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Thema Mundi -- Houlding's Houses book

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Therese wrote:


> One interesting topic that she discusses that I don't remember seeing on

> her site is the correlation of some house meanings with the joys of the

> planets in houses. So she calls the 3rd (Moon)/9th (Sun) polarity the

> Queen

> and King, and then discusses how this concept can be expanded to house

> meanings.




This was on the (latter?) online version too. The 3rd house as Queen is an

interesting concept. Some people interpret is as the 3rd house as the female

deity or Goddess in opposition to the masculine God of the 9th house.


Julie wrote:


Still looking around for my Mercury Dasa ... may have misplaced it " ;)




With Lahiri you Mercury dasa haven't started yet , it will actually start in

six days. I personally don't see Mercury only as a rigorously scientific

planet - maybe the best article I've seen about (Vedic) Mercury was in The

Mountain Astrologer 8/04 by Kenneth Johnson ( " A Vedic Perspective on Virgo

and Pisces " ). Johnson discusses about Mercurial myths and Mercury as the

Prince of the Planetary Cabinet - a carefree, bit lazy figure who likes

enjoyment and laying on a divan, who finds hard, physical work quite alien

and who doesn't need worry about livelihood (because he's a prince and a



In traditional Western astrology we have Mercury as a smooth, verbal

salesperson and a trickster and magician. One of the main features of

Mercury is his ability to merge with his environment - he takes on the

colors of the environment and company he's with.


I think Mercury has quite a soft feeling about him, personally I've found

connection with him and natural healing methods, or nature in general,

Mercury being an Earth planet. Mercury would also seem to have strong

connection with spirituality (but not necessarily with religion), and this

is actually in sync with traditional texts. Of course there's these

thinking, studying, language, scientists, intelligence etc. themes, but

there's a lot of creativity too. I don't see Mercury that much or mainly as

a " hard scientist " type of planet.


Julia, with Lahiri ayanamsa you've have had Saturn dasha from 1988 and it's

about changing to Mercury - I would say that you're life will gradually take

a softer and more intuitive turn after quite a hard and realistic Saturn

period. Your Saturn is in the 5th house of intellect and study (in the Vedic

scheme) from the Ascendant, but your Mercury is in the 6th house - I don't

know what that could strictly speaking be (apart from those usual, a bit

stolid " sickness, enemies " interpretations), but Bepin Behari associates

Mercury in the 6th with " supernormal powers " . Maybe we stick with that :oD.


Best, Sari

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