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September Vedic horoscope

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Here's the latest. Read it according to your sidereal ascendant, if known.

Otherwise, the Sun will have to do.



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September 2005 Monthly Vedic Horoscope




ARIES (Apr 13 - May 13) September will likely pick up where August left off as

your energy and activity levels will continue to peak. As long as you can keep

from burning out, you will be able to accomplish all that you wish and beat all

comers. Satisfying your appetites will be a primary concern. And with Mars in

Krittika the whole month due to the slowing motion before the retrograde

station, look for children and investments to figure prominently, especially in

the first half of the month. Expect to be thrust into a leadership role around

the 13th. No worries, you'll perform admirably.


TAURUS (May 14 - Jun 14) The month begins with ease. You may find yourself in

the company of learned or very spiritual people now. After the 6th, Venus moves

into its own sign of Libra. This is a good time to work in arts related

activities. The time from the 17th to the 19th may bring a renewed appreciation

of the constraints on your actions. Unusual solutions may bring better results.

Siblings may figure more prominently in your life at this time as well. The last

week of September will bring more tension, especially from unknown or foreign

sources. Take it easy, and rely on your charm to get through it.


GEMINI (Jun 15 - Jul 15) The summer doldrums are behind you now as Mercury is

now moving forward and away from Saturn's gloom. Your creative juices may be a

little sweeter now so make sure to take the time out from your routine to let

your imagination run wild. Around the 9th, you may be in for a surprise from on

high. Use big ideas to harness this energy. By the 16th, you might find yourself

wrapped up in a situation that requires some fancy footwork. In the second half

of the month, your house may become a beehive of activity as friends gather

around. Around the 29th, you may be witness to some act of deception involving

your partner.


CANCER (Jul 16 - Aug 15) This could be a challenging month for you as problems

will arise out of the blue that may demand your attention. Besides Saturn

setting up shop in Cancer, Ketu has now moved firmly into Hasta, a Moon-ruled

nakshatra which will likely throw you some curve balls. Mars in your 10th house

this month will introduce a more competitive atmosphere at work. Hopefully, you

can avoid any conflict here and just be assertive without having it develop into

acrimony. The news this month may involve a larger than normal role for younger

siblings. At the end of the month, watch for disturbances that may arise in your



LEO (Aug 16 - Sep 15) The first half of the month will find you engaging in

creative pursuits. By the 13th, the cosmic tumblers will be aligned to give you

an opportunity to share your inspiration with the world. Another theme this

month will be the application of higher knowledge to really existing situations

in your life as Mars passes through Krittika, a Sun-ruled nakshatra. You may be

drawn to ancient or rare texts at this time as you seek more signposts on the

road. A father figure may also be the stimulus of your search. Watch for some

some life structures to undergo some stress on the 30th.


VIRGO (Sep 16 - Oct 16) September may have a mysterious undertone for you as

Mercury transits the 12th house. You will be drawn towards the hidden element in

people and things, but be careful not to get caught up in gossip and heresay or

to venture into areas that are off limits. As Mercury passes through

Purvaphalguni from the 8th to the 15th, you may also be subject to greater

drains on resources, especially towards charitable causes. Life may perk up

after the 16th when Mercury moves into Virgo. No shortage of confidence now.


LIBRA (Oct 17 - Nov 15) The first week of September begins with good fortune in

healing and spiritual matters. Your interests may go mainstream after the 6th

when Venus moves into Libra. Your friends and acquaintances will be more

important now and you will take great pleasure in helping them. Around the 18th,

watch for some job related obstacle to throw your for a loop. Some relationship

headaches may come to the fore, especially at the end of the month.


SCORPIO (Nov 16 - Dec 14) This is a great time to focus on yourself and develop

your abilities and skills. Mars is in your 6th house now, so there will likely

be an excess of energy that will need directing and focusing. Ensure that it

doesn't get out of hand and you wind up embroiled in disputes. On the plus side,

you can rest easy in the knowledge that Jupiter will be forming a close aspect

to your ruling planet Mars from the middle of the month and beyond. This will

likely grace your efforts with success and profits, or at very least, with

inpenetrable defenses. Try to keep emotions in check especially on the marital

front towards the end of the month. You may confront some secrets there that

force you to think in new ways.


SAGITTARIUS (Dec 15 - Jan 13) September starts out with an appreciation of the

finer things in life -- art, beauty, and love. After the 6th, you may become

interested in more prosaic concerns. Your ruling planet Jupiter has now moved on

to Chitra. You will appear more brilliant and luminous to those around around

you. As Mercury moves into Virgo, expect to get more recognition at work as your

powers of persuasion are at an all-time high. Some problems are possible towards

the end of the month as Mars camps outside Jupiter's door. Be careful not to be

taken advantage of, even if it's from a well-meaning source.


CAPRICORN (Jan 14 - Feb 12) This is a good time for action, especially where

there are ideals to follow. Your 9th and 10th houses of luck and status are in

good shape this month so don't dilly dally with details. Get out there and give

it your best shot. The 17th may be memorable in some way -- perhaps it will be

the day when something happens that makes you get noticed. And once Sun and

Mercury move into the 9th house for the second half of the month, your interest

will focus more on travel or foreign cultures.


AQUARIUS (Feb 13 - March 13) Initially, relationship matters will garner much of

your attention. These may involve unresolved bedroom questions or shared

finances. Around the 7th, expect some news or information to rankle. In the

second half of the month, you may find yourself drawn to the act of research .

Anything from checking the prices on online air tickets to delving into ancient

religious rites may preoccupy your thoughts now. Your respect and love for your

father and other life teachers will be renewed.


PISCES (March 14 - Apr 12) The weirdness of the summer is now behind you as Ketu

has left Jupiter to move forward. The beginning of September may find you

burdened with work and attending to various obligations. These efforts will

probably pay off for you in short order, especially where they concern out of

country business. Some tension is likely with romantic partners however so it's

best to go slow where spouses are concerned. After the Sun moves into Virgo on

the 16th, there will be noticeable improvement on the love front. Accept the

spouse's ego desires as normal and appropriate and let the good times roll.




















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