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Washington's Inauguration Horoscope

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Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette <jficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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The first " Inagural " chart for the(POTUS) President Of The United States is the

" natal " Chart of George Washington's Presidency. It is also the " natal " chart of

all United States Presidentcies and the " natal " chart for the government of the

United States with regard to the first time the Legislative and Judicial

branches of Government are united with the Executive. The soul of the United

States enjoys many natal charts beyound the POTUS.






JOHN B <jtwbjakarta wrote:


Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Sometimes controversy is just plain irresistable, but as I undertand Juan's

comment one is to accept the fact that the mundane entity, the " USA " is

hydra-like in that it manifests multiple nativities. This is certainly a

conceptualization in refreshing contrast to the much belabored arguments for

some one moment in Philadelphia, sometime on Thursday July 4th 1776. Yet I must

in commenting confess that an intimate familiarity with the events of 1774 to

1789 leaves me sceptical that anything " natal " happened " to the USA " either in

1789 (or, to belabor the point, in the case of the 4th that isn't better

understood as dependent on more significant events of July 2nd and July 5th).

Still, the concept of some one unique and determinate natal moment for the USA

is just about impossible to gain-say. Juan appears to have done just that and I

hope many members in the group can remain his willing listeners. But here's some

considerations that Juan's position must face: that one must recognize

that Geo. Washington became President-Elect on April 6, 1789 when the Senate

counted the Electoral College votes and then scheduled an April 30th Oath taking

ceremony. The election, the vote counting, the Inauguration, as well as the

opening of Congress on March 4th were all of a package of governmental

arrangements, constitutionally established and scheduled exactly on late

Saturday morning, September 13, 1788, on which occasion too the Constitution

itself was duly Congressionally ratified (ref. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE

CONSTITUTION, Vol. II (1894) pp. 262-64). If Juan is only saying that a natal

chart for the Presidency is meaningful, that should be fine and unexceptionable,

or if he is even more suggesting (and I think he is) that the nativity of the

Presidency is effectively the nativity of the Federal government, that's

certainly worth the pondering, but if still further it is argued that the

Presidential nativity is to be considered as the nativity of the USA itself,


his position would here necessarily imply that the USA is effectively a

elective monarchical state, which it has clearly never been. (George Bush's

occasionally eccentric behavior notwithstanding). The Declaration of

Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution make it clear that the USA is

itself a " democratic state " constitutionally empowering a national " republican

government " , namely, the U.S. Federal Government. At the risk of antagonizing, I

see Juan's position to be unable to refute the widely acknowledged necessity of

identifying a single moment of closure constituting " the birth moment " of the

USA, within the calendar limits of July 2nd, 1776 and September 13th, 1788:

07/021776, when the United Colonies of North America bowed to the DAY ONE

INCEPTION of the " USA " and the 09/13/1788, which marked the day of realization

of the USA as a " more perfect union " . Having said all this, I wish to again

declare sympathetically that any argument the casts doubt on the candidacy of

July 4th deserves close respectful study, as for example does Helen Boyd's JULY

6, " 1775 " horoscope. .... My best regards to Juan


Juan Oliver <jivio wrote:The first " Inagural " chart for the(POTUS)

President Of The United States is the " natal " Chart of George Washington's

Presidency. It is also the " natal " chart of all United States Presidentcies and

the " natal " chart for the government of the United States with regard to the

first time the Legislative and Judicial branches of Government are united with

the Executive. The soul of the United States enjoys many natal charts beyound

the POTUS.






JOHN B <jtwbjakarta wrote:


Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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I find that the " soul " of the USA is found in the copulative involvement of at

least a half dozen charts... The Boyd " War " chart, the POTUS chart followed by

the July 4th chart of 1776 being the " most " important.


In my previous post I wrote... " the " natal " chart(POTUS) for the government of

the United States with regard to the first time the Legislative and Judicial

branches of Government are united with the Executive. " The words " with regard "

were used to demonstrate that the POTUS chart can be viewed as a " government "

chart in issues relating to the three branches of government which comprise the

US of A.

When issues arise within govenment due to authority or questions of

responsibility between the three branches, look to this chart for answers.





JOHN B <jtwbjakarta wrote:


Sometimes controversy is just plain irresistable, but as I undertand Juan's

comment one is to accept the fact that the mundane entity, the " USA " is

hydra-like in that it manifests multiple nativities. This is certainly a

conceptualization in refreshing contrast to the much belabored arguments for

some one moment in Philadelphia, sometime on Thursday July 4th 1776. Yet I must

in commenting confess that an intimate familiarity with the events of 1774 to

1789 leaves me sceptical that anything " natal " happened " to the USA " either in

1789 (or, to belabor the point, in the case of the 4th that isn't better

understood as dependent on more significant events of July 2nd and July 5th).

Still, the concept of some one unique and determinate natal moment for the USA

is just about impossible to gain-say. Juan appears to have done just that and I

hope many members in the group can remain his willing listeners. But here's some

considerations that Juan's position must face: that one must recognize

that Geo. Washington became President-Elect on April 6, 1789 when the Senate

counted the Electoral College votes and then scheduled an April 30th Oath taking

ceremony. The election, the vote counting, the Inauguration, as well as the

opening of Congress on March 4th were all of a package of governmental

arrangements, constitutionally established and scheduled exactly on late

Saturday morning, September 13, 1788, on which occasion too the Constitution

itself was duly Congressionally ratified (ref. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE

CONSTITUTION, Vol. II (1894) pp. 262-64). If Juan is only saying that a natal

chart for the Presidency is meaningful, that should be fine and unexceptionable,

or if he is even more suggesting (and I think he is) that the nativity of the

Presidency is effectively the nativity of the Federal government, that's

certainly worth the pondering, but if still further it is argued that the

Presidential nativity is to be considered as the nativity of the USA itself,


his position would here necessarily imply that the USA is effectively a elective

monarchical state, which it has clearly never been. (George Bush's occasionally

eccentric behavior notwithstanding). The Declaration of Independence and the

Preamble to the Constitution make it clear that the USA is itself a " democratic

state " constitutionally empowering a national " republican government " , namely,

the U.S. Federal Government. At the risk of antagonizing, I see Juan's position

to be unable to refute the widely acknowledged necessity of identifying a single

moment of closure constituting " the birth moment " of the USA, within the

calendar limits of July 2nd, 1776 and September 13th, 1788: 07/021776, when the

United Colonies of North America bowed to the DAY ONE INCEPTION of the " USA " and

the 09/13/1788, which marked the day of realization of the USA as a " more

perfect union " . Having said all this, I wish to again declare sympathetically

that any argument the casts doubt on the candidacy of

July 4th deserves close respectful study, as for example does Helen Boyd's JULY

6, " 1775 " horoscope. .... My best regards to Juan


Juan Oliver wrote:The first " Inagural " chart for the(POTUS) President Of The

United States is the " natal " Chart of George Washington's Presidency. It is also

the " natal " chart of all United States Presidentcies and the " natal " chart for

the government of the United States with regard to the first time the

Legislative and Judicial branches of Government are united with the Executive.

The soul of the United States enjoys many natal charts beyound the POTUS.






JOHN B wrote:


Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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(1) USA:






(2) GOVERNMENT: September 13, 1788


(Government's Components):


(2a) LEGISLATURE: March 04, 1789


(2b) PRESIDENCY: April 30, 1789


(2c) JUDICIARY: September 24, 1789


One should readily acknowledge the efficacy of the concept SYNASTRY as it may be

employed between and among birth moments, but one is nonetheless obliged to be

clear when one is talking about the USA, as distinct from THE GOVERNMENT, as

distinct from any one COMPONENT of THE GOVERNMENT.


Juan's employment of " Copulative Involvement " is suggestive but I'm left

wondering just what it really means. Does it mean more than the synastries among

and between numbers 1...2....2a...2b....2c......????? E.g. Dane Rudhyar in his


and USA. As he chose March 4, 1789 as the birth moment of the USA, he confused

LEGISLATURE (thinking it GOVERNMENT) for STATE. Doubly confusing, as it it

doubly fallacious.


P.S. The widespread confusions evident in the work of other astrologers as well,

apropos failing to properly distinguish among the nos. 1...2....2a....2b...2c,

is a not insignificant matter.


Thanks again, Juan








Juan Oliver <jivio wrote:


I find that the " soul " of the USA is found in the copulative involvement of at

least a half dozen charts... The Boyd " War " chart, the POTUS chart followed by

the July 4th chart of 1776 being the " most " important.


In my previous post I wrote... " the " natal " chart(POTUS) for the government of

the United States with regard to the first time the Legislative and Judicial

branches of Government are united with the Executive. " The words " with regard "

were used to demonstrate that the POTUS chart can be viewed as a " government "

chart in issues relating to the three branches of government which comprise the

US of A.

When issues arise within govenment due to authority or questions of

responsibility between the three branches, look to this chart for answers.





JOHN B <jtwbjakarta wrote:


Sometimes controversy is just plain irresistable, but as I undertand Juan's

comment one is to accept the fact that the mundane entity, the " USA " is

hydra-like in that it manifests multiple nativities. This is certainly a

conceptualization in refreshing contrast to the much belabored arguments for

some one moment in Philadelphia, sometime on Thursday July 4th 1776. Yet I must

in commenting confess that an intimate familiarity with the events of 1774 to

1789 leaves me sceptical that anything " natal " happened " to the USA " either in

1789 (or, to belabor the point, in the case of the 4th that isn't better

understood as dependent on more significant events of July 2nd and July 5th).

Still, the concept of some one unique and determinate natal moment for the USA

is just about impossible to gain-say. Juan appears to have done just that and I

hope many members in the group can remain his willing listeners. But here's some

considerations that Juan's position must face: that one must recognize

that Geo. Washington became President-Elect on April 6, 1789 when the Senate

counted the Electoral College votes and then scheduled an April 30th Oath taking

ceremony. The election, the vote counting, the Inauguration, as well as the

opening of Congress on March 4th were all of a package of governmental

arrangements, constitutionally established and scheduled exactly on late

Saturday morning, September 13, 1788, on which occasion too the Constitution

itself was duly Congressionally ratified (ref. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE

CONSTITUTION, Vol. II (1894) pp. 262-64). If Juan is only saying that a natal

chart for the Presidency is meaningful, that should be fine and unexceptionable,

or if he is even more suggesting (and I think he is) that the nativity of the

Presidency is effectively the nativity of the Federal government, that's

certainly worth the pondering, but if still further it is argued that the

Presidential nativity is to be considered as the nativity of the USA itself,


his position would here necessarily imply that the USA is effectively a elective

monarchical state, which it has clearly never been. (George Bush's occasionally

eccentric behavior notwithstanding). The Declaration of Independence and the

Preamble to the Constitution make it clear that the USA is itself a " democratic

state " constitutionally empowering a national " republican government " , namely,

the U.S. Federal Government. At the risk of antagonizing, I see Juan's position

to be unable to refute the widely acknowledged necessity of identifying a single

moment of closure constituting " the birth moment " of the USA, within the

calendar limits of July 2nd, 1776 and September 13th, 1788: 07/021776, when the

United Colonies of North America bowed to the DAY ONE INCEPTION of the " USA " and

the 09/13/1788, which marked the day of realization of the USA as a " more

perfect union " . Having said all this, I wish to again declare sympathetically

that any argument the casts doubt on the candidacy of

July 4th deserves close respectful study, as for example does Helen Boyd's JULY

6, " 1775 " horoscope. .... My best regards to Juan


Juan Oliver wrote:The first " Inagural " chart for the(POTUS) President Of The

United States is the " natal " Chart of George Washington's Presidency. It is also

the " natal " chart of all United States Presidentcies and the " natal " chart for

the government of the United States with regard to the first time the

Legislative and Judicial branches of Government are united with the Executive.

The soul of the United States enjoys many natal charts beyound the POTUS.






JOHN B wrote:


Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Keep wondering.... you might get it clearly.....all over again......









JOHN B <jtwbjakarta wrote:




(1) USA:






(2) GOVERNMENT: September 13, 1788


(Government's Components):


(2a) LEGISLATURE: March 04, 1789


(2b) PRESIDENCY: April 30, 1789


(2c) JUDICIARY: September 24, 1789


One should readily acknowledge the efficacy of the concept SYNASTRY as it may be

employed between and among birth moments, but one is nonetheless obliged to be

clear when one is talking about the USA, as distinct from THE GOVERNMENT, as

distinct from any one COMPONENT of THE GOVERNMENT.


Juan's employment of " Copulative Involvement " is suggestive but I'm left

wondering just what it really means. Does it mean more than the synastries among

and between numbers 1...2....2a...2b....2c......????? E.g. Dane Rudhyar in his


and USA. As he chose March 4, 1789 as the birth moment of the USA, he confused

LEGISLATURE (thinking it GOVERNMENT) for STATE. Doubly confusing, as it it

doubly fallacious.


P.S. The widespread confusions evident in the work of other astrologers as well,

apropos failing to properly distinguish among the nos. 1...2....2a....2b...2c,

is a not insignificant matter.


Thanks again, Juan








Juan Oliver wrote:


I find that the " soul " of the USA is found in the copulative involvement of at

least a half dozen charts... The Boyd " War " chart, the POTUS chart followed by

the July 4th chart of 1776 being the " most " important.


In my previous post I wrote... " the " natal " chart(POTUS) for the government of

the United States with regard to the first time the Legislative and Judicial

branches of Government are united with the Executive. " The words " with regard "

were used to demonstrate that the POTUS chart can be viewed as a " government "

chart in issues relating to the three branches of government which comprise the

US of A.

When issues arise within govenment due to authority or questions of

responsibility between the three branches, look to this chart for answers.





JOHN B wrote:


Sometimes controversy is just plain irresistable, but as I undertand Juan's

comment one is to accept the fact that the mundane entity, the " USA " is

hydra-like in that it manifests multiple nativities. This is certainly a

conceptualization in refreshing contrast to the much belabored arguments for

some one moment in Philadelphia, sometime on Thursday July 4th 1776. Yet I must

in commenting confess that an intimate familiarity with the events of 1774 to

1789 leaves me sceptical that anything " natal " happened " to the USA " either in

1789 (or, to belabor the point, in the case of the 4th that isn't better

understood as dependent on more significant events of July 2nd and July 5th).

Still, the concept of some one unique and determinate natal moment for the USA

is just about impossible to gain-say. Juan appears to have done just that and I

hope many members in the group can remain his willing listeners. But here's some

considerations that Juan's position must face: that one must recognize

that Geo. Washington became President-Elect on April 6, 1789 when the Senate

counted the Electoral College votes and then scheduled an April 30th Oath taking

ceremony. The election, the vote counting, the Inauguration, as well as the

opening of Congress on March 4th were all of a package of governmental

arrangements, constitutionally established and scheduled exactly on late

Saturday morning, September 13, 1788, on which occasion too the Constitution

itself was duly Congressionally ratified (ref. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE

CONSTITUTION, Vol. II (1894) pp. 262-64). If Juan is only saying that a natal

chart for the Presidency is meaningful, that should be fine and unexceptionable,

or if he is even more suggesting (and I think he is) that the nativity of the

Presidency is effectively the nativity of the Federal government, that's

certainly worth the pondering, but if still further it is argued that the

Presidential nativity is to be considered as the nativity of the USA itself,


his position would here necessarily imply that the USA is effectively a elective

monarchical state, which it has clearly never been. (George Bush's occasionally

eccentric behavior notwithstanding). The Declaration of Independence and the

Preamble to the Constitution make it clear that the USA is itself a " democratic

state " constitutionally empowering a national " republican government " , namely,

the U.S. Federal Government. At the risk of antagonizing, I see Juan's position

to be unable to refute the widely acknowledged necessity of identifying a single

moment of closure constituting " the birth moment " of the USA, within the

calendar limits of July 2nd, 1776 and September 13th, 1788: 07/021776, when the

United Colonies of North America bowed to the DAY ONE INCEPTION of the " USA " and

the 09/13/1788, which marked the day of realization of the USA as a " more

perfect union " . Having said all this, I wish to again declare sympathetically

that any argument the casts doubt on the candidacy of

July 4th deserves close respectful study, as for example does Helen Boyd's JULY

6, " 1775 " horoscope. .... My best regards to Juan


Juan Oliver wrote:The first " Inagural " chart for the(POTUS) President Of The

United States is the " natal " Chart of George Washington's Presidency. It is also

the " natal " chart of all United States Presidentcies and the " natal " chart for

the government of the United States with regard to the first time the

Legislative and Judicial branches of Government are united with the Executive.

The soul of the United States enjoys many natal charts beyound the POTUS.






JOHN B wrote:


Highly recommend a visit to the Lois Rodden website: AstroDataBank.com ..then

click on to the " Research " page, scroll down and click on " USA " . There is found

charts and miles of messages debating all the most commonly proposed horoscopes

for the USA. As well is a good reference book, with a brief discussion od the

April 30,1789 horoscope, Nicholas Campion's THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES. .....


John Ficquette wrote:

Has anyone considered that inauguration of the first president on 4/30/1789

as the birthdate of the government??









" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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