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Benazir Bhutto

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Dear Sunil Sir, Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam Bhutto is still alive. Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October. Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by the government. Regds-javedsunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN SONIA MEHDIRATTA, MANOJ PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on the horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007 that he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan and occupying an important position again. I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this research with a batch of research students, produce some more researches. He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia

Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to Pakistan and come into a big position. Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life of Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career (According to Shri K.N. Rao

dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death, Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political careerShe then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again. She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only surviving child of her parents.Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in October and patch up with Musharraf.Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she wrote in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her prediction has been given. Now read the article.K.N.Rao. Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan By Sonia Mehdiratta Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June 1953 at Karachi. She has the

rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records. Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing challenging situations within her own country rose to power and twice served as Prime minister of Pakistan. Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and adorn a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and running it twice. Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense popularity all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be because people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times of women in

Islamic nations through her first hand account. Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway over people in her country. Controversy of her horoscope In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers is to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities. In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with Scorpio lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-websites in the world

but which is the dependable horoscope? Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the horoscope and the dasha order. Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it with the events of her life. In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati Sama dasha. Brothers The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents. Education Father's rise in his political

career According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position. Return to Pakistan Father's Death Return to Pakistan and her Marriage Beginning of Political career Present Updates: .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected to her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha becomes further evident from

her press releases where she has said that she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of arrest and assassination. Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007. From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power is a great possibility. However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and religious fundamentalists. As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my country, but the

entire world". Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Hare ramakrishna,

dear javed saab ,

Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity charts .

Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab mushareff ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for him .I told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv 15th 2007 .

I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as every time a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i can be more sure of lagna

In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( lord of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is not .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced and aspected by benefics.

Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some fights and struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by malefics ,so care shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .

after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more clear .

Thanks and regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam Bhutto is still alive.> > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by the government.> > Regds-javed> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, MANOJ PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on the horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007 that he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan and occupying an important position again. > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this research with a batch of research students, produce some more researches.> > He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to Pakistan and come into a big position.> > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life of Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career (According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death, Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again. > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only surviving child of her parents.> > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in October and patch up with Musharraf.> > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she wrote in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > K.N.Rao. > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> By Sonia Mehdiratta> Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June 1953 at Karachi.> She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records. > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing challenging situations within her own country rose to power and twice served as Prime minister of Pakistan. > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and adorn a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and running it twice. > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense popularity all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be because people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account. > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway over people in her country.> Controversy of her horoscope > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers is to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities. > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with Scorpio lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-websites in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the horoscope and the dasha order.> Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it with the events of her life.> > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati Sama dasha.> Brothers> The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents. > Education > Father's rise in his political career> According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position.> Return to Pakistan> Father's Death> Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> Beginning of Political career> Present Updates:> .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected to her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said that she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of arrest and assassination.> Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007. > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power is a great possibility. > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and religious fundamentalists.> As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my country, but the entire world".> > > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.>

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Dear javed Shab,


Women's presence in power is a destiny that God wants. May be, along

with Benazir, more women emerges in pakistan and terrorism will die.


It does mean the dream i saw 7 yrs back is coming true, I have

already informed to you about that, I also wish Prez Mushharaf will

be there in pakistan in some manner or other in his decisive position

for next 3 more years, I m not sure of his presidential status, but

he will have a strong position, however, his being a president, is

good for pakistan as well as for india.


enough blood, we have seen enough.







Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Hare ramakrishna,


> dear javed saab ,


> Thanks for information .This is the problem with all


> charts .


> Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab

mushareff ,i

> told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for him .I

> told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv 15th

> 2007 .


> I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as

every time

> a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i


> be more sure of lagna


> In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh (


> of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is


> .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced and

> aspected by benefics.


> Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some fights


> struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by malefics ,so


> shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .


> after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more


> .


> Thanks and regrds


> sunil nair


> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.





> Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada

> <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil Sir,

> >

> > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam

> Bhutto is still alive.

> >

> > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.

> >

> > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also

> announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by


> government.

> >

> > Regds-javed

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:




> PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM

> > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati

> Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it

> most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on


> horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007


> he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan


> occupying an important position again.

> >

> > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this

> research with a batch of research students, produce some more

> researches.

> >

> > He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia

> Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and

> predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June

> Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to

> Pakistan and come into a big position.

> >

> > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life


> Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The


> result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly

> reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her

> parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career


> to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a

> ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death,

> Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career

> >

> > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri

> Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.

> >

> > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and

> explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only


> child of her parents.

> >

> > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April

> 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in

> October and patch up with Musharraf.

> >

> > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she

wrote in

> detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her

> prediction has been given. Now read the article.

> >

> > K.N.Rao.

> > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan

> > By Sonia Mehdiratta

> > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of

> ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June


> at Karachi.

> > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a


> nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most

> Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.

> >

> > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing

> challenging situations within her own country rose to power and


> served as Prime minister of Pakistan.

> >

> > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and

adorn a

> veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and


> it twice.

> >

> > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense

popularity all

> over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be


> people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times


> women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.

> >

> > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to


> that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway

> over people in her country.

> > Controversy of her horoscope

> >

> > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are

> available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of

> which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers


> to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.

> >

> > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with


> lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-


> in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?

> > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on


> of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain

> known events in a person's life with the indications in the


> and the dasha order.

> > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir


> herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London

to be

> given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we


> and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it


> the events of her life.

> >

> >

> > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in


> seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati Sama

> dasha.

> > Brothers

> > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns


> clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child

of her

> parents.

> > Education

> > Father's rise in his political career

> > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a

> person a ministerial or alike position.

> > Return to Pakistan

> > Father's Death

> > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage

> > Beginning of Political career

> > Present Updates:

> > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected

to her

> fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha

> becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said


> she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of

> arrest and assassination.

> > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.

> >

> > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power

is a

> great possibility.

> >

> > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her


> country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and

> religious fundamentalists.

> > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of


> East, " As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in

> 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my


> but the entire world " .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://uk.messenger.

> > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://uk.messenger.

> >


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Dear Sunil Sir, I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want to send the correct one. Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share the power. Regds-javedsunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: Hare ramakrishna, dear

javed saab , Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity charts . Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab mushareff ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for him .I told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv 15th 2007 . I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as every time a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i can be more sure of lagna In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( lord of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is not .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced and aspected by benefics. Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some fights

and struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by malefics ,so care shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth . after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more clear . Thanks and regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah. Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam Bhutto is still alive.> > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by the government.> >

Regds-javed> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, MANOJ PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on the horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007 that he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan and occupying an important position again. > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this research with a batch of research students, produce some more researches.> > He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as

April (in the April-June Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to Pakistan and come into a big position.> > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life of Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career (According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death, Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again. > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only

surviving child of her parents.> > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in October and patch up with Musharraf.> > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she wrote in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > K.N.Rao. > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> By Sonia Mehdiratta> Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June 1953 at Karachi.> She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records. > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing challenging situations

within her own country rose to power and twice served as Prime minister of Pakistan. > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and adorn a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and running it twice. > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense popularity all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be because people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account. > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway over people in her country.> Controversy of her horoscope > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers is

to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities. > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with Scorpio lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-websites in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the horoscope and the dasha order.> Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it with the events of her life.> > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati

Sama dasha.> Brothers> The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents. > Education > Father's rise in his political career> According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position.> Return to Pakistan> Father's Death> Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> Beginning of Political career> Present Updates:> .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected to her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said that she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of arrest and assassination.> Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007. > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power is a

great possibility. > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and religious fundamentalists.> As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my country, but the entire world".> > > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Dear Lalit, I am 100% agree with you.It will be a excellent combination of Mussharaff and BB,both are moderate and against terrorism.Your dream is coming true Regds-javedlitsol <mishra.lalit wrote: Dear javed Shab,Women's presence in power is a destiny that God wants. May be, along with Benazir, more women emerges in pakistan and terrorism will die.It does mean the

dream i saw 7 yrs back is coming true, I have already informed to you about that, I also wish Prez Mushharaf will be there in pakistan in some manner or other in his decisive position for next 3 more years, I m not sure of his presidential status, but he will have a strong position, however, his being a president, is good for pakistan as well as for india.enough blood, we have seen enough.regards,Lalit.Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear javed saab ,> > Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity> charts .> > Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab mushareff ,i> told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for him

..I> told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv 15th> 2007 .> > I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as every time> a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i can> be more sure of lagna> > In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( lord> of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is not> .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced and> aspected by benefics.> > Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some fights and> struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by malefics ,so care> shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .> > after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more clear> .> > Thanks and regrds> > sunil

nair> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Sir,> >> > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam> Bhutto is still alive.> >> > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> >> > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also> announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by the> government.> >> > Regds-javed> >> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, MANOJ> PATHAK, KN RAO 2

October 2007, 7:16 PM> > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati> Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it> most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on the> horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007 that> he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan and> occupying an important position again.> >> > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this> research with a batch of research students, produce some more> researches.> >> > He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia> Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and> predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June> Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to> Pakistan

and come into a big position.> >> > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life of> Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The very> result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly> reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her> parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career (According> to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a> ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death,> Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> >> > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri> Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.> >> > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and> explained why her brothers were murdered and she is

the only surviving> child of her parents.> >> > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April> 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in> October and patch up with Musharraf.> >> > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she wrote in> detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her> prediction has been given. Now read the article.> >> > K.N.Rao.> > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> > By Sonia Mehdiratta> > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of> ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June 1953> at Karachi.> > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a Muslim> nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most> Famous

Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.> >> > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing> challenging situations within her own country rose to power and twice> served as Prime minister of Pakistan.> >> > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and adorn a> veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and running> it twice.> >> > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense popularity all> over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be because> people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times of> women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.> >> > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to flee> that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway> over

people in her country.> > Controversy of her horoscope> >> > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are> available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of> which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers is> to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.> >> > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with Scorpio> lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-websites> in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on importance> of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain> known events in a person's life with the indications in the horoscope> and the dasha order.> > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir

Bhutto> herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London to be> given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we discussed> and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it with> the events of her life.> >> >> > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in the> seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati Sama> dasha.> > Brothers> > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is> clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her> parents.> > Education> > Father's rise in his political career> > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a> person a ministerial or alike position.> > Return to Pakistan> > Father's Death> >

Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> > Beginning of Political career> > Present Updates:> > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected to her> fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha> becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said that> she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of> arrest and assassination.> > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.> >> > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power is a> great possibility.> >> > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her own> country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and> religious fundamentalists.> > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of the> East, "As I prepare to

return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in> 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my country,> but the entire world".> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Send instant messages to your online friends> http://uk.messenger.> > Send instant messages to your online friends> http://uk.messenger.> >> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Hare krishna,

dear javed saab ,

ya,we will do it once again when u hav the birth data of children .

Now we need a strong and quiet pakistan and india and lot of peace and santhi in the continent .

So i hope they can bring it together if they join hands and lead pakkistan to prosperity . .

I hope it what going to happen in pakkistan esp after this year .

regrds sunil nair .

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want to send the correct one.> > Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share the power.> > Regds-javed> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> Hare ramakrishna,> dear javed saab ,> Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity charts .> Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab mushareff ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for him .I told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv 15th 2007 .> I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as every time a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i can be more sure of lagna> In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( lord of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is not .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced and aspected by benefics.> Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some fights and struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by malefics ,so care shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .> after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more clear .> Thanks and regrds > sunil nair> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada javed_khaanzada@ wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister Sanam Bhutto is still alive.> > > > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > > > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by the government.> > > > Regds-javed> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, MANOJ PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM > > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on Dwisaptati Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used it most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on the horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February 2007 that he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan and occupying an important position again. > > > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on this research with a batch of research students, produce some more researches.> > > > He distributed the work among his students and one of them Sonia Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to Pakistan and come into a big position.> > > > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the life of Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career (According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's Death, Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > > > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of Shri Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again. > > > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically and explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only surviving child of her parents.> > > > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of April 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime in October and patch up with Musharraf.> > > > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she wrote in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > > > K.N.Rao. > > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> > By Sonia Mehdiratta> > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter of ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd June 1953 at Karachi.> > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of `World'ns most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records. > > > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing challenging situations within her own country rose to power and twice served as Prime minister of Pakistan. > > > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and adorn a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and running it twice. > > > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense popularity all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be because people all over the world want to peek through the lives and times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account. > > > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had to flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still holds sway over people in her country.> > Controversy of her horoscope > > > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most of which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before astrologers is to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities. > > > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with Scorpio lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-websites in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by tallying certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the horoscope and the dasha order.> > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in London to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope we discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by matching it with the events of her life.> > > > > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed in the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati Sama dasha.> > Brothers> > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her parents. > > Education > > Father's rise in his political career> > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a ministerial or alike position.> > Return to Pakistan> > Father's Death> > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> > Beginning of Political career> > Present Updates:> > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets connected to her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of dasha becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said that she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of arrest and assassination.> > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007. > > > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to power is a great possibility. > > > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in her own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators and religious fundamentalists.> > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter of the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in Pakistan in 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my country, but the entire world".> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.> >> > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.>

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Dear Sunil Sir,


Me and every Indian and Pakistani would appreciate your wishes.











Vedic Astrologyandhealing , " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Hare krishna,


> dear javed saab ,


> ya,we will do it once again when u hav

the birth

> data of children .


> Now we need a strong and quiet pakistan and india and lot of peace


> santhi in the continent .


> So i hope they can bring it together if they join hands and lead

> pakkistan to prosperity . .


> I hope it what going to happen in pakkistan esp after this year .


> regrds sunil nair .


> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.





> Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada

> <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil Sir,

> >

> > I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am

> sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want to send the

correct one.

> >

> > Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a

> descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share


> power.

> >

> > Regds-javed

> >

> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > Hare ramakrishna,

> > dear javed saab ,

> > Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity


> .

> > Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab


> ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for

him .I

> told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv


> 2007 .

> > I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as

every time

> a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i


> be more sure of lagna

> > In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh (


> of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is


> .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced


> aspected by benefics.

> > Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some

fights and

> struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by

malefics ,so care

> shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .

> > after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more

> clear .

> > Thanks and regrds

> > sunil nair

> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

> >

> >

> > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada

> javed_khaanzada@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil Sir,

> > >

> > > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister


> Bhutto is still alive.

> > >

> > > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.

> > >

> > > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also

> announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by


> government.

> > >

> > > Regds-javed

> > >

> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:




> PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM

> > > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on


> Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used


> most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on


> horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February

2007 that

> he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan


> occupying an important position again.

> > >

> > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on


> research with a batch of research students, produce some more

> researches.

> > >

> > > He distributed the work among his students and one of them


> Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and

> predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June

> Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to

> Pakistan and come into a big position.

> > >

> > > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the

life of

> Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The


> result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly

> reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her

> parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career


> to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a

> ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's


> Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career

> > >

> > > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of


> Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.

> > >

> > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically


> explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only


> child of her parents.

> > >

> > > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of


> 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime


> October and patch up with Musharraf.

> > >

> > > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she


> in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her

> prediction has been given. Now read the article.

> > >

> > > K.N.Rao.

> > > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan

> > > By Sonia Mehdiratta

> > > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter


> ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd

June 1953

> at Karachi.

> > > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a

> Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of


> most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.

> > >

> > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing

> challenging situations within her own country rose to power and


> served as Prime minister of Pakistan.

> > >

> > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and


> a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and

> running it twice.

> > >

> > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense


> all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be

> because people all over the world want to peek through the lives


> times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.

> > >

> > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had


> flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still


> sway over people in her country.

> > > Controversy of her horoscope

> > >

> > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are

> available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most


> which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before

astrologers is

> to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.

> > >

> > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with


> lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-


> in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?

> > > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on

> importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by


> certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the

> horoscope and the dasha order.

> > > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir

> Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in


> to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope


> discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by

> matching it with the events of her life.

> > >

> > >

> > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed


> the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati


> dasha.

> > > Brothers

> > > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of

coborns is

> clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child

of her

> parents.

> > > Education

> > > Father's rise in his political career

> > > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can

give a

> person a ministerial or alike position.

> > > Return to Pakistan

> > > Father's Death

> > > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage

> > > Beginning of Political career

> > > Present Updates:

> > > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets

connected to

> her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of


> becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said


> she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of

> arrest and assassination.

> > > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.

> > >

> > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to

power is a

> great possibility.

> > >

> > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in


> own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators


> religious fundamentalists.

> > > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter


> the East, " As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in

Pakistan in

> 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my


> but the entire world " .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://uk.messenger.

> > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://uk.messenger.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://uk.messenger.

> >


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Hare ramakrishna,

dear javed saab ,


And also i hope the conjn of mars and saturn coming in 2008 will not harm both countries as this were the period were old bharath has troubled (un devided india )


During my visits to many countries i realy did find what this terrorism can giv and the plight of people in those countries .Now as a man in police u must be knowing who are in prison for trafficking drugs ,a by product of terrorism in most of the countries in the world .


As there is no devlpment in those countries and ppl has no choice.


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.



Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "javed_khaanzada" <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > Me and every Indian and Pakistani would appreciate your wishes.> > Regds-javed> > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "sunil nair" > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > > > Hare krishna,> > > > dear javed saab ,> > > > ya,we will do it once again when u hav > the birth> > data of children .> > > > Now we need a strong and quiet pakistan and india and lot of peace > and> > santhi in the continent .> > > > So i hope they can bring it together if they join hands and lead> > pakkistan to prosperity . .> > > > I hope it what going to happen in pakkistan esp after this year .> > > > regrds sunil nair .> > > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > >> > > I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am> > sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want to send the > correct one.> > >> > > Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a> > descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share > the> > power.> > >> > > Regds-javed> > >> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > dear javed saab ,> > > Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity > charts> > .> > > Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab > mushareff> > ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for > him .I> > told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv > 15th> > 2007 .> > > I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as > every time> > a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i > can> > be more sure of lagna> > > In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( > lord> > of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is > not> > .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced > and> > aspected by benefics.> > > Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some > fights and> > struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by > malefics ,so care> > shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .> > > after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more> > clear .> > > Thanks and regrds> > > sunil nair> > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> > >> > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > javed_khaanzada@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > >> > > > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister > Sanam> > Bhutto is still alive.> > > >> > > > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > > >> > > > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also> > announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by > the> > government.> > > >> > > > Regds-javed> > > >> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, > MANOJ> > PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM> > > > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on > Dwisaptati> > Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used > it> > most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on > the> > horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February > 2007 that> > he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan > and> > occupying an important position again.> > > >> > > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on > this> > research with a batch of research students, produce some more> > researches.> > > >> > > > He distributed the work among his students and one of them > Sonia> > Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and> > predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June> > Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to> > Pakistan and come into a big position.> > > >> > > > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the > life of> > Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The > very> > result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly> > reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her> > parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career > (According> > to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a> > ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's > Death,> > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > > >> > > > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of > Shri> > Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.> > > >> > > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically > and> > explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only > surviving> > child of her parents.> > > >> > > > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of > April> > 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime > in> > October and patch up with Musharraf.> > > >> > > > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she > wrote> > in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her> > prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > > >> > > > K.N.Rao.> > > > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> > > > By Sonia Mehdiratta> > > > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter > of> > ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd > June 1953> > at Karachi.> > > > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a> > Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of > `World'ns> > most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.> > > >> > > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing> > challenging situations within her own country rose to power and > twice> > served as Prime minister of Pakistan.> > > >> > > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and > adorn> > a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and> > running it twice.> > > >> > > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense > popularity> > all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be> > because people all over the world want to peek through the lives > and> > times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.> > > >> > > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had > to> > flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still > holds> > sway over people in her country.> > > > Controversy of her horoscope> > > >> > > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are> > available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most > of> > which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before > astrologers is> > to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.> > > >> > > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with > Scorpio> > lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-> websites> > in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> > > > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on> > importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by > tallying> > certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the> > horoscope and the dasha order.> > > > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir> > Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in > London> > to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope > we> > discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by> > matching it with the events of her life.> > > >> > > >> > > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed > in> > the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati > Sama> > dasha.> > > > Brothers> > > > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of > coborns is> > clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child > of her> > parents.> > > > Education> > > > Father's rise in his political career> > > > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can > give a> > person a ministerial or alike position.> > > > Return to Pakistan> > > > Father's Death> > > > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> > > > Beginning of Political career> > > > Present Updates:> > > > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets > connected to> > her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of > dasha> > becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said > that> > she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of> > arrest and assassination.> > > > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.> > > >> > > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to > power is a> > great possibility.> > > >> > > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in > her> > own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators > and> > religious fundamentalists.> > > > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter > of> > the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in > Pakistan in> > 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my > country,> > but the entire world".> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > >> >>

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Dear Sunil Sir, Yes,we are extremely suffering terrorism now a days like self suicider attacks,even our capital Islamabad is not safe,but I know very well that, JO BO GE WOH CATU GE. So we are facing the after effects of the policies of our former leaders,like Gen Zia,as he trained and send terrorists in Kashmir,and when Musharaff tried to stop them,result is before us,they are using mosques like Laal Masjid as their shields,but we hope Musharaff will tackle them with iron hands. Regds-javed sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: Hare ramakrishna, dear javed saab , thanks. And also i hope the conjn of mars and saturn coming in 2008 will not harm both countries as this were the period were old bharath has troubled (un devided india ) During my visits to many countries i realy did find what this terrorism can giv and the plight of people in those countries .Now as a man in police u must be knowing who are in prison for trafficking drugs ,a by product of terrorism in

most of the countries in the world . As there is no devlpment in those countries and ppl has no choice. regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah. Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "javed_khaanzada" <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > Me and every Indian and Pakistani would appreciate your wishes.> > Regds-javed> > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "sunil nair" > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > > > Hare krishna,> > > > dear javed saab ,>

> > > ya,we will do it once again when u hav > the birth> > data of children .> > > > Now we need a strong and quiet pakistan and india and lot of peace > and> > santhi in the continent .> > > > So i hope they can bring it together if they join hands and lead> > pakkistan to prosperity . .> > > > I hope it what going to happen in pakkistan esp after this year .> > > > regrds sunil nair .> > > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > >> > > I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am> > sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want

to send the > correct one.> > >> > > Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a> > descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share > the> > power.> > >> > > Regds-javed> > >> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > dear javed saab ,> > > Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity > charts> > .> > > Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab > mushareff> > ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for > him .I> > told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv > 15th> > 2007 .> > > I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as > every time> > a child is born some

how 5th house or lord will get activated so i > can> > be more sure of lagna> > > In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( > lord> > of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is > not> > .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced > and> > aspected by benefics.> > > Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some > fights and> > struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by > malefics ,so care> > shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .> > > after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more> > clear .> > > Thanks and regrds> > > sunil nair> > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> > >> > > --- In

Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > javed_khaanzada@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > >> > > > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister > Sanam> > Bhutto is still alive.> > > >> > > > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > > >> > > > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also> > announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by > the> > government.> > > >> > > > Regds-javed> > > >> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, > MANOJ> > PATHAK, KN

RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM> > > > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on > Dwisaptati> > Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used > it> > most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on > the> > horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February > 2007 that> > he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan > and> > occupying an important position again.> > > >> > > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on > this> > research with a batch of research students, produce some more> > researches.> > > >> > > > He distributed the work among his students and one of them > Sonia> > Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and> >

predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June> > Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to> > Pakistan and come into a big position.> > > >> > > > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the > life of> > Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The > very> > result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly> > reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her> > parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career > (According> > to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a> > ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's > Death,> > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > > >> > > > She then used the

Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of > Shri> > Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.> > > >> > > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically > and> > explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only > surviving> > child of her parents.> > > >> > > > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of > April> > 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime > in> > October and patch up with Musharraf.> > > >> > > > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she > wrote> > in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her> > prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > > >> > > > K.N.Rao.> > >

> Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> > > > By Sonia Mehdiratta> > > > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter > of> > ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd > June 1953> > at Karachi.> > > > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a> > Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of > `World'ns> > most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.> > > >> > > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing> > challenging situations within her own country rose to power and > twice> > served as Prime minister of Pakistan.> > > >> > > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and > adorn> > a veil when moving out, taking the reins of

the nation in hand and> > running it twice.> > > >> > > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense > popularity> > all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be> > because people all over the world want to peek through the lives > and> > times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.> > > >> > > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had > to> > flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still > holds> > sway over people in her country.> > > > Controversy of her horoscope> > > >> > > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are> > available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most > of> > which are fake. Therefore, the biggest

challenge before > astrologers is> > to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.> > > >> > > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with > Scorpio> > lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-> websites> > in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> > > > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on> > importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by > tallying> > certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the> > horoscope and the dasha order.> > > > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir> > Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in > London> > to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope > we> >

discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by> > matching it with the events of her life.> > > >> > > >> > > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed > in> > the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati > Sama> > dasha.> > > > Brothers> > > > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of > coborns is> > clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child > of her> > parents.> > > > Education> > > > Father's rise in his political career> > > > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can > give a> > person a ministerial or alike position.> > > > Return to Pakistan> > > > Father's Death> > > > Return to

Pakistan and her Marriage> > > > Beginning of Political career> > > > Present Updates:> > > > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets > connected to> > her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of > dasha> > becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said > that> > she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of> > arrest and assassination.> > > > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.> > > >> > > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to > power is a> > great possibility.> > > >> > > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in > her> > own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators > and> >

religious fundamentalists.> > > > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter > of> > the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in > Pakistan in> > 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my > country,> > but the entire world".> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > http://uk.messenger.> > >>

>> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Hare ramakrishna,

dear javed saab ,

yes i totaly agree with u and hope a new era will start.Let us pray and hope for the best

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada <javed_khaanzada wrote:>> Dear Sunil Sir,> > Yes,we are extremely suffering terrorism now a days like self suicider attacks,even our capital Islamabad is not safe,but I know very well that, JO BO GE WOH CATU GE.> > So we are facing the after effects of the policies of our former leaders,like Gen Zia,as he trained and send terrorists in Kashmir,and when Musharaff tried to stop them,result is before us,they are using mosques like Laal Masjid as their shields,but we hope Musharaff will tackle them with iron hands.> > Regds-javed> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala wrote:> Hare ramakrishna,> dear javed saab ,> thanks.> And also i hope the conjn of mars and saturn coming in 2008 will not harm both countries as this were the period were old bharath has troubled (un devided india ) > > During my visits to many countries i realy did find what this terrorism can giv and the plight of people in those countries .Now as a man in police u must be knowing who are in prison for trafficking drugs ,a by product of terrorism in most of the countries in the world .> > As there is no devlpment in those countries and ppl has no choice.> > regrds sunil nair> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "javed_khaanzada" javed_khaanzada@ wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > > Me and every Indian and Pakistani would appreciate your wishes.> > > > Regds-javed> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , "sunil nair" > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > > > > Hare krishna,> > > > > > dear javed saab ,> > > > > > ya,we will do it once again when u hav > > the birth> > > data of children .> > > > > > Now we need a strong and quiet pakistan and india and lot of peace > > and> > > santhi in the continent .> > > > > > So i hope they can bring it together if they join hands and lead> > > pakkistan to prosperity . .> > > > > > I hope it what going to happen in pakkistan esp after this year .> > > > > > regrds sunil nair .> > > > > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > > <javed_khaanzada@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > >> > > > I still remember that I have to provide his children DOB,but I am> > > sorry I am unable to collect the correct,I want to send the > > correct one.> > > >> > > > Yes,it seems his good time is start,last week SC has announced a> > > descicion in favour of him,dealing with BB,any how he has to share > > the> > > power.> > > >> > > > Regds-javed> > > >> > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > > dear javed saab ,> > > > Thanks for information .This is the problem with all celebrity > > charts> > > .> > > > Even though you dont supply me with other details of janab > > mushareff> > > ,i told lalit that my prashna was indicating some thing good for > > him .I> > > told him also .The datas r showing may be more better after NOv > > 15th> > > 2007 .> > > > I just wanted to confrim lagna from childrens birth data as > > every time> > > a child is born some how 5th house or lord will get activated so i > > can> > > be more sure of lagna> > > > In my traditional prashna labhesh (lord of gain ) and lagnesh ( > > lord> > > of lagna) was aspecting the lagna ,But 10th lord of profession is > > not> > > .So some sharing of power will be there .And lagna was inflenced > > and> > > aspected by benefics.> > > > Hora -planetary hour was of mars (karak -indicator for some > > fights and> > > struggles or enmity ) and also lagna is sandwitched by > > malefics ,so care> > > shud be taken by him .As running the show may not be smooth .> > > > after wards only janab nawaz sherif deported .And now pic is more> > > clear .> > > > Thanks and regrds> > > > sunil nair> > > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > >> > > >> > > > Vedic Astrologyandhealing , javed khaanzada> > > javed_khaanzada@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Sunil Sir,> > > > >> > > > > Benazir is not the remaining child of her parents,her sister > > Sanam> > > Bhutto is still alive.> > > > >> > > > > Yes,she has confirmed that she is arriving on 18th October.> > > > >> > > > > Her deal with Musharaff is nearly completed,yesterday he also> > > announced that all cases against her,are going to be withdrawn by > > the> > > government.> > > > >> > > > > Regds-javed> > > > >> > > > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN> > > > > BENAZIR BHUTTO-THE DAUGHTER OF PAKISTAN --> SONIA MEHDIRATTA, > > MANOJ> > > PATHAK, KN RAO 2 October 2007, 7:16 PM> > > > > Manoj Pathak who has written the most brilliant book on > > Dwisaptati> > > Sama Dasha and on this basis after doing a deep research has used > > it> > > most effectively for many of his brilliant predictions, worked on > > the> > > horoscope of Benazir Bhutto and told me in January or February > > 2007 that> > > he was seeing bright chances of the return of Benazir to Pakistan > > and> > > occupying an important position again.> > > > >> > > > > I asked him to work on it and since he has been carrying on > > this> > > research with a batch of research students, produce some more> > > researches.> > > > >> > > > > He distributed the work among his students and one of them > > Sonia> > > Mehdiratta, a woman astrologer, discussed it with Shri Pathak and> > > predicted, as Shri Pathak had, as early as April (in the April-June> > > Journal of Astrology issue of 2007) that Benazir would return to> > > Pakistan and come into a big position.> > > > >> > > > > Before doing that she verified in detail many events of the > > life of> > > Benazir systematically under different heads like: Brothers (The > > very> > > result of this yoga making the person devoid of coborns is clearly> > > reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child of her> > > parents). Education and Father's rise in his political career > > (According> > > to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can give a person a> > > ministerial or alike position ). Return to Pakistan, Father's > > Death,> > > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage, Beginning of Political career> > > > >> > > > > She then used the Dwisaptati Sama Dasha under the guidance of > > Shri> > > Pathak and came to the conclusion the Benazir would rise again.> > > > >> > > > > She verified many events of the life of Benazir systematically > > and> > > explained why her brothers were murdered and she is the only > > surviving> > > child of her parents.> > > > >> > > > > Here only the concluding part of her published research (of > > April> > > 2007) is being given since Benazir can return to Pakistan anytime > > in> > > October and patch up with Musharraf.> > > > >> > > > > Satisfied, that the horoscope she was using was correct, she > > wrote> > > in detail which have been edited out here and only the gist of her> > > prediction has been given. Now read the article.> > > > >> > > > > K.N.Rao.> > > > > Benazir Bhutto –The daughter of Pakistan> > > > > By Sonia Mehdiratta> > > > > Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and daughter > > of> > > ex-president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was born on 23rd > > June 1953> > > at Karachi.> > > > > She has the rare distinction of being the first woman to lead a> > > Muslim nation in modern times. Lady who earned the title of > > `World'ns> > > most Famous Politician' by Guiness Book of World Records.> > > > >> > > > > Bold, unorthodox and a determined person who despite facing> > > challenging situations within her own country rose to power and > > twice> > > served as Prime minister of Pakistan.> > > > >> > > > > Imagine a woman, who are mostly ordered to remain indoors and > > adorn> > > a veil when moving out, taking the reins of the nation in hand and> > > running it twice.> > > > >> > > > > Her autobiography 'Daughter of the East' gained immense > > popularity> > > all over the world may be because of this peculiar fact and may be> > > because people all over the world want to peek through the lives > > and> > > times of women in Islamic nations through her first hand account.> > > > >> > > > > Taslima of Pakistan, being a woman in the Islamic country had > > to> > > flee that nation for defying the clerics whereas Benazir still > > holds> > > sway over people in her country.> > > > > Controversy of her horoscope> > > > >> > > > > In the world of astrology all different types of horoscopes are> > > available, especially those of world leaders and celebrities most > > of> > > which are fake. Therefore, the biggest challenge before > > astrologers is> > > to get hold of a correct horoscope of such celebrities.> > > > >> > > > > In case of Benazir Bhutto her two different horoscopes with > > Scorpio> > > lagna and Saggitarius lagna are available on most popular astro-> > websites> > > in the world but which is the dependable horoscope?> > > > > Our Guruji, Shri K.N Rao ji, has time and again stressed on> > > importance of authentic horoscopes which can only be proved by > > tallying> > > certain known events in a person's life with the indications in the> > > horoscope and the dasha order.> > > > > Here we have taken her horoscope which was given by Ms. Benazir> > > Bhutto herself to Shri Natwar Singh in 1984-85 during her stay in > > London> > > to be given to Shri K.N. Rao. After getting hold of the horoscope > > we> > > discussed and tried to establish the veracity of her horoscope by> > > matching it with the events of her life.> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > In her horoscope Tula lagna rises with lagna lord Venus placed > > in> > > the seventh house making it suitable for application of Dwisaptati > > Sama> > > dasha.> > > > > Brothers> > > > > The very result of this yoga making the person devoid of > > coborns is> > > clearly reflected in her chart as she is the only surviving child > > of her> > > parents.> > > > > Education> > > > > Father's rise in his political career> > > > > According to Shri K.N. Rao dasha of strong trinal lords can > > give a> > > person a ministerial or alike position.> > > > > Return to Pakistan> > > > > Father's Death> > > > > Return to Pakistan and her Marriage> > > > > Beginning of Political career> > > > > Present Updates:> > > > > .... Its dispositor is again Saturn. Dasha of planets > > connected to> > > her fourth house indicates her return to Pakistan. This promise of > > dasha> > > becomes further evident from her press releases where she has said > > that> > > she is preparing to return to Pakistan this year despite threats of> > > arrest and assassination.> > > > > Elections are due in Pakistan around end of 2007.> > > > >> > > > > From the pattern of dashas in her horoscope her return to > > power is a> > > great possibility.> > > > >> > > > > However, her dashas also point towards an uncertain future in > > her> > > own country, a country which has a history of Military dictators > > and> > > religious fundamentalists.> > > > > As Benazir has written in her revised autobiography - Daughter > > of> > > the East, "As I prepare to return to an uncertain future in > > Pakistan in> > > 2007, I fully understand the stakes not only for myself and my > > country,> > > but the entire world".> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > > http://uk.messenger.> > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > > http://uk.messenger.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Send instant messages to your online friends> > > http://uk.messenger.> > > >> > >> >> > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.>

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  • 1 month later...

Congratulations Kanakji,

prediction came correct.




l , Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia



> Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chief Benazir Bhutto may have to

face corruption charges on her return to the country if the Supreme

Court overturned the National

> Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).


> " If the court declares the National Reconciliation Ordinance

null and void, then all cases and charges against her will be

reinstated, " Pakistan's Deputy Information

> Minister Tariq Azim said.


> After redaing this news I think to check by horary, and I take

random number generated from Software: horary detail are as under:


> Horary No; 162

> 16/10/2007

> Time: 12.10.47 PM

> Place: L.G.hospital-Ahmedabad 23 N 00, 72 E 36.


> Reader no: 6 page no: 313 Last pera( edition:2002)


> in this page rule mention as bellow:

> 1) The sub lord of 12th cusp should be RAH.

> 2) It Should not be deposited in the constelletion whose lord of

retrograde and.

> 3) It should be a significatore of ither 2nd or 3rd(Away from

home) or 8th(Misfortune) or 12th(Jail,Ristrictions) House.


> Resion for going jail:


> 1)if 12th sublord signifies 7,10 : for Business or Politics

> 2) if 12th sublord signifies: 2,8 for Financial resion

> 3) if 12th sublord signifies: 1,8 ( or 7,8) for criminal case



> Condition First:

> 1) The sub lord of 12th cusp should be RAH.

> directly RAH is not sublord of 12th cusp but VEN Aspect on Rah

so RAH is agent of VEN, by this way, this condition full fill.


> 2) It Should not be deposited in the constelletion whose lord of

retrograde and.

> as per my exprince i do not consider retro planet in my

analysis, in this case VEN is not in retro planet star.


> 3) It should be a significatore of ither 2nd or 3rd(Away from

home) or 8th(Misfortune) or 12th(Jail,Ristrictions) House.

> Ven is in star of KET and sub of MER.

> Ven is in 9 lord of 7,11,12, No planet in the star of Ven and

Ven is sublord of 5,7,12.Ket is in 9, Ket is Conj with VEN and

SAT.Sat is in 9 lord of 3. No planet in the star of Sat and

> sat is sublord of 2,8. Mer is in 11 lord of 8,10.

> In this chart 12th sublord Ven indicate 2,3,8,12. indicate that

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chief Benazir Bhutto may have to face



> Resion for going jail:

> 12th Sublord Ven indicate 2,7,8,10 means, for Business or

Politics, Financial and criminal case she have to face.


> her plan to come back homeland on 18th October 2007. on thst day

DBAS position will be as under:

> MER_MAR_KET_MER Up to 20th October 2007.


> Dasa and Antralord is MER.


> Me(11, 8-10), in the star of Ra(3),RAH is in the sign of SAT Sa

(9, 3), in the sub of Me(11, 8-10).


> dasa lord signfies 8,3 indicate jail.

> Bhuktilord MAR:


> Ma(7, 1-5-6), in the star of Ra(3),RAH is in the sign of SAT Sa

(9, 3) in the sub of Me(11, 8-10).


> Bhuktilord also indicate 3,8,


> Antralord Ket:

> Ke(9),KET Conk with , Ve(9, 7-11-12), Sa(9, 3) in the star of Ke

(9), in the sub of Sa(9, 3)

> Antralord signfies 3,12


> this antra runing up to 20 October 2007.




> RP are : Jup_Ket_Mar_Mer

> RP planet tally with DBA so in my opinion she will have to face

corruption charges on her return to the country and face Jail.



> " A person should not be too honest.

> Straight trees are cut first

> And Honest people are screwed first. "

> Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC

75 BC)






> Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your

pocket: mail, news, photos & more.



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  • 1 month later...

Imran,My condolences for the tragic eventsare with you and your country. As are my best wishes for a brighter future for Pakistan so that her tragic death wont be for Nothing.Naresh DesaiM. Imran <astroimranvedic astrology ; sohamsa Cc: samva ; satva ; hanskpvedic ; Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 7:52:01 AM Benazir Bhutto


Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too far.What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it. M. ImranProgramme ProducerTV One/New OneAirwaves Media Pvt Ltd.Karachi.

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Dear Mrs.Wendy,


Nice to see You back.

It was real sad to hear about Benazir.

I cannot really understand why people can

stoop to such levels for momentarily gains of

escalation in Political power games, as to kill

some lady without notice. Terrorism is surely

corroding our minds with its cruel face and we

in India are not away from the dark gloomy side

of its manifestations.


I am sorry I would not be able to shed inputs

on the Birth Chart in absence of peoper Data,

as well as lack of time, inclinations, energy

and other impending matters to be finished on

priority basis. I am reserving such luxuries

which I would certainly wish to go into,

probably after few years when I have spare time

on hand, litle more secure financially to

indulge in spending time on such matters,

and when I have more stronghold on astrological



In fact it would not be a bad idea if someone can

check the whole family's charts in case of the

Bhuttos and the Gandhis, to check for the common

factors in thos charts, which caused assasination

of most of their family members. It can become a

bestseller for the commercial bent of mind.


I still cant understand why after seeing generations

of such massacare , how can these families allow

one of their members to yet come on the political

horizons, as now in the case of Rahul Gandhi,in India.

What is the great pull of the Power, and where is the

fear gone, of the past experiences, I am unable to



The world is really becoming evil by the day.

Luckily I have spent 3/4ths of my Life and not

much remains to stay here.

But what about our children and grandchildren.

God knows what they will see.


Sorry for the non astrological contents. This

latest incident has really jolted me and

the helplessness inside, is overbearing.


kind regards,






jyotish-vidya , " Wendy Vasicek "

<jyotishvidya wrote:


> Dear Group,


> What a terrible thing it is when people choose violence to achieve


> goals - the world seems to have lost all sense of right and wrong!

In some

> parts of the world moral decay is the order of the day; in other

parts of

> the world hatred and violence are pandemic as people fight for


> ideals...


> Like most people I was shocked, but not surprised, by the violent

death of

> (yet another) political figure. I took a look at the two charts I


> available for Benazir Bhutto (4:30pm and 7:32pm) and feel, at this


> that the Libra rising chart reflects her violent death most



> As per the dictums of Parashara, 'cause of one's death' is to be

seen from

> 3rd house...

> http://jyotishvidya.com/ch44.htm (25-31. THIRD HOUSE AND DEATH:)


> In the Libra chart, 3rd house is aspected by combust maraka lord

Mars, the

> planet of violence, who occupies nakshatra of bhukti lord (Rahu)

placed in

> 4th house which governs one's 'own country'...

> Both dasa lord Saturn (4th lord) and P/D lord Moon (karaka for

4th) occupy

> 12th house in nakshatra of Mars.


> Interesting also, in light of the many years she endured in self-


> exile, is the involvement of 4th lord and Moon in the parivartana


> (exchange of 10th/12th lords).


> Members might care to look at both charts and offer their

considered opinion

> as to which most closely reflects her life (and death).


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___


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II Om Gurave Namah II

Hari om ,



Daer Imran

Your feelings are thought provoking.

I share greef with you.It is really sad that such things happen in society


May peace prevail everywhere.






Oh Creator Of The Universe +ACE- We meditate upon thy

radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

our sins, and guide us in the right direction+ACE-




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Daer Imran

Your feelings are thought provoking.

I share greef with you.It is really sad that such things happen in

society today.



pradeep shukla









vedic astrology , " M. Imran " <astroimran



> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the

news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


> Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart,

instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then

I thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem

analysis. And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to

write something after occurring of any event, too simple to

correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is

not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went

away too far.


> What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal

horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to

write anything on it.


> M. Imran

> Programme Producer

> TV One/New One

> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.

> Karachi.









> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.





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Daer Imran

Your feelings are thought provoking.

I share greef with you.It is really sad that such things happen in society






" M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:

Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news

of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of

wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make

any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I

am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too

simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is

not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too



What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto,

Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in

my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it.


M. Imran

Programme Producer

TV One/New One

Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




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|Om Shreenivasaya Namah|

Dear Imran,

All of India is also in shock though I am sure the grief being felt in Pakistan cannot be equated with any other part of the world. It is true that Pakistan and South Asia have lot a prominent leader through terrorism.

It is also true that grief (Shani) can paralyse (Shani) the mind (Moon) and the intellect (Lagna Lord).

Even post-mortems, whether astrological or otherwise are not entirely bereft of value. The post-mortem evaluation of Benazir Bhutto is likely to fuel further speculation as to who killed her since some of the TV channels are now saying that the official government position now is that she was not assassinated at all, but died of a fracture in her skull!

Bob Woolmer had also died earlier in the year. It's anyone's guess as to what happened thereafter.


Anurag Sharma

http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com--- In sohamsa , "M. Imran" <astroimran wrote:>> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. > > Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too far.> > What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it. > > M. Imran> Programme Producer> TV One/New One> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.> Karachi.> > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ>

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Dear astrologer,

You have not mentioned the TOB, DOB etc of Bhutto on

which you calculate your finding or wats to write?

--- " M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:


> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as

> I heard the news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


> Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on

> her chart, instead of wishing to compose a write-up.

> Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make

> any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And

> justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy

> to write something after occurring of any event, too

> simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident

> that has happened. But it is not always. Specially

> when you admire and like someone and s/he went away

> too far.


> What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The

> chart of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and

> Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving

> in my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it.



> M. Imran

> Programme Producer

> TV One/New One

> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.

> Karachi.










> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> visit http://www.astrolife.com for horoscopes,expert

> services, remedies and more


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Dear astrologer,

You have not mentioned the TOB, DOB etc of Bhutto on

which you calculate your finding or wats to write?


--- " M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:


> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as

> I heard the news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


> Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on

> her chart, instead of wishing to compose a write-up.

> Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make

> any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And

> justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy

> to write something after occurring of any event, too

> simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident

> that has happened. But it is not always. Specially

> when you admire and like someone and s/he went away

> too far.


> What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The

> chart of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and

> Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving

> in my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it.



> M. Imran

> Programme Producer

> TV One/New One

> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.

> Karachi.










> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> visit http://www.astrolife.com for horoscopes,expert

> services, remedies and more


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|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Imran,We also share the grief for a lady who was daring to fight terrorism and had a mission to democracy in Pakistan. This is a infact a great loss to the nation.We all know that post mortem analysis can not bring the person back, but this one of the way to learn about a great personality, her life, her mission and the cause of her death.

RegardsSarajitOn Dec 29, 2007 3:57 AM, Anurag Sharma <anuraagsharma27 wrote:





|Om Shreenivasaya Namah|

Dear Imran,

All of India is also in shock though I am sure the grief being felt in Pakistan cannot be equated with any other part of the world. It is true that Pakistan and South Asia have lot a prominent leader through terrorism.


It is also true that grief (Shani) can paralyse (Shani) the mind (Moon) and the intellect (Lagna Lord).

Even post-mortems, whether astrological or otherwise are not entirely bereft of value. The post-mortem evaluation of Benazir Bhutto is likely to fuel further speculation as to who killed her since some of the TV channels are now saying that the official government position now is that she was not assassinated at all, but died of a fracture in her skull!


Bob Woolmer had also died earlier in the year. It's anyone's guess as to what happened thereafter.


Anurag Sharma

http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com--- In

sohamsa , " M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:>> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. > > Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too far.

> > What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it. > > M. Imran> Programme Producer> TV One/New One> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.> Karachi.

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Dear Bhaskar,


///I still cant understand why after seeing generations

of such massacare , how can these families allow

one of their members to yet come on the political

horizons, as now in the case of Rahul Gandhi,in India.

What is the great pull of the Power, and where is the

fear gone, of the past experiences, I am unable to



It's called 'DESTINY'! None of us can escape it :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, December 29, 2007 12:09 AM

Re: Benazir Bhutto



Dear Mrs.Wendy,


Nice to see You back.

It was real sad to hear about Benazir.

I cannot really understand why people can

stoop to such levels for momentarily gains of

escalation in Political power games, as to kill

some lady without notice. Terrorism is surely

corroding our minds with its cruel face and we

in India are not away from the dark gloomy side

of its manifestations.


I am sorry I would not be able to shed inputs

on the Birth Chart in absence of peoper Data,

as well as lack of time, inclinations, energy

and other impending matters to be finished on

priority basis. I am reserving such luxuries

which I would certainly wish to go into,

probably after few years when I have spare time

on hand, litle more secure financially to

indulge in spending time on such matters,

and when I have more stronghold on astrological



In fact it would not be a bad idea if someone can

check the whole family's charts in case of the

Bhuttos and the Gandhis, to check for the common

factors in thos charts, which caused assasination

of most of their family members. It can become a

bestseller for the commercial bent of mind.


I still cant understand why after seeing generations

of such massacare , how can these families allow

one of their members to yet come on the political

horizons, as now in the case of Rahul Gandhi,in India.

What is the great pull of the Power, and where is the

fear gone, of the past experiences, I am unable to



The world is really becoming evil by the day.

Luckily I have spent 3/4ths of my Life and not

much remains to stay here.

But what about our children and grandchildren.

God knows what they will see.


Sorry for the non astrological contents. This

latest incident has really jolted me and

the helplessness inside, is overbearing.


kind regards,


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Can u tell us why terrorists were behind the life of Benzir, Does

islam give right to a terrorst to kill people, why u people dont

begin work for right interpretition of the theorotical portion of the

Koran and make people aware of it, I m sure such a divine book wont

endorse terrorism.





, " M. Imran " <astroimran



> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the

news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


> Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart,

instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I

thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis.

And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to write

something after occurring of any event, too simple to correlate

dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is not always.

Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too far.


> What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal

horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to

write anything on it.


> M. Imran

> Programme Producer

> TV One/New One

> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.

> Karachi.









> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.





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To All:


The assasination of Ms. Bhutto only reinforces the principles of

jyotish that is applicable for those who want to reform one's

country. In jyotish, the 9th house of a country's natal chart would

be indicative of those people like Butto who want to correct the ills

of her homeland. They are performing a role of teachers and guides

for the people.


As such, their work revolves around the ills and sufferings of

society. Specifically, the 10th house from the 9th house is the 6th

house (sufferings and struggles) of the country's natal chart.


The desire of the teacher is the same as the desire of the people.

That is, the 7th house of the 9th house is the 3rd house of the

country's natal chart. Both the 7th and the 3rd houses are kama

houses. The 7th house is a maraka house. Therefore, a teacher would

die for the good of the people.


We should also note that in the process of improving the economic and

political situation of the country, the teacher would be subjected to

an inherent disadvantage. Why? Because one of the wealth houses

from the country's chart becomes a maraka for the teacher.

Specifically, the second house from the 9th house is the 10th house

(house of wealth), a maraka for the teacher's chart.


Thus, we see the explanation for Ms. Butto's death.




John R.















, " M. Imran " <astroimran



> Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the

news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


> Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart,

instead of wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I

thought, does it make any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis.

And justify that how correct I am. It is often too easy to write

something after occurring of any event, too simple to correlate

dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is not always.

Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too far.


> What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal

horoscope - all charts are moving in my mind. But I am unable to

write anything on it.


> M. Imran

> Programme Producer

> TV One/New One

> Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.

> Karachi.









> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.





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it is indeed very sad i was just shocked to hear about mrs. bhutto a talented

leader passed away just in prime of life.

mrs. purohit


PRADEEP KUMAR SHUKLA <pshukla_astrologer wrote:

Daer Imran

Your feelings are thought provoking.

I share greef with you.It is really sad that such things happen in society





" M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:

Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news of Benazir

Bhutto's assassination.


Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of

wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make

any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I

am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too

simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is

not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too



What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto,

Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in

my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it.


M. Imran

Programme Producer

TV One/New One

Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




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dear imran

i can understand your agony. my mother who is 80 years old cried out loud when

she saw the news on tv that bibi died. she was a world figure in politics, not

just in pakistan.

her ideals will live as she was fighting to free pakistan of militancy as well

as military rule. take courage as her ideals will soon become reality but

through someone else. maybe her own son, bilawal? as lord krishna says in the

geeta that we discard this physical body as we do an attire. the soul lives on

and on for ages. so will bibi.


yet it was not assasination or even a splinter that killed her! it was an

accident!! as she heard the sound of the bomb near her car she was shocked

enough to duck for cover and in the impact hit her head on the sun door of her

car. this is the cause which is being held out by your interior minister.

there has been no bullet injury nor a splinter injury. it was a plain skull

fracture which ultimately killed her. she shd have had a strong advisor who

could have instructed her not to use the sun roof to wave out to people as she

has already addressed them waved to people on her way down the steps from the

dias. but leaders are so led away by crowds and they do such things without any

thought for their own personal safety in a moment of waving and being seen by as

many admirers as possible.

the world shares the grief. a young politician who could have made that

difference to her country certainly with so much experience and struggle behind


may she rest in peace.



" M. Imran " <astroimran wrote:

Since yesterday evening, I am shocked and gloomed as I heard the news

of Benazir Bhutto's assassination.


Yesterday night, I could not write a single word on her chart, instead of

wishing to compose a write-up. Why... I don't know. Then I thought, does it make

any difference, to pen a post-mortem analysis. And justify that how correct I

am. It is often too easy to write something after occurring of any event, too

simple to correlate dasha/gochar with a incident that has happened. But it is

not always. Specially when you admire and like someone and s/he went away too



What a tragic year-2007 has proved for Pakistan. The chart of Benazir Bhutto,

Pakistan's varshphala and Musharraf's natal horoscope - all charts are moving in

my mind. But I am unable to write anything on it.


M. Imran

Programme Producer

TV One/New One

Airwaves Media Pvt Ltd.




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




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