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At 05:10 PM 11/23/07 -0000, Siderealstars wrote:


>[Question:] 'moon chart' and associated transits

>where move the moon/sign over into the first house... this currently

>(today) puts jupiter crossing over my (moon1st chart) FIRST house

>cusp = jupiter/ascendant (SAG)


>i am a bit 'taken back' by the validity of using this chart and

>associated transits - what does one do for returns... say solar and

>lunar??? - or are these charts not used in the same way... iow would

>one set up the chart using this moon1st chart as base?


>any advice is much appreciated or perhaps a better 'referral' source

>would be more appropriate.



Hello Siderealstars,


By the Moon chart do you mean the 12 house chart using the Moon sign as the

first house? If so, this is a commonly used Jyotish (Vedic) chart. It's

used much like the standard chart counting from the ascendant. This Moon

chart is especially valid psychologically because the Moon represents our

human mind and emotions. So you will really feel the transits to this chart.


I'm undecided about the validity of the houses in this chart, but certainly

the numbering of the houses matters. That is, the 6th and 8th houses/signs

(quincunx the Moon sign Asc) would tend to be stressful in some way (via

transits), and the 5th and 9th signs (trine Asc) would be 'good.' I won't

say anything else until I learn if this is the chart you're asking about.


Thanks for coming 'out of the woodwork' so to speak and letting us know

you're here.




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hi Therese

thank you for replying - i know its not easy to 'field' all responses

that come up in the forum (i also play this role!)... so much



(response below)






, therese hamilton

<eastwest wrote:


> At 05:10 PM 11/23/07 -0000, Siderealstars wrote:


> >[Question:] 'moon chart' and associated transits

> >where move the moon/sign over into the first house... this


> >(today) puts jupiter crossing over my (moon1st chart) FIRST house

> >cusp = jupiter/ascendant (SAG)

> >

> >i am a bit 'taken back' by the validity of using this chart and

> >associated transits - what does one do for returns... say solar


> >lunar??? - or are these charts not used in the same way... iow


> >one set up the chart using this moon1st chart as base?

> >

> >any advice is much appreciated or perhaps a better 'referral'


> >would be more appropriate.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Hello Siderealstars,


> By the Moon chart do you mean the 12 house chart using the Moon

sign as the

> first house?














If so, this is a commonly used Jyotish (Vedic) chart. It's

> used much like the standard chart counting from the ascendant. This


> chart is especially valid psychologically because the Moon

represents our

> human mind and emotions. So you will really feel the transits to

this chart.














> I'm undecided about the validity of the houses in this chart,





when you say the " validity of the houses "

do you mean transits to these (lunar 1st) houses ?







but certainly

> the numbering of the houses matters. That is, the 6th and 8th


> (quincunx the Moon sign Asc) would tend to be stressful in some way


> transits), and the 5th and 9th signs (trine Asc) would be 'good.' I


> say anything else until I learn if this is the chart you're asking








yes it is!



one reason i have become interested in it (as mentioned in most

recent reply to Dave)


is bec this year in particular

it would seem that i have been wrong more often then not in my

predictions (like literally i dont know why i even look at astrology

this year lol! - very humbly i have been wrong about everything this

year!)... whereas previously i was 'good enough' for what i wanted to

get out of it (general trends for upcoming periods - iow good/bad)

and especially in 'strategizing' my use of time planning etc... i

even thought i was getting pretty good using the methods i was using

before (still wouldnt have called myself an astrologer - perhaps

an 'armchair' or wannabe would be more appropriate!)... but again

this year i literally havent gotten anything right - expected gain

when there was loss etc ETC


so using this method

is putting jupiter crossing over my Sag (moon) rising sign (actually

Scorpio rising) right now the end of nov - and like i mentioned in

the previous reply - is a valid 'insight' into my life experience at

this time - which certainly does not show looking at any other

methods (western or otherwise)... and i know that vedically jupiter

crossing over into 1st does not necessarily imply things are going to

be all good - but certainly they are 'different' signifying

a 'change' of trends!















> Thanks for coming 'out of the woodwork' so to speak and letting us


> you're here.


> Sincerely,

> Therese







not exactly " out of the woodwork " yet!

feel like i am stuck in it LOL... i need to just make the time right

now to further my astro understanding and just commit to it. do you

have any 'summaries' of the methods being used in this group or is

there a link to learn more about it?


thank you again Therese!



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At 08:07 PM 11/26/07 -0000, SiderealStars wrote:


>i have the latest and greatest solar fire software and well no time

>to read books right now anyway! -


>speaking of which

>is there a 'preferred' or best vedic/sidereal software program?



Hi SiderealStars,


I've been scanning back posts and came across this question in one of your

post. Actually for Vedic/Jyotish charts, Solar Fire is fine, and you can

easily have the charts in circular format. All you have to do is set the

program for your favorite ayanamsa, and then for the navamsa chart, simply

compute a 9th harmonic chart. The different Vedic printouts will give you

the dasas and sub-periods, but if you want to go to the third periond

you'll need a Jyotish program.


Parashara's Light is probably the best Jyotish program. I have it, but

rarely use it, since Solar Fire is so fast and efficient and computes solar

returns so easily. Probably the automatic location information is more

reliable in SF as well. PL has lots of extras--a number of entire Jyotish

texts, interpretations by clicking on symbols, and so forth. By going to

the GeoVision site, you can see all the perks listed for PL. I have the

books in hard copy, so don't really read the in-program texts. But if you

don't have the books, you can save $$$ by reading them within the program.


I and a few others are fighting a losing by refusing to call India's

astrology 'Vedic,' since Horoscopic astrology didn't exist in Vedic times.

'Jyotish' (science of light) is a much preferred and more accurate term.


Please don't hesitate to ask additional questions. I've used Parashara's

Light for many years, but more recently have become lazy and fire up Solar

Fire for natal and return charts.



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At 08:35 PM 11/26/07 -0000, SiderealStars wrote:


>when you say the " validity of the houses "

>do you mean transits to these (lunar 1st) houses ?


No, I mean I'm not sure, for example, if the 5th represents children, or is

only a beneific place for a planet, which would be in trine to the

Moon-Ascendant. I really should have an answer to this question, but for

some reason other topics have occupied my study. But this would be easy

for you to check in your own chart and those in your family. Just watch the

transits through the signs.


>...is bec this year in particular

>it would seem that i have been wrong more often then not in my

>predictions... but again this year i literally havent gotten anything



One transit method devised by Krishnamurti seems to often work, though it

seems 'round-about.' K says that when a planet is activated in the natal

chart via transit or dasas, we should be looking *first* at any planets in

that planet's mansions, and second to the planet itself. So if Jupiter is

transiting your Sag Moon, first note the planets in the Moon's mansons

(nakshatras) and see if they indicate what is actually happening in your

life. If you want to post your birth information or send it to me

privately, I can see your chart and then ask some questons. (When there's

time as the holiday season has begun!)>


>Do you have any 'summaries' of the methods being used in this group or is

>there a link to learn more about it?


There are no summaries, since so many different methods are used by forum

members. You more or less have to choose your own main approach to

astrology, and then study a few books. The one Jyotish book I highly

recomment is Ernst Wilhelm's GRAHA SUTRAS. This book won't tell you how to

interpret a chart, but it's a very thorough study of the planets. If we get

the planets down, we have the chart down--mostly.





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Hi Therese,


Thanks....I prefer Hindu too....or on my more affected

days....Hindoo....as our New England Transcendentalists were wont to

use....the cows of India and the Bulls Eye of Taurus....'Vedic' is so

snappy just now....let's start tearing it down....first stop....those

ACVAs at UAC...they are the vedic plague....





Therese Hamilton wrote:


> I and a few others are fighting a losing by refusing to call India's

> astrology 'Vedic,' since Horoscopic astrology didn't exist in Vedic

> times.

> 'Jyotish' (science of light) is a much preferred and more accurate

> term.





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You might have a look at your solar return planets for afflictions to

Moon Mercury Jupiter for any eclipse of judgments.





> SiderealStars wrote:


> >...is bec this year in particular

> >it would seem that i have been wrong more often then not in my

> >predictions... but again this year i literally havent gotten anything


> right...






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At 04:32 PM 11/27/07 -0800, Dark*Star wrote:


>Thanks....I prefer Hindu too....or on my more affected

>days....Hindoo....as our New England Transcendentalists were wont to

>use....the cows of India and the Bulls Eye of Taurus....'Vedic' is so

>snappy just now....let's start tearing it down....first stop....those

>ACVAs at UAC...they are the vedic plague....



Amen. It *IS* all their fault, too, but they are the power of Jyotish in

the west. Martin Gansten says that Jyotish is a quite acceptable term for

India's astrology--even better than Hindoo...



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Only because Martin's 'dread full' Saturn has to opt for Jyotish.... a

cold intellect in a cold coultry. Hindoo would smack too much of the

people. You seem more democratic, however.





Therese Hamilton wrote:


> At 04:32 PM 11/27/07 -0800, Dark*Star wrote:

> >

> >Thanks....I prefer Hindu too....or on my more affected

> >days....Hindoo....as our New England Transcendentalists were wont to

> >use....the cows of India and the Bulls Eye of Taurus....'Vedic' is so


> >snappy just now....let's start tearing it down....first stop....those


> >ACVAs at UAC...they are the vedic plague....

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Amen. It *IS* all their fault, too, but they are the power of Jyotish

> in

> the west. Martin Gansten says that Jyotish is a quite acceptable term

> for

> India's astrology--even better than Hindoo...


> Therese






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D*S, do you happen to know Martin's birth place? I have his lat/long, but

no city.


Well, Hindooism is a religion, and there's a whole lotta' different people

with different religions in India. Today's 'Jyotish' is already a grand

mixture of east and west, very different from plain old Hindu astrology in

Raman's time. So I guess it might need a new name...




At 09:03 PM 11/27/07 -0800, you wrote:


>Only because Martin's 'dread full' Saturn has to opt for Jyotish.... a

>cold intellect in a cold coultry. Hindoo would smack too much of the

>people. You seem more democratic, however.

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I don't have it but little Sweden hardly needs it.

Jyotish is already so amalgamated? Please continue.






Therese Hamilton wrote:


> D*S, do you happen to know Martin's birth place? I have his lat/long,

> but

> no city.


> Well, Hindooism is a religion, and there's a whole lotta' different

> people

> with different religions in India. Today's 'Jyotish' is already a

> grand

> mixture of east and west, very different from plain old Hindu

> astrology in

> Raman's time. So I guess it might need a new name...


> Therese


> At 09:03 PM 11/27/07 -0800, you wrote:

> >

> >Only because Martin's 'dread full' Saturn has to opt for Jyotish....

> a

> >cold intellect in a cold coultry. Hindoo would smack too much of the

> >people. You seem more democratic, however.






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