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RE: Digest Number 732

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Hi Therese


Indeed this is the time which I got from the

news. An inhabitant told the time when the quake started.

Tomorrow I take a look at your time, which

seem to be different from your time.

Have a nice weekend,




Message: 1

Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:50:21 -0800

Therese Hamilton <eastwest

RE: Digest Number 730


At 05:54 PM 2/25/04 +0100, Anny wrote:


> Fagan earthquake Morocco figure is


> MC 15.58'Pisces Ascendant 29.13'Gemini

> Sun 10.31'Aqua Moon 1.41'Aries

> Merc. 3.33'Aqua Venus 23.45'Pisces

> Mars 18.43'Aries Jupiter 20.17'Leo

> Saturn 11.37'Gemini Uranus 8.08'Aqua

> Neptun 18.54'Capr. Pluto 27.13'Scorpio


Hi Anny,


I think there is some error in calculation here if these figures are for

the Morocco quake? The F-B ascendant should be close to the K asc at 26

Scorpio. For comparison, the figures we need are the Asc/MC/Moon for the

F-B solar ingress into Aquarius. This is to check to see which angles (F-B

or K) are closer in orb to the planets in the stress configurations.


There have been several more 5+ quakes in the world in the last two days.

So this Aquarius ingress chart, if valid, should have the angles close to

the stress configuations in the quake locales. I haven't had time to check.


I'll reply re: Japan-Kanto quake in another post.










Message: 2

Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:50:39 -0800

Therese Hamilton <eastwest

Re: Morocco Quake


At 11:59 AM 2/24/04 +0100, Pingo wrote:

>More than 560 people died according to the latest news. The toll death may





Thanks for posting the F-B figures. It looks like I'm more than a little

behind on the news! Yes, I have several days of newspapers stacked in a

pile yet to be read.


>>Now according to me Pluto is the key planet for this earthquake.


I don't believe that one planet by itself can designate an earthquake. So

far I expect to see stresses across the chart linked to the angles,

generally in the form of oppositions or quincunx aspects between planets,

usually with some close squares and maybe trines for support.


>-In the last Caplunar (17 Feb 2004 AD 19:43:27 GMT), we can see that Pluto

>conjunct IC (orb 1°57'45 " ). The quake chart shows Pluto rising as you

>already pointed out.


I see you've gone back to the standard Cap charts for this quake and not

looked at the solar Aquarius ingress? Pluto is conjunct the Caplunar

IC--O.K. And it receives the square from Jupiter which is one of the stess

patterns in the quake chart. Good enough for the time being.


I'm not into looking at the lunar charts right now (too many variations on

the plate), but I set up the K Caplunar for comparison. Uranus and the Sun

straddle the Descendant, so we have possible quake indications in both the

F-B and K chart. IC empahsis is better than Desc emphasis, however.


All three of these planets--Pluto, Uranus, Sun-are prominent in the quake

chart. Jupiter at the top of the chart (square the Asc) is actually the

main collection point for discordant energies in the quake chart, and then

Jupiter's collected energies square Pluto on the Ascendant. (I don't know

where Pluto is in relation to the actual horizon in the mundane chart.)

Jupiter receives the qcx from Neptune, the qcx from Venus-Moon (together,

the finger of God) and the trine from Mars-NNo (Rahu).


Then the quake MC receives the square from Saturn and the qcx from

Uranus-Sun, forming a closed configuration since Saturn is trine

Sun-Uranus. If I had to point to a main stress collection planet in the

Morocco quake chart, I'd choose Jupiter.


>The same Pluto was conjunct DC in the Capsolar chart.

>If we compare the transiting planets(quake chart) to the Capsolar we get

>the following:


>Transiting Sun conjunct Capsolar MC (orb 51'31.48 " )

>Transiting Uranus conjunct Capsolar MC (orb 1°03'14 " )

>Transiting Pluto conjunct Capsolar DC (orb 2°04'40 " )

>Transiting AC conjunct Capsolar Pluto (orb 1°25'56 " )


Yes...we have individual contacts here. The question is: Do these contacts

activate dormant stress patterns in the ingress chart? I believe (at this

time) that the stress patterns should focus on the Asc and MC (IC). In the

Capsolar, where is a major stress pattern in relation to these angles?


I'm not saying that the Capsolar isn't valid. I'm not looking at it in

detail yet until I've formed hypotheses about the monthly ingress charts.

One chart type at a time to avoid confused memories of which chart aspect

configurations belong to.


We're talking K pattern-configuations vs. F-B contact points, aren't we?

I'm not sure if the sidereal system puts much focus on patterns or mainly

on points (actual conjunctions to the angles). I know when I learned

astrology long ago (Tropical) there was a lot of emphasis on multi-planet

configurations and gemometry, and that's what I see in the quake charts and

K monthly ingress charts.


We're still only basically exploring concepts with nothing put together yet

in the form of hypotheses for actually trying to predict earthquakes from

ingress charts. That's the bottom line: Given a stack of ingress charts,

could we separate the pre-quake charts from other charts?


Thanks for your reply!










Message: 3

Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:52:08 -0800

Therese Hamilton <eastwest

Re: New Madrid Quakes - nearly 2,000 in 90 days!


At 09:21 AM 2/26/04 -0000, Bob wrote:

>You may want to look at your various charts for these quakes. Four of

>the five, or possibly five of six, of the largest earthquakes to

>occur in the contiguous United States since its settlement occurred

>in this region in a timespan of 53 days.


>Here is a link.




Thanks, Bob. I'll take a look as soon as the Solar Fire Manual is

here--maybe sooner if I have time. Those charts should tell us something,

especially if the same planets come to the angles for the large quakes.


I checked my chart for May of this year as you suggested. The only short

term methods besides transits I've used in the past are the lunar return

and ennead. Neither of these looked especially bad--that is without any

kind of progression. I've felt too tired lately to explore progressions. As

I've said before, I leave those to the experts for the time being. I don't

have enough interest in my own minor life details to bother for myself.











" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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