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What is western metaphysical astrology?

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Juan Oliver wrote:

> What is western metaphysical astrology?


Hi Juan,

Okay, if you insist. I'm pretty reluctant to get into this, but I can't

refuse your question. I will gladly drop this discussion if the group

doesn't think it belongs here.


*Warning:* This is a long message, as it must be to answer Juan's

question. So if you don't want to bother reading this or don't have

time, feel free to hit your delete button. Here's a link to a book I

helped to write that will give you a quick overview of what I mean by

" western metaphysical astrology " .





Metaphysical astrology as I see it is a suggestive inquiry into the

primal principles that give rise to our experience. It's predicated on

the idea that the universe is ultimately orderly, as wonderfully

illustrated by astrological principles, and that there is divine or

intelligent purpose behind and guiding the cosmos.


The study itself includes cosmological, epistemological, and ontological

investigations into the nature of reality, drawing from primarily Greek,

but also Hindu, Buddhist, alchemical, Jungian, and other philosophical

sources. Astrological symbolism is used throughout as the guiding

structure to analyze the pre-sensible and empirical realms of knowledge

or being. I'm not doing this study on my own (as the link will show,

Anthony Damiani is the guiding spirit). I'm one of a group that has

been working on this stuff for over 30 years.


The study is western because it follows a lineage going back at least to

the ancient Greeks. These draw on the Orphic, Platonic, and Neoplatonic

writings of Plato, Proclus, Iamblichus, and others, with its culmination

in the works of Plotinus. There is a lot of astrology buried in these

writings that very few astrologers know about. Other metaphysical

teachings such as Vedanta, Samkhya, and some Buddhist schools have

compatibilities with this approach that we make use of, but the core

system is influenced by ancient Greece, and I think has an American

flavor to it in the same way that the underpinnings of our democracy

does (which is based on the Greek model).


In any event, my involvement is an attempt to help recover, piece

together, and make some sense of our western astrological heritage of

metaphysics. In a way, what our group is doing is roughly the eSoteric

equivalent of the eXoteric work that the Project Hindsight people are

doing in recovering Hellenistic astrology. While their source material

is mainly from mundane astrologers who were openly accepted as the

astrologers of their day, our material comes mainly from classical

philosophy. These writings are difficult to decipher, and were

incomprehensible to much of the general public (and still are).


The metaphysics of those days was fully developed by the Platonic

philosophers, but the astrology related to it was often only indirectly

hinted at. A few writers, such as Proclus, were very clear about

documenting the astrological connections to their philosophy, but still

it wasn't as developed as it is today. Anthony Damiani has been

instrumental in pulling all the threads together and almost

single-handedly reviving this tradition.


The systematizing of abstract philosophy into a coherent metaphysical

chart has been facilitated by astrology in two ways: through its unique

role as a science of analogy, and through its being the most

sophisticated mechanism for the study of life known to man. I mean, if

astrology can't symbolize the levels of knowledge or dimensions of

reality, what can?


In this study, we have been guided by sages of the past to help us find

our way through to a genuine philosophy of astrology. We use the

symbolism in its purest form to represent archetypal realms of existence

that are inaccessible to more conventional standards of analysis. And

while the subject matter is admittedly abstract, Damiani (as the author

of this endeavor) continuously pushed us to bring the principles all the

way down to earth and apply them in useful ways to life and to our

understanding of astrology. He encouraged us to try to see these higher

ideas in ourselves and in our charts.


Metaphysical astrology allows us to more clearly see--as the leading

quantam physicists are now beginning to realize, but astrologers have

always implicitly known--the uncanny correspondences between inner and

outer experience: namely, that a complete holographic image of the

cosmos is present within each one of us, and conversely that our

individual consciousness is written in the stars. This is why astrology

works in the first place: the planets are not outside of us, but part of

us. The universe itself is one living organism of which we are an

integral part. So naturally, any modifications in the stars will be

reflected in us.


To put it another way, the one of man and the one of the universe are

identical as homologues. The individual reflects the entire cosmos

in miniature within himself, while the cosmos in turn recapitulates

itself through the larger magnitude of his being, as Universal Man

(through the zodiacs we've been discussing, each of which plays its own

role). By imitating the order and perfection we find in the paradigm of

the universe, we begin to approach that perfection in ourselves. This

is the guiding reality of the natal chart.


Therese has written that there is no proof for what I say with only

words to show for it. But words are also ideas, and the power of ideas

should not be underestimated. I agree with her that we should not

accept anything as true without satisfactory proof. That would be blind

faith. But the standard of proof is quite different for the existence

of soul than it would be for a physical event. I can show you the

metaphysical chart and explain how it works to you, but it won't mean a

thing unless you have a direct experience of its truth for yourself. So

I know and accept that this will remain a highly speculative matter to

most people, and that's okay.


> Without advancing an " agenda " .... What is your " different approach'?


We use the tropical chart for mundane and psychosomatic experience, with

degree analysis as an example of a way to access higher levels of the

chart. The sidereal view is not really a chart for us, but a level of

pure knowledge that comes through the inerratic sphere, is mediated by

the planetary powers, and informs the chart through transits. We

consider quintile and septile aspects to be major aspects because of

their numerical significance. We haven't incorporated mundane sidereal

into our system because prediction is of secondary value in comparison

to the philosophical goals of trying to get to the truth of things and

coming to know our own souls.


> PS: What is a realist?


I'm not sure where this question is coming from. I don't believe the

world is an illusion, if that's what you're getting at. Spirit informs

matter, and both are real, but spirit is more authentic because it's

more truly who we are. For example, I don't believe I'm a person who

has a soul; I believe I'm a soul that has a body.




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Thanks for sharing your views and giving us a glimmer of your belief system... I

enjoyed what you wrote and embrace a spiritual sense of the concepts you've

eloquently expressed... Finding realism in your search will enhance your

spiritual experience. The resources for your concept sound interesting and I

look forward to learning more.


I would prefer discussing those things you wrote about which I embrace,

however... your sense of sidereal baffles me... We develop our predictive

talents in order to establish the Saturn paradigm essential for developing the

knowledge of parameters. The Neptune paradigm is essential as well however....

keeping fish within my home requires a tank to hold water....

As a siderealist, my path has found that prognostication defines where and how

the playing field for spirituality and the metaphysical world exhibits itself...

The tropical argument demonstrates flaws which become rational within the

sidereal paradigm.....


The world is not an illusion...


Yes I'm a soul that has a body... however ...

At any given time our perceptions straddle the edge of value...


Show us a chart... Lets us judge for ourselves if it is interesting, viable and

provides a " direct experience of truth " ....


You are developing a philosophical doctrine.... we hope to expand on your

efforts by educating you to the sidereal paradigm... This is why you are





Greg Kramer <grkramer wrote:


Juan Oliver wrote:

> What is western metaphysical astrology?


Hi Juan,

Okay, if you insist. I'm pretty reluctant to get into this, but I can't

refuse your question. I will gladly drop this discussion if the group

doesn't think it belongs here.


*Warning:* This is a long message, as it must be to answer Juan's

question. So if you don't want to bother reading this or don't have

time, feel free to hit your delete button. Here's a link to a book I

helped to write that will give you a quick overview of what I mean by

" western metaphysical astrology " .





Metaphysical astrology as I see it is a suggestive inquiry into the

primal principles that give rise to our experience. It's predicated on

the idea that the universe is ultimately orderly, as wonderfully

illustrated by astrological principles, and that there is divine or

intelligent purpose behind and guiding the cosmos.


The study itself includes cosmological, epistemological, and ontological

investigations into the nature of reality, drawing from primarily Greek,

but also Hindu, Buddhist, alchemical, Jungian, and other philosophical

sources. Astrological symbolism is used throughout as the guiding

structure to analyze the pre-sensible and empirical realms of knowledge

or being. I'm not doing this study on my own (as the link will show,

Anthony Damiani is the guiding spirit). I'm one of a group that has

been working on this stuff for over 30 years.


The study is western because it follows a lineage going back at least to

the ancient Greeks. These draw on the Orphic, Platonic, and Neoplatonic

writings of Plato, Proclus, Iamblichus, and others, with its culmination

in the works of Plotinus. There is a lot of astrology buried in these

writings that very few astrologers know about. Other metaphysical

teachings such as Vedanta, Samkhya, and some Buddhist schools have

compatibilities with this approach that we make use of, but the core

system is influenced by ancient Greece, and I think has an American

flavor to it in the same way that the underpinnings of our democracy

does (which is based on the Greek model).


In any event, my involvement is an attempt to help recover, piece

together, and make some sense of our western astrological heritage of

metaphysics. In a way, what our group is doing is roughly the eSoteric

equivalent of the eXoteric work that the Project Hindsight people are

doing in recovering Hellenistic astrology. While their source material

is mainly from mundane astrologers who were openly accepted as the

astrologers of their day, our material comes mainly from classical

philosophy. These writings are difficult to decipher, and were

incomprehensible to much of the general public (and still are).


The metaphysics of those days was fully developed by the Platonic

philosophers, but the astrology related to it was often only indirectly

hinted at. A few writers, such as Proclus, were very clear about

documenting the astrological connections to their philosophy, but still

it wasn't as developed as it is today. Anthony Damiani has been

instrumental in pulling all the threads together and almost

single-handedly reviving this tradition.


The systematizing of abstract philosophy into a coherent metaphysical

chart has been facilitated by astrology in two ways: through its unique

role as a science of analogy, and through its being the most

sophisticated mechanism for the study of life known to man. I mean, if

astrology can't symbolize the levels of knowledge or dimensions of

reality, what can?


In this study, we have been guided by sages of the past to help us find

our way through to a genuine philosophy of astrology. We use the

symbolism in its purest form to represent archetypal realms of existence

that are inaccessible to more conventional standards of analysis. And

while the subject matter is admittedly abstract, Damiani (as the author

of this endeavor) continuously pushed us to bring the principles all the

way down to earth and apply them in useful ways to life and to our

understanding of astrology. He encouraged us to try to see these higher

ideas in ourselves and in our charts.


Metaphysical astrology allows us to more clearly see--as the leading

quantam physicists are now beginning to realize, but astrologers have

always implicitly known--the uncanny correspondences between inner and

outer experience: namely, that a complete holographic image of the

cosmos is present within each one of us, and conversely that our

individual consciousness is written in the stars. This is why astrology

works in the first place: the planets are not outside of us, but part of

us. The universe itself is one living organism of which we are an

integral part. So naturally, any modifications in the stars will be

reflected in us.


To put it another way, the one of man and the one of the universe are

identical as homologues. The individual reflects the entire cosmos

in miniature within himself, while the cosmos in turn recapitulates

itself through the larger magnitude of his being, as Universal Man

(through the zodiacs we've been discussing, each of which plays its own

role). By imitating the order and perfection we find in the paradigm of

the universe, we begin to approach that perfection in ourselves. This

is the guiding reality of the natal chart.


Therese has written that there is no proof for what I say with only

words to show for it. But words are also ideas, and the power of ideas

should not be underestimated. I agree with her that we should not

accept anything as true without satisfactory proof. That would be blind

faith. But the standard of proof is quite different for the existence

of soul than it would be for a physical event. I can show you the

metaphysical chart and explain how it works to you, but it won't mean a

thing unless you have a direct experience of its truth for yourself. So

I know and accept that this will remain a highly speculative matter to

most people, and that's okay.


> Without advancing an " agenda " .... What is your " different approach'?


We use the tropical chart for mundane and psychosomatic experience, with

degree analysis as an example of a way to access higher levels of the

chart. The sidereal view is not really a chart for us, but a level of

pure knowledge that comes through the inerratic sphere, is mediated by

the planetary powers, and informs the chart through transits. We

consider quintile and septile aspects to be major aspects because of

their numerical significance. We haven't incorporated mundane sidereal

into our system because prediction is of secondary value in comparison

to the philosophical goals of trying to get to the truth of things and

coming to know our own souls.


> PS: What is a realist?


I'm not sure where this question is coming from. I don't believe the

world is an illusion, if that's what you're getting at. Spirit informs

matter, and both are real, but spirit is more authentic because it's

more truly who we are. For example, I don't believe I'm a person who

has a soul; I believe I'm a soul that has a body.







" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Ah yes, the intellectual solace of the winter sidereal...

Then comes the first day of spring and the flowering of the tropical zodiac.

Doctor Ashenbach has moved from Germany to Venice.





Juan Oliver wrote:


> As a siderealist, my path has found that prognostication defines where and how

the playing field for spirituality and the metaphysical world exhibits itself...

The tropical argument demonstrates flaws which become rational within the

sidereal paradigm.....


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nay the winter sidereal but fruit from the flower of spring.

Always looking but never touching......

are the Greeks his undoing?







, Dark Star <pansophia@e...>



> Ah yes, the intellectual solace of the winter sidereal...

> Then comes the first day of spring and the flowering of the

tropical zodiac.

> Doctor Ashenbach has moved from Germany to Venice.


> Dark*Star

> ________________________________


> Juan Oliver wrote:


> > As a siderealist, my path has found that prognostication defines

where and how the playing field for spirituality and the metaphysical

world exhibits itself... The tropical argument demonstrates flaws

which become rational within the sidereal paradigm.....

> >

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....only Tadzio knows for sure.



jivio wrote:


> D*S....


> nay the winter sidereal but fruit from the flower of spring.

> Always looking but never touching......

> are the Greeks his undoing?


> Jivio


> , Dark Star <pansophia@e...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Ah yes, the intellectual solace of the winter sidereal...

> > Then comes the first day of spring and the flowering of the

> tropical zodiac.

> > Doctor Ashenbach has moved from Germany to Venice.

> >

> > Dark*Star

> > ________________________________

> >

> > Juan Oliver wrote:

> >

> > > As a siderealist, my path has found that prognostication defines

> where and how the playing field for spirituality and the metaphysical

> world exhibits itself... The tropical argument demonstrates flaws

> which become rational within the sidereal paradigm.....

> > >



> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

> Un: -

> List owner: -owner


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Ah yes, the little boy... and I thought all along he was oblivious....

Thats what I get for reading cliff notes....


, Dark Star <pansophia@e...>



> ...only Tadzio knows for sure.

> ________________________________


> jivio wrote:


> > D*S....

> >

> > nay the winter sidereal but fruit from the flower of spring.

> > Always looking but never touching......

> > are the Greeks his undoing?

> >

> > Jivio

> >

> > , Dark Star


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Ah yes, the intellectual solace of the winter sidereal...

> > > Then comes the first day of spring and the flowering of the

> > tropical zodiac.

> > > Doctor Ashenbach has moved from Germany to Venice.

> > >

> > > Dark*Star

> > > ________________________________

> > >

> > > Juan Oliver wrote:

> > >

> > > > As a siderealist, my path has found that prognostication


> > where and how the playing field for spirituality and the


> > world exhibits itself... The tropical argument demonstrates flaws

> > which become rational within the sidereal paradigm.....

> > > >

> >

> >

> > " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -


> >

> > Post message:

> > Subscribe: -

> > Un: -

> > List owner: -owner

> >

> > Shortcut URL to this page:

> > /

> >

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