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Thoughtful times? (Sari)

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At 10:54 AM 8/19/06 +0300, Sari wrote:

>Hi Bettina and others,


>I find it extremely interesting that in the Vedic system Saturn is an airy

>planet and Mercury is earthy, not the other way.


Hi Sari,


Actually these categories play havoc with Aristotle's elements where air is

hot and wet and earth is cold and dry. If we drop the labels and consider

only the triplicities in relation to the planets, the sidereal scheme makes

sense. As you said:


>... it's logical also

>because both the Moolatrikona and exaltations signs of Saturn are airy signs

>and with Mercury it's earth.


Here we have the correct alignment of planets with triplicities (trigons),

and then we have to ask, " What traits do the planets and trigons have in

common? Well, the so-called 'earth' trigon in the sidereal zodiac is

communicative, sociable and can be analytical. This is really the Stoic DRY

category: algebraic, object oriented, clear, enhances distinctions,

rational. (These are the tropical 'air' signs.)


Then the Gemini trigon--Gemini, Libra and Aquarius--are the Stoic COLD

category, and Saturn owning one of these signs and exalted in another makes

very good sense. If nothing else, we all know that Saturn is called 'cold.'


>Having been observing the sidereal Sun signs

>recently (Sun signs because they're often intriguingly visible in people), I

>would say sidereal Air (especially Aquarius)might well be the most mystical

>element of all.


Yes, there's no doubt in my mind that these signs are associated with 'the

world beyond and the invisible' for lack of a better way to say it. Before

the discovery of Uranus, Saturn was the planet associated with magic and

the occult. Al Biruni placed magicians under Saturn. Saturn had to do with

what was hidden, dark and mysterious (which could be demons), and look:

today mystery and what is hidden are associated with Tropical

Scorpio--which is really sidereal Libra where Saturn is exalted. The

sidereal signs partake of the traits of their exalted as well as ruling



>Another observation that I've made about the sidereal Sun signs is that

>Therese would seem to be right in that it's actually the feminine signs that

>are more " extrovert " (whatever we mean by that word).


In India the universe entire motion filled universe was manifested through

the Divine Mother, and from her are born the three principles: rajas,

tamas, and sattvic.


Women are those who go out, make connections with other people and look for

a response and validation of who they are. Men (in general) are more

self-contained and not so good at sharing and connecting.



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