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Venus-Mars-Ascendant 2

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There were 10 charts with Venus conjunct a Pisces ascendant. From the

viewpoint of an exalted planet, these should be fortunate charts. From the

Indian viewpoint, this position of Venus would create problems because

Venus is the 8th lord. This numerical association of houses correlating

with specific meanings (good or bad) goes back to Hellenisic astrology and



First the five charts that could be said to be less fortunate:


#1 Conjoined twins 41900: Born connected at the chest. Both babies died a

few days after birth.

Asc 1Pi Ve 10Pi Mer 13Pi Mars 1Sg Ketu 17Sg (Trop conv: 6 14)

Here is one of the few ADB cases where there is a sinister aspect of Mars

to Venus in Pisces in 1st. Note that there is also a close square of the

nodes to Venus and Mercury. Venus here is the 8th lord.


#2 Catherine Curren: Daughter of two psychiatrists. She was age ten when

her mother became Dr. Kevorkian's 38th assisted suicide.

Asc 22Pi Ve21Pi Sun 6Pi Mars 2Sg (Trop conv: 6 26)

Any child is traumatized by the loss of a mother at a young age. Mars is

out of orb in a square to Venus, but squares the Sun in 12th. The point is

that 8th lord Venus in 1st brought death or misfortune into her life at an

early age.


#3 Homosexual 10152

Asc 3Pi Ve 3Pi Ketu 3Sg (Trop conv: 6 59)

If you live in San Francisco being gay is fine. But there is still a lot of

social prejudice in many parts of the world. It's not an easy orientation

to live with. Venus is 8th lord, supposedly the house ruling sexual energy.

The nodes are in square to Venus and the ascendant.


#4 Homosexual 9112

Asc 3 Aries Ven 26Pi Mars 24Ge (Trop conv: 7 03)

Notes as above. Here the square to Mars would probably emphasize sex in

some way. The ascendant is out of sign, but Venus is a malefic for an Aries

ascendant as it rules the 7th--partnerships and possible enemies.


#5 Simon Rivero, Child abused to death by his parents, died 2 days short of

age 3.

Asc 10Pi Ve 4Pi Mars 16Gem (Trop conv: 6 19)

Here again Venus, 8th lord is close to the ascendant with a too-wide square

from Mars.


Here we have 5 cases of the 8th lord conjunct the ascendant which relate

either to death or sex in the lives of those to whom the charts belong. But

there are 5 more cases of Venus conjunct a Pisces ascendant where the

effect is not so unfortunate. Why? All of these 5 charts have a protective

aspect to the ascendant from a benefic planet. The 5 charts above don't

have this aspect. This state of affairs points to a need to consider the

entire chart in delineation, something all astrolgoers would agree to.


#6 Astrologer 4680

Asc 20Pi Ve 24Pi Mars 19Ge **Ju 22Scorpio** (Trop Conv: 7 28)

Here the trine of the ascendant lord Jupiter " protects " the person from the

effects of the 8th lord in the 1st. (Though we have no real facts of the

life except that this is an astrolger's chart.) We can speculate that most

counseling astrologers have to deal with the trauma of clients exposed to

deaths among family or friends.


#7 Alberto Capelo: Brazilian psychiatrist

Asc 7Pi **Mo12Pi** Ve13Pi Ju 1Ge Mars 16Ge Nep 4Vi (trop conv: 7 03)

Here is another case of mitigation by benefic planets. The planet closest

to the ascendant is the Moon, a " yogakaraka " or highly benefic planet for

Pisces as it's the 5th lord. Also Jupiter combines with Mars in the 4th.

Psychiatrists also must deal with actual or figurative death in clients.

Neptune is said to rule psychology and in this chart Neptune is in 7th

opposing the Ascendant, the Moon and Venus.


#8 Ron Eisenberg: American talk show host who was fired. He then became an

executive with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

Asc 1Pi Ve 4Pi Mars 11Ge **Ju 29Ta** (4th)

Ascendant lord Jupiter mitigates here in its house of exaltation with a one

degree orb to the ascendant.


#9 Bridget Quinn: Educator, a medical school tutor

Asc 13Pi Ve 14Pi Mars 7Ge (trop conv: 6 47) **Moon 10 Scorpio**

Here again a trine from the benefic Moon mitigates the 8th lord in the 1st.

However, any medical school instruction involves a discussion of sickness

and death.


#10 Marion Wright: American cellist who played with the Indiana Philhamonic

Asc 21Pi Ve 29Pi Mars 4 Sg **Jupiter 25 Scorpio** (trop conv: 7 18)

Here again Jupiter mitigates. We also have another expression of the 8th

house. Scorpio and the 8th relate to any group acitivity or team sports

including playing in an orchestra, schools, clubs and political parties.

This includes institutions such as hospitals where there is group activity

and cooperation among staff (or dependency in the case of patients.)





This is only an exploratory study, but it supports the idea that Venus as

8th lord can relate to death, sex, and group acitivity, and Venus as 9th

lord when conjunct the ascendant brings renown or fame of some kind.

Jupiter and the Moon mitigate for a Pisces ascendant. Mars in 4th does not

seem to have much effect on the 1st, and there are only a couple of cases

of Mars in 10th square Venus in Pisces in the 1st. Those charts are



The majority of people in the ADB are famous in some way. It doesn't seem

that the square of Venus and Mars is a popular aspect to have for noted or

famous people. It might be more revealing to study aspects of Mars and/or

Venus to the Moon. I choose angular houses, because these houses relate to

what we can SEE.


There is little evidence in these 10 charts that Venus is acting like it's

in a sign of exaltation. However, just as Venus in Virgo related to the

arts (Mercury), Venus here can be said to relate to Jupiter or Neptune:


Jupiter is the teacher, actor or talk show host (Gauquelin): (#8 9)

Pisces is a dual sign, two fish joined together: (#1)

Neptune is psychiatry, and its related counseling: (#6 7)

Venus exalted in Pisces emphasizes realtionships/sex/joining in some way:

(#1 3 4)


We don't know how/if there is a Mars-Venus influence on the personality as

the ADB biographies had nothing to say about this.


It doesn't make a lot of sense to say that signs don't exist until

astrologers draw up a list of theoretical meanings, and then TEST those

meanings in horoscopes. Of course, we have reams of books related to zodiac

signs, but these are mainly artistic musings or poetic flights of fancy

which astrologers then take as facts. Only Rob hand has written something

sensible about the signs in HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS.


Therese Hamilton

28 April 2003


--------------END OF PART 2---------------

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