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Scott Peterson data

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Scott's data: Oct 24, 1972 @ 9:36 AM PDT in San Diego, Ca.


Here is the bio from Astrodatabank:


Biography: " American accused of killing wife and son. His wife, Laci

Peterson, who was eight months pregnant at the time, vanished between

December 23 and Christmas Eve morning, 2002. Scott had reportedly been

having an affair with another woman who herself went public on January

24, 2003. Scott had also taken out a life insurance policy on his wife

prior to her disappearance. Police however could not arrest him without

hard evidence. Four months after her disappearance, Laci's body and

that of her unborn son washed up on the shore at Richmond, California.

Scott was arrested and charged with murder of his wife and child the day

the remains were identified, on April 18, 2003. Scott pleaded not

guilty and his parents stand by him.


Laci and Scott met in 1995 while both were undergraduates at California

Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, and they married on

August 9, 1997, moving back to Modesto in 1999. Shortly afterward, they

bought their own home. They had been trying to have a baby and she

finally became pregnant in the spring of 2002. Scott worked as a

fertilizer salesman.


Scott is the youngest of seven children. The six older children are

from his parents' earlier marriages, and Scott is the only child born to

his parents, Jackie and Lee, after they married each other in 1971.

Good looking and charming, he graduated from high school in 1990, a golf

star who was twice named MVP. Reports about his personality are

mixed, with some people describing him as a loner, capable of lying, and

others calling him loving and caring " .


Rodden Rating: AA

Source: BC/BR in hand Source notes: Arlene DeAngelus sent copy of birth

cert to PT








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Thanks for the data.


I see that the jury has found him guilty so hearty congratulations are in

order. Way to go! And very close to your time window as well.


I'm travelling at the moment so I'm not fully attuned to what is happening

astrologically or legally. Perhaps you or other members can fill in the



When is the sentencing phase?






" Steven Stuckey " <shastrakara


Friday, November 12, 2004 1:15 PM

Re: Scott Peterson data






> Chris,



> Scott's data: Oct 24, 1972 @ 9:36 AM PDT in San Diego, Ca.


> Here is the bio from Astrodatabank:


> Biography: " American accused of killing wife and son. His wife, Laci

> Peterson, who was eight months pregnant at the time, vanished between

> December 23 and Christmas Eve morning, 2002. Scott had reportedly been

> having an affair with another woman who herself went public on January

> 24, 2003. Scott had also taken out a life insurance policy on his wife

> prior to her disappearance. Police however could not arrest him without

> hard evidence. Four months after her disappearance, Laci's body and

> that of her unborn son washed up on the shore at Richmond, California.

> Scott was arrested and charged with murder of his wife and child the day

> the remains were identified, on April 18, 2003. Scott pleaded not

> guilty and his parents stand by him.


> Laci and Scott met in 1995 while both were undergraduates at California

> Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, and they married on

> August 9, 1997, moving back to Modesto in 1999. Shortly afterward, they

> bought their own home. They had been trying to have a baby and she

> finally became pregnant in the spring of 2002. Scott worked as a

> fertilizer salesman.


> Scott is the youngest of seven children. The six older children are

> from his parents' earlier marriages, and Scott is the only child born to

> his parents, Jackie and Lee, after they married each other in 1971.

> Good looking and charming, he graduated from high school in 1990, a golf

> star who was twice named MVP. Reports about his personality are

> mixed, with some people describing him as a loner, capable of lying, and

> others calling him loving and caring " .


> Rodden Rating: AA

> Source: BC/BR in hand Source notes: Arlene DeAngelus sent copy of birth

> cert to PT


> Categories:



> Best,


> Steve






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Christopher Kevill wrote:


> Steve,


> Thanks for the data.


> I see that the jury has found him guilty so hearty congratulations are

> in

> order. Way to go! And very close to your time window as well.


> I'm travelling at the moment so I'm not fully attuned to what is

> happening

> astrologically or legally. Perhaps you or other members can fill in

> the

> blanks.


> When is the sentencing phase?


Hi Chris,


Thanks! and happy journeying,,,,,


I think the jurors will be back in court on the 22nd where the

sentencing phase of the trial will be conducted. They will take a vote

probably just after Thanksgiving on whether Scott will receive the death

penalty or get life in prison.


My original thought was the death penalty, after looking at the charts,

and that is why I predicted the jury would vote for murder in the first

degree. However, even if the death penalty is handed out, he may spend

most or all of his life in prison on death row.











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I'm still working through the details of your correct Scott Peterson

prediction. I'm kind of surprised that no one has bothered to discuss it

further. Maybe prediction is going out of style in these parts. Given all

the political speculation on the astrology lists these days (most with

minimal astrological content), I think this prediction stands head and

shoulders above it all. Not only did you get the outcome correct (not a

huge deal, admittedly, although it's important to note that it was a

minority view amongst media commentators, plus the jury uncertainty made a

quick decision unlikely), but you were only off by one day!


I agree that his natal Sun debilitated in the 12th certainly points to

imprisonment (esp with the eclipse and the Ketu contact there now) but I

think the extra nail in that coffin is that the 12th ruler Venus is closely

aspected by Rahu. This adds an extra layer of affliction to the Sun and

that 12th house situation. And clearly, the forward Saturn square to Venus

isn't helping 12th house matters either.


Just to add my little declinational take on things, tr Saturn 20S36 was

applying to parallel natal 12th house Mercury 20S27 (depression and heavy

thoughts ie.leaden prison bars and concrete walls), tr Mars 11S21 was

parallel natal Sun 11S56. The latitudes also reveal the sudden shift in his

fortunes: tr Mars 00S36 parallel natal Uranus 00S36'04 " . And depending on

when the verdict came down on the 12th, this Mars may have been exact to

within a few minutes of orb, which would be equivalent to a few hours of

clock time.






" Steven Stuckey " <shastrakara


Saturday, November 13, 2004 2:46 PM

Re: Re: Scott Peterson data






> Christopher Kevill wrote:


> > Steve,

> >

> > Thanks for the data.

> >

> > I see that the jury has found him guilty so hearty congratulations are

> > in

> > order. Way to go! And very close to your time window as well.

> >

> > I'm travelling at the moment so I'm not fully attuned to what is

> > happening

> > astrologically or legally. Perhaps you or other members can fill in

> > the

> > blanks.

> >

> > When is the sentencing phase?


> Hi Chris,


> Thanks! and happy journeying,,,,,


> I think the jurors will be back in court on the 22nd where the

> sentencing phase of the trial will be conducted. They will take a vote

> probably just after Thanksgiving on whether Scott will receive the death

> penalty or get life in prison.


> My original thought was the death penalty, after looking at the charts,

> and that is why I predicted the jury would vote for murder in the first

> degree. However, even if the death penalty is handed out, he may spend

> most or all of his life in prison on death row.



> Best,


> Steve






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Christopher Kevill wrote:



> I'm still working through the details of your correct Scott Peterson

> prediction. I'm kind of surprised that no one has bothered to discuss

> it

> further. Maybe prediction is going out of style in these parts.


Thanks Chris,


I think the timing of putting out a prediction is a factor also. In this

case the Peterson verdict came at the same time people were focused on

election voting fraud.

The death of author Aldous Huxley for instance, went largely unnoticed,

since he died on the same day as John F Kennedy--Nov 22, 1963



> Given all

> the political speculation on the astrology lists these days (most with


> minimal astrological content), I think this prediction stands head and


> shoulders above it all. Not only did you get the outcome correct

> (not a

> huge deal, admittedly, although it's important to note that it was a

> minority view amongst media commentators, plus the jury uncertainty

> made a

> quick decision unlikely), but you were only off by one day!


I tried not to be affected by the press and pundits. Having two jurors

leave and be replaced in the first few days of deliberation looked like

a certain hung jury.

The jury of course could have come back with 1 of four decisions: hung,

acquittal, 2nd degree, or 1st degree. Special circumstances came into

play as well, making Scott eligible for the death sentence.





> I agree that his natal Sun debilitated in the 12th certainly points to


> imprisonment (esp with the eclipse and the Ketu contact there now) but

> I

> think the extra nail in that coffin is that the 12th ruler Venus is

> closely

> aspected by Rahu.


I agree about Venus here as the dispositor of the Sun, getting the

aspect of the nodes and the square of natal Saturn is a very negative

factor and reflects on the condition of the 12th house, as well as the

natal Sun.

In addition, the mutual reception between the 10th and 12 lords (Venus

and Sun) also leads one in the direction that the occupation or status

is fallen somehow or that time will be spent in isolation or obscurity.

Psychologically, the Sun occupying a Venus sign, while exchanging with

Venus also adds to his narcissism.

The natal Sun also sits on the 12th equal cusp, at the midpoint of Pluto

and the Asc.

When the once in a lifetime transit of Mars and Ketu came to the Sun,

it was also sitting on the 12th cusp and activating this midpoint (and

thereby also semi-sextile the Asc), as well as close to exact by

quincunx to the natal Moon.

Other transits of the day (the 12th) that brought the jury to it's

conclusion were the tSun/Moon to the nMercury, tMercury to the MC and

Venus to the natal Mars/Uranus.

When Scott entered the court, just before the jury delivered it's

verdict (at 1:05 PM PST), he was smiling with expectation. I think this

was the expectation of freedom, brought about by this Venus to

Mars/Uranus. The results of all transits have to be realized, even if

there are conflicting testimonies.

For instance, one may enjoy a wonderful evening out with friends, only

to have the night end in tragedy.


The Mars/Ketu to natal Sun to me equates with the death sentence.

Mars/Ketu was sitting on the Asc at the time of the attack on 9/11. That

the jury delivered the verdict at this time, implies that they will

carry forward with a recommendation for death.

At the very least, whether he gets the death sentence or not, his life

is over as he knows it.

He looks like a candidate for suicide in my opinion, with ascendant lord

Mars conjoined to Uranus and square the nodes, with Ketu occupying the

whole sign 8th house. Saturn will activate this combination next March

when it exactly stations on Ketu.




> Just to add my little declinational take on things, tr Saturn 20S36

> was

> applying to parallel natal 12th house Mercury 20S27 (depression and

> heavy

> thoughts ie.leaden prison bars and concrete walls), tr Mars 11S21 was

> parallel natal Sun 11S56. The latitudes also reveal the sudden shift

> in his

> fortunes: tr Mars 00S36 parallel natal Uranus 00S36'04 " . And

> depending on

> when the verdict came down on the 12th, this Mars may have been exact

> to

> within a few minutes of orb, which would be equivalent to a few hours

> of

> clock time.


Thanks for bringing in these extra factors, which I am usually prove to










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Predictions aren't my specialty, but I have noticed that Jupiter will be

going R across SP's Virgo planets and then, of course, direct again, and

then, over his Libra planets, and I think (have to check, not sure) R-ing

over them too, and then his asc, so there will probably be appeals and that

sort of thing. That Mark Garagos is such a so-and-so! Who knows what the

final outcome will be.


Different subject: At the risk of sounding macabre, I like to do people's

SR's for the years of death. Usually they're pretty daunting (Laci's for

example), but I did Chris Reeve's and it wasn't so bad. In fact ... SR

Jupiter and transitting Jupiter were on his Sun. Mars was also on Sun, with

a close quincunx from Uranus ... that could point to the cessation of

physical life, but the J probably shows us that it was very pleasant and

welcome. He can move around all he wants to now.


I suppose it has to do with what leads up to the death, whether it's pain

and suffering, whether it's expected or not, whether it's welcome or not. I

suspect Laci had found out what was going on and experienced the trauma of

knowing her husband was taking her life ... also of knowing, before that,

that her marriage wasn't even a little bit like what she had idealized it as




.... Bettina






Christopher Kevill [christopher.kevill]

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:21 PM


Re: Re: Scott Peterson data






I'm still working through the details of your correct Scott Peterson

prediction. I'm kind of surprised that no one has bothered to discuss it

further. Maybe prediction is going out of style in these parts. Given all

the political speculation on the astrology lists these days (most with

minimal astrological content), I think this prediction stands head and

shoulders above it all. Not only did you get the outcome correct (not a

huge deal, admittedly, although it's important to note that it was a

minority view amongst media commentators, plus the jury uncertainty made a

quick decision unlikely), but you were only off by one day!


I agree that his natal Sun debilitated in the 12th certainly points to

imprisonment (esp with the eclipse and the Ketu contact there now) but I

think the extra nail in that coffin is that the 12th ruler Venus is closely

aspected by Rahu. This adds an extra layer of affliction to the Sun and

that 12th house situation. And clearly, the forward Saturn square to Venus

isn't helping 12th house matters either.


Just to add my little declinational take on things, tr Saturn 20S36 was

applying to parallel natal 12th house Mercury 20S27 (depression and heavy

thoughts ie.leaden prison bars and concrete walls), tr Mars 11S21 was

parallel natal Sun 11S56. The latitudes also reveal the sudden shift in his

fortunes: tr Mars 00S36 parallel natal Uranus 00S36'04 " . And depending on

when the verdict came down on the 12th, this Mars may have been exact to

within a few minutes of orb, which would be equivalent to a few hours of

clock time.






" Steven Stuckey " <shastrakara


Saturday, November 13, 2004 2:46 PM

Re: Re: Scott Peterson data






> Christopher Kevill wrote:


> > Steve,

> >

> > Thanks for the data.

> >

> > I see that the jury has found him guilty so hearty congratulations are

> > in

> > order. Way to go! And very close to your time window as well.

> >

> > I'm travelling at the moment so I'm not fully attuned to what is

> > happening

> > astrologically or legally. Perhaps you or other members can fill in

> > the

> > blanks.

> >

> > When is the sentencing phase?


> Hi Chris,


> Thanks! and happy journeying,,,,,


> I think the jurors will be back in court on the 22nd where the

> sentencing phase of the trial will be conducted. They will take a vote

> probably just after Thanksgiving on whether Scott will receive the death

> penalty or get life in prison.


> My original thought was the death penalty, after looking at the charts,

> and that is why I predicted the jury would vote for murder in the first

> degree. However, even if the death penalty is handed out, he may spend

> most or all of his life in prison on death row.



> Best,


> Steve






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Ah! Now isn't that half the sense of life...knowing when not to die?





Steven Stuckey wrote:


> The death of author Aldous Huxley for instance, went largely unnoticed,

> since he died on the same day as John F Kennedy--Nov 22, 1963


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" Steven Stuckey " <shastrakara


Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:15 PM

Re: Re: Scott Peterson data






> Christopher Kevill wrote:


> >

> > I'm still working through the details of your correct Scott Peterson

> > prediction. I'm kind of surprised that no one has bothered to discuss

> > it

> > further. Maybe prediction is going out of style in these parts.


> Thanks Chris,


> I think the timing of putting out a prediction is a factor also. In this

> case the Peterson verdict came at the same time people were focused on

> election voting fraud.

> The death of author Aldous Huxley for instance, went largely unnoticed,

> since he died on the same day as John F Kennedy--Nov 22, 1963


Yeah, that's a good example of that. I wonder what configuration showed that

in Huxley's chart? What are the factors for obscure death or 'sudden loss

of social profile at death'? Karmically, I wonder if this was an indictment

of his pro-drug books. Like the many who followed in his footsteps along

the path of pharmaceutical enlightenment, he too was forgotten at that

moment when the soul leaves the body.




> > Given all

> > the political speculation on the astrology lists these days (most with

> >

> > minimal astrological content), I think this prediction stands head and

> >

> > shoulders above it all. Not only did you get the outcome correct

> > (not a

> > huge deal, admittedly, although it's important to note that it was a

> > minority view amongst media commentators, plus the jury uncertainty

> > made a

> > quick decision unlikely), but you were only off by one day!


> I tried not to be affected by the press and pundits. Having two jurors

> leave and be replaced in the first few days of deliberation looked like

> a certain hung jury.

> The jury of course could have come back with 1 of four decisions: hung,

> acquittal, 2nd degree, or 1st degree. Special circumstances came into

> play as well, making Scott eligible for the death sentence.



> >

> >

> > I agree that his natal Sun debilitated in the 12th certainly points to

> >

> > imprisonment (esp with the eclipse and the Ketu contact there now) but

> > I

> > think the extra nail in that coffin is that the 12th ruler Venus is

> > closely

> > aspected by Rahu.


> I agree about Venus here as the dispositor of the Sun, getting the

> aspect of the nodes and the square of natal Saturn is a very negative

> factor and reflects on the condition of the 12th house, as well as the

> natal Sun.

> In addition, the mutual reception between the 10th and 12 lords (Venus

> and Sun) also leads one in the direction that the occupation or status

> is fallen somehow or that time will be spent in isolation or obscurity.

> Psychologically, the Sun occupying a Venus sign, while exchanging with

> Venus also adds to his narcissism.

> The natal Sun also sits on the 12th equal cusp, at the midpoint of Pluto

> and the Asc.

> When the once in a lifetime transit of Mars and Ketu came to the Sun,

> it was also sitting on the 12th cusp and activating this midpoint (and

> thereby also semi-sextile the Asc), as well as close to exact by

> quincunx to the natal Moon.


I agree that this natal configuration was the key. I hadn't noticed the Sun

falling on the midpoint of Asc and Pluto -- definitely not a plus in this

sort of situation. But having a deb Sun on one's 12th house cusp can't be a

bowl of cherries either. Having Ketu Mars both come up on that point sealed

his fate.


> Other transits of the day (the 12th) that brought the jury to it's

> conclusion were the tSun/Moon to the nMercury, tMercury to the MC and

> Venus to the natal Mars/Uranus.

> When Scott entered the court, just before the jury delivered it's

> verdict (at 1:05 PM PST), he was smiling with expectation. I think this

> was the expectation of freedom, brought about by this Venus to

> Mars/Uranus. The results of all transits have to be realized, even if

> there are conflicting testimonies.

> For instance, one may enjoy a wonderful evening out with friends, only

> to have the night end in tragedy.


> The Mars/Ketu to natal Sun to me equates with the death sentence.

> Mars/Ketu was sitting on the Asc at the time of the attack on 9/11. That

> the jury delivered the verdict at this time, implies that they will

> carry forward with a recommendation for death.

> At the very least, whether he gets the death sentence or not, his life

> is over as he knows it.

> He looks like a candidate for suicide in my opinion, with ascendant lord

> Mars conjoined to Uranus and square the nodes, with Ketu occupying the

> whole sign 8th house. Saturn will activate this combination next March

> when it exactly stations on Ketu.


> >

> >

> > Just to add my little declinational take on things, tr Saturn 20S36

> > was

> > applying to parallel natal 12th house Mercury 20S27 (depression and

> > heavy

> > thoughts ie.leaden prison bars and concrete walls), tr Mars 11S21 was

> > parallel natal Sun 11S56. The latitudes also reveal the sudden shift

> > in his

> > fortunes: tr Mars 00S36 parallel natal Uranus 00S36'04 " . And

> > depending on

> > when the verdict came down on the 12th, this Mars may have been exact

> > to

> > within a few minutes of orb, which would be equivalent to a few hours

> > of

> > clock time.


> Thanks for bringing in these extra factors, which I am usually prove to

> overlook.


I don't think they were crucial but it's interesting to see how all these

supporting factors pitch in to define a situation further. What's neat

about Peterson's chart is the double duty tr Mars was pulling. Tr Mars

conjoined natal Sun at the same time it paralleled his Uranus by latitude

(Mars was only off precisely parallelling Uranus by two minutes or orb).

This was a unique combination of Mars' transit this time around. By

contrast, the last time tr Mars conjoined his natal Sun in Dec 2002, there

was not corresponding parallel to Uranus. This may be one reason why some

transits have more " bite " than others: they have corresponding parallel







> Best,


> Steve




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