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Do we have a 'called' election?

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Hello Everyone,


I apologize to anyone who would like to see topics here other than

political ones. Well--just delete this post and read the others.


In view of the serious questioning that's going on, would anyone like to

predict what will happen between now and the projected inauguration day?

Perhaps this election isn't quite 'called' yet...?


Do house lords work in return charts?


(Ketu is the Moon's south node.)


Bush's December 7 DC lunar return has Uranus on the Aquarius Ascendant and

Sun-Pluto at the MC, Sun ruling 7th. (certainly not 'business as usual')


Bush's November 6 Ennead (goes for 40 days) has Neptune square Sun at the

MC opposed to natal Pluto-Mercury in lst; Saturn partile square Mars in the

10th foreground (using the zenith point as cusp of 10) Mars is conjunct

Ketu. Mars-Pluto conjoins Bush natal IC: IC = 1 Libra; Mars = 3 Libra; Ketu

= 7 Libra (retrograding toward Mars)


Cheney's Nov 13 Ennead has Ketu-Mars in the MC foreground, Saturn square

from 7th; Neptune (conjunct natal Sun) a few minutes from partile square to

the MC.


Cheney's Nov 20 DC lunar return has the Sun conj nadir/IC square Uranus on

the 7th cusp--also Cheney's natal 7th cusp. Natal Uranus/MC conjoins the

lunar return MC.


Some of the aspects in these charts are fairly far off into the foreground,

which would mean progressions would be necessary to move the planets to the

angles at a later date--well into the return period.


I thought I saw dramatic shifts in the Kerry/Edwards charts between the

election and late January, which I wrote about in my NCGR article. I didn't

look at Bush/Cheney at that time.


Is there a chance we'll see unprecidented reversals? What do your

techniques say? I'm just asking questions here as I'm not sophisticated in

politics and have rarely emphasized prediction in my work.



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