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Jupiter in house # 7

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Dear Kulbir ji, My contributions in blue. God bless you. Bhooshan Priya Jupiter in house no.71. This position is better in the horoscope of females thanmales.2. Gets some post with authority in some religious or socialinstitution.3. the natives fiscal position depends upon the nature of moon.It is god for him that he retains a practical outlook.4. generally death takes place at the

place of his birthotherwise he is cremated at his birth place.5. journeys are fruitful for him.6. the dowry that his wife brings in marriage boosts hisfortune.7. disrespects his duties towards house and marriage due tohankering after religious matters and this results in delay in birthof son. However a son is born to him in the age span of 34 to 45 andhis life becomes smoother.8. when Saturn is in house no 7 or 9 it blesses the native withlarge family and good wealth.9. when ketu is benefic, the native is religiously disciplined,10. when rahu is benefic, rich and just especially in age 25-45.11. when sun in house no 1 inclined towards

astrology12. when house no 1,2,5,9,12 have sun, moon, mars, the native'sancestors are also rich and renowned but it is not sure that he willalso be at par with them. He is too much devoted towards religion.13. mars or mercury malefic, the native keeps on roaming forreligious discourses etc. his sister or aunt will be going through abad phase. Financial condition is not sound. Can resort to unlawfulmethods to collect wealth. His condition will become worst if heaccompanies a false guru or such religious personality. He hankersafter recognization in religious fields in young and middle age anddoesn't cares about his progeny, which results in his bad conditionin old

age.14. when house no 1 and 2 are vacant, i.e. Jupiter remainsdormant, the native may be a gold mine for others but for feedinghimself he shall have to do labour manually.15. when Jupiter turns malefic in this house. The native doesn'tgets any post with authority, his brotherhood also doesn't helps orsupports him. 16. when house no 1,2,5,7.9,12 have mercury, rahu , Saturn,venus his progeny suffers especially if venus becomes weak. Even

hisadopted son will suffer. Father or grandfather will suffer from lungdiseases such as asthama. He is not worldly smart. Makes both endsmeet with difficulty.17. when house no 2,4,6,11,12 have mercury, Saturn, and inmalefic capacity. The native longs for birth of son till the age of45. if he adopts a child that also suffers. May stammer After 45 andbirth of his son, he himself turns into a failure.18. in malefic results rattis or items or mars bad will be withhim or at his place. Kulbir Indications : Jupiter benefic [ a ] fortune rises after marriage [ b ] gains from partnerships [ c ] enthusiastic in religious matters [ d ] would be interested in astrology [ e ] will have religious books

at home [ f ] will be particular about doing pooja regularly Indications : Jupiter malefic [ a ] Wife will dominate in family matters [ b ] worried about the male issue [ c ] lack of marital bliss [ d ] flirt [ e ] discomfort or loss through the State. [ f ] escaping from family responsibilities. [ g ] swelling in the region of groin, uterus [ h ]

swelling in the feet Bhooshan Priya

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