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Wearing of white cap / manoj kar

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Respected Manoj ji,


No, it is not advisable to apply the tilak, as an upaya, at both the


Yes, every body can wear a cap while going out in the sun.




Varun Trivedi









<manoj_kar7 wrote:


> Respected Varunji,Namskar again,


> Here can i ask a question that if some one like to apply the

kesar / haldi tilak in both in between the eye brow and also in naval

part at a time, is it adviceable ?


> 2ndly can every body wear the white cap,because saturn is the

pacca house of 10th ?


> regards

> manoj kar




> varun_trvd <varun_trvd wrote:

> Respected Ganesh ji,


> Haldi / kesar tilak is advised to strengthen Jupiter. The Tilak


> [ place between the eye brows ] is considered the 2nd house of the

> horoscope which is the pakka ghar of Jupiter. The same haldi /


> tilak can be applied on the navel which is considered the 4th house

> of the horoscope. Jupiter is considered as exalted in the 4th house.


> Wearing a white cap is advised, specially if some one has the Sun


> the 10th house. This is to keep the sun and the Saturn apart. Hair


> a karak of Saturn, a direct sun on hair would bring the two


> which will not be advisable if the Sun is already in the 10th [


> of saturn ]


> Wearing black underwear/panty is an alternative upaya suggested for

> Saturn. The original upaya is to put a black mark of surma on the

> anus. Since puting a kajal mark on the anus would be quite messy,


> is advised that one wears a black underwear / panty.


> Regards,


> Varun Trivedi


> , " lkganeshonline "

> <lkganeshonline@> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> > What is the significance or reasons in Lal kitab

> > of:

> > Applying a haldi tilak

> > Wearing a white cap & black undergarments.

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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