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St Augustin and Pope Benoît XVI

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Patrice, few of us can read French! Do you have an English translation?




At 08:05 PM 4/20/05 -0000, Patrice wrote:


>Hi everybody,


>I have made the Pope Benoît XVI's chart and we can see that the

>Prophecy of St-Malachie are going to take place actually.


>In fact, Pope Benoît XVI would be " De Gloria Oliviae " (111th Pope of

>the List...).


>You can see more about that study with these links:








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Hi Therese,


There is the traductions of my messages:


Traduction of fisrt message with systran-voilà:>


> >ratzinger-le-pape-benoit-xvi-16-serait-bien-la-gloire-de-lolivier



The Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benoit XVI, would be well the Glory

of Olivier

By Patrice Bouriche, Tuesday April 19, 2005 to 22:30 :: World

Astrology :: #33 :: rss


The successor of Jean-Paul II, the pope Benoit XVI, was born on

April 16, 1927 in Marktl amndt Inn in Germany. According to the

prophecy of Saint-Malachie, the Ratzinger Cardinal would be the

111ème Pape with for currency " De Gloria Oliviae " . If one is delayed

on his course and his aspirations, one realizes that this one

dedicates a particular worship for the saint of Olivier.

This native of the constellation of the Ram was born during the

quasi full Moon as a Virgin. This configuration indicates the

continuity of the work of its predecessor, the Pope Jean-Paul II who

dedicated a true worship for the Virgin.


It is in November 1981 that Jean-Paul II calls it with the head of

the Congregation for the doctrines of the faith, then renews its

mandate to him every five years. This large faithful of the catholic

dogmas is famous for its preserving sights on many social topics.

The appointment of a German Pope thwarts all the forecasts which,

while being based on prophecies of St-Malachie, had imagined for

several years that the successor of Jean-Paul II would be Jewish by

analogy with the 111ème papal currency " Of the Glory of Olivier " .


However, it was to know little about the history of the Christian

religion and one of the characters who built the catholic worship

around the symbol of Olivier, in fact Berber Saint Augustin.


Saint-Augustin (Aurelius Augustinus) was born from a pagan Berber

father of the name of Patricius to Thagaste on November 13 354

(which is actually year 349 knowing that Denys the Small one would

have shifted year 0 of -5 years) in current Algérie. Saint-Augustin

is one of the 33 Doctorss of the Church catholic. This philosopher

and Christian theologist are one of the principal fathers of the

Latin Church and are characterized by a particular symbol, Olivier.


Indeed, it is in old Thagaste (Souk-Ahras current which means in

Kabyle, the market of the lion) in Algeria, its birthplace, located

at 100 km in the south-east of Annaba (the ex-Hippone where he was a

bishop and where it died in year 430) that the followers of the

Doctrines of the Berber Saint come from the whole world to collect

themselves at secular Olivier located on a hill dominating the

ancient city now disappeared, with the foot of which the saint

meditated (at dawn and the twilight).


Which is thus the bond between the new Pope Benoit XVI and Saint-



Quite simply because the Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is faithful

currency of Saint-Augustin. It is in addition him, which it November

13, 2004, organized a solemn gathering in memory of the Saint of

Olivier to celebrate the 1 650ème year of its birth. He summarized

the Augustine thought by this sentence: " Christianity is not a

moralism, but rather a gift of the love of God " .


In addition, the new Pope, Benoit XVI, were ordered priest on June

29, 1949, with for a first Thesis of bearing Doctorate on " the

people and the house of God in the doctrines connected with the

church of Saint-Augustin " . All things considered, Benoit XVI fact

the glory of St-Augustin!


Another interesting point; when the topics of the two monks are

superimposed, one realizes that the native Sun of the Ratzinger

Cardinal and the Pluton planet of Saint-Augustin are exactly joint,

meaning the worship of disappeared. Moreover, the planet Come from

the Cardinal and the Share of native Fortune of the Saint of Olivier

indicate that the first to fact glory of the other. The synastrie

perfect between the Mars of Saint-Augustin located at 5° of the

Scorpion opposite exact in Venus is located at 5° of the Bull of the

new Pope.


Also, if one is delayed on the topic of the new Pope, one realizes

that its native Moon is in Bull (the worship of the love specific to

St-Augustin) and that its Mercury native, powerful because its Moon

is as a Virgin, is with 5° of Poisson, that is to say on the exact

degree on which the Earth is currently in the zodiac, confirming its

connection to the international events of cosmic origin. On the

level of the transits, one realizes that next the large maléfique

one, the Southern Node, will simultaneously forward its native Moon

with Jupiter as of mid-August 2005 until the beginning of September,

which east can initially appear rather unfavourable.


If the heavy transit of this Summer is not fatal for him, its

Neptune native will be then the planet nearest with being forwarded

by sententious Saturn with orée of the year 2007, indicating that

the danger to him will be abroad, lasting a voyage.



The Cardinal Ratzinger, known as Benoit XVI (like born one 16),

would be well the 111ème Pape of the prophecy of Saint-Malachie.

The " Mediterranean " reversal suggested so much by the analysis of

prophecy finally seems to stop with the worship of a man of the

Mediterranean, time or Berbèrie was Chrétienne. Despite everything,

it is true that he was the first Cardinal has to go to the synagogue

of Rome thus showing a certain " Mediterranean " step. In addition,

this one went, a few years later, in Morocco, country Moslem. These

observations do nothing but confirm that walk towards the end, as

prophesies it the many ones " connected " , seems started well...




Traduction of this message with systran-voilà :

> >http://astrologie.tooblog.fr/?2005/04/03/28-saint-malachie-ne-

> >profite-jamais-derniere-ligne-droite-avant-la-fin


Saint Malachie never profits... Last straight line before the end?

By Patrice Bouriche, Sunday April 3, 2005 to 13:29 :: World

Astrology :: #28 :: rss


When one is delayed on the topic of Malachie Saint, who would have

been born on June 20, 1094, one realizes that the prophetic Saturn

cycle corresponds very exactly to the finishing of its 111ème

Prophétie, the " Glory of Olivier " ...

Saint Malachie would have been born on June 20, 1094 (source:

Dowsing) worms 22 hours (moment when the horizon was as Poisson).

This native of the Gemini deserved to be called his Malachie well

because it means in Hebrew " My messenger " (the constellation of the

Gemini governed indeed the communication, information, therefore the

messages, and symbolizes Hermès, the messenger of the Gods via its

main planet, Mercure).


St-Malachie was born in Armagh in Ireland where he became bishop. It

is at the time of its stay in Rome in 1139, to seek the approval of

the Innocent Pope II with his reforms undertaken for the church of

Ireland which it would have written his 111 prophecies or at the

time of his meeting with Bernard de Clairvaux on the way of Rome, in

the arms of which this one died on November 2, 1148, bequeathing its

name then, Saint Malachie, to date with the Christian calendar.

Thus, was this monk Benedictine going to become more famous for his

drafting of 111 Latin currencies suitable for each Pope having trôné

since Célestin II, than for his reforms (111 - the Gemini they are

not the 3rd constellation of the zodiac?).


Indeed, those apply with an extreme precision to each pope who

followed one another since Célestin II, successor from innocent II,

who was the pontiff who had received Saint Malachie at the time of

his voyage to Rome and conferred to him the title legate of Papela.

In addition, those evoke in conclusion last pontificate, the end of

Rome and the last Judgement.


The Pope Jean-Paul II, who died out on April 2, 2005, would be

before last Pope, the 110ème of the list of St-Malachie. Its

currency was " De Labore Solis " which means " the work of the Sun " . It

was indeed the currency of the Pope Jean-Paul II (October 16, 1978 -

April 2, 2005) whom the work of the Sun was indeed carried out,

because Communism was often seen, in prophecies passed, like an

eclipse with the Church of Jesus-Christ.


" De Labore Solis " for three reasons:


- the first, it is that the Pope Jean-Paul II was born during a New

moon (with more 3° after the Sun) in Bull and not under an eclipse

(which had taken place in the Southern hemisphere with 6H00 GMT) as

some said it.

- the second, this Pope was born in Poland, in the East, the East,

which indicates also the sector where the Sun rises. Is this a

symbolic system to designate the first Slavic Pope?

- the third, most plausible, is that of a Pope who restores

Christianity in areas of the sphere where it was occulted during the

communist mode.


Thus, if one takes again various prophecies of Nostradamus and

Raspoutine, we can see that they indicate the advent of Communism in

Russia, and more largely in the Slavic world, like obscuration with

the divine light.



" the solar eclypse most obscure, & tenebreux, which is esté since

creation of the world jusques with died & passion of Jesus-Christ, &

of jusques the icy, & will be in October that some great translation

will be made, & such as one will believe that gravity of the ground

will have lost its naturalness movement, & being abismee in

perpetuelles darkness, will be precedens at vernal time, & following

about it after extremes changes, permutations of regnes (...) and

will not hold so much only seventy three years, seven months "

(either 73 years and 7 months surroundings - age of died of Stalin

and duration of the reign of Communism in Russia enters on November

7, 1917 and on June 12, 1991).



" a threatening cloud extends on Russia. Misfortune! Innumerable

sufferings! The weather is black and one does not see a break " .


It is thus Jean-Paul II, De Labore Solis, which worked, during its

pontificate, to support the return in strength of Christianity, of

the religion of the Sun (because it uses a solar calendar, which is

different from the other religions monotheists which have lunar

calendars) in the alive countries under the communist yoke, ideology

prohibiting all forms of religions.


This Polish Pope thus went alone to make fall the communist bastions

most radical from the Central and Eastern Europe, in Poland first of

all, and in the other satellite States thereafter.


The strategic appointment of this Polish Pope to dismantle the

communist modes by the ideology, without any weapon which the faith,

was a true geopolitical success of the Western block.


The nearest appointment of a new Pope constiturait according to

prophecies' a true turning. It is indeed the last of the list of the

Popes of St-Malachie and has as a currency " the Glory of Olivier "

who turns the orientations of the Vaticane policy in direction of

Méditerrannée. If one more closely looks at the topic of Malachie

Saint and the nearest Saturn transits, one observes a finishing of

his cycle. One realizes that the catholic Church can live watershed

during the second part of the year 2007 with the Saturn return of

transit on Saturn native of Malachie Saint. Would this be then, at

this time, the end of the Glory of Olivier?



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At 06:42 AM 4/22/05 -0000, Patrice wrote:


>There is the traductions [translation] of my messages:


>Traduction of fisrt message with systran-voilà:>


>> >ratzinger-le-pape-benoit-xvi-16-serait-bien-la-gloire-de-lolivier...



>The Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benoit XVI, would be well the Glory

>of Olivier

>By Patrice Bouriche, Tuesday April 19, 2005 to 22:30 :: World

>Astrology :: #33 :: rss ...




Thank you, Patrice. I won't be home today, but will save your message to

read tomorrow.




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well, hi to every1 agian and why won't any of u talk to me???


therese92003 <eastwest wrote:At 06:42 AM 4/22/05 -0000, Patrice



>There is the traductions [translation] of my messages:


>Traduction of fisrt message with systran-voilà:>


>> >ratzinger-le-pape-benoit-xvi-16-serait-bien-la-gloire-de-lolivier...



>The Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benoit XVI, would be well the Glory

>of Olivier

>By Patrice Bouriche, Tuesday April 19, 2005 to 22:30 :: World

>Astrology :: #33 :: rss ...




Thank you, Patrice. I won't be home today, but will save your message to

read tomorrow.










" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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