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One example: Sidereal versus Tropical

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If statistics were done on astrologers and the way they practice it, I am sure

the results would show that less than 5%, practice sidereal astrology.I think I

am being very generous in my estimate, because practically all the books and

articles,published in the west, that deal with astrology, are based on the

tropical zodiac. I think a more approximate guess would be a 3%. In my opinion,

those of us who had dwelved into the sidereal zodiac, are characterized by

having a more analytical mind and intellect, because the moment we decided to

look for another approach, was because we already had found that the tropical

astrology offered us very little concordance between what the texts said and how

the events unfolded. It would be very stupid to change the zodiac if it shows

to work. Another thing I had observed is that once the astrologer has changed

from tropical to sidereal zodiac, he has no reverse gear and never switches back

to the tropical. Why? Because probably he starts to find more connection between

the postulates and the events. This is why I am mesmerized reading here postings

were some few members,instead of making up their minds, still try to

congratiate themselves with the tropicalists and dare to make statements such as

" both zodiacs work " ,or what is even worst, develop abstruse theories such as

that there are 2 persons inside a human being(?),or that there are 2

realities(?) so with one zodiac you can read the inner and with the other the

outer personality(?). Probably they refer to the twilight zone? Concepts like

these must make Jung and his colleages turn constantly in their graves. Since we

are members of a sidereal astrology list, I thought we all had already accepted

the sidereal zodiac as a more representative model. It is not congruent or

appropiate, to to a sidereal list to defend the alleged virtues of the

tropical zodiac. Why to do that if there are plenty of tropical lists in the

internet? It is the same as to enter into a catholic church to adore and veneer

Mahoma! An example: Blair's Chart Let's analyze the chart of Tony Blair,

succintly, under the sidereal and tropical approaches, and you will find easily

which one reflects more appropiately his life. By the way, I will put under your

consideration the hindu domification, not the Fagan's way , so you can decide

which one fits more. According to Rodden, Blair was born on May 6 1953 at 6:10

am in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was daylight time. TROPICAL CHART with placidus

domification shows he has 1)FIVE planets in his 12th house, which tropical

theory delineates as the house of self undoing and enemies, obstacles,

psychomatic and emotional difficulties,etc,etc. ( I would loved to have been

born with those 5 in my 12th if that allows me to be prime minister) 2) The

ruler of the 10th is placed in his 6th house, not a very good house. 3) The

ruler of his ascendant is placed in his 12th( read point #1) 4)Nor planet is

exalted nor placed in a good house with the exception of the moon. How the hell

can you explain his rise and success with those planetary placements? My

explanation: Because most of the astrologers had put apart reason and logic,

have no analytical mind and are characterized by the lack of discernment and

sound judgement. Unfortunately this is true. SIDEREAL CHART with hindu

domification: 1) Mars and Jupiter in the first house. This is the house related

with character, personal appearance, the way you express yourself( in an

energetic and passionate way, with fiery planets such as jupiter and mars.) Now

the bells are ringing! You start finding more correspondence.Jupiter was found

by Gauquelin to be placed frequently in the ascendant of the politicians and

generally blesses the person with many fortunate events in his life. Plus

Jupiter rules his 11th house of friends, so neccessary in politics. And last but

not least, mars rules his 7th house of allies and wars. He does not hesitate to

embark in military actions when he consider it is necessary to do it. 2)The

ruler of his 10th house now is placed in his 5th house, a very good house by

hindu standards.Ad what is better, it aspects the lord of the ascendant. 3)The

ruler of his ascendant is now venus , a good planet, placed in a good house, the

11th , so convenient for charisma.And it is enhanced now,because instead of

being in aries, venus is now in piscis where it falls favorably as it is

exalted. Would you be surprised then to know that as a youngster he was

interested in theatrical productions? Of course not. 4)The sun, altough placed

in his 12th house, is exalted in aries, so it indicates that he is a prototype

of what astrologers call arian character. Or do you still think, after his

belicist position against Iraq, that he is a calmed and reflexive taurean like

Hitler, according to tropical zodiac? 4) Mars and jupiter being placed now in

the same house and sign, obey to the same lord: venus.With the tropical chart

they belong to different signs. There are a lot of additional points I could

mention, but since this is a sidereal list, I don't think I need to convince

anybody. In the case I find that I really need to do it, than I am in the wrong

list and better should move on. Sincerely yours, Alfonso Osorio




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