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Zidane's head butt

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After France's superstar Zidane disgraced himself in the World Cup final

with a head butt to Italy's Materazzi, a quick look at his chart tells

the tale.


Born Jun 23 1972 3.00 am Marseille, France, tr Mars was squaring his

Moon while Ketu trined his ascendant. Tough to have predicted this

particular personal outcome however although one can see that he would

probably not be hoisting the trophy at the end of the game on July 9.


The lunar return paints a clearer picture perhaps. Mars Moon Neptune t

square with the Mars and Neptune opposition coming up on the 1-7 axis.

The rounded birth time is probably worth pushing back a few minutes

which would make the t-square closer to the angles.

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Chris wrote:


> After France's superstar Zidane disgraced himself in the World Cup final

> with a head butt to Italy's Materazzi, a quick look at his chart tells

> the tale.




This seems kind of the last revenge of the transiting debilitated Mars.

Zidane has not been the only sports/armyman in shame in the last few weeks,

when Mars has been transiting Cancer. There has been the doping scandal of

professional cycling, the star of Lance Armstrong, Lars Ullrich and a few

others put down with more and more confirmed evidence, and the shameful

actions of a few US soldiers in Iraq coming in light.


This transiting Mars making an aspect to Zidane's Moon would seem to be one

trigger, especially now when Zidane is running his vedic Mercury/Moon dasa

in Vimsottari and the Moon is in the 6th house (aspected by Mars by a vedic



Best wishes, Sari

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Hi Sari,


Yes, that Mars does cast its 4th house aspect to his natal Moon and

antar dasha lord.


I can also see that his natal Moon is exactly conjunct the position of

his D9 Mars. So that would have provided a little more violent energy

in need of release with the aspect of transit Mars.


With Mercury retrograding to his Mars Ketu conjunction in the coming

days, and Mars squaring his ascendant, I would expect him to be stripped

of his Golden Ball award or at least run into more meaningful public

criticism. The day the announcement comes will help to clarify his

exact birth time and ascendant since the Mars transit is most likely to

be in a square to the angle then. I suspect his actual ascendant is

probably 2 or 3 Taurus, instead of 5. I'm using Lahiri here.


It seems all the French media have backed off their initial condemnation

in light of overwhelming public and political sentiment in favour of

Zizou. All except Liberation, which has rightly noted the absence of

any mention of letting down his teammates.


For deeper afflictions, check out the tertiary progressed chart which

has p3 Mars exactly opposed p3 Venus showing loss of love and perhaps

misdirected sports activity and p3 Saturn conjunct p3 Ketu while

squaring p3 Pluto showing extreme loss of control and power. Hard to

imagine he will lose all of his endorsement contracts, but he will

likely lose some.





Sari Metsovuori wrote:


> Chris wrote:


> > After France's superstar Zidane disgraced himself in the World Cup final

> > with a head butt to Italy's Materazzi, a quick look at his chart tells

> > the tale.


> Sari:


> This seems kind of the last revenge of the transiting debilitated Mars.

> Zidane has not been the only sports/armyman in shame in the last few

> weeks,

> when Mars has been transiting Cancer. There has been the doping

> scandal of

> professional cycling, the star of Lance Armstrong, Lars Ullrich and a few

> others put down with more and more confirmed evidence, and the shameful

> actions of a few US soldiers in Iraq coming in light.


> This transiting Mars making an aspect to Zidane's Moon would seem to

> be one

> trigger, especially now when Zidane is running his vedic Mercury/Moon

> dasa

> in Vimsottari and the Moon is in the 6th house (aspected by Mars by a

> vedic

> aspect).


> Best wishes, Sari



> ------




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