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At 02:57 AM 8/29/06 -0000, Venessa wrote:


>1st- i dont think i am at all detached, in fact, often, quite the



Hi Venessa,


This statement really supports our main personality traits coming from the

planets rather than the signs. You have both the Sun and Moon in sidereal

Capricorn, but what matters is that your ascendant is Leo, and since the

ascendant lord Sun is with the Moon, we will see lunar traits in you--tuned

into your emotions and concerned with what others think. the Moon tends to

be free-flowing and casual, which is one reason you feel you aren't

reliable. The Moon tends to go with the flow of the moment.


>2nd- I am often lacking confidence


This is a Saturnian trait. Saturn widely opposes your Sun and Moon (which

Vedic would count, but not tropical), but Saturn's influence shows up more

strongly in two other ways: Natal Saturn is directly on your navamsa

ascendant (describes the psychological self among other things), and

navamsa Saturn falls on your natal ascendant. So if you had a good textbook

of Saturn's traits, you would recongnize many of them in yourself. Caution,

however: some traits in textbooks given to Saturn don't belong there. I use

two sources: the Gauquelins and Edgar Cayce. Cayce links Saturn to change

and starting new projects or interests before old ones are completed.


>3rd- I am often not reliable (always late,dont return



This is at least partly the Moon's influence. But Uranus is square your

Sun, and Uranus tends to be changeable and sometimes erratic. Also Mercury

(precision, details) is weak by position (half a degree into Capricorn), so

this might affect a detail like exact timing.


Now about tropical Aquarius/sidereal Capricorn: I always check out Rob

Hand's HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS for the signs. One thing he says about this sign

is that a person defines him/herself by what is outside the self. This

means less inner confidence and being more comfortable identifying with

other people, ideals or causes.


So combined with the Moon's influence, this would (theoretically) mean that

you need someone else out there or a cause to give you a sense of

well-being. You would want their approval and appreciation. You wouldn't

mind asking for advice and guidance whereas another kind of person might

trust only himself.


Another trait linked to sidereal Capricorn and Saturn is the dislike of

status and having one person lord it over another. Saturn and Capricorn

like everyone to be on the same level--a strong sense of the rightness of

democracy. But because Mars is exalted in this sign, sometimes a Capricorn

native will strongly support or fight for public movements for an

unpopular cause.


These are just a few notes. Like most siderealists, I emphasize planets

more than signs. You have the Moon in fairly close square to the nodes, and

this is going to give the Moon/mind an unusual spin. I can't be specific,

however, without knowing you. Sometimes this combination is psychic, and

often the mind is receptive to unseen energies of one kind or another. It

may be an ungrounded influence.


Venus is in your 5th, so I'm wondering if you're artistic or creative in

some way? The other possibility is work with children. But Jupiter isn't

strong, so that might cancel that possibility out. This is how a Vedic

astrologer might look at your chart.


Outside of being strongly psychic, I don't think astrologers, including

myself, are especially good at blind readings. As astrology stands now, we

need to know the person to understand the horoscope. There are literally

hundreds of combinations and hundreds of ways the planets can manifest.



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Thank you for looking into this for me, i really appreciate it!


--- " ... of Saturn's traits, you would recongnize many of them in

yourself....Cayce links Saturn to change and starting new projects

or interests before old ones are completed. " ---


This is so true of me!! I have so many projects started that i cant

complete any of them; some I seem to become disinterested in as soon

as i feel i have a thorough knowledge of it.


--- " 3rd- I am often not reliable... partly the Moon's influence.

But Uranus is square your Sun, and Uranus tends to be changeable and

sometimes erratic. Also Mercury (precision, details) is weak by

position (half a degree into Capricorn), so this might affect a

detail like exact timing. " ---


My timing is Horrible- even with mundane issues like cooking

(although i have gotten better, but i REALLY have to focus).

BUT when i go to task, it takes me longer than a normal person as i

pay too much attention to even the smallest details.

(My friend once got exasperated with me for how long it took me to

vacuum her carpet before a party- because it didnt leave me much

time to get ready myself- but later her husband asked her if she had

the carpets professionally cleaned for the party!)(Maybe i'm just

OCD! LOL) I hate cutting corners or roughshod work but it takes much

longer to finish things.



--- " Now about tropical Aquarius/sidereal Capricorn: I always check

out Rob Hand's HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS for the signs. One thing he says

about this sign is that a person defines him/herself by what is

outside the self. This means less inner confidence and being more

comfortable identifying with other people, ideals or causes.

So combined with the Moon's influence, this would (theoretically)

mean that you need someone else out there or a cause to give you a

sense of well-being. You would want their approval and appreciation.

You wouldn't mind asking for advice and guidance whereas another

kind of person might trust only himself. " ---


This one is tricky- I'm not sure about defining myself with outside

sources, i dont usually find others who hold the same ideals or

causes (for instance I'm concerned for the environment; invasive

plants, wildlife conservation, human overpopulation. Also my

interests in Alternative healing, and the belief that we are all

connected in some way.) These ideas tend to get me odd looks from my

family! LOL. And I generally dont feel very interested in alot of

the causes or ideals they see as important.


As far as appreciation, it really motivates me.


I am always open to advice or constructive critisism, others have a

different perspective that may give new insight or see something i

may have overlooked.


--- " Another trait linked to sidereal Capricorn and Saturn is the

dislike of status and having one person lord it over another. Saturn

and Capricorn like everyone to be on the same level--a strong sense

of the rightness of democracy. But because Mars is exalted in this

sign, sometimes a Capricorn native will strongly support or fight

for public movements for an unpopular cause. " ---


I definitely dont like people being pushed around by those that

percieve themselves as better or bigger! I will absolutely rise to

the occasion if i witness it!


> These are just a few notes. Like most siderealists, I emphasize

planets more than signs. You have the Moon in fairly close square to

the nodes, and this is going to give the Moon/mind an unusual spin.

I can't be specific, however, without knowing you. Sometimes this

combination is psychic, and often the mind is receptive to unseen

energies of one kind or another. It may be an ungrounded influence. " -



I have felt in my life that sometimes i can glimpse something beyond

the big picture. As if something is tugging at the back of my mind.

As a child i constantly had deja vu (It actually got me out of a few

binds!) People seem drawn to me to talk about their secrets and

troubles. Children and animals seem to have an affinity for me, and

i them.

It seems out-of-the-way animals are always crossing my path. I live

in the suburbs and I have seen foxes, coyotes, all manner of birds

(owls, woodpeckers,great blue herons,white herons, hummers, hawks,

orioles nest here, the list goes on) salamanders, snakes,

woodchucks, all IN my yard! I love it when the chipmunks sit next to

me on the porch or the squirells gaze down at me through the

skylight- but they have oft given me a startle! LOL


I have always been drawn to the metalphysical and such but have

never actually seriously pursued this path to see if i've any talent

or gift in such. Besides i dont know where i'd begin! More than

likely it is as you say ungrounded.



--- " Venus is in your 5th, so I'm wondering if you're artistic or

creative in some way? The other possibility is work with children.

But Jupiter isn't strong, so that might cancel that possibility out.

This is how a Vedic astrologer might look at your chart. " ---


I do fancy myself as being somewhat artistic, i also love to write.


---Outside of being strongly psychic, I don't think astrologers,

including myself, are especially good at blind readings. As

astrology stands now, we need to know the person to understand the

horoscope. There are literally hundreds of combinations and hundreds

of ways the planets can manifest.---


So where then would i go for a full reading? I really need to get

myself sorted out! LOL.


Thank you again Therese, if you have anymore insight please let me

know, it would be greatly appreciated.


Vanessa :-)



PS sorry this was so long.

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At 12:08 AM 9/1/06 -0000, Venessa wrote:


>...BUT when i go to task, it takes me longer than a normal person as i

>pay too much attention to even the smallest details.

>(My friend once got exasperated with me for how long it took me to

>vacuum her carpet before a party- because it didnt leave me much

>time to get ready myself- but later her husband asked her if she had

>the carpets professionally cleaned for the party!)


Hi Venessa,


Thanks so much for your feedback. We can be astrologers for 500 years, and

still each chart is a new learning experience.


>This one is tricky- I'm not sure about defining myself with outside



I think maybe the use of words for Aquarius/Capricorn wasn't so good. I'm

smiling because your wish to have a complete astrological reading is

looking outside yourself to discover who you are. But you are your own best

interpreter for your horoscope.


If you have a grasp of the planets and can discover which are 'your'

planets, then all you have to do is become familiar with the plus and minus

sides of those planets. There's a book out there that has some good quotes

from the Edgar Cayce Reading on the planets: EDGAR CAYCE'S ASTROLOGY FOR

THE SOUL by Margaret Gammon. I think you'd find it fun and helpful to read

and have as a reference. I still use the book, though now I have a more

complete book of quotes (out of print) and the Cayce CD which has all the



>...Also my

>interests in Alternative healing, and the belief that we are all

>connected in some way...


In your navamsa chart you have a very close conjunction of Mercury with

Neptune, and you've just made a Neptune statement! Neptune is also sextile

your Moon, but by tropical standards the orb is a bit wide. Neptune knows

no boundaries between people--a good Neptune anyway.


>As far as appreciation, it really motivates me.


This is the Moon, and probably some of T Aq/S Cap as well.


>I definitely dont like people being pushed around by those that

>percieve themselves as better or bigger! I will absolutely rise to

>the occasion if i witness it!


Perhaps the concept of a 'cause' doesn't belong to Aqu/Cap so much as the

wish to defend those who are wronged or persecuted in some way. Saturn

likes everything to be level and fair. (When I say Aqu/Cap, I mean only one

sign: Trop Aqu/Sid Cap--same thing.)


>I have felt in my life that sometimes i can glimpse something beyond

>the big picture. As if something is tugging at the back of my mind.

>As a child i constantly had deja vu (It actually got me out of a few

>binds!) People seem drawn to me to talk about their secrets and

>troubles. Children and animals seem to have an affinity for me, and

i them.

>It seems out-of-the-way animals are always crossing my path. I live

>in the suburbs and I have seen foxes, coyotes, all manner of birds

>(owls, woodpeckers,great blue herons,white herons, hummers, hawks,

>orioles nest here, the list goes on) salamanders, snakes,

>woodchucks, all IN my yard! I love it when the chipmunks sit next to

>me on the porch or the squirells gaze down at me through the

>skylight- but they have oft given me a startle! LOL


>I have always been drawn to the metalphysical and such but have

>never actually seriously pursued this path to see if i've any talent

>or gift in such. Besides i dont know where i'd begin! More than

>likely it is as you say ungrounded.


It sounds to me as if 'ungrounded' isn't really the right way to look at

it. More likely you're a special person who posseses special abilities and

sensitivity. Now looking at your horoscope in the navamsa you have Sun with

Pluto, which Cayce says has to do with developing spiritual awareness.

Pluto with the Sun is always unique in some way.


As an astrologer I can see that you have both Neptune and Pluto in

prominent positions (using the navamsa chart). But there is no way I'd know

what that meant without you telling me. I don't know what you've done with

your life, but it may be that you have special work to do with animals or



I have a feeling that your path will become more clear as months and years

go by. Venus is the lord of your 10th, and it's in the house of children.

Your Sun and Moon are in the 6th, the house of those who work with the

healing arts. The 6th doesn't rule healing and wholenss itself, but those

who actually work in that area in the attempt to bring wholenss to others.


You know, Venessa, no astrologer would see what you've said about yourself

in your horoscope--your essence, your deep affinity with animals and their

response to you, your deja vu experiences. And this is the big drawback of

astrology--we can't see the essence of a person in the chart. I have a few

very unique friends, and even knowing them well, I can't see where that

unique quality is in the horoscope. I would never guess without knowing

them. The unique quality is hidden somewhere behind the planets, and I

don't have the key.


>So where then would i go for a full reading? I really need to get

>myself sorted out! LOL.


Venessa! You've just given yourself a very fine reading!! All you have to

do is ask for guidance and watch your dreams. You'll be shown the way. It

seems to me that you're attuned to a more genuine reality than most of us.

What the world may see as being undgrounded may simply point to another

more genuine way of being.


Sidereal Capricorn is the sign of the universal--number 10. It is not

Saturnian, but does correlate with the mythology of Saturn, who brought the

warring peoples of Roman Italy together to live in peace and harmony. And

what is more important than doing what we can to spread peace and harmony

within our immediate environment--wherever we happen to live and whoever

our family and friends happen to be?


I'm going to check the stars in your chart--the conjunctions to your

planets. There are a lot of secrets there that we don't know about as yet.

The energies of the world are changing, and I have a feeling you'll become

more and more aware of your reason for being here as time goes on. Right

now transiting Neptune is close to your Moon, and Neptune is opposed by

Saturn. This transit should have a profound affect on your consciousness.

I'd like to know how your life progresses, so I hope you'll stay in touch.

My e-mail address is eastwest


And Venessa, I doubt there is an astrologer out there who can really read

your chart! It would be impossible without true spiritual and psychic

vision. Maybe there might be a saint in India who has the astrological keys

to horoscopes.


It's late tonight, so please excuse typos.




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, therese hamilton

<eastwest wrote:

.... I doubt there is an astrologer out there who can really read

> your chart! It would be impossible without true spiritual and psychic

> vision. Maybe there might be a saint in India who has the

astrological keys

> to horoscopes....



Again Therese,

Thank you. I am still tryin to digest all that you have said. i can

now see how you are correct..i am trying to find myself by looking


Isnt funny how when youre in the thick of something you cant really

see whats going on? I suppose thats why I am always looking around for


But lately I have been feeling a heightened anxiousness, unease...no,

more a restlessness to find something, to see or figure something out!

Thats kind of what led me here. I honestly dont know where to begin

and i thought if i started at the begining.. my natal chart... i dont

know... it would lead me somewhere. Its strange really, I dont feel

lost. I am feeling less lost, in fact, than ever. But more like

something else is lost and i need to find it! Like something is

calling me and i just dont know where to look!


Wow! OK i think i just went off in left field somewhere! Sorry i

suppose that was a little off topic, but any way...


Just for claification, I am actually a nurse, but i havent worked in

that field for a couple years now. I was very dissapointed working in

that field- with the management. I didnt feel like i was able to be

very effective. I was told i took too long with the patients- that i

needed to just find out what their symptoms were that day and move on.

Don't listen to anything else and cut them off if they move into any

other topics. I hated that. Especially with the elderly. I was taught

in nursing school that often, the dr's visit was the majority of

interaction and socialization that patient may have all week- maybe

longer! And just listening can go a long way to healing them.


Now i dabble in photography and devote my time to raising my 4



Anyway I digress, I appreciate your insight and help in this matter,

and i am flattered at your request to stay in touch. I will do so.

Thank you.


Vanessa :-)

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