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Jan 10, 2008 Fox Republican Presidential Debate - Astro*Rhythm picks, results

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(fyi, here's another example of the power of astrology. I broadcast

my " Astro*Rhythm " picks/ratings on championship sporting events and

in this case presidential debates:)


Astro*Rhythms come through again!!!


Name Rating Comment Some Hard Aspects


Ron Paul +2 Better than usual for him (MON90MAR,MON90JUP,MON270MON)

Rudy Giuliani 0 Average for him (MON270MER)

Mitt Romney 0 Average for him (MON180PLU,MON0VEN,HMAR270NEP)

Mike Huckabee 0 Average for him (MON180JUP,MON90SAT)

John McCain -2 Less than usual for him (MON270URA,MON180MAR,SAT0SUN)

Fred Thompson -4 Worse; expect error or gaffe from him (MON180PLU)


[Posted 1/10/2008 5:17 pm,



My comments:


I don't mind telling you it was tough yesterday seeing Ron Paul come

up with the most positive Astro*Rhythm score in this debate, seeing

how the media and the establishment wanted him to be seen as

a " kook " and his views continuously ignored or discounted. And don't

forget he was omitted from the last debate for spurious reasons.


But Astro*Rhythm is neutral and agnostic and all it wanted him to do

was stand up and make his case better ( == more energetically and

cogently) in this particular forum than he generally has.


Giuliani, Romney, and Huckabee rated " average " so they should've been

their usual selves...you've seen them enough yourselves so you know

what that is. They should've performed like they've generally done

in the past, we weren't looking for anything more or less.


McCain's rating was awkward for a different reason than Paul's in

that McCain had just won New Hampshire and the media and everybody

were on a roll with him. However Astro*Rhythm rated him a little

below his usual self so he should've been on his usual behavior but a

little " less " --possibly a gaffe or error in the exchange of ideas in

this debate.


The " toughie " was actually Thompson's rating. Thompson's

Astro*Rhythm rating actually showed him with a dreaded " critical. "

The problem here is not the Astro*Rhythm rating per se but the

expectation of the audience and media, who've built him up

as " mystery man " all the way up to the " savior " of the Republican

Party and the next POTUS. Their exuberism might cause their audience

to tend to subconsiously excuse his flubs and build up his infrequent

bursts of energy, so it will be hard for everybody to be neutral and

judge his performance objectively. However figures don't lie and

Astro*Rhythm's " critical " rating shows he will be slowed down and

have the tendency to over-compensate in other areas, leading to a

gaffe, error(s) and/or unusual or uncivil behavior.


(Remember that Astro*Rhythm only looks at each indivudual vis a vis

themself. It's not their various comments or positions on issues

that's being rated politically, it's essentially how they've

organized it, how they present it and comport themselves, and how

they interact with the other contestants. The Astro*Rhythm rating

indicates at that place at that time they will be better, the same,

or worse than they usually are.)


After this debate there was a poll taken of viewers and Ron Paul won

handily, with McCain practically tied for last place with Giuliani.

Thompson came in a distant but not-so-surprising second place

considering Fox News' in-house " pollster " Frank Luntz and co-host

Sean Hannity kept pulling for him and gushing about him as soon as

the debate was over.


Scanning around the TV channels and internet mined these comments:


Ron Paul: " Got his message across the best yet. First time I've

heard his positions. The most Republican there. Handily won Fox's

poll immediately after the debate. "


Guiliani: " Same, good. "


Romney: " Good. Presidential. "


Huckabee: " Good. Defended himself well.


McCain: " Same. Calm. Quiet. Not so hot. Shot himself in the foot

saying economy wasn't headed for recession. "


Thompson: " Faltering. Sarcastic. Argumentative. "


That's about it for now for the " official " reaction to the debate.

Other opinions will be filtering in for the next couple of days,

then at the end of the week in the weekly magazines.


Yes, it's tough putting your " picks " out there for the whole world

to see and judge--and hurl slings and arrows at afterwards. However

with Astro*Rhythm ratings you're in a strong position because you're

generally right. #8^))


I use *precessed* Geo and Helio transits with Ptolemaic aspects, no



Don Ridgway

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