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Moon Calc 6.0

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For those of you who are interested in the Crescent Moon program

MoonCalc 6.0 by Dr. Monzur Ahmed ,MD

Here are two URLs where the latest version of the program can be down

loaded. Read the instruction file very carefully. The Crescent Moon time

is calculated using option one.




Bert Fannin

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Bert Fannin wrote:


> For those of you who are interested in the Crescent Moon program

> MoonCalc 6.0 by Dr. Monzur Ahmed ,MD

> Here are two URLs where the latest version of the program can be down

> loaded. Read the instruction file very carefully. The Crescent Moon

> time

> is calculated using option one.

> http://www.starlight.co.uk/mooncalc

> http:..www.ummah.org/mooncalc.html


Hi Bert,


I would be interested in this software. Every since reading Fagan's work

on the exaltations, I was thinking that the crescent Moon should be an

important chart for mundane work.

I've often wondered if it would be possible to exactly calculate

something like the first nissan Moon chart, since it seems this is based

partly at least on observation (if I understand it right).


BTW, I can't get either one of the links for the software to work--they

come back with a 'no host' flag.









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Steven Stuckey wrote:




>Bert Fannin wrote:


>> For those of you who are interested in the Crescent Moon program

>>Moon calc 6.0 by Dr. Monzur Ahmed ,MD

>>Here are two URLs where the latest version of the program can be down

>>loaded. Read the instruction file very carefully. The Crescent Moon


>>is calculated using option one.





>Hi Bert,


>I would be interested in this software. Every since reading Fagan's work

>on the exaltations, I was thinking that the crescent Moon should be an

>important chart for mundane work.

>I've often wondered if it would be possible to exactly calculate

>something like the first Nissan Moon chart, since it seems this is based

>partly at least on observation (if I understand it right).


>BTW, I can't get either one of the links for the software to work--they

>come back with a 'no host' flag.









Yes I was also struck by Fagan's comments on the Exaltations and

the calender. 1 Nissan is the crescent nearest the Vernal Equinox. As

regards the Exaltations, it still puzzles me. They indeed work, in that

the planets seem more powerful in or near their degrees of exaltation,

and weakened in or near the opposite degrees. But why just that year and

in that location. If a different year and place had been chosen, the

Helical phenomena would have yielded different dates , and hence

different degrees of exaltation altogether. Just one of those standing

puzzles that I have thought about sense I became a Siderealists.


As far as the links are concerned. I do not understand at all. Those

were the URLs that were given on the program splash screen. I checked

once more on line and here is what I get:

http://www.starlight.demon.co.uk/ So you see that the fault was mine

after all. I forgot the demon after the starlight and before the co.

That is the main page and should link to the calculator download page .

If not let me know and I will send the zip file to your email address as

an attachment. Sorry for the mistake and inconvenience.


Bert : :-[

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Bert Fannin wrote


> Steve:


> Yes I was also struck by Fagan's comments on the Exaltations

> and

> the calender. 1 Nissan is the crescent nearest the Vernal Equinox. As

> regards the Exaltations, it still puzzles me. They indeed work, in

> that

> the planets seem more powerful in or near their degrees of exaltation,


> and weakened in or near the opposite degrees. But why just that year

> and

> in that location. If a different year and place had been chosen, the

> Helical phenomena would have yielded different dates , and hence

> different degrees of exaltation altogether. Just one of those standing


> puzzles that I have thought about sense I became a Siderealists.


Hi Bert,


Yes, I think the origins of the exaltations were even a mystery in

Plolemy's day. The Hindu's adopted them, with slight changes (total of

their degrees equals one of their favorite numbers (108)), but also with

no explanations as to their derivation.


They do seem to work well, although I take exception to Venus'

exaltation in Pisces--I'd prefer Aquarius.




> As far as the links are concerned. I do not understand at all.

> Those

> were the URLs that were given on the program splash screen. I checked


> once more on line and here is what I get:

> http://www.starlight.demon.co.uk/ So you see that the fault was mine

> after all. I forgot the demon after the starlight and before the co.

> That is the main page and should link to the calculator download page

> .

> If not let me know and I will send the zip file to your email address

> as

> an attachment. Sorry for the mistake and inconvenience.



No inconvenience at all, this one works, thank you, I'l check it out.









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Steven Stuckey wrote:




>Bert Fannin wrote




> <>>Yes, I think the origins of the exaltations were even a mystery in

Ptolemy's day.


They are as much so now as then. There must be something to it. The

only thing around that time in that location was the dedication of a

temple to Nabo (Mercury) I do not think that is enough to impress those

degrees of the Zodiac with some sort of affinity with the planets that

were heliacally rising and setting then.


> <>>The Hindu's adopted them, with slight changes (total of their

degrees equals one >of their favorite numbers (108)), but also with no

explanations as to their >derivation.


That is interesting. What is the significances of the number 108?

Still does not account for the timing of the year. why not -784 rather

then -785? Why not other then Babylon? Inquiring Minds what to know.


> <>>They do seem to work well, although I take exception to Venus'

> >exaltation in Pisces--I'd prefer Aquarius.


Why would Venus be more effective with abrasive Uranus rather then

soft and moist Neptune.




>No inconvenience at all, this one works, thank you, I'll check it out.


Good, I am glad that you were able to call up that page. Download

the program and try it out. It is basicly a DOS program with a clunky

menu, but once you get use to it works. To use the graph of the

first-sighting, you do need a good graphic card.


Best wishes,


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Bert Fannin wrote:




> They are as much so now as then. There must be something to it.

> The

> only thing around that time in that location was the dedication of a

> temple to Nabo (Mercury) I do not think that is enough to impress

> those

> degrees of the Zodiac with some sort of affinity with the planets that


> were heliacally rising and setting then.


Hi Bert,


Yes, I get the feeling that these degrees may antidate the temple

dedication--most likely we'll never know, unless of course someone

uncovers some long lost tablets that explain otherwise.




> > <>>The Hindu's adopted them, with slight changes (total of their

> degrees equals one >of their favorite numbers (108)), but also with

> no

> explanations as to their >derivation.


> That is interesting. What is the significances of the number

> 108?

> Still does not account for the timing of the year. why not -784 rather


> then -785? Why not other then Babylon? Inquiring Minds what to know.


There are 108 Upanishads, 108 cheif devotees or gopis of Krishna, 108

beads on a japa mala, 108 names of various Gods and Godesses such as

Hanuman, Durga and Ganesha etc.. There is probably a connection also

with their time cycles or yuga's, but I can't recall this at the moment.




> > <>>They do seem to work well, although I take exception to Venus'

> > >exaltation in Pisces--I'd prefer Aquarius.


> Why would Venus be more effective with abrasive Uranus rather

> then

> soft and moist Neptune.


Just my personal opinion from experience with persons with the Venus in

Pisces vs Aquarius. Venus in Pisces may tend to be more artistic or

creative in general, but Venus in Aquarius seems to be a better

placement for unconditional love ( a quality I'd be looking for in an

exalted Venus).




> >>

> >

> >No inconvenience at all, this one works, thank you, I'll check it

> out.


> Good, I am glad that you were able to call up that page. Download

> the program and try it out. It is basicly a DOS program with a clunky


> menu, but once you get use to it works. To use the graph of the

> first-sighting, you do need a good graphic card.


I'll check it out. I already have Starry Night software, that can be set

to any location or any year for an observational view, but I'm assuming

that this software makes an astronomical calculation of sorts for the

position of the crescent Moon.








> Best wishes,

> Bert




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Hindu exaltation degrees adding up to 108 requires that the exaltation

of Rahu & Ketu = 0 degrees...Ourubos is the snake wrapped about

the egg. The Hindu had to truncate the western exaltation degrees of

certain planets to force this result. Not exactly organic but Saturn


360 / 108 = 3.3333.





Steven Stuckey wrote:


> Hi Bert,


> Yes, I think the origins of the exaltations were even a mystery in

> Plolemy's day. The Hindu's adopted them, with slight changes (total of

> their degrees equals one of their favorite numbers (108)), but also with

> no explanations as to their derivation.


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