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What IF ... G.W. Bush

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Is President Bush's Death A Possiblity? Written by Marguerite dar Boggia

At the ISAR conference in Anaheim in October, 2000, I was surprised at the

number of astrologers who believed that the next president would pass away while

in office. This challenged my Scorpio ascendant to determine if this was a



I do believe that destiny is a result of character. That there are several

times when an individual can pass away depending on his decisions or events

effecting his life. I had ambivalent feelings in writing this article as I am

aware of the potency of a thoughtform. I seek not to bring harm to anyone. While

choices have already been made by President Bush, I believe he might still be in

a position in late 2003 to make beneficial choices that would surprise us, bring

unity to the country and prosperity for the world, although it may create

discord within his own party.


The reason astrologers believe President George W. Bush will pass away during

his present term of office, is that every president elected in a zero year at

the time of the great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in an Earth sign has passed

away while in office. Bush was born on July 6, 1946 at 7:26 AM EDT in New

Haven, Connecticut 41N18':24 " 72W55'18 " . The time is from his birth certificate

and is a Rodden rating of AA.


The first President to die was William Henry Harrison elected in 1840 when

Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in Capricorn. He died of pneumonia and bilious

pleurisy on April 4, 1841.


The second was President Abraham Lincoln who was elected in 1860 when Jupiter

and Saturn were in Virgo. Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865.


President James Garfield was elected in 1880 when Jupiter and Saturn were in

Taurus. He was assassinated on July 2, 1881 and died on Sept. 19, 1881.


President William McKinley was reelected in 1900 when Jupiter and Saturn were in

Capricorn. He was assassinated on September 6 1901 and died on September 14,



President Warren G. Harding was elected in 1920 when Jupiter and Saturn were in

Virgo. He died of ptomaine poisoning and then pneumonia on August 2, 1923.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt was reelected in 1940. He died on April 12, 1945

unexpectedly of a cerebral hemorrhage. Jupiter and Saturn were in Taurus.


President John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 when Jupiter and Saturn were in

Capricorn. He was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


President Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 when Jupiter and Saturn were in the

sign of Libra. An attempt was made on his life. He was wounded, but did not

die. Astrologers believe it was because the conjunction was in an air sign and

not an earth sign.


President George W Bush was elected in November 2000 in the year of a

Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the earth sign, Taurus.


Komilla Sutton in her article in Mountain Astrologer (issue #96) believes that

because the great conjunction occurred before his election that death in office

will not apply to this President. That is a possibility.


In order for death to be shown in a chart there should be at least six aspects.

I like to see a finger of god aspect, called a yod. It is formed when two

planets in sextile to each other inconjunct a third planet or sensitive point.

It is reminds me of the working of spiritual/cosmic laws to effect one's

destiny. Personally I don't think that six aspects are enough. Many times

death is indicated in the wife's chart and in the charts of the native's family.

When my husband died, it was my chart that showed a death.


The planets, Mars and Pluto, are usually indicative of violence, conflicts,

challenges and/or death as they are the natural rulers of the 8th house of

death/surgery/regeneration. In this chart Mars is the ruler of the Aries

Midheaven. Therefore the profession/status may be involved. The ruler of the

Ascendant always represents the native. In this case the Sun signifies

President Bush since it is the ruler of his Leo Ascendant. Mars and Pluto rule

Scorpio, which is intercepted in the 4th house. The 4th house is indicative of

endings/residence/family. It represents the end of life in horary astrology.

Uranus suggests an unexpected, sudden event however, it can also imply

progressive attitudes that could further the brotherhood of man. I find that

many times the Nodes of the Moon are involved in eventful incidents such as

death and marriage. (No pun intended) I think eclipses on the prenatal eclipses

several years before the event might also be considered.


The following are the impressive solar arc secondary progressed aspects to

planets within a one degree orb computed for an arbitrary date: September 16,



Progressed Sun conjuncts natal Mars.

Progressed Mars squares natal Sun.

Progressed Ascendant squares natal Nodes of the Moon.

Progressed Ascendant squares natal Uranus

Progressed MC conjuncts natal Uranus

Progressed MC conjuncts natal N. Node


Progressed Mars conjuncts natal Moon, the natural ruler of the 4th house.

(Progressed Mars is always in a hurry so a two degree orb is acceptable for him,

otherwise the usual orb is one degree). If he runs for reelection, this aspect

might imply a change of residence for him; or it could relate to his mother or

his family.


Natal Neptune (5:56 Libra) sextile the midpoint of the ascendant (7:07 Leo) and

progressed Saturn (3:40 Leo) both inconjunct progressed Vertex (5:06 Pisces)

forming a YOD. Transiting Neptune could activate this yod. Neptune represents

the psychic/astral/emotional element of man's nature.


Progressed Sun sesquisquares natal Midheaven.

Progressed Venus, the ruler of the 4th house conjuncts the natal 4th house

cusp exactly, hence activating it.

Progressed Jupiter ruler of the 5th house of children squares natal Saturn

(sorrow) in the 12th house.

Progressed Mars conjuncts natal Chiron.

Progressed Equatorial Ascendant (a/k/a East Point) squares the progressed


Progressed MC semi-squares progressed Saturn.


Considering the transiting planets for the Fall of 2003, we have Saturn conjunct

his natal Sun. It is stationery on Oct. 25, 2003 at 11:14 Cancer. Transiting

Pluto (17+ Sag) is closely conjunct his So. Node and the progressed IC (19

Sagittarius). It is within one degree of his progressed IC on Oct. 25, 2003.

Transiting Neptune conjuncts his Aquarius Descendant. Uranus opposes his

progressed Mercury (26:14 Leo) and conjuncts his 8th house cusp, 27:36 Aquarius,

using the Placidus houses. The transits especially of Pluto and Saturn look

impressive. These transits could relate to his health, work pressure or

responsibility and to his use of power wisely. Not necessarily does it mean



In addition on 12/4/02 there is a solar eclipse at 11:58 Sagittarius. This

inconjuncts his natal Cancer Sun. The natal Sun of President GW Bush (13:47

Cancer) is conjunct that great star Sirius.


Eclipses help to indicate the timing of an event. I have found the effect of a

solar eclipse can occur as much as two years after an eclipse. The solar

eclipse of June 10, 2002 at 19:54 Gemini is exceptionally significant because it

affects the charts of his whole family. It is on his progressed MC (19:02

Gemini), the natal N. Node and on natal Uranus all within one degree. The

transiting Sun on Sept. 12, 2003 might possibly trigger this eclipse. The

progressed Moon (17+ to 19+ Scorpio) could also trigger this aspect by its

inconjunct aspect to Gemini. I might note that natal heliocentric Uranus is at

17:53 Gemini.


The solar eclipse on May 31, 2003 at 9:19 Gemini squares the progressed Sun at

8:41 Virgo. (Transiting Mars on 8/10/2003 is on that eclipse degree in Pisces).


The lunar eclipse on November 9, 2003 at 16:15 Taurus opposes his progressed

Moon in the 4th house (17 Scorpio). It could trigger the inconjunct aspect to

his P. MC, N Node & Uranus. In August 2003 the progressed Moon will inconjunct

the progressed N. Node (16+ Gemini).


When someone passes away, the charts of the near and dear ones will reflect this

even more noticeably than in the chart of the native. Many times a Venus aspect

will be present. It usually represents inheritance. In a woman's chart the Sun

and Mars are considered to be the men in her life.


Mrs. LAURA BUSH, the wife of President George W. Bush was born on November 4,

1946 in Midland Texas, 102W05'24 " , 31N59'42 " . We have this information from

Lois M. Rodden. The time of birth is unknown


Her chart progressed to September 16, 2003 has the progressed Sun at

approximately 8:55 Capricorn inconjunct natal Saturn at 8:37 Leo. If her natal

Moon was at approximately 8+ Pisces the aspect would be a YOD. Inconjuncts

usually suggest a separation, many times by death. There is a change of

direction in the life. Saturn represents sorrow because of the loss of a loved

one. This was the aspect in my chart when my husband died. The aspect could

also possibly indicate a health problem or challenges relating to her parents.


The Lunar eclipse on May 16, 2003 at 24:55 Scorpio is on her progressed Venus at

25:57 Scorpio. An eclipse on Venus represents the beloved spouse. It also

suggests a possibility of inheritance/money/expenses.


There is a solar eclipse on May 31, 2003 at 9:19 Gemini. It activates a YOD, a

finger of god aspect involving her progressed N. Node (10:12 Gemini) inconjunct

the midpoint of progressed Mars/Sun (9:41 Capricorn) (the men in her life)

sextile natal Jupiter/Sun midpoint (9:56 Scorpio). This could very well signify

a separation from her spouse or some change in her life.


In the Fall of 2003 transiting Pluto will oppose her progressed Uranus in Gemini

(a sudden occurrence), transiting Neptune will oppose her natal Saturn (fate)

and Pluto (death) in Leo while transiting Saturn will oppose her progressed Sun

and Mars in Capricorn (the men in her life).


Now, let us study the chart of former President GEORGE BUSH Sr. progressed to

Sept. 16, 2003. When a child dies, there should be some hard aspect indicating

it in a parent's chart involving the ruler of the 5th house cusp (which happens

to be Capricorn). There is. It happens to be a finger of god aspect, a YOD,

involving Moon, Saturn, Uranus and the P. No. Node. Moon represents Mother;

Saturn represents Father as well has his son. (Saturn rules Capricorn on the

5th house cusp of children). Uranus signifies a possible unexpected catastrophe

or a change of some sort and the North Node, I believe somehow relates to the

timing of destiny which can be good or bad. It also signifies relationships in

society as a whole. Progressed North Node at 22:09 Leo sextiles the midpoint of

natal Moon/Saturn at 21:53 Libra, inconjunct natal Uranus at 21:26 Pisces.


He also has a second finger of god aspect with Progressed Pluto (death) at 13:11

Cancer sextile progressed Moon at 14 :03 Virgo inconjunct natal Vertex at 14:18

Aquarius. Transiting Saturn will be aspecting his progressed Pluto at 13 Cancer.

Transiting Saturn will also be aspecting the natal and progressed Pluto of his

wife, Barbara Bush as well!


BARBARA BUSH, the mother of President GW Bush has a finger of god aspect as

well! (All of the charts and declinations were progressed to the arbitrary date

of Sept. 16, 2003). Progressed Moon at approximately 20:17 Scorpio sextiles the

midpoint of natal Moon/Jupiter at 19:09 Capricorn both inconjunct the natal

Equatorial Descendant at 19:05 Gemini. If President Bush were to die a few

months before September 16, 2003, then she has a YOD involving the progressed

Moon sextile natal Moon, inconjunct her natal Sun at 17:36 Gemini. Wow! Talk

about finger of god aspects! That solar eclipse on June 10, 2002 at 19:54

Gemini, affects all of them! It is on her Sun (17:36 Gemini) and also the Sun of

her husband the former President at 21:22 Gemini. In addition transiting Pluto

will be aspecting their Suns by an opposition. Her progressed East Point (27:40

Aquarius) is exactly on the 8th house cusp of her son George W. How



What is also important is that her progressed MC at 1:57 Sagittarius

semi-squares her natal Moon at 16:26 Capricorn, the ruler of her 8th house of

death. The solar eclipse of 11/23/03 at 1:14 Sagittarius activates this

semi-square. It inconjuncts her natal part of Fortune at 00:11 Cancer and her

natal Venus at 29:50 Gemini. It also ALMOST EXACTLY conjuncts her natal

ascendant at 1:21 Sagittarius. An eclipse on one's ascendant is powerful! It

has a tendency to lower one's resistance, especially if one grieves.


Thanks to Lois M. Rodden we have the date of birth of the twin daughters born to

George W. and Laura Bush. Nicholas Sutherland quotes Bill Minutaglio on page

202 of First Son – George W. Bush & the Bush Family Dynasty for the birth data:

Nov. 25, 1981, Dallas TX 96W48, 32N47, close to 10 AM CST. The names of the

daughters are Barbara Pierce Bush and Jenna Welch Bush. I took the liberty of

rectifying the time to 10:04 AM. The chart progressed to Sept. 2003 shows the

progressed MC at 22:37 Scorpio. The lunar eclipse at 24:55 Scorpio on 5/16/2003

is right on the Midheaven, which represents " father " . On 11/23/03 the solar

eclipse at 1:14 Sagittarius activates a YOD involving progressed Uranus at 1:53

Sagittarius sextile progressed Mars at 00:42 Libra, both inconjunct the natal IC

at 00:50 Taurus suggesting a change connected to parent, and/or family life.

Many times an event can occur several weeks before the actual eclipse. In

addition that solar eclipse is on the natal Sun (3:18

Sag) of the daughters. The Sun signifies men in the chart of a female. The Sun

rules the 8th house of death.


Then we have the chart of GOVERNOR JEB BUSH born 2/11/53 at 8:50 PM in Midland

Texas. (Rodden rating: A) Since he is a brother of the President, we look at

the sign on the 3rd house cusp which represents a sibling. It is Scorpio ruled

by Pluto, and Pluto is involved in a YOD, a finger of god aspect! Natal Pluto

(22:02 Leo) sextiles progressed Neptune (22:46 Libra) and both inconjunct the

natal Equatorial Descendant at 21:37 Pisces.


He has another YOD with progressed Neptune at 22:46 Libra sextile natal IC at

22:56 Sagittarius, inconjunct progressed Jupiter at 21:57 Taurus. Jupiter is

co-ruler of the 3rd house of siblings and the 4th house of family. The solar

eclipse of 12/14/01 at 22:56 Sagittarus activates this YOD. It will again be

activated on 10/14/04 by the solar eclipse at 21:06 Libra. I believe it may

either propel him into power or take him out of it.


In addition his progressed Moon at 1:08 Sagittarius is in the 3rd house of

siblings and it receives that solar eclipse at 1:14 Sag on 11/23/03. The

progressed Moon squares natal Mercury at 00:14 Pisces. Again, Mercury signifies

sibling. The progressed Moon also squares the natal Vertex at 3:46 Pisces,

which suggests that in the month of October or November or even December, the

square would be partile or within a one degree orb. There is even a third YOD

involving progressed Mercury at 20:04 Pisces sextile progressed Chiron at 20:39

Capricorn, inconjunct progressed retrograde Pluto at 21:00 Leo. Mercury again

suggests sibling.


Thanks again to Lois M. Rodden, we now have the birth data of the VICE

PRESIDENT, DICK CHENEY. It is from the birth certificate and is an AA Rodden

rating. It is Jan. 30, 1941 at 7:30 PM CST in Lincoln, Nebraska, 96W40'30 " ,



In his chart progressed Venus sextiles the natal Sun. That is a most auspicious

aspect for an advancement especially since Venus rules his Midheaven

(honor/status/career). Progressed Equatorial Ascendant inconjuncts the natal

South Node in the 8th house. This could imply a change due to death as the 8th

house rules death, or it might suggest surgery or a transformation for him.


Progressed Mars conjuncts the progressed IC (home/residence) and opposes the MC.

This might denote a change of residence relating to a change of occupation (MC)

or it could mean challenges relating to his family and/or career. Progressed

Moon (home/residence) inconjuncts the natal IC. This also repeats the theme of

a change of residence and/or a family readjustment. In fact, it is repeated

again, by a YOD, another finger of god aspect formed with the natal IC (27:58

Scorpio) sextile natal Vertex (27:48 Capricorn) inconjunct the progressed Moon

(28:23 Gemini) for September 16, 2003. The solar eclipse of 11/23/03 at 1:14

Sagittarius activates this Yod!


He has a second YOD with the midpoint of natal Midheaven/Mean So. Node (1:16

Taurus) sextile natal Pluto/MC midpoint (1:00 Cancer) both inconjunct progressed

Mars (00:49 Aquarius). This could be interpreted to mean a change relating to

his office, his residence, possibly as a result of a death or even surgery

(Pluto/Mars). It could also be related to the election in November 2004.


Now, let's look at the transits for the Fall of 2003: Transiting Neptune at 11+

Aquarius conjuncts his natal Sun (10:48 Aquarius). (His Sun conjuncts the natal

Descendant of GW Bush). Transiting Pluto at 17+ Sag conjuncts his natal Mars

(17:45 Sag) in the 4th house, ruling the 8th house. Transiting Uranus (big

change) conjuncts his Pisces Descendant. Transiting Jupiter (good fortune)

conjuncts his Virgo Ascendant. Transiting Saturn squares his progressed Sun and

progressed Venus in Aries. On October 18, 2003 transiting Mars is at 2:55 Pisces

conjunct the Descendant of VP Cheney (2:55 Pisces).


The lunar eclipse of May 16, 2003 at 24:55 Scorpio is on the IC (27:58 Scorpio)

of the Vice President. It will activate his YOD involving his IC, Vertex and

the progressed Moon. To me, it suggests a change possibly of residence, a

change for his family (Moon) and his wife (Vertex). The solar eclipse of

11/23/03 at 1:14 Sagittarius again aspects his IC and activates this YOD.


The lunar eclipse of November 20, 2002 (27:39 Taurus) is right on his Midheaven.

This suggests an emphasis on his work/profession/status. The solar eclipse that

effects President Bush and his parents on June 10, 2002 at 19:54 Gemini opposes

Cheney's natal Mars (17:45 Sag) in the 4th house. This 19:54 Gemini eclipse and

the lunar eclipse of November 9, 2003 at 16:15 Taurus both activate progressed

Jupiter (17:49 Taurus) inconjunct natal Mars (17:45 Sag) in the 4th house. These

eclipses suggest good fortune (Jupiter) and a change for his family and possibly

a change of residence (4th house) by reason of a death or surgery (Mars).


On May 4, 2004 there is a lunar eclipse at 14:39 Scorpio. This eclipse will

again activate progressed Jupiter inconjunct natal Mars. Its effect could

possibly be related to the election in November 2004. It may take him out of

power and cause another change of residence.


His wife, Lynn Cheney has natal Jupiter at 16:35 Gemini and progressed Jupiter

at 21:24 Gemini. The eclipse at 19:54 Gemini will also aspect the midpoint of

her Jupiters, confirming benevolent circumstances.


The progressed declinations of Uranus (23N14), Pluto (23N17) and the MC (22N59)

all conjunct the natal declinations of Sun (22N44), MNN (23N02), Uranus (23N04),

Pluto (23N42) and are in opposition to the Vertex (23S17). The progressed

declination of Sun (08N21) conjuncts the natal declination of Mars (08N58).

The declinations are essentially indicating the aspects made by the secondary

progressions, except for the Pluto declination.


When I first noticed the Arabic parts for President George W. Bush's chart I

was astonished to find that the natal Part of Peril (7:07 Leo) was exactly on

the natal ascendant (7:07 Leo). Using the wonderful AstroDataBank program of

Mark McDonough and Lois M. Rodden, I began a research of accident charts

resulting in death (using a one and a half degree orb) and found that when the

natal Part of Peril is exactly on the natal ascendant, the progressed Part of

Peril and the progressed Ascendant at the time of Death are exactly conjunct to

the minute. This was NOT the case in this chart at all. Perhaps that is

something to be researched.


Here is what I found involving the Arabic Parts using a two degree orb and the

Placidus House system:


Progressed Part of Assassination (00:31 Aquarius) inconjuncts natal Part of

Catastrophe (29:47 Gemini);

Progressed IC (19:02 Sag) conjuncts natal Part of Death (18:00 Sag).

Progressed Equatorial Ascendant (17:03 Virgo) squares natal Part of Death.

Progressed Part of Catastrophe (8:26 Leo) conjuncts natal Ascendant (7:07 Leo).

Progressed Part of Death (18:52 Aquarius) inconjuncts progressed Ascendant

(20:36 Virgo) and natal Equatorial ascendant (20:44 Cancer), thus forming a YOD,

a finger of god aspect. If the secondary progressions were computed for July or

August, 2003 then the progressed Part of Death would be 20+ Aquarius forming an

exact yod.

Progressed Part of Assassination (00:31 Aquarius) sesquisquares progressed NN

(16:35 Gemini).


The Arabs used Arabic Parts to show sensitive points or areas in a chart. The

formula is the ascendant plus a planet, minus planet. There are hundreds of

them. The parts were used as given in Volume II of Joan McEvers & Marion D.

March's " The Only Way to Learn Astrology " .


For those who use the Koch House system, the part of Death was also impressive:

A YOD was formed with the progressed part of death (23+ Aquarius) sextile natal

Vertex (23:39 Sag) inconjunct the midpoint of natal Saturn/Equatorial Ascendant

(23:36 Cancer). The Placidus and the Koch House systems both work!


I also examined the Arabic Parts of the Presidents who were assassinated using a

degree and a half orb. This is what I found, for President JF Kennedy:


Progressed Mars on natal Part of Death

Progressed MC on natal Part of Peril

Progressed Part of Assassination opposition progressed Jupiter

Natal Part of Assassination exactly on natal Equatorial Ascendant

Progressed Part of Death on natal Part of Karma

Progressed Part of Peril inconjunct natal Venus


Please friends, don’t misunderstand me! I am not forecasting the death of

President Bush. I am only looking at aspects that merely suggest a possibility

of death/violence or a catastrophe. These aspects might also imply a complete

change of attitude (Uranus) and action taken (Mars) to bring the country into a

position whereby harmony (Venus) is expressed in the world instead of hatred and

discord. It might also represent his bid for reelection in 2004.


In October 2003, the progressed Moon in President Bush's chart will be at 18+

Scorpio, inconjunct natal Uranus, the North Node, and the progressed Midheaven

at 19:02 Gemini. The lunar eclipse on Nov. 9, 2003 at 16+ Taurus will activate

it. In November 2003 the progressed Moon will be at 19+ Scorpio. In my

opinion, in view of the many finger of god aspects in all these charts, an

unexpected event, catastrophe or a big change (Uranus) in the life of the

President is possible. The months of September, October and November of 2003

seem to indicate some turning point in his life. If GW actually does pass away

before his term expires as many believe, I think, if his choice was not to

become a candidate for president, that he could have passed away many years

later possibly when the progressed MC or the progressed Ascendant aspected his

natal Sun, since sometimes that is an ending of a cycle.


The Lords of Karma hold the destiny of our Nation. We will reap both good and

bad what we have sown in the past. By our present thoughts and actions we are

creating our future destiny.




Marguerite dar Boggia is presently serving as Membership Chairman, Corresponding

Secretary and as a member of the Board of Directors of ISAR. She was past

publisher of Kosmos and Secretary of ISAR for many years. She was a co-founder, and Secretary of UAC. She served in the capacity of Registrar at

UAC'86. She can be contacted at maitreya





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