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Sidereal Test Chart Report

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This is Therese's test data report done in Sidereal zodiac.





The Cosmo Natal Report for



Sidereal Test Chart

April 23, 1974

7:11 AM

Oakland, California






Calculated for:

Daylight Savings Time, Time Zone 8 hours West

Latitude: 37 N 48 16 Longitude: 122 W 16 11





Positions of Planets at Birth:

Sun 9 Ari 32 Pluto 11 Vir 14

Moon 24 Ari 20 N. Node 26 Sco 43

Mercury 27 Pis 31 Asc. 24 Ari 35

Venus 24 Aqu 12 MC 6 Cap 03

Mars 8 Gem 26 2nd cusp 22 Tau 03

Jupiter 16 Aqu 26 3rd cusp 14 Gem 02

Saturn 6 Gem 54 5th cusp 2 Leo 34

Uranus 1 Lib 56 6th cusp 8 Vir 54

Neptune 15 Sco 39















Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others


Aries Rising:


You meet life head on and throw yourself into new experiences with zest and

enthusiasm. You are direct, straightforward, assertive, and usually completely

aboveboard in all your dealings. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity or

phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others.

You often lack tact and sensitivity, and can be completely oblivious to others'

needs, and inadvertently selfish. You are self-reliant and don't depend upon

social approval and reinforcement as much as other people do. You like to be

original and do not mind going it alone. You may feel that you do not fit into

groups very well, and that you do not naturally blend in and cooperate with

others very easily. You like to be either a leader or a loner.


You are a doer and thrive on freedom, challenge, and activity. You tend to

think in clear, black and white terms, and to be somewhat simplistic in your

outlook, which enables you to act in a very decisive and self-assured manner.

When inspired with an idea, you feel such a sense of urgency and excitement

about it that you will often charge ahead and try to implement it in a rather

bold but poorly planned and crudely executed way. Patience and careful attention

to details are not your forte. However, you never accept defeat and will have

brilliant and unprecedented successes and discoveries, as well as painful

failures. To you it is far better to make mistakes than it is to play it safe

and never try.


You are scornful of what you see as weakness or passivity in others and also

of the human tendency to imitate and follow. You are not a follower. Others see

you as a strong individual, and perhaps brash and brazen as well. You present a

strong front to the world and generally do not allow others to see your

vulnerable or insecure side.


Moon Conjunct Asc.:


You are impressionable, sympathetic, and responsive to the emotional tone

and atmosphere around you. You harmonize, blend, and adapt yourself to other

people. Often you are rather quiet, just listening and feeling. You are subtle

and know when to keep silent and wait. You act instinctively, sensing and

intuiting when the time is right for action.






Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation


Sun in Aries:


You are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must

battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own

strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true

to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing

alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor, and authenticity are your gods, and

you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others.


You crave the freedom to do things in your own way, and you work very well

independently. Cooperating with others or carrying out another's will is not

your style. You like to be the chief - or to go it alone.


You love action and if others are settling down into a nice, comfortable

little rut, then you are always ready to stir things up, do something new, make

changes, bring in some fresh blood. Routine and sameness are like death to you.

You are not afraid of trying something that's never been done before, and even

though you may be seen as a fool sometimes, you also discover, invent, and

initiate things that others will later emulate. Taking risks and following your

own star are the breath of life for you, and you wilt (or get very frustrated

and angry) if you cannot do this.


You are spontaneous, impulsive, direct, enthusiastic, and assertive. You

believe in the power of positive thinking and positive action, and you think of

yourself as a strong person - even invincible. You hate being ill or in any way

in a position of dependency. Accepting your own human limitations and emotional

needs is often difficult for you.


You are basically aggressive in your attitudes and have less facility in the

receptive arts of relating to others, picking up subtle messages and nuances,

listening, nurturing, and harmonizing. Often you are so fired up about your own

projects or goals that you inadvertently run over or ignore other people's

feelings and interests. Being receptive and appreciative of others'

contributions, ideas, and feelings would go a long way in improving your

relationships. Your impatience to get on with things causes you to be rather

insensitive, and to therefore alienate others unnecessarily. You also frequently

try to accomplish your ends by using anger or some version of a temper tantrum.

You would gain much by learning to slow down, relax, and just let things be

sometimes, but your energetic, restless nature rarely allows you to do this.


Sun in 12th house:


You tend to get involved in the helping professions or in activities where

your efforts are hidden, behind the scenes, unacknowledged, or unknown to the

public. Asserting yourself or getting up in front of an audience may be

exceedingly uncomfortable for you.


Sun Sextile Mars:


You are positive, vital, energetic, active, a go-getter. You enjoy

competition, and your initiative and self-confidence make you a winner.


Sun Sextile Saturn:


Realistic and practical, you set goals for yourself that are modest enough

for you to actually achieve. You are able to tackle long, difficult projects and

see them through, for you possess self-discipline, concentration, and

perseverance. You also have a strong sense of responsibility and are very

conscientious in fulfilling your obligations. Often you do things because you

feel it is expected of you.






Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities


Mercury in Pisces:


You are more of a poet than a rational scientist, for your mind does not

function in a strictly logical, linear fashion. The language of music, art, or

poetry is natural to you, and you are also able to think in highly abstract and

symbolic terms. Translating your thoughts and impressions into concrete,

everyday language may be difficult for you at times and consequently you may

appear less intelligent or at least less quick-witted and verbal than others.

This was especially true of you as a child, and you probably daydreamed a good

deal also. You are intuitive and are able to sense what others' thoughts and

feelings are, even before they say anything to you. You often form an opinion

about a person or situation without much factual knowledge of them, and your

impressions are usually correct. You can be somewhat absent-minded and you

become so immersed in your own thoughts that you overlook things in your

immediate, tangible environment. You are extremely open-minded and believe that

anything is possible. Intangible or spiritual forces seem just as real to you as

anything in the concrete world. Your imagination and your sympathetic

understanding of other people are two of your greatest gifts.


Mercury in 12th house:


You don't speak up readily, even when you have a lot to say! Also, your

mind tends to drift and you find it difficult to study very factual material

that doesn't have much color or imaginative appeal. Your intuition and first

impressions are likely to be quite accurate, however, and you tend to depend

upon this faculty in making decisions.


Mercury Opposition Uranus:


You are an original thinker, capable of unique discoveries and innovations,

but you tend to scatter your energies into too many directions at once and to

make impulsive or hasty decisions. You grasp ideas very quickly and become

impatient with duller or more conservative minds. A fast-moving, mentally

stimulating, and unpredictable atmosphere suits you quite well, even though you

may complain about the stress and the crazy pace. You have a technical bent and

are interested in the newest scientific theories and findings, electronics,

computers, etc.






Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance


Moon in Aries:


Emotional outbursts are frequent with you due to your fiery temper and

emotional impulsiveness. You express yourself very directly and honestly and no

one has to guess what your true feelings are. However, you dislike showing any

personal weaknesses or needs for support, comfort, and nurturing. You are often

impatient with yourself and with others. You abhor emotional dependency and

dislike " complainers " .


You inspire others to take positive action in their lives by your own

enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and are attracted to people

who are adventurous, courageous, and independent. You are rather bossy, but you

do not like to be with people that you can boss around too much. You enjoy a

good fight sometimes. Relationships built upon mutual respect and a good deal of

emotional freedom are ideal for you.


You become very cross if you do not have enough vigorous physical activity.

You will feel your best if you " do battle " on the tennis or racquetball court

(or engage in some other competitive sport) frequently.


Moon in 12th house:


Your own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to you, and it is

often difficult for you to share with others what you are feeling.


You frequently withdraw from contact with the world, and need a healing,

peaceful environment in order to blossom and come out of yourself.


You identify with the oppressed, disenfranchised or underdog in any

situation and want to help them or care for them in some way.


Moon Sextile Venus:


You feel that little, daily acts of caring and thoughtfulness are essential

to the happiness and success of a relationship and you know how to make others

feel accepted, loved, and cherished. You enjoy good relationships with women.


Venus in Aquarius:


You are open and unconventional in your attitude towards love, romance, and

sex. You enjoy socializing, bringing people together, and having many friends of

both sexes. You value friendship very highly and are, in fact, more comfortable

being a friend than a lover. You desire an intellectual rapport or spiritual

bond with your love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come

easily to you. The role of " husband " or " wife " in the traditional sense doesn't

appeal to you, and you abhor jealousy and possessiveness since you feel that no

person truly " belongs " to another. You appreciate a love partner who will allow

you plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.


Venus in 11th house:


You are a very sociable, congenial person and you wilt very quickly

without the company of good friends and people to share good times with. You

thoroughly enjoy working with others on group projects or community activities.

You are quite happy when you are a part of a club, support group, or team of

some sort.






Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals


Mars in Gemini:


You are a " busy bee " - energetic, restless, and forever on the go. Your

active mind is always buzzing with ideas and you find it difficult sometimes to

relax, slow down, or take time to reflect and replenish yourself. You tend to

live on nervous energy. You can accomplish much in short bursts but projects

that require long-term commitment, stamina, and steady, persistent effort are

not easy for you. You often scatter your energies into so many directions and

activities at once that you cannot finish or follow through on some of them. You

need variety, change, and mental challenges.


You have a sharp and eager mind, and you enjoy games and competitions that

have a mental component. You like to match wits with someone else.


You often achieve your desires by your verbal skill, your ability to speak

clearly, vigorously, and convincingly for what you want. Your drive and energy

is more mental than physical. You use your wit, intelligence, communication

skills, social sophistication, and awareness to achieve your goals.


Mars in 2nd house:


You often buy things on impulse and you can be reckless with your material

resources and money. You have certain possessions that you are extremely

attached to and possessive of.


Mars Conjunct Saturn:


You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your

nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. Hard work, persistent effort,

and concentration upon a single objective are the ways you achieve your aims in

life. You exercise great self-control, even self-denial, in order to accomplish

what you desire. You meet obstacles stoically and will struggle patiently

through difficult circumstances. You feel that you must rely on yourself alone,

that it's all on your shoulders, and you can be a harsh disciplinarian,

expecting far too much from yourself and others. Often you hold yourself back,

doubting your own power and ability. You may feel that you meet great resistance

whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative, and that is very

frustrating to you. However, you have the power of endurance and a dogged

determination to overcome all obstacles.


Mars Square Pluto:


You have a powerful will and when you want something, you pursue it

passionately and relentlessly until you achieve it. You may be so driven by your

desire that you lose all objectivity. You often become compulsive, even

obsessed, with doing or achieving something, no matter what the costs or how

hard you must work for it. Your forcefulness may be veiled or subtle, for often

you do not reveal your real aims and intentions to others until they cross you.

Intense power struggles and relationships with a strong dominance/submissiveness

theme are likely. You have enormous energy reserves, and are capable of

extraordinary effort and great achievement if you use your energies for

constructive purposes.






Chapter 6: Other Influences


Jupiter in Aquarius:


Your strength lies in your ability to be innovative, open to new

progressive concepts, willing to experiment and to reject customs and traditions

when they cease to serve any positive function in the present. Also, you have an

expansive view of the world, one that includes humanity and not only your own

small, personal circle.


Jupiter in 11th house:


You have good fortune working with groups, organizations, and others who

share your ideals. You go further if you unite your efforts with others, as in

clubs, networks, or civic associations. Social improvement, or benefiting your

community is very important to you.


Jupiter Square Neptune:


You have a need to escape from the demands of everyday life, and reach out

to something bigger, more exotic, more exciting. Traveling is good for you. You

may also daydream, fantasize, or philosophize a great deal.


Saturn in Gemini:


You doubt your own intelligence and mental capacities, and you may work

very hard at studies in order to compensate for this. You are often overly

serious and disinterested in light or superficial conversation. Spontaneous

communication, social give-and-take, and making small talk are likely to be

difficult for you.


Saturn in 2nd house:


Your fears revolve around money and material security, and you work very

hard to ensure that your assets are solid. You may be very conservative, even

stingy, with your money because you are afraid there won't be enough. You may

turn this fear around and become very shrewd about investments and financial



Saturn Square Pluto:


Once you decide what you want to do, you will pursue it tenaciously and, if

necessary, sacrifice a great deal for your deeply felt convictions. This trait

tends to make you feel a little out of step with others. You take things a

little more seriously and have an inclination to be a bit of a fanatic, although

probably not flamboyantly so, so others may not know how deeply you feel and how

driven you are about the things that are important to you. You have a deep inner

resolve and are willing to struggle to do the things that are really meaningful

to you, rather than follow an easier but less meaningful course in life.


Saturn Trine Uranus:


You have a talent and ability for putting fresh ideas and inspiration into

practice. You are ready and willing to utilize new ideas and methods, and you

have a knack for gaining acceptance for a new idea and practically implementing



Uranus in Libra:


You are part of a 7 year group of people who strive for greater equality in

relationships. You treat parents, children, and spouses much more like friends

and equals than other generations do, and many of you will experiment with

alternative marriage styles that allow for greater freedom and equality in



Uranus in 6th house:


Your work habits may be unstructured and you may find it difficult to

settle down to a routine task or work situation.


You are interested in new technologies or unusual, even revolutionary

methods of solving problems in your work. Nontraditional methods of healing and

medicine also fascinate you. You may work in an alternative health field or work

for change and reform in whatever field you choose.


Neptune in Scorpio:


You are part of a 14 year group of people that have very intense psychic

sensitivity and imagination. Your age group is very attracted to the strange,

weird, and unusual. The sense of the macabre and bizarre is strong, and this is

reflected in much of the music, art, and fashions of your age group. Novels and

movies with mystery and chilling suspense are also popular with your age group.

Emotional depression, drug use, and suicide are likely to be relatively high in

your age group. There is also a deep mystical sense, and Eastern religions and

meditation are very attractive to your age group.


Neptune in 7th house:


You often have very naive, idealistic, or overly romantic attitudes toward

people, and it's difficult for you to see others realistically. You may prefer

to keep your relationships on an idealistic or platonic level, so that you don't

have to deal with the more prosaic, earthy, human aspects of relating.


Thoroughly investigate potential marriage or business partners, as your

gullibility and desire to see only the best in people may blind you to the truth

about others with whom you form a close alliance.


Pluto in Virgo:


You are part of a 15 year group of people that are driven by the need to

find an ethical standard and a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong.

There is a subconscious drive to straighten out all the world's evils and create

a world of perfect order. There is a feeling of repulsion to anything ugly,

dirty, or grotesque. Oddly enough, there is also often a fascination with these

very things that are so distasteful, and often a feeling of hopelessness and

despair about the world's condition.


These inner, emotional and conflicting qualities are reflected in the

attitudes and life styles of your generation. Most people of your age group are

conservative and ethical, and a small minority goes to the opposite extreme and

relishes being strange or unusual in appearance, and sloppy or even grotesque in

manners and appearance. There seems to be no middle ground for your generation.

Usually, the rebellious type of behavior comes out during adolescence, and tends

to subside thereafter, and your age group tends to be very conservative in later



Your age group is not very good at compromising and tends to have strong

ideas about what is right and what is wrong. There is a strong feeling that you

must extinguish evil in the world. Certainly, fostering good works is very

commendable, but a categorical and simple-minded response to complex issues is

not helpful. Your age group will undergo great transformations in attitudes

regarding Good and Evil and will swing to great extremes. Your generation will

also make great contributions in the areas of medicine and nutrition, ecology,

and education.


Pluto in 6th house:


You can become obsessed with your health, self-improvement and personal

development. The psychological elements of disease interest you, and you may

endlessly psychoanalyze yourself and others.


Also, you may work compulsively and exhaust yourself through overwork. You

can be a tyrant with co-workers, and it may be easier for you to work in






therese hamilton

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:00 PM

Re: Zodiac and Constellations



Don, I cannot read those reports. They put me to sleep after the first

couple of paragraphs. I'm sorry. I do have a few reports astrologers have

sent me, but they just seem like so many words that sound very nebulous.


I don't think we're going around in circles. We're just discussion

astrological terms and theory.


If you want to discuss reports, try this DOB for someone I know very well

(family member), and Su-Mo-Asc are all in one sign, so there will be fewer

words to read: April 23, 1974....7:11 a.m. Oakland, CA. About 17 Tropical

Taurus rising. The birth is exactly timed and is on the B.C.


This would be an interesting exercise if you can copy some of the main

ideas from the report to this web site. We'll see what the reports say

about that one sign tropically and sidereally. (Tropical Taurus, Sidereal



Since I believe we're talking mainly signs, this would be an easy report

from which to excerpt the main ideas concerning only one sign. Focus with

no extra threads. Let's make it a public discussion.




At 03:19 PM 8/30/06 -0400, Don wrote:


>We're going around in circles. If you'll send me by private email *in

strict confidence* your DOB info I'll send you privately your tropical

Cosmo and " sidereal " Cosmo reports and we can be on the same page here?







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At 12:23 AM 8/31/06 -0400, you wrote:

>This is the test data report done in Sidereal zodiac.

>The Cosmo Natal Report for



>Sidereal Test Chart

>April 23, 1974

>7:11 AM

>Oakland, California

>Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others


>Aries Rising:


Reading through this, I'll try to pick out only very true or very false

statements for Gerald.


>...aboveboard in all your dealings. Candid and incapable of guile,

insincerity or phoniness...


This is true. Gerald is an all-around good guy.


>>, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others.

You often lack tact and sensitivity, and can be completely oblivious to

others' needs, and inadvertently selfish.


Not true. I know this is what they say of tropical Aries. I have a tropical

Aries daughter, and yes, she is like that.


You are self-reliant and don't depend upon social approval and

reinforcement as much as other people do.


Gerald is self-reliant, and these traits could also belong to tropical

Taurus. What is happening tropically is that much of the signs are built on

theory, so here in this tropical sign ruled by Mars (supposedly),

'self-reliance' is given to the sign. Actually, tropical Taurus can be very

self-reliant, but since astrologers aren't looking for that trait, they

don't see it.


All three of my children are extremely self-reliant, and they have three

different sun signs and very different horoscopes.


>You like to be original and do not mind going it alone. You may feel that

you do not fit into groups very well, and that you do not naturally blend

in and cooperate with others very easily. You like to be either a leader or

a loner.


Actually Gerald cooperates well with his wife and co-workers. He's well

liked and neither a leader in the traditional sense nor a loner.


>...When inspired with an idea, you feel such a sense of urgency and

excitement about it that you will often charge ahead and try to implement

it in a rather bold but poorly planned and crudely executed way. Patience

and careful attention to details are not your forte.


This isn't true. Careful planning and much hard work go into all parts of

Gerald's life. This describes my daughter, however. The Tropical

observations can sometimes be 'right on.'


>>However, you never accept defeat and will have brilliant and

unprecedented successes and discoveries, as well as painful failures. To

you it is far better to make mistakes than it is to play it safe and never



Word spin and over-statement for any zodiac sign.


>You are scornful of what you see as weakness or passivity in others and

also of the human tendency to imitate and follow.


Not true. Gerald doesn't seem to have a negative thought for anyone, but

will be disgusted at the regulations imposed by city planners, for example.


You are not a follower. Others see you as a strong individual, and perhaps

brash and brazen as well.


Not in the least brazen and brash. But my tropical Aries daughter sure is!


>Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation


>Sun in Aries:


I suppose there's not a lot of sense continuing with this so-called 'Aries'

reading. A lot of this describes my daughter, but not Gerald.


As to why the valid observed traits of tropical Aries would belong to

sidereal Pisces, well, all we have to do is read the mythology of Jupiter

and Neptune. Jupiter, the domineering bossy king of the gods and Neptune,

who rode helter-skelter over the waves in pursuit of whatever and whoever

he wanted to conquer.


The upshot is that this computer program is using Tropical interpretations

for sidereal signs, and they don't work at all well. Then also there's a

lot of supposition and overstatement that wouldn't apply to everyone. So

many words, and astrologers cannot even tell the difference between the

charts of extreme introverts and extraverts. What is going on here?


Thank you again, Don, and I'm sorry for my cynical attitude. Gerald's

traits, however, are very easy to see. I've known him for over 25 years.


I haven't had time to proof either of these posts, so please excuse typos.



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