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A word on Free will

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Dear Anurodh, Karma, fate, rebirth and free will are crucial questions to any astrology forum. You cannot practice an art or science without considering the background. Here are my views. Man once born has no escape from karma. And as astrologers we know that his life unfolds more or less in tune with his horoscope. So why is he born at that time? Is that just a genetic accident? Or is it because of karma? Once born he will act according to his genetic factors of intelligence and other physical characteristics. He would act according to his rajas, satwas and tamas. He would also act in relation to his circumstance -family, social, cultural etc., While he cant change his genetics, does the nurturing background change his personality and actions? The nature-nurture issue. We all know how people suffer caught up in bad families, bad office etc., And then there are orphan kids

who get adopted by rich and cultured parents. Pure scientists will argue that man gets continuous feed back and keeps modifying acts, So it is free will. It is only you astrolgers have a problem matching ground happenings with his horoscope. Now back to our argument. As he grows up he naturally goes through the stages of life where Kama, Artha will play their role. Possibly Dharma as well! Would he finally aim at Moksha in this janma itself or would he have to go through several janmas to aspire for Moksha from the birth and death cycle? Science or astrology-we can have no quarrels that man will continuously modify his action based on his experience, learning and intelligence and what the circumstances will allow him. I would fondly hope that hypothetically either in one janma or several janmas he will get fed up with this transient nature of human existence and yearn for liberation from it. This Gyana or

intelligence will be evolutionary. But is this evolution conditioned by his current karma due to his circumstances. The horoscope will also tell us if his karma also provide him an opportunity to leap frog? When you look at horoscopes closely you do see that those who aspire for spiritual elevation have certain combinations. That proves that he had it at his birth time. So he evolved over several janmas? Now a possible explanation. Possibly the soul departs with its final stages of gyana (whatever level and whatever aspirations) and then the soul tries to find another suitable birth which will give it an opportunity to unfold what it wants to do. May be he wants to commit more crime, have more romance, more sex, more scientific research, have more wealth, or become an astrologer (!) whatever. Or want liberation. Is it then the case, hypothetically that he is

born as that product with all that attendant qualities. To cut it short, is it then a journey from janma to janma, where gyan and liberation unfold itself through the cycle of karma, gyan and then love towards the Creator and wanting to be liberated.? With this map out, here is what the astrologer can do. Suggest remedies if you think it helps, but also let the person understand how his planets are unfolding. That will lead him to reflect about his own life and human birth ultimatley. By all means encourage free will and rational thinking while taking a paternal interest in protecting him from the pains he could go through, hopefully by his free will actions. And then let him give you feed back how it all went! If I may say this, let astrolgoers work towards emancipation of human being by helping him attain dharma, artha, kama and finally moksha as well. Regards, Seshadri Anurodh Kumar

<anurodh1 wrote: Dear Mr. Punit, Hope that you are fine. I would like to offer certain words on the issue. Punit ji, as far as authenticity of the remedies is concern, I do agree that there is no parameter involved to judge it. As far as the free will is involved, it is really a very confusing matter. I raised this point in forums and got very mixed opinions but frankly speaking, no body could land on any conclusion. On Free will: I personally feel that it is there which can be utilized to do the karma. We talk about the past karma and one ideology is there that everything is desteined as per the past karma in this birth. THIS VERY IDEA SHOWS THAT

IN PAST BIRTH WE WERE FREE TO DO KARMA AND ONE CAN MAKE CHOISE TO DO A CERTAIN KARMA. In the same way, we must be free to do the karma in this birth too that will add to our account of karma during the journey of our soul to another birth where these karmas of present birth will controll the results. Now another question arises which is the basis of KP. KP says that things are pre-decided. AT ONE POINT IT IS CORRECT. IF THINGS ARE NOT PRE-DECIDED BY NATURE THEN HOW DOES A KNOWLEDGEABLE ASTROLOGER ABLE TO FORETELL THE INCIDENTS OF FUTURE WELL IN ADVANCE? As per all schools of astrology, the entire birth karmas, personality, ideology of a person can be chalked out by seing his horoscope. SO, IF EVERYTHING CAN BE SEEN, ESPECIALLY THE TYPE OF PERSONALITY AND IDEOLOGY (becasue personality and ideology will decide the type of actions i.e. Karmas one will do in this birth) ONE WILL HAVE IN

PRESENT BIRTH THEN FROM WHERE THE FREE WILL TO DO KARMA IN THIS BIRTH COMES INTO QUESTION? I am leaving this debate for the readers to comment. --------------- As far as remedial measures are concern, It is my humble experince that remedial measures give lot of courage and mental strength to face the life and preventive measures do help to ward off the evil intensity up to a great extent. In my practise I do advise for doing charities that is, giving a certain eatable to the birds or dogs. I also advise and follow the prayers, because prayers have lot of power and I have seen in number of cases I came across and in my own life experince. But, still my own internal belief is that, remedies are done with faith by those only, who have some divine grace on them otherwise,

remedies are advised but, people do not do it due to less faith and routine. ------------------ I have expressed myself on both the issues but I myself feel that both are having contradiction. So debate is there and if some people can add more on it I will be pleased to clearify it. regards, AnurodhPunit Pandey <punitp wrote: Vidyadhar ji,Lajmi ji has mentioned about 5% free will. The actual number may vary but IMO existence of free will to some extents supports the concept of remedies. I have personally seen quite a few people getting benefited by remedies. But there is no mechanism to identify whether

it is due to remedies or one's past karma. Sri KSK was not much in favor of remedies and hence it is no benefit discussing remedies in KP forum. Also it is an age old debate, and I request everybody not to start discussing it again. We discussed it many times in past and without any conclusion. Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey , vvidya@o... wrote:>> As members of an astrology list you would have all heard of Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. He has an Ayanamsa named after him. He was the guru of the reknown Swami Paramahansa Yogananda. Sri Yukteswar was a God-Realised Master. A God-Realised Master is one who has reached the Nirvikalpa Samadhi stage where all knowledge is available to him just for the asking. > > In the famous book, "Autobiography of a Yogi" Swami Paramahansa Yogananda narrates how his guru made him wear an

"Amulet" to ward off the unwanted effects of malefic planets. Wearing of the amulet is an astrological "remedial measure". > > I don't have the book, "Autobiography of a Yogi" with me just now since I am on vacation in Singapore. Else I would have quoted verbatim Sri Yukteswar's advice to his disciple on the efficacy of the amulet, the astrological "remedial measure". > > Swami Yukteswar believed in the efficacy of astrological remedial measures while Prof KSK didn't. If one is right, the other is wrong. Both cannot be right. Now which one do you suppose is right?> > Vidyadhar> > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1> wrote:> > > Dear Vidydhar & Rao

Chitturu,> As per my own experience after having studied> both, Traditional Astrology and K.P.,and practised both for over 40-45 years,I can assert> great confidence,to all of you that "freewill" plays a part upto only 5%...and that> too,only in certain, and very few aspects...only...while destiny or "prarabdha" plays the> rest...95 % role in the real-time experiences of human-kind...> That

"freewill" has a great role to play in> one's life is a myth promoted by a large section of traditional astrologers,who perhaps> stand to explain away their failures and/or stand to benefit, by performing "pariharas" and> prescribing "remedies",which in reality cannot help...> Karma has no place for free will,if at all, as> said above,only to a miniscule extent...It has been my experience that such practises only> offer some sort of "mental peace or solace" that,one has "done his best",and that,almost all> these people,after having gained no significant benefit,even after sometimes having spent> considerable sums of

money,finally end up saying -"now the rest was my fate or God's> will..."> Traditional astrologers need to keep such as> belief alive...and I urge them to analyse as to what success,if any, their recomendations> for "parihars" etc., have achieved in real time...and if so could they please document these> along with the Birth-chart,the "dosha",and the 'remedy' they had prescribed, and the>

result...> Guruji ,after having studied all these claims> and results,and studied the horoscopes of the "victims", for several years,had reached the> conclusion...that,in the Karmic sheme of things,there is NO PLACE for> remedies/pariharas/shantis et al...and written so...> The dichotomy of Karma,on the one hand,and> "free-will" on the other...cannot be

explained,satisfactorily, and has not been...by any> Traditional Astrologer...as yet.> With best wishes,> Yours

sincerely,> L.Y.Rao.> GOOD LUCK !>

> > > vvidya@o... wrote:> Prof KSK had propounded KP. In his lifetime he had developed this system considerably. But> one life time is not enough to enunciate EVERY aspect and priniciple of a system. The ocean> of "vedic astrology" is the accumulation of several ages. > > "Remedial Measures" is an acknowledged part and parcel of vedic astrology. The extent and> degree of its effectiveness and applicability, I suspect, will vary from chart to chart.> > Vidyadhar> > > > > rao

chitturu wrote:> > > > dear Rao> > I mean to say that KP system is not fullfledeged for those who seek > > remedial measures.> > KP has, perhaps, ended the thought of remedial measures with the > > saying --that Even Brama cannot change ...."> > The remedial mesures are a part of the subject " Fate Vs.Freewill " -- > > > > I also say that unless the natal chart etc., permits the remedial > > measures are not effective - the valiity of the subject is very > > debatable - mostly for those who stick to their arguments.> > simply because Prof.KP told that ..." even Bramha cannot..." we need > > not halt there and rule out the old the age-old subject of remedial > > measures. - sometimes built-in mrechanism in the natal charts works as > > remedial measures - > > Nobody has seen where is Brahma - let us think

of the planetary forces > > - Human will etc., not the concepts like Brahma etc.,> > When we are differing with old saints in Hindu system on seeing the KP > > system why not we differ from Prof.KP for further works.> > Let us be radical in analysis.> > As I am oten repeating - this is a vast subject it needs a separate > > platform - even to rule out. I cannot extend for want of time.> > rao chitturu> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi wrote: Dear Mr.Rao,> > Our Guruji,the late Jyotish Martand,Shr K.S > > Krishnamurthiji, gave little importance to "remedial > > measures","pariharas" etc.,in fact in one of his most illuminating > > lectures on the subject,he had generally dimissed them as mere > > placebos,for psychological satisfaction,but did say that the wearing of > > gems suitable to the most benefic planet in a Birth

Chart,could enhance > > benefic results promised by a planet..." to some extent"...as K.P., is > > based upon one's Karma alone...and that one has to experience all that > > one is destined to,as per his past Karma...> > Whatever Bramha has once ordained at one's Birth, > > even Brahma himself cannot change/alter...is what KSK had always > > held...> > This is what our late Guruji had always taught > > us,and my experience also shows that no amount of "pariharas","shantis" > > et al.,can alter or even modify, whatever one is destined to suffer...> > Wishing you the very best,> > L.Y.Rao.> > GOOD LUCK !> > > > rao chitturu wrote:> > Dear Sir,> > There is no much matter about remedial measures mentioned in KP system.> > Prof.KP himself an ardent devotee of Uchishta Ganapati –> > In

reader four – for child birth – it is suggested to worship Lord > > Ganesha –> > Like this we may find here and there.> > That way the system is not full-fledged- In the sense that astrology is > > not complete without suggesting remedial measures – It is like naming a > > the decease without treatment.> > It is where KP practioners (including myself) resort to traditional > > system for remedial measures.> > rao chitturu> > > > > > yatenmadhyan wrote: I have not heard > > about the remedial measures as per K P astrology.Is > > there anybody who can guide me about remedial measures as per K P > > astrology.> > Yatendra > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Do You

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