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The article Terese requested..I think???(Understanding the Capsolar Ingress)

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If anyone is familar with the Two of Pentacles tarot then you can understand how

I live my life. Anyway, I think this the article that Terese was talking about.

It was not in the Group Files. I thought I sent this privately to Chris Wing

but I guess I didn't . The two attached images in .jpeg form are the charts

that are pasted on the website (DSL modems rock!!) I have a lot of energy what

can I say.




Understanding the Capsolar Ingress




I've been pondering how to present some guidelines for utilizing the Sidereal

CapSolar Ingress charts, along with the subsidiary AriSolar, CanSolar, and

LibSolar. With any Ingress chart, be it sidereal or tropical, we are presented

with the same problem: the aspects between the planets are the same for the

entire world. This certainly does not minimize the aspects, but it does indicate

that we have to have other criteria for different locations.


The most obvious difference for different locations will be angularity of

planets, yet this doesn't answer the question entirely, either. Angularity seems

to indicate immediacy, whether in time or in emphasis, in importance. Ingress

planets angular for a particular location can point to something that will

happen soon in time; or importance, something that will be a major issue in that

location. For example, a planet in the foreground above the Ascendant will be

likely to transit the Ascendant during the course of the year. This in itself

implies importance in timing and emphasis. A planet below the Ascendant in the

Ingress will come to the Asc with the motion of the quotidian angles, and may

bring its issues to light at that time. The same holds true of all the other

angles. Astrolocality charts can help here - look at the maps.





Related to angularity are the parans, planets crossing angles together, whether

they are angular in the ingress or not. A paran list for a specific location

will often show influences acting together in potential differently than at some

other location. The quotidian angles will bring these parans into focus at

different times during the year for different locations.


Another factor which colors the chart for a place are the midpoint pictures

involving the angles: What midpoints contact the angles within one degree or

closer? And what other planets are involved in midpoint pictures that include

the angles, e.g., does Pluto = Moon/ASC or Uranus = Mars/MC? Of course, this

means setting the ingress charts for many different locations and printing list

of midpoint pictures. Yet the close aspects, regardless of where they fall in

the pattern of houses, are the keynotes of the ingress.


With the CapSolar 2000 (1/15/2000 @ 14:18:28 UT), we had a particularly strong

pattern of planets: Sun (0 Cap 00) and Mercury (29 Sag 43) were closely

conjoined, simplistically pointing to a lot of " talk " about heads of states,

about authority figures, and a lot of size: opinionated leaders. Sun and Mercury

squared Jupiter (1 Ari 25), Big Business. In the US, at least, we saw and heard

a lot about Money and Politics, from campaign finance reform talk to the " Shadow

Conventions " held at the same time the Republicans and Democrats met, though the

" Shadows " featured groups like " Billionaires for Bush or Gore: Vote for who you

want; we've already bought them. " Mars (14 Aqu 09) squared Pluto (17 Sco 11),

while it also semi-square the Sun and Mercury and Pluto sesqui-square Jupiter.

Mars/Pluto midpoint was 0 Cap 47, catching both Sun and Jupiter within a degree

and Mercury just out of that orb. So right off, we had 5 planets involved in a

difficult configuration. Anywhere the different parts of this were angular or in

the foreground, we were likely to see problems.




<Chart goes here>




Did we see any angry Pluto activity in our capital? Any criticism (Mars) of the

leadership? Or of the Office itself? Or any sort of Plutonian overthrow?

(Rhetorical questions only, folks- yeah, sure.) Then look to the Ingress Moon

for the mood of the People. Moon in Aries (13 Ari 11) conjoining Saturn (15 Ari

24), close sextile to Mars (14 Aqu 09), wide separating square to Neptune (8 Cap

59).Early in the year we saw protests in Quebec and New York, and, of course,

during the conventions a lot of protesting was going on. Moon in Aries feeling

limited by Saturn, but trying to express the ideals of Neptune.


During the course of the year, the chart can be progressed, even though not many

progressed aspects will be formed, except by the Moon. The Lunar progressions

are good timers of events, especially when it makes aspects to the ingress

angles at a particular location. The other personal planets may complete a

nearly partile aspect by progression. In the 2000 CapSolar, Mercury moved to the

exact conjunction with the Sun on 7/1. Mars progressed to the exact semi-square

to Mercury 10/4. I recall having commented on the possibility of a " dirty

election " based on the Mars progression, but how little I knew. Ingress Venus

(23 Sco 58) was closely semi-square Neptune (8 Cap 59) and widely sextile Uranus

(20 Cap 49). Venus doesn't do well in Scorpio, and I don't see a lot of freedom

for either Uranus or Neptune in Capricorn. Venus-Neptune contacts in a natal

chart have always pointed to idealizing relationships, looking for the tiny bit

of gold in a pile of crap, then the awful realization that's a lot of crap to

deal with for a small return. Neptune was in partile square to the MC for Los

Angeles, where we have had the ongoing LA Police Department scandals. Not

inappropriate for Neptune in Capricorn.


So how do we look at the CapSolar and its subsidiaries with the tools we have



First we set up a lot of ingresses for different locations, primed perhaps, by

looking at locations on AstroCartography maps where difficult planets are

angular, or where parans are formed (lines crossing). Solar Fire 5 has Solar

Maps Lite with it. SF5 also can allow us to put all 4 Solar ingresses on one

page and relocate them very quickly once each ingress is set for one location.

With SF5 we can look at a 45 degree graphic ephemeris of transits to the

CapSolar; I generally use transits from Mars out. By using the Mean Quotidian

setting for progressing the chart angles, and the Q1 rate, we can also set up a

progressed graphic that will show quotidian angles hitting ingress planets and

the progressions of the ingress Moon.


Just the other day, I realized that by printing the transit ephemeris on

transparency film (if you have an inkjet or laser printer) and the progressed on

paper, you can do an overlay and see when transits hit the quotidian angles. By

doing the transits on transparency, you can use it with progressed graphics for

different locations and still see when transits hit the ingress angles as shown

on the progressed graphic for a specific location.


In addition to simple planet transits, we can also watch transiting midpoints,

which I have often found to be important. For example, the transit UR/PL

midpoint aspecting the Ingress MC for the San Salvador Quake. I add Mars/outer

planet midpoints to Saturn on out midpoints in the Extra box under Point

Selection. With the graphic ephemerides, we can find periods which are

particularly " loaded " or active, then run quotidians to refine dates. Transiting

midpoints can be added to quotidian runs, too.


I’ve mentioned “quotidians” several times here. Some may be familiar with them,

but most astrologers aren’t. Quotidians are a method of progressing a chart

using “day for a year” Secondary Progressions; but instead of moving the

Midheaven about a degree through the course of the year, the Midheaven moves

through the entire 360 degrees of the zodiac. The Ascendant, of course, moves in

proportion to the Midheaven through the full wheel. With quotidian angles, we

have a different Midheaven and Ascendant each day. Using them with the CapSolar

Ingress, the Ingress planets and their progressed positions and the transiting

planets are brought to angles at different times of the year, depending on the



At another time I’ll explain the rationale of quotidians. For now, if you are

using Solar Fire software, you can use quotidian angles by going to Preferences;

select Edit Settings. Click on the Progs/Dirns tab. For Chart Angle Progression

Type, select Mean Quotidian; for Progression Day Type, select Bija (Q1). The

Bija or Q1 rate is based on one Sidereal Day equaling one Sidereal Year, or one

full rotation of the earth on its axis equaling one full revolution of the Earth

around the Sun.


Let's look at the 2000 CapSolar set for Jerusalem with some of these tools.


<Chart goes here>


The Sun and Mercury are in the foreground in the seventh, where the keywords are

cooperation and competition. As they are the midpoint of the Mars-Pluto square,

we can expect opinionated (Sun-Mercury), aggressive behavior where " might makes

right " (Sun-Mars); accusations, arguments, jumping to conclusions

(Mercury-Mars); a put-up or shut up attitude, disrespect for the feelings of

others, showdowns (Sun-Pluto); acting for gain and ambition (Sun-Jupiter).


Don Bradley's Solar and Lunar Returns: How They Affect You, published in 1950 by

Llewellyn, and possibly still in print, can provide a good guide for

interpretation of not only personal return charts, but also ingresses by

extension. I think the ingresses describe a general tone of attitude and

behavior in the mass consciousness that, in turn, leads to actions and events.

It may be that key individuals become the " actors " who bring that mass

consciousness into the spotlight, perhaps because their own charts are

stimulated directly by the ingress planets, or there is a " resonance " in their

personal charts, e.g., a strong Sun-Mars contact going on in progressions,

personal return charts, etc. I haven't checked this out extensively, but it

could be an interesting area for study. Ariel Sharon made his provocative visit

to the Temple Mount on 9/28/2000. The CapSolar quotidian showed these hits:

9/27, the day before, transit Pluto (15 Sco 48) squared Q1 ASC 23:45 PM

Q1 ASC semi-squared ingress Sun.

9/28 transiting Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (16 Leo 09) to Q1 DESC 5:36 AM

Q1 ASC semi-square ingr Jupiter Tr Jupiter (16 Tau 29) square

Q1 ASC 11:22 AM Q1 ASC square ingress Pluto

Q1 MC conjoined ingress Venus Q1 MC semi-square ingress Neptune


So here we have some of the key ingress planets hitting quotidian angles by hard

aspects, along with the transiting Jupiter-Pluto opposition. Bradley says this

of Jupiter-Pluto: " It is the marker of crises which make or break the native's

reputation, by forcing grave issues out into the light of day, for all to see

and judge. " With ingress Venus-Neptune emphasized at the same time, " cause "

(Venus in a Gauquelin Plus Zone) can become hypersensitized, blown out of

proportion (Neptune).

9/29 transit Neptune semi-square Q1 MC 2:30 AM transit Jupiter turned retrograde

Clashes began in Jerusalem after noon prayers.

9/30 No exact hits. This is the day TV cameras captured the death of the 12 year

old Palestinian boy in his father's arms. With transit Neptune still within a

degree or so of the semi-square to Q1 MC.

10/1 transit Mars opposite ingress Mars 6:48 AM, no comment needed here.

10/2 transit Pluto semi-square progressed ingress Mercury 0:21 AM transit Mars

sesqui-square ingress Mercury 4:04 AM transit Mars sesqui-square ingress Sun

15:13 PM Although these transits are not contacting the quotidian angles, they

are hitting planets in the foreground of the Jerusalem CapSolar, thus gaining

importance for that locale. With what had already been triggered, they would

probably have been strong even if they were in the background.

10/3 Q1 MC sesqui-square ingress Moon

Q1 ASC square ingress Venus

Q1 ASC semi-square ingress Neptune transit Neptune semi-square

Q1 ASC 18:08 PM The death toll hit 56. New violence erupted. These three planets

acting in concert are hyper-emotional. Neptune can be explosive, since it does

not always hold things back; it can be hysterical.

Skipping to 10/12 in Ramallah, not far from Jerusalem.

Q1 MC semi-square ingress Uranus transit Uranus semi-square

Q1 ASC 17:43 PM transit Saturn/Neptune midpoint conjoins Q1 ASC 17:54 PM. Here

transit Uranus = transit Saturn/Neptune, not a " comfortable " combination by any

means; Uranian drastic action fights against the restrictive traits of SA/NE.

This is the day that Palestinians lynched two Israeli soldiers and Israel

retaliated with rockets to the police headquarters.


So this is a snapshot of working with a CapSolar. Now we have tools to use that

we didn't have before, or that were not well integrated. Now that we have them,

I hope that more astrologers will use them to follow the CapSolar through the

year. The more folks who use a system and talk about it, the more we can

understand and refine its use.

Sidereally Yours,

Matthew Quellas






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