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Sidereal Solar Returns

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I've been spending a little more time with return charts for the battling

duo--Hillary and Obama. There's no doubt that the current solar return for

Obama is good, and why not? He has come out of nowhere to play his part on

the national, even international, stage. But his next solar return cuts in

*before* the convention, and that's where the questions come in.


I still think transiting Ketu on Hillary's 2008 SR ascendant signifies

something unfortunate, but this may relate to a partner (Bill?) rather than

her chances for the primary office. The convention comes under Hillary's

current solar return, which is mixed, but still has SR Moon closely

aspecting ntal Venus on the descendant.


Sidereal astrologers generally have great faith in lunar returns, but

perhaps because my natal Moon is less than happy, I haven't had much luck

with lunars. I've found the Enneads easier to read. Hillary's Ennead for

the Denver convention has:


(1) Natal Sun on the descendant and

(2) Ennead Jupiter at the midheaven.


Also Ennead Sun is in the 4th (counting the nadir as cusp 4). I'm fairly

confident that we can trust Hillary's 8:02 a.m. birth time. Her Denver

prognosis is good staying strictly with the sidereal doctrine of angularity.


Obama's new solar return is also his Ennead for the convention dates. The

problem with this chart set for Honolulu is that


(1) SR Saturn is at the SR M.C. and sitting on the natal Part of Fortune

and Pluto.

(2) SR Ketu is on the natal M.C.


So those two situations aren't good. For Obama, transiting Ketu is in the

wrong place at the wrong time. If the chart is re-located to Denver, SR

Jupiter is on the ascendant (good), but the chart has no other strengths.

The Denver M.C. is on natal Neptune which siderealists consider to be more

or less a political death blow.


So staying with western sidereal doctrine, Hillary has the stronger setup

for the convention dates. (Assuming 8:02 a.m. for Hillary and 1:06 p.m. for

Obama.) I don't consider myself at all savvy in the political sense, so I'm

looking only at the astrology. Personally, however, I'd have more faith

that Hillary could handle any flammable situations that might come up for

the nation.


I've found some very interesting win-lose patterns for past elections

linked to the Part of Fortune and the Moon's nodes, which is why I'm taking

a closer look at these charts. I didn't really understand how important

these patterns were in past years--might try to post something on this later.


Neptune plays a part in several relevant charts between now and January, so

I expect continued confusion and reversals.


Obama has some strong ties with the nation's chart, so I expect he'll be

around for awhile.



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