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jupiter in house no 4

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Jupiter house no 4

1. offers benefic results if house number2,5,9,11,12 donot have

mercury, venus, rahu or shani in paapi capacity.

2. moon in 1st house and Saturn in 10th house = all types of

comfort of conveyance is bestowed.

3. when male planets are good i.e sun and mars ; the father of

the native is blessed with judicial or authoritative powers.

4. when moon is in house no. 2, Saturn and rahu's general

nature govern's the overall malefic/benefic effects of the native's

destiny. If their nature is nek, the native will be blessed by

business and wealth of ancestors, enjoys good reputation in society

and also holds some important government post. But in such a

scenario the health of the native is not good and he has to

generally spend about one-fourth of his income on maintaining good

health. Royal desposition blessed with wealth, servants, royal

symbols, decorated continuously.

5. house no 10 empty, Jupiter in 4th is dormant, such a native

should never let anybody see his naked body to attain good effects

of Jupiter 4.

6. with the exception of moon in 2nd house, moon in each house

is best and native doesn't has to spend a large amount on his health.

7. when moon is kayam and the native maintains it so. If mother

is alive, the education is completed despite hurdles. But if the

mother leaves the native early, the education is completed from

start to finish without any difficulty.

8. when ketu is good in the horoscope, money spend on the

education of the native or spend by him on education of others

returns with interest. If maintains good character, blessed with a

long life.

9. mercury benefic or sun in house 10, well qualified,

skilled, learned but condition of fortune is not there. Well

renowned in family and government.

10. Saturn in house no 2,9,10 good natured, famed, helpful and

charitable, royal residence and all sorts of comforts.

11. when rahu is benefic, items of moon i.e. mother, horses, etc

have benefic results.

12. when mercury is in house no and arrives in varshphal in 4th

house it will give disastrous results. If indulges in illicit

relations after the age of 34, he will destroy whole of his family.

It is good for the native that he remains a servant and not an order

give, decision maker or a master. He will be betrayed by his

judgments, decisions and his actions destroy him. Forewarning for

years 11-23, 34, 38, 55, 71, 85, 97, 119.

13. Saturn is malefic or the native converts a benefic Saturn

into malefic by his actions such as killing of snakes, falling

buildings or drinking etc. the native attains pleasure from immoral

activities, has excellent knowledge about wining and dining (non-

veg). loves nefarious reputation. His eyesight is in danger and ketu

also doesn't gives benefic results.

14. enemy planets venus, mercury, rahu or Saturn in house no.


! rahu is malefic - wealth is in danger. Items of moon give worse


!! ketu is malefic – appears like an ordinary /below average income

person even if he might be a king. Might have to leave his house to

take shelter in the woods to save himself from clamity.

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