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Alzheimer's Disease

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To All List Members, Greetings.


As a requirement for an accredited college program in which I am

enrolled, I am committed to doing a serious astrological research

thesis on Alzheimer's Disease. I would very much appreciate if members

will share the birth data of anyone you know who is afflicted with the

illness...I need PLACE, NAME and TIME of birth and if possible, the

date of the first onset of symptoms or diagnosis. I do not need other

personal information.


I welcome any other information about Alzheimer's Disease that members

will kindly share.



Juliana Swanson

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At 11:27 PM 6/29/05 -0000, Juliana wrote:

>To All List Members, Greetings.


>As a requirement for an accredited college program in which I am

>enrolled, I am committed to doing a serious astrological research

>thesis on Alzheimer's Disease. I would very much appreciate if members

>will share the birth data of anyone you know who is afflicted with the

>illness...I need PLACE, NAME and TIME of birth and if possible, the

>date of the first onset of symptoms or diagnosis. I do not need other

>personal information.


>I welcome any other information about Alzheimer's Disease that members

>will kindly share.



Hi Juliana,


There are probably a number of Alzheimer's people in the Rodden

AstroDatabank. I'll try to find time to check.


There is an excellent first-hand experience book on living with an

Alzhiemer's patient: LOVE NEVER SLEEPS by Mary Summer Rain. My mother died

of Alzheimers, but I have no birth time for her.



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Dear Therese,


Thanks very much but I already have the Rodden databank...but I need

more...I want to study at least 100 charts. I have also accumulated

some charts from just studying famous people with the illness who are

not listed in the Rodden data bank, and I have been writing to

Alzheimer's support groups. It is shocking to learn how many are being

diagnosed very early these days.


I am sorry your mother had to suffer Alzheimer's. Thanks for the book



Best regards,


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At 08:23 PM 7/2/05 -0000, Juliana wrote:


>Thanks very much but I already have the Rodden databank...but I need

>more...I want to study at least 100 charts. I have also accumulated

>some charts from just studying famous people with the illness who are

>not listed in the Rodden data bank, and I have been writing to

>Alzheimer's support groups. It is shocking to learn how many are being

>diagnosed very early these days.


Hi Juliana,


Yes, Alzheimers seems to be epidemic now. Both my husband's parents

developed the disease, but they were in their 80s as was my mother. The

early onset cases are puzzling and shocking.


Are you using the sidereal zodiac in your study? Or both zodiacs? When your

study is finished, I hope you'll give us a summary here. I can't think of

any way of timing the onset of Alzheimers except with the Jyotish Dasa

system. I suppose the slow transits might play a part. Sometimes the onset

is so slow and drawn out that timing can be a problem.


I've wondered if there are side effects of the medications older people

take that we aren't aware of.




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Dear Therese,


For natal charts, I only use the Sidereal zodiac, usually the Lahiri



OK I will share my research if I can get enough charts to study.


Yes, everything can be timed with the Vimshottari Dasa and transits in

conjunction with it.


Alzheimer's is a great mystery.




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Dear Therese,


For natal charts, I only use the Sidereal zodiac, usually the Lahiri



OK I will share my research if I can get enough charts to study.


Yes, everything can be timed with the Vimshottari Dasa and transits in

conjunction with it.


Alzheimer's is a great mystery.




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A far greater mystery is Vimshottari Dasa.


Male Alzheimer's

April 9, 1938

1:30 pm EST

Philadelphia, Pa.

....bc, himself...now dead, no details


Three Alzheimer's heartfully understood are better than 100

'scientifically' taken apart

to catalogue their elements only to end up with no meaningful conclusions.

Even 500 aren't enough for that routine.



Juliana Swanson wrote:


> Alzheimer's is a great mystery.


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We might start out with the good doctor himself:


Alois Alzheimer

June 14, 1864

4 am LMT



....as published


There is a protocol for reversing alzheimer's at:






Juliana Swanson wrote:


> To All List Members, Greetings.


> As a requirement for an accredited college program in which I am

> enrolled, I am committed to doing a serious astrological research

> thesis on Alzheimer's Disease. I would very much appreciate if members

> will share the birth data of anyone you know who is afflicted with the

> illness...I need PLACE, NAME and TIME of birth and if possible, the

> date of the first onset of symptoms or diagnosis. I do not need other

> personal information.


> I welcome any other information about Alzheimer's Disease that members

> will kindly share.


> Thanks,

> Juliana Swanson


> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

> Un: -

> List owner: -owner


> Shortcut URL to this page:

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Le Sunday, July 03, 2005 11:00 PM [GMT-4=EDT], <pansophia



> We might start out with the good doctor himself:


> Alois Alzheimer

> June 14, 1864

> 4 am LMT

> Markbreit

> Germany

> ...as published


Hello Dark Star,


Do you have longitude and latitude, and whether if Markbreit was in the Old

East or West Germany (although the distinction does not exists anymore)?


Thank you!...






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Thanks very much for the data.


You " dark star " certainly do not know me, so why would you insinuate

so inexorably that my analysis won't be heartfelt or that my

conclusions will be devoid of meaning? No matter how many charts I

choose to study, my intention is to bring light to a subject that

remains mysterious to many. Again, thank you for sharing your data.

I shall pass on the rest.


, Dark Star

<pansophia@e...> wrote:


> A far greater mystery is Vimshottari Dasa.


> Male Alzheimer's

> April 9, 1938

> 1:30 pm EST

> Philadelphia, Pa.

> ...bc, himself...now dead, no details


> Three Alzheimer's heartfully understood are better than 100

> 'scientifically' taken apart

> to catalogue their elements only to end up with no meaningful


> Even 500 aren't enough for that routine.

> ________________________________


> Juliana Swanson wrote:


> > Alzheimer's is a great mystery.

> >

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Again, I very much appreciate your sharing the data. This one I

already have from the Rodden databank. There are also Ayurvedic

herbal protocols for reversing Alzheimer's though I have not

explored their success rates. Thank you.


, Dark Star

<pansophia@e...> wrote:


> Hi,


> We might start out with the good doctor himself:


> Alois Alzheimer

> June 14, 1864

> 4 am LMT

> Markbreit

> Germany

> ...as published


> There is a protocol for reversing alzheimer's at:

> garynull.com


> Dark*Star

> ________________________________


> Juliana Swanson wrote:


> > To All List Members, Greetings.

> >

> > As a requirement for an accredited college program in which I am

> > enrolled, I am committed to doing a serious astrological research

> > thesis on Alzheimer's Disease. I would very much appreciate if


> > will share the birth data of anyone you know who is afflicted

with the

> > illness...I need PLACE, NAME and TIME of birth and if possible,


> > date of the first onset of symptoms or diagnosis. I do not need


> > personal information.

> >

> > I welcome any other information about Alzheimer's Disease that


> > will kindly share.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Juliana Swanson

> >

> > " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to

Antares? " -----

> >

> > Post message:

> > Subscribe: -

> > Un: -

> > List owner: -owner

> >

> > Shortcut URL to this page:

> > /

> >

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Of course you would know Alois Alzheimer; I only put his data out for

all those who never heard of him...and as a clue to investigating



You are new to the list and would not know of my insistence in searching

for the key to any disability in the very first chart we find it (for me,

Alzheimer's in the Philadelphia chart I posted) rather than putting the

whole process off 'until we have enough charts.' That means THIS chart

NOW...micro to macro. It is called Discovery. Finding it in the 2nd chart

is Duplication, and the 3rd, Verification. Chart 4 :: Eureka!


I once wandered, a lone male, into a class at an AFA convention of what

appeared to be its own convention of female gym teachers discussing

500 lesbian charts. When I inquired as to the dynamics of lesbianism

in a chart, I was frostily told... " we need more charts. " They did indeed!

An example of macro to micro. Doesn't work.


For a hundred years Alzheimer's was an obscure disorder. It has so

suddenly mushroomed (like autism from the mercury in vaccinations)

that it is only scantily found in astrologers files. It will be hard for


to get much more than thirty, a number far below the number

required by your school's mindset for testing and we may all have to

go home none the wiser.


I'm sorry, but despite my moniker, 'pansophia' (who should have a

better right?)...the Universe seems perfectly pleased in not revealing

to me the greater mysteries of Vimshottari Dasa.









Juliana Swanson wrote:


> Thanks very much for the data.


> You " dark star " certainly do not know me, so why would you insinuate

> so inexorably that my analysis won't be heartfelt or that my

> conclusions will be devoid of meaning? No matter how many charts I

> choose to study, my intention is to bring light to a subject that

> remains mysterious to many. Again, thank you for sharing your data.

> I shall pass on the rest.


> , Dark Star

> <pansophia@e...> wrote:

> >

> > A far greater mystery is Vimshottari Dasa.

> >

> > Male Alzheimer's

> > April 9, 1938

> > 1:30 pm EST

> > Philadelphia, Pa.

> > ...bc, himself...now dead, no details

> >

> > Three Alzheimer's heartfully understood are better than 100

> > 'scientifically' taken apart

> > to catalogue their elements only to end up with no meaningful

> conclusions.

> > Even 500 aren't enough for that routine.

> > ________________________________

> >

> > Juliana Swanson wrote:

> >

> > > Alzheimer's is a great mystery.

> > >


> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

> Un: -

> List owner: -owner


> Shortcut URL to this page:

> /


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I do not believe we have to choose between one way of astro-research

versus another. Last time I checked, there was more than one way to

crack an egg.


While we are on the topic of research, and since you brought up

something about a supposed link between autism and vaccinations, the

Danes did a significant study a few years back that provided strong

evidence AGAINST a link between the two:




Re: your false assumption about my " school's mindset for testing, "

nobody is requiring me to collect any certain number of charts or

even to do a research thesis, for that matter. This is my choice



Fortunately, I already have about 50 charts of Alzheimers' victims

with AA data...20 more than your perceived limit of 30 and counting.


Again, thanks for the data, but your supercilious judgments are not

at all constructive or instructive to me. My request for research

data obviously touched an unwelcoming nerve in you, and for that, I

am truly sorry. Yes, I am " new " on this particular forum. Perhaps it

is not where I belong, especially if you are the moderator.

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At 03:42 PM 7/4/05 -0700, Dark*Star wrote:



>It will be hard for you to get much more than thirty [cases of Alzhimer's]...


ADB4 has 41 cases of Alzheimer's. It shouldn't be so difficult to find

additional cases as the disease is all too common now.


>...the Universe seems perfectly pleased in not revealing

>to me the greater mysteries of Vimshottari Dasa.


D*S, I think I remember you saying that you prefer the 28-fold division of

the lunar mansions? I've not been able to get Vimshottari to work well

without reference to India's 27 nakshatras.



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, " Juliana Swanson "

<omhamsa> wrote:

> Dark*Star,


> Again, thanks for the data, but your supercilious judgments are not

> at all constructive or instructive to me. My request for research

> data obviously touched an unwelcoming nerve in you, and for that, I

> am truly sorry. Yes, I am " new " on this particular forum. Perhaps


> is not where I belong, especially if you are the moderator.


You belong. He/she's not the moderator. Please stick around!



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At 12:01 AM 7/5/05 -0000, Juliana wrote:

>Yes, I am " new " on this particular forum. Perhaps it

>is not where I belong, especially if you are the moderator.


Juliana, please stay around! It's rare to find an astrologer who's doing

research at the professional level. I'm the acting moderator, though the

group is owned by a man who has moved on to other interests. The original

aim of this group was to promote western sidereal astrology, but the forum

has become very eclectic and includes a fair amount of Jyotish.


Those of us who would like to see standards in astrology and among

astrologers have a tough fight ahead of us.


Are you going to be using Mark's FAR analysis?



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This is not a rough and tumble line ~ for I am not the moderator

That would be our Djwal Khul of Mt Shasta ~ of unfailing good manners.


Again...garynull.com...gives protocol for reversing Alzheimer's with mega

vitamins and supplements as well as much counters to the Danish study of






Juliana Swanson wrote:



> While we are on the topic of research, and since you brought up

> something about a supposed link between autism and vaccinations, the

> Danes did a significant study a few years back that provided strong

> evidence AGAINST a link between the two:

> http://www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/November2002/DanishStudy7.ht

> m


> Re: your false assumption about my " school's mindset for testing, "

> nobody is requiring me to collect any certain number of charts or

> even to do a research thesis, for that matter. This is my choice

> alone.


> Fortunately, I already have about 50 charts of Alzheimers' victims

> with AA data...20 more than your perceived limit of 30 and counting.


> Again, thanks for the data, but your supercilious judgments are not

> at all constructive or instructive to me. My request for research

> data obviously touched an unwelcoming nerve in you, and for that, I

> am truly sorry. Yes, I am " new " on this particular forum. Perhaps it

> is not where I belong, especially if you are the moderator.


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The good people over on the traditional lines fuss over their Firdaria in

just the same manner as the Hindoo do with their Vimshottari, trying to

get the little buggers to work in a dependable fashion.


I do like the 28 royal courts of the moon. They seem to exude precedence

and, of course, emanate from the number seven and start from 0*Taurus.

Let's don't forget that it was all in the high worship of numbers that the

Indians chopped back the exaltation degrees of a couple planets just so

their grand total added together would yield a sacred number.


But then, each to his own ~ It is all private mythology.





therese hamilton wrote:


> D*S, I think I remember you saying that you prefer the 28-fold division of

> the lunar mansions? I've not been able to get Vimshottari to work well

> without reference to India's 27 nakshatras.


> Therese


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Hi Dark Star,


Nice to read you. Thank you for this message, it was very useful to me

and other people. Of course I also study the chart of the medical

discoverer or 1st researcher of an illness, to get some clues on the

disease ... but then you speak about the statistical approach and other

matters ... unbelievably, 2 hours after reading your message a

suscriber of my Spanish list writes asking on how to investigate a skin

disease, Vitiligo, which she also suffers. So I combined your opinions

with mine and there was a long answer to her query.


best wishes, man


alhena casanova



--- Dark Star <pansophia escribió:







Of course you would know Alois Alzheimer; I only put his data out for

all those who never heard of him...and as a clue to investigating



You are new to the list and would not know of my insistence in


for the key to any disability in the very first chart we find it (for


Alzheimer's in the Philadelphia chart I posted) rather than putting the

whole process off 'until we have enough charts.' That means THIS chart

NOW...micro to macro. It is called Discovery. Finding it in the 2nd


is Duplication, and the 3rd, Verification. Chart 4 :: Eureka!


I once wandered, a lone male, into a class at an AFA convention of what

appeared to be its own convention of female gym teachers discussing

500 lesbian charts. When I inquired as to the dynamics of lesbianism

in a chart, I was frostily told... " we need more charts. " They did


An example of macro to micro. Doesn't work.


For a hundred years Alzheimer's was an obscure disorder. It has so

suddenly mushroomed (like autism from the mercury in vaccinations)

that it is only scantily found in astrologers files. It will be hard



to get much more than thirty, a number far below the number

required by your school's mindset for testing and we may all have to

go home none the wiser.


I'm sorry, but despite my moniker, 'pansophia' (who should have a

better right?)...the Universe seems perfectly pleased in not revealing

to me the greater mysteries of Vimshottari Dasa.


















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Hi Therese,


I am also interested in medical cases. There are quite a few data

concerning mentally deranged, schizophrenics, algoholics, etc., from

CURA gathered by Gauquelin.


What I have noticed is that all data have been rounded to 1/2-1 hr

step which turn out to be completely useless. Even all twins are not

the same.


Can you upload some Alzheimer's symdrome data for me and lists as I

cannot afford the ADB 4. It's too expensive for me?








, therese hamilton

<eastwest@s...> wrote:

> At 03:42 PM 7/4/05 -0700, Dark*Star wrote:

> >

> >Juliana,

> >It will be hard for you to get much more than thirty [cases of



> ADB4 has 41 cases of Alzheimer's. It shouldn't be so difficult to find

> additional cases as the disease is all too common now.


> >...the Universe seems perfectly pleased in not revealing

> >to me the greater mysteries of Vimshottari Dasa.


> D*S, I think I remember you saying that you prefer the 28-fold

division of

> the lunar mansions? I've not been able to get Vimshottari to work well

> without reference to India's 27 nakshatras.


> Therese

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Hello Harit,


I'm sorry about the delay in your post appearing in the sidereal forum. All

new posters are on moderation, and yesterday our mail server shut down

resulting in my delay going on-line. You are no longer on moderation, so

your posts should show up soon after you send them. (More below)


At 07:09 AM 7/12/05 -0000, Harit wrote:

>Hi Therese,


>I am also interested in medical cases. There are quite a few data

>concerning mentally deranged, schizophrenics, algoholics, etc., from

>CURA gathered by Gauquelin. What I have noticed is that all data have been

rounded to 1/2-1 hr step which turn out to be completely useless.


Yes, the Gauquelin data is not of much use for serious research. We need

more exact birth times, especially for the varga charts.


>Can you upload some Alzheimer's symdrome data for me and lists as I

>cannot afford the ADB 4. It's too expensive for me.


Two or three years ago I asked Mark McDonough about sharing data for

research, and he approves. I'll see if there's a way to send you some data.

It may be difficult extracting data from ADB.


In looking over some of the charts in ADB, the Moon seemed to be the center

of influences that can result in Alzheimer's.




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  • 4 weeks later...

A recent survey by United Press found that autism is virtually unknown

among Pennsylvania's Amish populations.


~ They DON'T do vaccinations.





Juliana Swanson wrote:


> While we are on the topic of research, and since you brought up

> something about a supposed link between autism and vaccinations, the

> Danes did a significant study a few years back that provided strong

> evidence AGAINST a link between the two:

> http://www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/November2002/DanishStudy7.ht

> m

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