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Trop-Sid signs (reply to Antonio)

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At 04:09 PM 11/20/03 -0000, Antonio wrote:


>I have a degree in electrical/electronics engineering, but what I do

>mostly is software.



Is this programming using a keyboard? My understanding was that working

with software meant many hours a day entering code into a computer. Am I




>I have read some tropical

>astrologers saying that Aquarians have two tendencies in them: to

>keep things as they are, being conservative, which would be the

>influence of Saturn, Aquarius old ruler, and also the tendency to

>change, obviously influenced by Uranus. So we don't need the planets

>to describe me, I have both Aquarian sides!



This is according to some Tropical books, but are the books correct about

Aquarius? It will be a long time before astrologers can sort out fact from

fiction. Maybe they'll never be able to fully find the truth because the

planets add all kinds of variables.



>In any case, " quick changing moods " certainly describes me,

>also " quick changes " : while my ideas tend to be a bit fixed, they

>also can change quickly. In the last weekend of October I had a half

>an hour chat with an acquaintance of mine, and he said he started

>using the sidereal zodiac as the meanings of the planets rang more

>true for him that way. I came back to Dublin, and started exploring

>the sidereal zodiac, and the following weekend I had decided to

>switch to sidereal myself.



This seems to describe fixed signs with Uranus operating as itself in that

context, doesn't it?



>I don't understand this. Sun and Mercury are conjunct to the

>South Node, not the North Node, as you say. And what do you mean by

>esoteric mansion? Is there some house related to esotericism?



By Rahu's mansion I meant the Jyotish nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Rahu. It

runs from 6 40 to 20 degrees of Aquarius. These mansions tend to combine

with sign meanings to give each section of signs individual meanings. Each

Jyotish mansion is 13 degrees 20 minutes in length. This Rahu mansion is

often related to astrology, meaning that some astrologers will have planets

there. Astrology is only one manifestation of this Rahu mansion. There's a

lot more reserach that needs to be done on the mansions.



>Ah, but if the Gemini triad is more balanced, then as a logical

>conclusion it is not as masculine as the Aries-Leo-Sagittarius

>triad!! Isn't there a bit of a contradiction in what you say, as

>previously you said that my chart was very masculine because of the

>strong emphasis on Aquarius/Uranus?



Right now I believe that there is polarity in the zodiac, masculine and

feminine signs. The Aries triad is MORE masculine (the old Hellenistic

triplicity lords were the Sun and Jupiter) than the Gemini triad whose old

triplicity lords were Mercury and Saturn. These planets are considered

neutral by astrologers. Nevertheless (as I see it) there are fairly big

differences between alternating signs in the zodiac. These differences may

only relate to the sign the Sun is in, however.



>I am not your convert!!



(smiling) By that I meant that because of something I said or wrote, a

student or astrologer begins to think about the sidereal zodiac. Sorry to

infringe on your Uranus!



>I believe that Astrology has not yet reached the state of completion,

>just like science hasn't. It will take centuries or millennia to know

>with some precision how the heavenly bodies influence us, or perhaps

>that will never be achieved as it may be beyond mankind's ability to




This is all very true! I completely agree. I've believed for a long time

that astrology is still in its infancy as far as our understanding of it

goes. And it may be that only a person with a very high level of

consciousness (as is said of the Indian masters) will ever fully comprehend

astrology. It's a good study for people who tend to be bored with life

(that's me).



>Consequently why don't astrologers and students of Astrology

>respect each other's ideas? Some use Placidus houses, some use Koch,


>or equal houses, and the planets are placed in different houses

>according to the system used. However people don't make a fuss about

>that, so why make a fuss about the zodiac? It just makes planets fall

>into different signs, no big deal there!



It's a big deal if an astrologer uses planets as house lords and

dispositors of other planets. Otherwise it doesn't matter so much except

for the 5 to 7 degree overlap of tropical and sidereal signs. These will

tend to be interpreted in an incorrect symbolic context. Also whether the

solar return chart is precessed or non-precessed will matter a lot. You

will get two entirely different charts as a person gets older.


I believe that it's important that astrological symbolism be applied and

understood in a correct way. This is why I and others have changed from the

Tropical to the sidereal zodiac. (Most of us who are older astrologers are

converts, you know! We learned astrology in the Tropical school. I used

the Tropical system for 10 years.)



Here's a good question for list members: Has anyone out there worked ONLY

with the Sidereal zodiac, never learning something about Tropical astrology






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