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Tropical Taurus Test Chart

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At 11:03 AM 9/2/06 +0300, Sari wrote:


>these comments about a computer reading were very enlightning... sometimes

the tropical traits of the next sign fit perfectly to the previous sidereal

sign, but not always.


This is true, Sari, because as you said the tropical descriptions are a

confused mix, and we have 'to pick wheat from husk by hand.'


>So I don't recommed applying tropical descriptions to the previous sidereal



Still, they are a good place to start if we note traits or acitivites that

seem to correlate with the sidereal ruling and exalted planets. Right away

we can toss many of the psychological traits that don't match, but starting

with a few tropical observations is better than starting in the dark.

Science will always research an area before looking at patterns.


>...We Western siderealists should

>do the painful work of making a fresh start and defining the sidereal signs

>in modern terms using rulers, studying what the elements might mean on the

>sidereal zodiac etc.


I really hope we can do this on this forum. It's strange how on the

astrological forums only a few of several hundred members will participate

in a discussion.


>Because I've started to use less and less outer planets, I would put these

>traits [for Gerald] mainly to the Moon on the ascendant. The Moon is among

other things

>about the inner world, shutting down to one's environment...


Here I disagree with you Sari, because the Moon likes a response from other

people. I think to solve this Moon-Ascendant question we'll need to use the

AstroDatabank. It's too involved to discuss without a number of actual

horoscopes. Also the Moon reflects the lunar mansion it's in.


> Additionally, (Mars) is extremely strong in

>shadbala points. And it's in close conjuction to the meticulous, technically

>oriented Saturn (descripted by Gauquelin)! In theoretical, airy, masculine

>Gemini ruled by Mercury!


Sari, how about taking a guess as to what Gerald has done professionally?

I'll reply to you privately since this is such a great chart to post on



Can you tell me how you're understanding 'airy' at present? We'll see if it

describes anything about Gerald's life.


>>...I think this was a very interesting exercise. I think this is

something we should discuss about - real charts about people one of us knows.


Right! Let's continue.



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