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, " cynthianovak "

<cynthianovak@s...> wrote:

> BTW I do know that in classic Vedic texts they never want Venus

> strong in the 7th. I can understand the relevance of that in a

> different culture, but don't see it a problem here.


Dear Cynthia,


First, congratulations. :)


Second, the point you are referring to is what I believe they

call " karaka bhava nasha " whereby if the significator planet goes to

the significator house, that signification is denied. This is only

true when it comes to people. For example, Jupiter rules children in

Vedic Astrology. If he resides natally in the 5th house, children

are often denied. Same with Venus, Venus naturally ruling marriage

in the 7th house denies marriage. I know I'm speaking in isolation

of offsetting factors.


So, in my view, this only has partial relevance in terms of the

natal chart and is irrelevant when setting a muhurtha.



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At 11:40 AM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


>You already know that after 9 1/2 years together and 7 1/2 living together

>DL and I are getting married...





For a couple to have been 'married' as long as the two of you have been,

I'd look mainly at the 9th and Jupiter for the strength and endurance of

the legal contract. In this respect the 9th lord, Venus and Mercury are

strong enough--though the trine of Jupiter is always better than the



The nodes are out of the way in another sign. I wouldn't worry about them

except that Ketu is near the 2nd house cusp. Might affect finances down the

road. You need the dasas, of course.


True, transiting Rahu will retrograde over all the planets in 7th. I'd have

to look at the dasas and other transits to get a handle on that.



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Thank you Ron,


It did not make sense to see a strong Venus as a bad omen in a marriage


Glad to hear from an expert.


BTW, I was always told that if you meet during a Rahu MD or Bhukti for

either person the relationship will not last. We met under Jupiter Rahu for

him, We will marry under my Jupiter Rahu. I guess We will test that rule



Appreciate the congrats!


smilig a lot


rd_grimes [rongrimes]

Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:27 PM

Re: wedding chart




, " cynthianovak "

<cynthianovak@s...> wrote:

> BTW I do know that in classic Vedic texts they never want Venus

> strong in the 7th. I can understand the relevance of that in a

> different culture, but don't see it a problem here.


Dear Cynthia,


First, congratulations. :)


Second, the point you are referring to is what I believe they

call " karaka bhava nasha " whereby if the significator planet goes to

the significator house, that signification is denied. This is only

true when it comes to people. For example, Jupiter rules children in

Vedic Astrology. If he resides natally in the 5th house, children

are often denied. Same with Venus, Venus naturally ruling marriage

in the 7th house denies marriage. I know I'm speaking in isolation

of offsetting factors.


So, in my view, this only has partial relevance in terms of the

natal chart and is irrelevant when setting a muhurtha.









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At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


>Why is the trine better than the opposition of Jupiter? When I was a

>western leaning astrologer I was told that, but in my own life the Jupiter

>opp has brought me more than the trine...



Cynthia, in your case Venus is in Pisces, so Jupiter would be fully

aspecting its own sign when opposing Venus. I've seen this work often,

which is why the western doctrine of planets in detriment (the sign

opposite to its domicile) doesn't seem to work in the sidereal. What was

the running dasa/bhukti when you received your engagement ring?


I know in Jyotish the trine is supposed to be a 100 percent aspect for

Jupiter, but there's something potent about a planet opposing another

planet in its domicile sign.


I don't know if it's also significant that Jupiter is trine the ascendant

when it's opposing Venus. Also, as you mentioned, natal Jupiter opposes

natal Moon, and when Jupiter is opposite Venus, it's also trine the Moon

(by sign).


However Jupiter is a malefic for Capricorn rising. But if we consider Venus

as the 'ascendant,' then Jupiter is a yogakaraka (planet of prosperity).


Did you trace any events in your life when Jupiter was trine Venus? From

the 11th did it bring financial benefits? What happens when Jupiter is on

the 7th cusp?



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At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


>Thank you Ron,


>BTW, I was always told that if you meet during a Rahu MD or Bhukti for

>either person the relationship will not last. We met under Jupiter Rahu for

>him, We will marry under my Jupiter Rahu. I guess We will test that rule




Cynthia's chart: 23 Capricorn rising, Rahu 5 Sag, Jupiter 1 Cancer 29.


Rony, why is Cynthia getting married under Jupiter/Rahu?



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Dear Therese


Thank you for looking at this. I am always fascinated when things are

differnt than the rules. I will confess that Rahu transits are not my

favorite. I am trying to keep my head <smiles>


He gave me the ring Christmas Eve about 9:10pm CST Arlington TX


I was running: Jupiter Mars Moon.


lots of planets on my MC Mars is lord of my 11th and had always baffled me

tropically: He's been a money planet for me for years, it just didn't show

up in the Tropical system.


He bought the ring on the 21st, a Tuesday (there's my Mars again) It's the

first time I ever had anything with diamonds and I'm still a little self

conscious wearing it. It is very tasteful but boy does it sparkle. He went

last week and bought the band: more channel set diamonds.


Vedic wise: Mars is lord of 4 and 11 and sits in the 5th with Mercury

making a raj yoga.

That helps when I put my foot in my mouth. <great grins>





Therese Hamilton [eastwest]

Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:02 PM

RE: wedding chart



At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


>Why is the trine better than the opposition of Jupiter? When I was a

>western leaning astrologer I was told that, but in my own life the


>opp has brought me more than the trine...



Cynthia, in your case Venus is in Pisces, so Jupiter would be fully

aspecting its own sign when opposing Venus. I've seen this work often,

which is why the western doctrine of planets in detriment (the sign

opposite to its domicile) doesn't seem to work in the sidereal. What was

the running dasa/bhukti when you received your engagement ring?


I know in Jyotish the trine is supposed to be a 100 percent aspect for

Jupiter, but there's something potent about a planet opposing another

planet in its domicile sign.


I don't know if it's also significant that Jupiter is trine the ascendant

when it's opposing Venus. Also, as you mentioned, natal Jupiter opposes

natal Moon, and when Jupiter is opposite Venus, it's also trine the Moon

(by sign).


However Jupiter is a malefic for Capricorn rising. But if we consider


as the 'ascendant,' then Jupiter is a yogakaraka (planet of prosperity).


Did you trace any events in your life when Jupiter was trine Venus? From

the 11th did it bring financial benefits? What happens when Jupiter is on

the 7th cusp?







" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Dear Therese


Perhaps I can shed light onto that. We went through a period of several

years when DL's daughter was really jealous and angry with me. Fortunately

I kept being polite and she got older. She just turned 17 and is very happy

with me and with this marriage.


My hunch: Jupiter has been a dasha all about relationships for me. Good

relationships that is. Each one got better. I suspect that this is the

culmination of that and preparation for my SAturn MD.


I've been really ready, events don't always fall into place. Pluto has

often tossed me into situations that were better than what I had imagined

they could be. I've learned to go without resistance.


I know, that' s that psychology stuff....it should be in the chart! Doesn't

Jupiter to Venus yogo karaka and atma karaka help?


just musing.


Therese Hamilton [eastwest]

Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:07 PM

Re: wedding chart



At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


>Thank you Ron,


>BTW, I was always told that if you meet during a Rahu MD or Bhukti for

>either person the relationship will not last. We met under Jupiter Rahu


>him, We will marry under my Jupiter Rahu. I guess We will test that rule




Cynthia's chart: 23 Capricorn rising, Rahu 5 Sag, Jupiter 1 Cancer 29.


Rony, why is Cynthia getting married under Jupiter/Rahu?






" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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, Therese Hamilton

<eastwest@s...> wrote:

> At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:


> Cynthia's chart: 23 Capricorn rising, Rahu 5 Sag, Jupiter 1 Cancer



> Rony, why is Cynthia getting married under Jupiter/Rahu?


This is not surprising to me in reality because of the following:


One of VKC's principles that I have oftentimes found reliable is

that aspects/conjunctions occur within the decade corresponding to

the orb of separation. In other words, in this case, Rahu trines

Venus within approx 4 1/2 degrees, meaning this trigger would fire

in her 40's. A Rahu from the 12th to Venus on the cusp of the 4th

does not seem strange to me in activating marriage.


In navamsha, both Jupiter and Rahu are exalted, and Jupiter is in

the ascendant.


Then, to top it off, transit Rahu is shortly conjoining natal Venus,

placing a dual Rahu influence on the marriage planet.


Interestingly enough, the north node enters the 1st conjoining the

ascendant by way of her Solar Arc chart, indicating major changes.


So, natally, divisionally, transit-wise, and solar arc wise, it

seems to click.


Btw, I have Cap 21d 46' for Cynthia. For some reason I had her chart

in my files with a 2:09 time.



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cynthianovak wrote:




> My concern is the nodes. Will the nodes reflect the power of Jupiter

> / Moon

> and Venus or will it spoil them in your experience? BTW I do know

> that in

> classic Vedic texts they never want Venus strong in the 7th. I can

> understand the relevance of that in a different culture, but don't see

> it a

> problem here. If you can explain why it would be here I'll listen.

> Just

> haven't seen it with clients.



Hi Cynthia,


Congratulations as well on your engagement and upcoming marriage! May

your years be blessed with conjugal happiness!


I have set a successful electional chart with Venus in the 7th in Pisces

along with Mercury and Jupiter for a couple who are still very happily

married after 6 years and now have a beautiful daughter.

To try and observe all the rules of Muhurtha can be crazy making.

Usually by using strict rules, there may be only 2 or 3 times a year

that qualify. There will always be something wrong with an electional

chart and often there are very practical considerations that one has to

adjust for to accommodate for time and circumstances.


One thing I *don't* do is try to make a marriage muhurtha fit all

aspects of life, i.e. wealth, career, children etc. I focus mainly on

the 7th house and it's lord, karaka Venus, Moon and ascendant lord.


I'm not at all concerned with Rahu in your marriage chart, since it

falls easily in the 8th bhava. My main concern would be for Venus near

the 7th cusp in full combustion by 12th lord Sun. The Sun will be

setting at marriage time as the Moon rises, a nice (and very romantic)

touch for a ceremony outdoors.

Besides the astrological import of Venus free from combustion, it would

be nice as an esthetic touch to see Venus setting as well.


I agree that an absolute stellar electional chart (whatever that is)

will never make up for the power of compatible individuals and it seems

you have already proven this to your satisfaction by your long

association with your partner.


Your yearly chart has an exact Moon/Jupiter opposition sitting about 2

degrees off the Asc/Desc for Dallas. I consider this a powerful

combination for the marriage taking place this year.


Jupiter's station is also adding a powerful aspect for the

marriage--station is close opposition to your natal Venus and

trine/sextile your Asc/Desc. On your marriage date, Jupiter here is

exact to the Asc/Desc axis--but I'm sure you already know that :>))


Your Dasa/Bhukti running is Saturn/Venus/Venus as of 2/27/2005--this

system based on my own research and revelation into dasa and has it's

origins in an ancient system, but with a slight twist. Will put this out

in a book at some point, so forgive me if I'm being a bit circumspect at

the moment.



Best wishes,








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-Dear Rony

This makes sense to me. And I've said to myself that my

chart " promised " me a happy relationship and marriage during

Jupiter. It's about time it came through.


WIthin a week of meeting him, I " knew " that we would marry. Too bad

he didn't <smiles>


This helps me with Rahu. I've been fearful of Rahu because my Rahu

MD was a whild roller coaster ride. Old logbags himself helped me

understand that it is my 12th house inner peace that Rahu disturbs.


That is so true! 7 1/2 years ago a wise woman told me this statement

that literally transformed my perceptions and my life.


here it is: " You are just one thought away from good mental health

at any time. "


Simple but liberating for my Rahu in the 12th.


BTW my Rahu is in Mula and that is doubly disturbed.


The notion in Vedic that Rahu comes of age around age 42 really fit

as well: That's the age when I was given this doorward out of

compulsive thinking aka self-induced mental abuse <great grins>


I find that I can still go there, but am aware that I'm doing it to

myself. That makes me much easier to live with <more grins>


Now at 49 I swear I feel the liberation of Ketu. He is a Ketu

Jupiter in the 12th. He is 50 this year and I kid you not, his

tolerance grew dramatically in the past 2 years. Those old guys who

calculated the planets ages really knew something.


Thanks all







-- In , " rd_grimes "

<rongrimes@c...> wrote:


> , Therese Hamilton

> <eastwest@s...> wrote:

> > At 07:58 PM 1/13/05 -0600, Cynthia wrote:

> >

> > Cynthia's chart: 23 Capricorn rising, Rahu 5 Sag, Jupiter 1


> 29.

> >

> > Rony, why is Cynthia getting married under Jupiter/Rahu?


> This is not surprising to me in reality because of the following:


> One of VKC's principles that I have oftentimes found reliable is

> that aspects/conjunctions occur within the decade corresponding to

> the orb of separation. In other words, in this case, Rahu trines

> Venus within approx 4 1/2 degrees, meaning this trigger would fire

> in her 40's. A Rahu from the 12th to Venus on the cusp of the 4th

> does not seem strange to me in activating marriage.


> In navamsha, both Jupiter and Rahu are exalted, and Jupiter is in

> the ascendant.


> Then, to top it off, transit Rahu is shortly conjoining natal


> placing a dual Rahu influence on the marriage planet.


> Interestingly enough, the north node enters the 1st conjoining the

> ascendant by way of her Solar Arc chart, indicating major changes.


> So, natally, divisionally, transit-wise, and solar arc wise, it

> seems to click.


> Btw, I have Cap 21d 46' for Cynthia. For some reason I had her


> in my files with a 2:09 time.


> Rony

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Dear Steven

Thank you so much for this....to all I feel so indulged with all of

this rich information. I'm printing it all




> Hi Cynthia,


> Congratulations as well on your engagement and upcoming marriage!


> your years be blessed with conjugal happiness!


> I have set a successful electional chart with Venus in the 7th in


> along with Mercury and Jupiter for a couple who are still very


> married after 6 years and now have a beautiful daughter.

> To try and observe all the rules of Muhurtha can be crazy making.

> Usually by using strict rules, there may be only 2 or 3 times a year

> that qualify. There will always be something wrong with an


> chart and often there are very practical considerations that one

has to

> adjust for to accommodate for time and circumstances.


> One thing I *don't* do is try to make a marriage muhurtha fit all

> aspects of life, i.e. wealth, career, children etc. I focus mainly


> the 7th house and it's lord, karaka Venus, Moon and ascendant lord.


> I'm not at all concerned with Rahu in your marriage chart, since it

> falls easily in the 8th bhava. My main concern would be for Venus


> the 7th cusp in full combustion by 12th lord Sun. The Sun will be

> setting at marriage time as the Moon rises, a nice (and very


> touch for a ceremony outdoors.

> Besides the astrological import of Venus free from combustion, it


> be nice as an esthetic touch to see Venus setting as well.


> I agree that an absolute stellar electional chart (whatever that is)

> will never make up for the power of compatible individuals and it


> you have already proven this to your satisfaction by your long

> association with your partner.


> Your yearly chart has an exact Moon/Jupiter opposition sitting

about 2

> degrees off the Asc/Desc for Dallas. I consider this a powerful

> combination for the marriage taking place this year.


> Jupiter's station is also adding a powerful aspect for the

> marriage--station is close opposition to your natal Venus and

> trine/sextile your Asc/Desc. On your marriage date, Jupiter here is

> exact to the Asc/Desc axis--but I'm sure you already know that :>))


> Your Dasa/Bhukti running is Saturn/Venus/Venus as of 2/27/2005--this

> system based on my own research and revelation into dasa and has


> origins in an ancient system, but with a slight twist. Will put

this out

> in a book at some point, so forgive me if I'm being a bit

circumspect at

> the moment.



DearSteve I like that! Made it through the dreaded Jupiter Rahu

while taking a nap! I would be interested in reading you book on

this ASAP. Wishing you the best and thank you for your generosity










> Best wishes,


> Steve






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Cynthia, Steve


>My main concern would be for Venus near the 7th cusp in full combustion

by 12th lord Sun. <


The combustion of Venus would enliven the inner qualities of Venus and

should be OK given the age and maturity of the couple involved. The Sun

would be a functional malefic by 12H lordship but Venus is quite powerful

so the effect of this Sun would be less.


I would go for a time around 6.20pm when Pisces navamsha rises.This would

give exalted D9 ascendent lord Ju and put Ve in 8H of D9 in own

navamsha,Libra . This is the house of the " marriage tie " and " family of

spouse " .


Also the D9 ascendent will be on the Descendent of the muhurta chart

conjunct muhurta part of fortune.


Now if you wanted to be really choosy and precise , in addition to Pisces

navamsha, you could take advantage of the auspicious and benefic Saumya

shashtiamsa (D60) which rises between 6.19.30 pm and 6.21.45 pm for the

critical part of the ceremony.


Some points to ponder.




Ron Day

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-Dear Ron

Thank you for this. If we aim for 6, 6:20 might be a reality.


It will be intersting to see just when it comes together.


A client gave me the name a one of her friends who does weddings! i

mean she is licensed to do the ceremony. The gods are already



I appreciate the insight into the chart. I just couldn't resist

exalted Venus and Mars.

still smiling








-- In , Ron Day <ron@w...> wrote:

> Cynthia, Steve


> >My main concern would be for Venus near the 7th cusp in full


> by 12th lord Sun. <


> The combustion of Venus would enliven the inner qualities of Venus


> should be OK given the age and maturity of the couple involved. The


> would be a functional malefic by 12H lordship but Venus is quite


> so the effect of this Sun would be less.


> I would go for a time around 6.20pm when Pisces navamsha rises.This


> give exalted D9 ascendent lord Ju and put Ve in 8H of D9 in own

> navamsha,Libra . This is the house of the " marriage tie "

and " family of

> spouse " .


> Also the D9 ascendent will be on the Descendent of the muhurta


> conjunct muhurta part of fortune.


> Now if you wanted to be really choosy and precise , in addition to


> navamsha, you could take advantage of the auspicious and benefic


> shashtiamsa (D60) which rises between 6.19.30 pm and 6.21.45 pm for


> critical part of the ceremony.


> Some points to ponder.



> Regards

> Ron Day

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