide us with

" clues " ....


Prediction may be the result of luck..... however... luck is not essential for

accurate prediction.


Thanks for mentioning the LA chart.... Suggest looking at the new moon chart for

additional perspectives....


Of note is the Buttonwood Agreement Chart & Solar Return....


On May 17th, 1792 twenty-four broker/auctioneers met under the famous

BUTTONWOOD TREE on Wall Street, where they had been already transacting business

for about a year or so. At this location they established a trading group that

was an exclusionary trading organization. These twenty-four individuals started

what was to eventually evolve into The New York Stock Exchange.


" We the rs, brokers for the purchase and sale of public stock do

hereby solemnly promise and pledge ourselves to each other, that we will not buy

or sell from this day on for any persons whatsoever any kind of public stock at

a less rate than one-quarter percent commission on the specie value of, and that

we will give preference to each other in our negotiations. "


It is interesting to note that the initial organization was created to

circumvent the law, a law that outlawed public stock auctions. The initial group

transformed what had been public transactions into private transactions by their

so-called private organization. This was a form of capitalism for the few - - -

the insiders.

No Predictions at this time... ...

I will say that the Mars/Saturn concept invokes serious concern....

Viewing the new moon and its development over time, fills me with

exuberance..... This configuration will bring certain individuals grief however

I sense a cleansing.... lord knows we could all use one....




Kit Karson <skyguides wrote:

Hi Bob.....No you can't predict where or if the Mars/Saturn conjunction will

cause any toil. But I wouldn't board a plane around those dates, or be long the

stock market. Some things we can control. Have a great day. KK


bobnicewander wrote: , Steven Stuckey




> Kit Karson wrote:


> > Are we looking for a terrorist attack around May 24-25, or


> > naturally horrific??? Thanks for writing.


> Hi Kit,


> Something not too nice, that's for sure,

> (...)

> Steve


Kit and Steve,


Alas, just another reminder\example that it is not possible to give a

definitive answer as to what planets in aspect will produce. While we

may get the timing and possibly the location right, exact predictions

are largely a product of luck.


Los Angeles (perhaps local governing body) may be involved in some

way by the Mars-Saturn conjunction as it aspects Mars and Saturn in

the incorporation chart of LA. (Apr 4, 1850, no time) followed by

their aspects to the Sun in that chart.






" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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u so crazy.... cicadas...

Stop with the woo woo..

Buy more insurance! Some Expensive Earthquake Insurance!


Be prepared and pro-active instead of " waiting to see what happens " . The

advantage of knowledge is lost in non-activity..


Besides.... its harder to hit a moving target!




PS: Possible shift in the LA economy.... or Michael Jackson Pleads Insanity?


Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:



Christopher Kevill wrote:



> I noticed the hits to LA as well. In addition, secondary progressed

> Mars

> 16Vi47 squares its natal position at 17Ge05. Secondary progressed

> Mercury

> is conj the progressed Mars as well 16Vi20.


> Maybe it's a sign of just the Lakers winning. Or the riots to

> follow...



Bob and Chris,


There is a lot of tension here in LA, but perhaps this is everywhere. I

wonder why I keep having visions of trouble in Toronto and Chicago--but

since you're both closer to those locations than myself, maybe you can

come up with an answer. :>))


I'm a home owner here and have been going through endless worries about

how to 'beat' my own transits. I've decided not to sell the house until

this Mars/Saturn, station of Uranus etc is over, because experience has

taught me that trying to outsmart the planets never works--it will just

manifest in another way.


A gifted psychc friend of mine is convinced that 'They' have turned up

the frequencies at HARP in Alaska.

Another friend, with a very gifted chart for clairavoyance, who has

picked two earthquakes previously to the day here in LA, has told me the

Big One is coming--but not until next Spring. There will be another one

before then, the one the scientists have forecasted by September, but

this will be nothing in comparison.


She is closing in on a date around March 21, 2005---a 10.0 magnitude

that will shake the entire area from LA to Palm Springs with a

tremendous amount of destruction.


My home sits on liquifaction, meaning essentially the ground becomes

like mush when a quake hits--so I've decided to sell, in anticipation of

this upcoming quake.


As far as the next 2 to 3 weeks, I'm predicting the only thing that will

happen to LA is a noisy swarm of cicadas will wing their way here from

the east coast. :>))







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Juan Oliver wrote:


> Steve...

> u so crazy.... cicadas...

> Stop with the woo woo..

> Buy more insurance! Some Expensive Earthquake Insurance!


> Be prepared and pro-active instead of " waiting to see what happens " .

> The advantage of knowledge is lost in non-activity..


> Besides.... its harder to hit a moving target!



Hi Juan,


Very funny....:>((. Yes I have earthquake insurance, that is, what you

can now purchase though the California Earthquake Authority, who had to

take over writng policies after the last major quake in Northiridge (a

few blocks up the street).

93% of insurance companies refused to write home owner policies for new

home buyers after that last quake for fears of insolvency.

This policy will only require me to come up with $20,000 to rebuild the


I have other coverages beyond this to pay the mortgage while the house

is being rebuilt.

After the fires that swept though So Cal last fall, hundreds of

homeowners have no date as to when their houses will even be rebuilt,

not for lack of insurance, but for lack of contractors. If it is a

really big one, I'm very much in doubt of the CEA's ability to pay.


I've been here thorough all the quakes, fires and riots since the

mid-seventies--the price one has to pay I suppose for nice weather and

no mosquitoes.....


One gets used to always making sure there's a flashlight handy, every

night before bed, plenty of spare water and first aid equipment always

on hand, where the gas and electric shut-offs are and where to turn off

the water at the curb etc etc etc


So, the New Moon chart is not very encouraging, with Pluto rising and

Mars/Saturn square the MC.


Maybe it'll be a *very* large swarm of cicadas, looking more like

aliens, reappearing in their close to Nodal return of 17 years....



Shakey Steve






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Your story of California Earthquake Insurance and the mindset one needs to

maintain to be prepared reminds me of a friend of mine. Giovanni lived in the

hills west of Northridge... That may even be part of Northridge I can't recall.

Beautiful home not far from the epicenter.


He was asleep with his wife in their bedroom when the quake hit.

The furniture in his bedroom fell over and blocked their bedroom door. It took

them 20 minutes of struggle and hysteria to get out so they could find their

children ages of 5 and 2. They were ok but traumatized because they couldn't get

out of their bedroom either....


No one was hurt... The house trashed.... I don't think he ever got over the

thought of losing his kids....


So shaky... you got the upcoming Mars/Saturn conjuncting your Moon? 16 Gemini?


Insurance Companies.... Don't lose $$$$$... Premiums simply get increased.Simple

Math. No mosquitoes but plenty of blood suckers.


Natural Disasters? Fires started by contractors to stimulate their economy... Is

this a growth industry?


Imagine the implications of not enough contractors?

Imagine the implications of higher fuel costs?


Damn... just went outside for a minute and the mosquitoes had me for a feast.

That's Texass for ya....


Shaky So cal... you're just " down in hollywood " .

Ry Cooder ... Bop Till You Drop ...


.. " cicadas or bust " crunch, crunch, crunch...





Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:



Juan Oliver wrote:


> Steve...

> u so crazy.... cicadas...

> Stop with the woo woo..

> Buy more insurance! Some Expensive Earthquake Insurance!


> Be prepared and pro-active instead of " waiting to see what happens " .

> The advantage of knowledge is lost in non-activity..


> Besides.... its harder to hit a moving target!



Hi Juan,


Very funny....:>((. Yes I have earthquake insurance, that is, what you

can now purchase though the California Earthquake Authority, who had to

take over writng policies after the last major quake in Northiridge (a

few blocks up the street).

93% of insurance companies refused to write home owner policies for new

home buyers after that last quake for fears of insolvency.

This policy will only require me to come up with $20,000 to rebuild the


I have other coverages beyond this to pay the mortgage while the house

is being rebuilt.

After the fires that swept though So Cal last fall, hundreds of

homeowners have no date as to when their houses will even be rebuilt,

not for lack of insurance, but for lack of contractors. If it is a

really big one, I'm very much in doubt of the CEA's ability to pay.


I've been here thorough all the quakes, fires and riots since the

mid-seventies--the price one has to pay I suppose for nice weather and

no mosquitoes.....


One gets used to always making sure there's a flashlight handy, every

night before bed, plenty of spare water and first aid equipment always

on hand, where the gas and electric shut-offs are and where to turn off

the water at the curb etc etc etc


So, the New Moon chart is not very encouraging, with Pluto rising and

Mars/Saturn square the MC.


Maybe it'll be a *very* large swarm of cicadas, looking more like

aliens, reappearing in their close to Nodal return of 17 years....



Shakey Steve






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Juan Oliver wrote:


> Your story of California Earthquake Insurance and the mindset one

> needs to maintain to be prepared reminds me of a friend of mine.

> Giovanni lived in the hills west of Northridge... That may even be

> part of Northridge I can't recall. Beautiful home not far from the

> epicenter.



Hi Juan,


Yes, they were definitely close to the epicenter, later changed to

Canoga Park. It was initially judged to be over a 7.0 and later reduced

to a 6.8 I think.

Later we all figured out there was politics involved in this little

magnitude shuffle game--the city would have had responsiblility for

financing the rebuilding of homes for anything damaged within a certain

mile radius of the epicenter, but only if the magnitude was 7.0 or above.




> He was asleep with his wife in their bedroom when the quake hit.

> The furniture in his bedroom fell over and blocked their bedroom

> door. It took them 20 minutes of struggle and hysteria to get out

> so they could find their children ages of 5 and 2. They were ok but

> traumatized because they couldn't get out of their bedroom either....





The feeling is one you never seem to get over--little shakers happen all

the time, that's part of LA life, but the memory stays with you from

the Big one.




> Damn... just went outside for a minute and the mosquitoes had me for a

> feast. That's Texass for ya....




You guys carry mosquito insurance down there?





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> She is closing in on a date around March 21, 2005---a 10.0 magnitude

> that will shake the entire area from LA to Palm Springs with a

> tremendous amount of destruction.



I've been playing around with the LA chart trying to rectify it. I think

late Gemini rising (about 11.30 am) seems possible. Interestingly, Saturn

28Ge transits this ascendant in March 2005. There are a couple of other

important hits to the LA chart then too, so I will file away that date for

sure. Just another corroborating fact: check Schwarzenegger's chart.

Remember what degree rises? 26 Gemini. There will be some good hits there

too for March.


> My home sits on liquifaction, meaning essentially the ground becomes

> like mush when a quake hits--so I've decided to sell, in anticipation of

> this upcoming quake.


Sounds like a plan -- cashing out of the california dreamin'. But where to




> As far as the next 2 to 3 weeks, I'm predicting the only thing that will

> happen to LA is a noisy swarm of cicadas will wing their way here from

> the east coast. :>))


Those will be giant mutant cicadas.






> Steve




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Steven Stuckey <shastrakara wrote:

The feeling is one you never seem to get over--little shakers happen all

the time, that's part of LA life, but the memory stays with you from

the Big one.


I was at the only World Series Game that was canceled due to shaky knees....As

Candlestick shook, my eyes carved a path to the playing field.


Community responded and demonstrated incredible generosity and resolve.



> Damn... just went outside for a minute and the mosquitoes had me for a

> feast. That's Texass for ya....




You guys carry mosquito insurance down there?








We try to keep as many of our blood suckers in Washington or Austin.... been

pretty lucky lately...however expect it won't last forever....








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Dietmar wrote:


> I don't have the L.A. chart but the San Fran. chart for that March

> 21, 2005 date has a lot of things going on - t.N.Node conjoining

> n.ME, t.MA square n.PL, t.SA® coming to conj. with n.MA, t.JU

> square n.MA and opp. n.SA, t.NE quincunx n.MA, t.UR conjunct n.NE,

> t.ME conj. n.SA


Hi Dietmar,


Doesn't look too nice for SF, thanks.


The Los Angeles chart we always used was the foundation date of Sept 4,


The old Church of Light here in LA gave a time of 9:17 AM LMT and the

First Temple of Astrology gave 9:00 AM. How the exact times were derived

I'm not sure, but I think it has more to do with historical fact than

astrological rectification.


The Mexican provincial governor named the city on that day: " El Pueblo

de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles " or The Village of our Lady,

the Queen of the Angels.






There is also an incorporation date of April 4, 1850:





I'll have to get busy and check this out, i.e in relation to spring of












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Christopher Kevill wrote:



> I've been playing around with the LA chart trying to rectify it. I

> think

> late Gemini rising (about 11.30 am) seems possible. Interestingly,

> Saturn

> 28Ge transits this ascendant in March 2005. There are a couple of

> other

> important hits to the LA chart then too, so I will file away that date

> for

> sure. Just another corroborating fact: check Schwarzenegger's chart.

> Remember what degree rises? 26 Gemini. There will be some good hits

> there

> too for March.


What chart are you using for this? 1781, 1850 or....


Really good point about Schwarzenegger's chart--I was looking at that at

the election and wondering what was going to befall the poor man at that

time--could it be?



> Sounds like a plan -- cashing out of the california dreamin'. But

> where to

> now?


I'm not sure, but not too rural ,since I want to avoid the meth labs,

alcoholics and general good old fashioned Sunday go-to-meetin' Bubba

type folks.










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