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September 2005 Update and World Forecast




Pluto turns direct on September 2nd at 28 Scorpio. This sets up a dangerous

situation since Mars is slowing to a station at 29 Aries on October 1st. This is

a very close quincunx (6/8 houses) between these two powerful planets.

Interestingly, Jupiter will join the configuration as it moves to 29 Virgo on

September 23rd. The Jupiter influence is usually benefic and yet it is very

possible that it will serve to only magnify the effect.


Watch for increasing tension around the world generally, especially involving

legal and religious issues. Violence, natural disasters and explosions will be

more common now as well as the pure significations of these planets may come to

the fore. A major destructive earthquake or volcano is therefore more likely

this month.


Another aspect to take note of is the Saturn-Uranus quincunx (6/8 houses) that

is exact September 22nd. This is another tension-building energy and will not

fit well with the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto pattern mentioned above. Saturn represents

structures of behaviour such as institutions and Uranus represents sudden

change. Revolts and uprisings against governments are therefore more likely this

month. Watch my blog (www.modernVedic Astrology.blogspot.com) for further updates

on the likely locations for these events.


USA The extensive damage inflicted by hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans and

the surrounding area may be the manifestation of the great affliction in the

various US charts previously noted in this space. As of the time of writing (Aug

31), New Orleans is a city under siege by water. It has been declared a disaster

area and over a million people there are homeless. Officials have ordered a

complete evacuation of the population as the water levels continue to rise and

flood the city while looters roam freely. The number of dead is unknown. Oil

production has been interrupted and have forced gas prices ever higher and it

may be weeks before the city is inhabitable again. Katrina has been called one

of the worst storms in American history.


While I had predicted a terror attack would be the most likely form this

affliction would take, it is clear from the unparalleled disruption of daily

life on the Gulf coast that this is not a storm like any other. Part of the

explanation for the extent of the destruction can be found in the conjunction of

transit Venus (24Virgo) and transit Jupiter (24Virgo) to natal Saturn (24Virgo).

The two benefics represent happiness and prosperity are spoiled by Saturn's

malefic presence.


Much of the negative potential in the USA chart has therefore been released

through the destruction of this storm. However, towards the end of the month,

the energy will begin to build again. The period around the Saturn station in

late November looks particularly stimulated and will herald another major

negative event. This Saturn station falls at 17 Cancer, very close to the USA

Rahu in the 8th house of death and transformation.


UK This is a quiet horoscope for the most part this month. Tensions may rise

towards the end of the month as we approach the Mars station in early October.

This will aspect the natal 12th house Saturn suggesting some kind of loss. Key

dates are Sept 26 and then Oct 2.


China So far, there hasn't been a significant development here. The chart is

still heavily afflicted and some major disturbance involving foreign nations is

likely. The key date here is September 6. The affliction continues through the

month as Ketu conjoins Mercury. Transportation will likely be involved in some



India The approach of Saturn to natal Mercury at 13 Cancer signals a powerful

affliction to communication and transportation systems. The co-presence of Mars

and other afflictive factors strongly points to a significant loss of life in

the coming weeks. Key dates seems to be focused around the Sep 21 - 24th. This

is really a very difficult chart. The event will likely cause problems in other

areas of life including government and political life and the stock market.


Canada It's possible that the applying conjunction of Saturn to Canada's Mercury

in part explains the ongoing CBC strike. Saturn moves past Mercury next week, so

let's hope everything gets settled soon after that. Just in time for the start

of the long-awaited hockey season to begin. Mars makes a close aspect to the

Saturn-Pluto opposition in the natal chart on September 7/8, so some sudden

violence from conflict is likely then.



http://modernVedic Astrology.com


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I don’t think that Pluto is alone at the origin off this

catastrophe. Indeed, there were two important configurations: In the

one hand, the Sun eclipses of May 8 off, 2005 in the Caribbean was

the signal off started disastrous cycle (in Aries - 22°). For

exemple, in France, after the Sun eclipses of August 11, 1999,

conducted at one climatic catastrophe (great storm) was occurred in

December 1999 destroying more d'1 million trees in France.


In the other hand, the Venus/Kethu/Jupiter conjunction in Virgo

combined with the return of Mars in 22° Aries one (who take place

the degrees of eclipse of 8 May) have started the catastrophe.


The next return of Mars in 22° Aries is in beginning of november

month. A new natural catastrophe in view?


Kind regards.




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Hello, I have not posted for months, unfortunately. I have been

following China and one area of concern for me is the value of the

yuan etc. Since Mercury is the interface, could this indicate

foreign exchange trade related issues?


, " Christopher Kevill "

<christopher.kevill@s...> wrote:

> September 2005 Update and World Forecast


> China So far, there hasn't been a significant development here. The

chart is still heavily afflicted and some major disturbance involving

foreign nations is likely. The key date here is September 6. The

affliction continues through the month as Ketu conjoins Mercury.

Transportation will likely be involved in some way.


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Hi Pink,


I'm not well-versed in currency devaluation so I can't say if that is

looming. Certainly the Mercury affliction by Ketu could be evidence of some

interruption of Mercury's significators. But with Saturn aspecting the Asc

and the Sun, I think it's going to be something a bit more difficult,

especially with Mars in the 4th/Aries for all this time. It's going to be

aspecting the Mars-Pluto conjunction in the 7th. That speaks to violence

and conflict.


I had predicted Sept 6th so that date has come and gone with no major story.

What can I say? My watch must be running a little fast.





" pinknoizz " <pinknoizz


Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:53 PM

Re: September Update



> Hello, I have not posted for months, unfortunately. I have been

> following China and one area of concern for me is the value of the

> yuan etc. Since Mercury is the interface, could this indicate

> foreign exchange trade related issues?


> , " Christopher Kevill "

> <christopher.kevill@s...> wrote:

> > September 2005 Update and World Forecast

> >

> > China So far, there hasn't been a significant development here. The

> chart is still heavily afflicted and some major disturbance involving

> foreign nations is likely. The key date here is September 6. The

> affliction continues through the month as Ketu conjoins Mercury.

> Transportation will likely be involved in some way.

> >


" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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