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Hi Therese,


Here goes another long post!



> >> For anyone who is following this discussion, here are Antonio's

> >Lahiri planetary positions: Subtract 53 minutes (that is, subtract

a whole

> >degree and add 7 minutes) to get the Fagan-Bradley positions.

> >>

> >> Ascendant: 3 59 AQ

> >> Mercury: 9 39 AQ

> >> Sun: 9 57 AQ

> >> Uranus: 0 01 Leo

> >> Moon: 7 17 Taurus

> >> Venus: 24 16 Pisces


> >No, I am not protective of my sisters and am not talented with my

> >hands.


> Hmmmm....getting to your Venus. You're an engineer. Do you use the


> a lot or do drawings at all? Use computer design programs in your

work? Can

> you give us a few details of what your work involves? Your Venus is

in a

> mansion of Mercury, so somehow Mercury would come into how your

Venus is used.


> I'm rather happy that your Venus doesn't relate to sisters. I don't


> that kind of interpretation--that certain houses relate to various




I have a degree in electrical/electronics engineering, but what I do

mostly is software. And believe me, I am bad with my hands. For

example, electronics engineers sometimes need to use a soldering iron

to solder components to a board. As the components can be quite

small, you need your hands to be steady and to work with precision. I

am terrible with that, and it takes me forever to do anything. That

is one of the reasons why I chose to work with software as opposed to




> >The number of planets in my chart in cardinal signs is about the


> >if I use the tropical or sidereal zodiac. However in the tropical

> >zodiac the majority of the remaining planets is in mutable signs,

> >while in the sidereal zodiac the majority is in fixed.

> >

> >In tropical speak, if you have many planets in mutable signs, you


> >adaptable and can change. That very much fits me. I reasoned that


> >I stayed five years on a job it was because of all the mutable

> >planets, as I could adapt, however you say above that I stay in


> >same job a long time because of the planets in fixed signs. The

> >conclusion is that both sidereal and tropical interpretations come


> >the same destination even if they take different routes!!


> I haven't convinced myself yet that the cardinal-fixed-mutable

labels work

> in the psychological sense. So let's toss those out for the moment.


> dominant angular configuration in your chart is Sun-Mer in 1st

opposed by

> Uranus in 7th and the Moon in Taurus in the 4th.



Ah, I am not sure I agree with this. The fact is that the orb in the

opposition of Sun to Uranus is quite big. As I see it, the core of my

chart is the T-square involving Sun, Mercury, Moon, Pluto and the

Moon nodes, as the orbs are small. Also some people would add the

midheaven to the mix, which would make it into a grand cross.



> For those who look mainly at the planets, they'd say that the

aspect of

> Uranus to your Sun-Mercury would indicate quick changes and also


> quick changing moods. (We are ignoring the supposed fixidity of Leo


> Aquarius here.) The aspect of Uranus dominates. Chalk one up for the

> superiority of the planets over the signs.



Why so, why chalk one up for the planets? Couldn't this be what

tropical astrologers call a theme? Different factors in the chart

that point in the same direction? I have read some tropical

astrologers saying that Aquarians have two tendencies in them: to

keep things as they are, being conservative, which would be the

influence of Saturn, Aquarius old ruler, and also the tendency to

change, obviously influenced by Uranus. So we don't need the planets

to describe me, I have both Aquarian sides!


In any case, " quick changing moods " certainly describes me,

also " quick changes " : while my ideas tend to be a bit fixed, they

also can change quickly. In the last weekend of October I had a half

an hour chat with an acquaintance of mine, and he said he started

using the sidereal zodiac as the meanings of the planets rang more

true for him that way. I came back to Dublin, and started exploring

the sidereal zodiac, and the following weekend I had decided to

switch to sidereal myself.



> Skepticism comes mainly from Mercury, because Mercury is the

thinker and

> wants to be logical. Mercury wants the facts, not pie-in-the-sky


> Oh, right!! You are having a very important transit of Uranus now.

It will

> be continuing for awhile. Your ascendant, Sun and Mercury are in a


> esoteric mansion belonging to the Moon's north node--Rahu. Let's

see how

> this turns out! And you've just discovered astrology.



I don't understand this. Sun and Mercury are conjunct to the


Node, not the North Node, as you say. And what do you mean by

esoteric mansion? Is there some house related to esotericism?



> >You are 100% right, women do not play a prominent role in my life.

> >But as I said above, I have a very strong feminine side (using a

> >different definition of femininity from you). The way I see it,


> >is the reason why I don't need women in my life, because I am

> >balanced, while those guys that are very masculine they need a


> >to balance things out!


> An interesting perspective! It's true that of the four triads, it's


> Gemini triad (Gem-Lib-Aqu) that have the most balanced male-female


> in the psychological sense. However, these are quieter and more


> signs--the masculine polarity.



Ah, but if the Gemini triad is more balanced, then as a logical

conclusion it is not as masculine as the Aries-Leo-Sagittarius

triad!! Isn't there a bit of a contradiction in what you say, as

previously you said that my chart was very masculine because of the

strong emphasis on Aquarius/Uranus?


Also according to some tropical astrologers, Uranus is asexual.

Actually some astrologers even say that the aspects between Venus and

Uranus (I have a trine) tend to make Venus less sexual. The way I see

it that trine contributes to the balance between masculinity and

femininity within me. Also some tropical astrologers say a trine

between Uranus and Venus makes one attractive - lucky me!!



> >> Mostly though, we see that the Tropical books were written from


> >> perspective of theory rather than fact.

> >

> >Very interesting conclusion. I think you are saying what I said in

> >another posting a few days ago in different words. If the tropical

> >books in part give delineations based on theory rather than fact,

> >that explains why Sun in tropical Aquarius describes me better


> >Sun in tropical Pisces.


> Yes, although sidereal astrologers greatly dislike the idea, the


> people have actually helped us define the sidereal signs. They're

very good

> at theory!!


> >The good thing about this is that we do not

> >have to discard all the tropical stuff, on the contrary we can use

> >80% of it!! And that is great because there are many more tropical

> >books out there than sidereal.


> This is my point, and you'll see how all this can be practically

applied in

> the sidereal zodiac when you read the zodiac articles. Sigh....my


> are mostly Tropical astrologers. Sidereal astrologers want to close


> book on anything Tropical, but I believe their observations can

help us

> understand the sidereal signs.



I am not your convert!! If you read my first post you will realise

that my ideas have not really changed, tough I am very glad I found

you and I have learned a few things with you! Perhaps you were just

preaching to the converted!!


The way I see it, it is really not a matter of conversion but respect

for other people's ideas. As the saying goes, you can fool a few

people for a long time, or a lot of people for a short time, but not

lots of people for a long time. As a result I do not believe that

thousands of western astrologers that use the tropical zodiac are

wrong. On the hand I don't believe that thousands of Indian

astrologers that use the sidereal zodiac are wrong either. In my

opinion both are right, as least partially.


I believe that Astrology has not yet reached the state of completion,

just like science hasn't. It will take centuries or millennia to know

with some precision how the heavenly bodies influence us, or perhaps

that will never be achieved as it may be beyond mankind's ability to



Consequently why don't astrologers and students of Astrology


each other's ideas? Some use Placidus houses, some use Koch, Campanus

or equal houses, and the planets are placed in different houses

according to the system used. However people don't make a fuss about

that, so why make a fuss about the zodiac? It just makes planets fall

into different signs, no big deal there!


So my opinion is this: let's respect each other's ideas, and let's

learn with each other!!



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On Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:20 PM ,

Therese Hamilton wrote:


> I don't have an Alt Gr key. Maybe that's only in the UK?


Interesting - hadn't realised that, but it makes sense. On UK (and I assume

Irish) keyboards, the key " 4 " has a dollar sign above it and a Euro sign to

the right of it. Dollar is SHIFT-4 and Euro is AltGr-4.


You can get a ó by pressing the Alt key down then typing 162 on the numeric

keypad then releasing the Alt key - in fact, you can get any international

symbol this way (but of course the code instead of 162 will be something

else - for instance, Alt-171 gives you ½ which I find quite useful!)

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Hi Chris,


That's interesting. Do you know how to get the degree symbol (little

circle) using the Alt key? Also, do you know of some website where

the Microsoft symbol table is documented? That would be handy.





, " Chris Mitchell "

<chrismitchell@z...> wrote:


> Interesting - hadn't realised that, but it makes sense. On UK (and

I assume

> Irish) keyboards, the key " 4 " has a dollar sign above it and a Euro

sign to

> the right of it. Dollar is SHIFT-4 and Euro is AltGr-4.


> You can get a ó by pressing the Alt key down then typing 162 on



> keypad then releasing the Alt key - in fact, you can get any


> symbol this way (but of course the code instead of 162 will be


> else - for instance, Alt-171 gives you ½ which I find quite


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Risto, thanks for the link.


Therese, the table shows two different possibilities for the degree

symbol, ALT 0186, as mentioned by Chris, and ALT 0176. The first does

not work on my computer, but the second does. You might want to try



So just hold the ALT key, type the four digits 0176, and then release

the ALT key.






, " Risto Vartiainen "

<risto.vartiainen@d...> wrote:

> On Friday, November 21, 2003 8:00 PM [GMT+1=CET],

> Chris Mitchell <chrismitchell@z...> wrote:


> > Hi, António - degree (º) is Alt 0186 (Alt 186 doesn't

work) -

and I

> > can't find a universal reference. It's pretty much trial and


> > Older versions of Windows used to have a keyboard map which I


> > told you the Alt key combinations, but doesn't seem to exist any



> Try, for instance: http://home.earthlink.net/~doniteli/index76.htm


> Risto V

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