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Vanessa write:


>>2nd- I am often lacking confidence


Therese wrote:


This is a Saturnian trait. Saturn widely opposes your Sun and Moon (which

> Vedic would count, but not tropical), but Saturn's influence shows up more

> strongly in two other ways: Natal Saturn is directly on your navamsa

> ascendant (describes the psychological self among other things), and

> navamsa Saturn falls on your natal ascendant.




I would say additionally, that because in the Indian scheme of things,

Saturn is the enemy of the Sun, your Sun (which has quite a lot to do with

one's confidence) is not very happy in a sign ruled by Saturn. I would say

also that maybe the sixth whole sign house (that's the only house system I

use) might have something to do with this too. Of course also the fact, that

your Sun is aspected (by Vedic aspect) by it's enemy, Saturn.


Vanessa wrote:


(for instance I'm concerned for the environment; invasive plants, wildlife

conservation, human overpopulation. Also my interests in Alternative

healing, and the belief that we are all connected in some way.)




Maybe this too migh have something to do with the sixth house. Western

astrology connects the sixth house with pets and I'm not sure about that,

but maybe that point might be worth considering. So, when your Sun is in the

sixth house, you might get special energy and spirit from animals and have

interest for environmental things.


Vanessa wrote:


I definitely dont like people being pushed around by those that percieve

themselves as better or bigger! I will absolutely rise to the occasion if i

witness it!




This is definitely a Martian trait. Your Moon is in the naksatra of Mars.

I've studied naksatra rulers for many months now and I'm quite convinced

that there is a connection between enneagram and the nine planets of Hindu

astrology (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, both

nodes of the Moon). The naksatra ruler of the Moon is probably of special

importance here and it may even tell one's enneagram type ( I've ended up in

using Raman's ayanamsa). I gave a presentation about this idea last month in

the Summer Convention of the Finnish Astrological Association with several



The scheme is as follows:

Ketu (South Node) - 1

The Sun - 2

Rahu (North Node) - 3

Venus - 4

Saturn - 5

Mars - 6

Mercury - 7

Jupiter - 8

The Moon - 9


Note that if you put these planets in the enneagram figure and follow the

arrows, you get the planets in Vimsottari dasa order.


If you're interested in the enneagram types, you can find the most

intelligent descriptions here http://www.enneagraminstitute.com/


Vanessa wrote:


I have felt in my life that sometimes i can glimpse something beyond the big

picture. As if something is tugging at the back of my mind. As a child i

constantly had deja vu (It actually got me out of a few binds!) People seem

drawn to me to talk about their secrets and troubles. Children and animals

seem to have an affinity for me, and i them. (...)


I have always been drawn to the metalphysical and such but have never

actually seriously pursued this path to see if i've any talent or gift in

such. Besides i dont know where i'd begin! More than likely it is as you say





Curiously enough, I think you describe here your sidereal Leo ascendant. You

cannot find this kind of description about Leo anywhere, not in tropical

zodiac, neither on sideral, but this is something I've found studying charts

and the nature of a strong Sun.


Finally I found a great affirmation to my ideas in a book that's not about

astrology, but about a system based on Rodney Collin and Gurdjieff. The book

is Susan Zannos' " Human Types - Essence and Enneagram " . Zannos describes

seven types of people based on planets (but not on astrology per se). Some

of the planets have changed places IMO, but some descriptions offer fine,

unique view on the planets as they really work on the charts. The Sun is one

of those:


" The Solar is the most attractive of all the human types, with a delicate

other-wordly beauty that frequently seems too refined for this coarse planet

and the other humans who live on it. (...)


The Solar type seems to have many of the psychological charatersitics we

associate with children. Solars seem to live in a fairy tale world of

magical possibilities long after others have accustomed themselves to the

harsher aspects of reality. They don't seem to recognize limitations, not

their own, not other people's, and not even the limitation imposed by

impersonal forces like weather of economic conditions. Of all the types, the

Solar is least suited to life on this planet. (...)


In their thinking, Solars favor Utopian theories. They may be drawn to

studies of metaphysics and philosophy, or they may espouse program of social

change predicated on idealistic visions. Solars embody the attitude on Don

Quixonte. Unable to accept, or even accurately to perceive, the real world

of drudgery, coarseness, and brutality, Solars live in a fairy tale world of

infinite possibilities. "


On the other hand: " Solars, like the Sun, seem to be almost pure energy.

With this

very high energy level, this type will work extremely hard, or play

extremely hard, with no sense of when it is necessary to rest. Solars can be

highly focused on their aims, and intense, indeed obsessional, in their

pursuit of those aims. They are not distressed when their implausible

schemes do not work, at least not to the next, usually equally implausible,

project. "


Now, look at the list of some people with Leo ascendant from ADB:


Louisa Alcott May (the writer of Little Women books) Woody Allen, Tim

Buckley, Kurt Cobain, Nicolaus Copernicus, Marlene Dietrich, Placido

Domingo, Faye Dunaway, Linda Goodman, Arlo Guthrie, Nina Hagen, Johnny

Hallyday, Franz Joseph Haydn, Jim Jarmusch, Frida Kahlo, Rudyard Kipling,

Martin Luther, Henry Matisse, Richard Nixon, Vanessa Redgrave, Rainer Maria

Rilke, Roberto Rosselini, Francoise Sagan, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Paul

Simon, Jacques Tati, Antonio Vivaldi, Oscar Wilde...


Talk about charm, idealism, creativity, vulnerability, luminosity,

sensitivity, obsessions, childlike omnipotency...! I think this is the real

core of sideral Leo.


Regards, Sari

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At 12:06 PM 9/2/06 +0300, Sari wrote:

>Vanessa wrote:


>(for instance I'm concerned for the environment; invasive plants, wildlife

>conservation, human overpopulation. Also my interests in Alternative

>healing, and the belief that we are all connected in some way.)




>Maybe this too migh have something to do with the sixth house. Western

>astrology connects the sixth house with pets...


From Lilly's time the 6th was said to rule small animals and the 12th large

animals--bigger than a sheep! I think also that the concerns Venessa

mentioned might come under 'causes' that can be associated with sidereal

Capricorn: environmental concerns, wildlife conservation, human

overpopulation. These are universal concerns that affect everyone on the

planet. The myths of Saturn had much to do with the land.


I think the signs might reflect various aspects of planetary mythology as

reflected in our lives while the planets are more specific about

psychological traits.


You covered a lot of territory in your post, Sari, so I'm sending separate




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