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Train disaster/Ingress charts

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At 01:28 AM 7/18/04 -0700, Steve wrote:

>As a test for this idea of Mars activating the natal Indian chart for

fires, and

>appearing on angles for ingress charts, we can look at the last worst

fire in

>India, mentioned in the same article as the current fire.


>That fire occurred on December 23, 1995 about 40 miles from the town of

Sirsa in

>northern India (29N32) (75E01). Over 400 children were killed in that blaze.


>The actual event has an exact Mars/Mercury conjunction at 22 Sag (Fagan)

This of

>course is in close quincunx to the natal Mars/Pluto/IC of the Indian chart


>occurs at 19 and 20 of Cancer.


(I have no time for this event, so am looking at the ingress charts.) The

conjunction would be exactly the same in any sidereal zodiac, and would

aspect the Indian chart angles in the same way. It's interesting that the

aspect is a quincunx, which seems to be always unfortunte.


>The ingress of the Sun into Sagittarius (Fagan) prior to the event for Delhi,

>gives 19 Sag rising, Mars at 18 Sag and Mercury at 13 Sag. Relocated to


>rising is 16 Sag. Mars is just a little over a degree off the ascendant for

>both locations.


Yes, a singleton aspect (Mars-Mercury on the ascendant). This is

descriptive, but I expect you'd find hundreds of ingress charts with the

same aspect where nothing at all happened. (This is the other side of event

research...it probably makes no sense to astrologers that a relevant

accident aspect shouldn't be there for non-events.)


>19 Sag rising aspects to the degree the Indian natal Saturn/Pluto by



I would only use an ingress chart for the locale of an event, but you have

the choice of using the Delhi chart if you prefer. It was certainly a

national disaster. But then how would you be able to tell that the event

wouldn't happen in Delhi itself? The problem with using national angles is

that you can't locate the event.


>Ingress for Sirsa gives 0 Cap and thus places Neptune by degree on the



Here we again have a critical degree rising, just at the junction of two

signs. The exact rising is 0 Cap 3 minutes. There are four more critical

placements: Venus at 29 Sag 22; Neptune at 0 Cap 25; Rahu/Ketu at 29deg 34

min Virgo/Pisces. Ketu just ready to retrograde into Aries. All aspecting

the ascendant within a degree. There was a tragic event a little while ago

(I forget the event) where Mercury on the angle was in the same

position--ready to retrograde into Aries.


The K Kumbakonam ingress had 29Gem42 rising with the Sun at 0 Cancer.

There's enough research already to suggest that we should be noting these

junction point between zodiac signs at the ingress. I expect they're like a

turn when driving a vehicle. There's always a little danger as the change

is made.


In the K ingress chart Uranus is with Neptune just under the horizon.

Uranus is at 4Cap48. India's Moon is 4Can05. This aspect would apply in

either zodiac, but it's angular in the K ingress chart.


So we haven't really learned anything here. F-A has Mars-Mercury on the

ascendant in quincunx aspect (not exact) to planets close to India's nadir.


The K ingress has several critical planets aspecting the angles and angular

ingress Uranus in opposition to India's Moon within a degree.


The ingress Moons are not much help. F-A has the Moon with Rahu squared by

Mars. The K Moon is squared by Mars-Mercury.


I think we'd learn more by looking at maybe 10 charts of serious train

accidents. Or we could look at a range of tragic accidents in India and

compare the ingress charts to the natal chart.


>One of the worst train wrecks (or the worst) to happen in Indian history

was on

>August 1, 1999. On that day, Saturn at 21 Aries, Mars at 16 Libra, Uranus

at 20

>Capricorn, and Rahu/Ketu at 18 Cancer/Cap. All points interacting with the

>Indian Saturn/Pluto and MC/IC.


I haven't been able to get a location for this one. Gaisal doesn't come up

in the ACS atlas. The spelling may be different. Different spellings are

very common in India for the same location.


Riding Indian trains is an experience!! Often there's only one track and

manual flag wavers let the on-coming trains know if the track is clear. Not

an experience to make you feel secure! And there seems to always be

construction along the tracks all the time. Putting in a second track, maybe?



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