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> Bert Fannin wrote:

> >

> Upon which set of chart is this prediction based? I have not

> been following that legal side-show, so I do not have opinion. But

> when

> some one says " a number of charts " , my first response is which set of

> charts?


Hi Bert,


I'm looking at the natal, regular transits to natal, solar return for

birthplace(San Diego) and residence (Modesto), lunars, anlunar, regular

quarti-lunar and lunar eclipse just after birthday)---all Fagan ayanamsa

and non parallax corrected Moon for the lunars. I'm also considering

transits to Laci Peterson's chart.

I'm not looking at this as a 'contest' per se, where I might be looking

at East vs West etc. as you mentioned.


This is beginning to look more like a 3 ring jury circus, with the jury

foreman now leaving today for unexplained reasons, and therefore the

jury now has two new alternate jurors. Obviously a new foreman will have

to be elected today and the deliberation process started all over from

ground 0. It seems less likely now, with a holiday break coming up on

Thursday, that they will reach an agreement (if they reach one at all)

by my initial date of Nov 13th.


I have served myself on 4 jury panels, one civil and three criminal

cases, where I was the jury foreman in 3 of them. My experience with

this has shown me that despite instruction from the judge not to form a

conclusion until all the evidence has been weighed and discussed, most

jurors already know how they are going to vote when they first enter the

jury room--and few are going to change their minds.

In this case the jury foreman that just left was a doctor and a lawyer,

and I think many were relying on him to sort out in a logical way the

many difficulties and divisions amongst the jurors. Practically, this

doesn't look good for a unanimous verdict, but nevertheless I'll put out

a prediction for a conviction.


That being said here is my reasoning:


At the birthday, the Sun was exactly 'eclipsed' by the south node, while

tSaturn was positioning itself in square (within 5*) to the Sun. Whole

sign houses here gives Sun as ruler of the 8th and occupying the 10th

house of status and career.


The total lunar eclipse was only a few days away on the 28th, so

naturally the Sun is being pointed out strongly and in a negative way

(to my thinking). The Sun occupies the natal 12th house of prisons, so I

consider these factors as generally very negative for being set free (

i.e.an acquittal).


In the meantime, the Rx Saturn will be on it's way to stationing exactly

by degree against the natal South Node in the 8th house (next March),

while forming an exact square to the natal Uranus and within range of

square to the Asc ruler, Mars.

More factors for not being set free.


Of course a hung jury and a declared mistrial will also keep Scott in

prison, but my feeling is that there is going to be more to it than

that, i.e a conviction.


tUranus will be stationing against the natal Sun/Jupiter/Moon, while

also square the Asc/Neptune and quincunx nPluto and sesquisquare the Asc

ruler, Mars.

While some factors here seem to favor freedom, I give more weight to the

hard aspects which will produce more negative effects.


tPluto is making it's final opposition to nSaturn and will be a major

factor for bringing about an irrevocable verdict (IMO). This

Pluto/Saturn will sit on the angles of the quarti-anlunar for Nov 20,

and the quarti-lunar for Nov 13, giving a more likely timeframe for the

conviction of between Nov 13 and Nov 20. tMercury will join Pluto in

opposition to the nSaturn around the 19th, and will appear in the

regular quarti-lunar of the 19th also.


tNeptune has stationed in hard aspect to the natal IC/MC by

semi-sextile/quincunx and also sits exactly on the degree of the Solar

Return ascendant for birth place. These go a long way to undermining

one's confidence, reputation, career and health, home etc.



My original prediction for a verdict on the 13th (and this will be more

like the 13th/14th) was based on the simple transits of Mars/Ketu

conjunct the exact degree of the natal Sun in the 12th house, tMercury

square the nMC, tSun conjunct natal Mercury and tVenus conjunct natal



The most telling single chart of all for me is the quarti-lunar for

birth place that occurs on Nov 19th. The last degree of Libra rises,

with Venus/Mars/Ketu sitting in the 12th house. This places the lord of

the Asc with Mars (lord of 2 and 7) along with Ketu.

I've seen similar combinations in lunars as indicative of death or death

like circumstances at least.

tSaturn in addition is by degree square to Asc lord Venus and degree

trine the lunar Sun.

I should point out that Moon/Uranus sits exactly on the 4th cusp here

and trine to the Venus/Mars/Ketu as well--some might interpret this as a

chart for release from jail (and so it might be if this prediction


However since Saturn is squared Venus in the 12th, I'll call the Uranus

at the 4th cusp of the quarti-lunar and squared the natal Moon/Asc as

the move to a new jail house.:>))


One last word: On November 19/20, tJupiter will reach degree and minute

conjunction to Laci Peterson's natal DSC, thereby bringing a release of

this matter and justice served for poor Laci and her baby.













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At 03:38 PM 11/10/04 -0800, Steve wrote:


>I'm looking at the natal, regular transits to natal, solar return for

>birthplace(San Diego) and residence (Modesto), lunars, anlunar, regular

>quarti-lunar and lunar eclipse just after birthday)---all Fagan ayanamsa

>and non parallax corrected Moon for the lunars. I'm also considering

>transits to Laci Peterson's chart...


Steve, thanks for your very detailed analysis! I haven't looked at the

charts myself, but am saving your post to review when the Peterson affair

is finally settled.



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