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The Presidential Election

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Therese wrote:


> The key for Hillary's success or lack of it seems to be that triple

> conjunction (Mars-PLuto-Saturn) at the zenith in her chart. Now her

> husband

> was the president of the United States, and 7th lord--Mars--is in the 10th

> house. This is one small indication that supports the A.M. chart. Does it

> also mean that her opponent will be stronger?




That Mars/Saturn conjunction in Clinton's chart plays definitely a strong

role (I seldom use outers, but that's just me). I'm too favoring the AM

chart - is it 8.00 or 8.02, I don't know. But I'm of the opinion that

traditional Western dignities work on the sidereal zodiac (only, in fact)

and therefore both Mars and Saturn are debilitated. Neither the Moon nor

Jupiter (rulers of Cancer) are aspecting them so that they would commit

their own dignity to them, they're not saving Mars or Saturn, so they stay

debilitated. What's especially interesting is that Venus is separating in

square from Mars and translating its light to Saturn - one facet of this

figuration is of course the Bill scandal: Mars signifying Hillary's

husband --> Venus (a woman, sex) separating from him and translating his

light to --> debilitated Saturn (discrace, public humilitation).


But Venus is also Clinton's own significator and since last December Clinton

has been running Venus/Saturn dasha. The applying Venus/Saturn square,

whatever it signifies, will now be in the limelights more than ever before

in Clinton's life. The absence of dignity of Mars and Saturn may not mean

weakness, it may possibly also mean just... absence of dignity. It may not

prevent Clinton from reaching an affluent position, especially when the Asc

ruler Venus is so prominently involved in the configuration.


But so is retrogade Mercury, the 9th and 12th ruler. The 12th house is the

house of self-undoing and loss, and when Venus is applying Saturn, Saturn is

in turn applying retrogade Mercury. And what's more prominent - Clinton will

be running Venus/Saturn/Mercury at the time of election!


As mentioned, Clinton will have Ketu on the Ascendant of her next Solar

Return chart, right on her natal Mars (this debilitated, afflicted Mars) in

the 10th house. Secondary progressed Ketu/Saturn square is now right on

Clinton's partile Mercury/Saturn square, and on the final election day 4th

November transiting Mars in its detriment in Libra will be right on the

configuration. These transits and progressions just don't look very

promising, there's too many debilitated malefics involved. Clinton may win

the primaries, she may even win the presidential election, but some kind of

scandal/humilitation is probably on the way, either before the election or

after the possible inauguration.


In Obama's case I just realized that I've been looking the wrong chart all

the way! I've had the year wrong. So I refrain from commenting it.


I hope that astrologers will not do the same mistake than in the last time,

when hopes for a democrat to win were so high that they clouded objective

astrological analysis. I've looked at McCain's chart only a little, but from

that little his chances don't look so bad.


I've looked mainly at his natal Solar Return that will come into effect next

August. Natally McCain has Mercury, the ruler of both the Asc and the 10th

house in the 1st in its own domicile, that's one indicator of fame and

success. It's fairly unafflicted, aspected only by the detrimented Moon in

the 5th house - but on the other hand that very configuration might indicate

that his campaign is going to fail for a sex scandal. The Moon will be

active in dashas from August to October, maybe something regarding this will

happen then.


But his next SR chart looks promising, at least by the first glance. It has

the Lot of Fortune in the first house disposited by Jupiter in its own

domicile in the 10th. That looks pretty powerful. Mercury - McCain's natal

ruler of the 1st and the 10th house as mentioned before - in its own

domicile Virgo is right on the Descendant. It's separating from debilitated

Venus which it has saved from humilitation by conjoining it, and applying

Mars, which is in turn applying this strong Jupiter, the 1st ruler in the

10th house. BUT - I'm one of those who think that the 7th house signifies

open enemies and the opponents. Does this mean that it's the opponent, who

is actually strong here?


Jupiter is retrogade and Bonatti says about this kind of situation:

" When some planet is joined to another, and gives or commits its own virtue

or disposition to it, and he who whom the virtue or disposition is given, is

retrogade or combust, he cannot retain it the virtue - whence he returns it

to him to gave it to him. " Strictly speaking I understand that Bonatti is

speaking about a situation where the applied planet is in dignities

(domicile or exaltation) of the applying planet and there is reception, but

could it also be applied in situations where there is simply an applying



If so, then Mercury (the 7th ruler signifying the opponent) is applying Mars

and Mars in turn is applying Jupiter (the 1st ruler signifying the person

himself) in square, but because Jupiter retrogades, it mirrors both

Mercury's and Mars' power back to... Mars. So the final outcome is that the

power of the 1st house goes actually to Mars in the 7th, the house of the

opponent. This doesn't look so promising any more.


When looking at the secondary progressions and transits of the election day

4th November, there's especially one planet that appears to be in the middle

of action, and that's McCain's natal Mars, debilitated in Cancer in the 11th

house of friends and supporters. Mars is squared by secondary progressed

Mercury (the important significator of both the person and the career) and

on the other hand secondary progressed Mars in trining the natal Moon (the

detrimented ruler of the 11th house in the 5th house of sex and gambling).

On the election day transiting Sun (uh, the ruler of the 12th house of

self-undoing) is right on progressed Mercury squaring natal Mars, and

transiting Ketu is on natal Mars squaring progressed Mercury. There's

something quite ominous regarding the 11th house - what on earth that could

be? The 11th house - hopes, wishes, clubs, friends, associations...? Is this

something that's happening in McCain's support group?


Mars was also the planet that finally got the power in McCain's SR chart -

of course we all know about McCain's military career, what an important role

it has played in his campaign. In McCain's natal chart Jupiter is trining

Mars and receiving it in its exaltation in Cancer, actually there's mutual

reception, because Jupiter is in turn in Mars' sign Scorpio. McCain was

prisoned and tortured by enemy (Jupiter) in the Vietnam war, but he

survived, possibly because though Mars, the soldier, was in its fall, it was

received by Jupiter, the enemy, there was some kind of protection.


But how does this configuration work now, especially when McCain is running

Saturn/Jupiter now and also in the time of election? He's actually running

Saturn/Jupiter/Mars at the time of the election! It's the same kind of

situation than with Clinton - an important natal configuration is activated

by its entirety (because in McCain's chart Mars is applying Jupiter and

Jupiter is applying Saturn - all the three planets are involved with each



Aargh, I cannot enter into the final conclusion. And I haven't even looked

into Obama's chart yet.


Best, Sari

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