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The California Recall Election

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THE CALIFORNIA RECALL ELECTION (Copy of a post from the Political

Astrology List)


I'm amazed that no one has mentioned the horoscopes of the two main

candidates in the California Recall election because...the ascendants of

Cruz Bustamante and Arnold S. are only 30 minutes apart in Gemini!! (Gemini

in both zodiacs) So much for the ascendant sign having similar physical

characteristics. These two men couldn't be more different in appearance.


Thanks to list members, we have the full birth data for Cruz B. and Arnold

S. and the day of birth for the current governor, Gray Davis:


Cruz Bustamante

Jan 4, 1953 17:11, Dinuba, CA (BC quoted on this list)


Arnold S. (AstroDatabank: A, from memory)

July 30, 1947, 4:10 a.m. Graz, Austria


Gray Davis

Dec 26, 1942, New York, NY


So what will happen on election day, October 7? We have no birth time and

hence no chart angles for Gray Davis. However, the October transits don't

look good when compared to the natal planets. The Mars/Uranus conjunction

is right on Davis' south node, a point of loss. The So/No Node axis falls

exactly on his natal Saturn/Mars opposition. Transiting Sun is partile

square to natal Venus.


None of this looks very promising to keep Davis in office. Also, Davis has

just had his Saturn return, which often brings major changes into the life.

So with no time of birth I'll assume that Davis will be recalled.


Then we have the front running candidates for governor: Arnold and Cruz.

The solar return charts are an interesting exercise because we have the

precessed vs. non-precessed returns and for Arnold, the birthplace chart vs

the California locale chart. I'll take Arnold's chart first:


Set for Sacramento, the capital of California, this chart has (sidereal)

Gemini rising. Saturn is only two degrees from the ascendant in the first

house. (This orb would be the same for the Tropical chart adjusted for

precession.) Mars is conjunct the midheaven with Uranus close by. Using the

sidereal technique of emphasizing angular planets, these two malefics would

not speak well for a victory for Arnold.


The sidereal lunar return chart for Sacramento has Leo rising with Jupiter

in the first house. This looks good except that Mars and Uranus oppose the

ascendant with a closer orb. I think we can expect to see Jupiter prominent

in the charts of anyone running for election, since Jupiter has to do with

exposure to the public. The Moon's nodes fall just on the MC/IC axis in

Arnold's lunar return. The Sun is in the first or second house, depending

on the house system used. Saturn opposes the Moon in this chart. Summing

up, I don't think this looks like a winning chart.


Thought: Is Arnold doing Maria a favor by running for governor, thus

knocking out any other possible Republican winners so the Democrats have a

chance of winning??


Now for Cruz Bustamantes's chart: This is quite interesting. The ascendant

of the sidereal solar return chart is conjunct natal Jupiter in the 11th

house. Likewise the midheaven of the September 24 lunar return is also

conjunct natal Jupiter. In the solar return chart Jupiter is in the 4th

square the ascendant degree. The Sun is in the 9th trine the ascendant.

Mars is in the 7th (angular) but the orb to the ascendant is wider than the

Sun's trine or Jupiter's square. In the solar return chart, Jupiter is also

opposing the Moon. The Moon is conjunct the natal north node--good.


The solar return Moon opposes natal Pluto, harbinger of a new direction.

The lunar return has a Moon-Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in the second

house, trine the MC. Cancer rises in this chart and natal Pluto is on the

Lunar ascendant. As I said, the MC of this chart is conjunct natal Jupiter.


With the trine of Jup/Mo/Mer to the MC and the MC conjunct natal Jupiter,

Cruz Bustamante seems like the probable winner of the recall election.


The 7th (opposition party?) is afflicted in the lunar chart. Neptune is in

the 7th sign, but below the horizon and the 7th lord Saturn is in the 12th.

In the solar return chart Mars is in the 7th, but Mars is the ascendant

lord. Does this mean that Bustamante will take possession of enemy

territory? In the solar return chart the 7th lord Venus is in the 8th with

Ketu (south node).


The election will be a good test of solar and lunar return chart theory.

(All positions are sidereal.)



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