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Something about jupiter

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Jupiter (Guru) known as to super benefic (Satvik) planet among all

the planets. Jupiter is significator for house no 2 (money), 5 (kids)

and 9 (dharma, father, guru and fortune) and responsible for giving

son , happy family life, wealth , money and all the basic needs for

one's survival to the native. Jupiter is the planet of

intelligence , education, dharma and Guru , he deals or represents

all these things in once chart. Position or placement of Jupiter in

chart states the ups and downs of above mentioned matters in one's

life. A strong and well placed Jupiter is not only needed for

normal family life or good money but it is important for Good

education, spirituality, devotion towards dharma, family and cultural

values , blessings of `Guru' or teacher.


Exaltion sign (known as uchha ,where a planets gives most positive

results) of the Jupiter is cancer (Karka rasi) and he is the lord of

two rasis Saggittarius (dhanu) and Pisces (meen) , Dhanu is known as

mooltrikon rasi of the Jupiter. Capricorn (maker) is the debilitated

rasi (opposite house of the exaltion rasi, where a planet gives its

weaker performance) of the Jupiter. Placement of Guru in Quadrant

(Kendra , house no 1,4,7 and 10) from the moon forms Gaj-Kesari Yoga

which gives a royal status and various luxuries to the native ,

people with this yoga will always be having extra ordinary talent and

intelligence. Placement of guru in quadrant in own or exaltion sign

forms Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga , which gives fame, royal status ,

intelligence, family peace and good communication skills to the

native. Actualy guru gives morels to the native, stronger Jupiter

will give more strong morels and value for culture and family and

weak Jupiter will cause for the weak or loose morels and family

values. Guru Aspacted by or in conjuction with Rahu makes Guru

chandal Yoga (Guru is satvik planet and rahu is demon , chandal) Here

Guru is the planet for family peace and rahu is seprative planet so

he forces the native to cut off from the normal family life, this

may also cause for the bad habits of taking regular drinks ,

involvement in relationships other the marriage, delays or break in

marriage. This is known as brahma dosha , result of your misbehavior

with any brahaman/jyotishi/teacher/cow / temple in last birth.

Retrograde or Anti Directional Jupiter may give too much mental

tensions in married life and delay in child birth.


If we observe the working of Jupiter in our life closely we will find

that it works as a filter of thoughts and sends the filtered data

(thoughts) to the soul, i.e. he is having the rights to reject or

accept the thoughts. Strong Jupiter will give more filtered thoughts

which will result more pure soul. I will give here an example ,

lets say someone is having stronger Jupiter placed in 9th house

(house for dharma, guru, higher education, journeys) and aspacting

lagna so the person must have strong values for his culture , family

and dharm , now if some one offers him to do any task which is

against the dharma or social culture , his soul will clearly reject

those thoughts and he will deny that work to do whereas the person

will weak Jupiter will agree to do that work since his morels are

loose. Native with the loose morels or impure thoughts may have bad

sexual habits which may results defocus on his motto and loss of

semen (This can be a big barrier in leaving a long aged life. We can

take examples of our maharashis and yogis who have lived long life

just by keeping controls on this i.e. bramhacharya).


How to improve strength of Jupiter ? To get the blessings of Jupiter

and to live good domestic or spiritual life we need to do the same

what a strong jupiter gives to us, i.e. We get a weaken Jupiter by

curse of brahamin or our bad habits which results impure thoughts in

our mind, Service and respect of brahamin , service of cow, Always

taking veg and satvik meal and keeping distance with liquor and non-

veg will make our soul pure and take it on the path of dharma will

surely make one's Jupiter strong. Bhagwan Vishnu is sustainer of

world and lord of Jupiter so praying him (alongwith the fasting on

Thursday) and praying to all the gurus including teacher brings

blessing of Jupiter in one's life. Other then this wearing yellow

saphire (Pukhraj) give strength to weak Jupiter.


May Jupiter gives his blessing to all and shine this world.

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