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Jupiter and spirituality

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Therese wrote:


> India gives Jupiter and Venus to the Brahmin (spiritual priestly) caste,

> and Cayce says:


> " In Venus and Jupiter we see those abilities to appreciate those things

> and

> those experiences that are from the realm of the universal

> consciousness... " (2869-1)




You're right, my comment was maybe a bit too hasty. Indians see Jupiter as

the primary planet of spirituality. But I still hesitate a bit in putting

all that's called spirituality in the same basket. My brother is a very

religious Greek Catholic and he wouldn't like to see himself in the same

group than a fervent New Ageist, but he's undoubtedly spiritual. And his

Jupiter is unaspected and retrogade in the 12th house in its detriment in

Virgo conjoining Ketu and he's been running Jupiter dasha since 1995. On the

other hand, he has late Virgo rising, so Jupiter rules his 4th and 7th

houses and it mainly represents other things than himself: his spouse and

father or backround. Maybe he sees them as " not spiritual enough " , I don't

know. But he has a long and - as far as I know - happy relationship with his



Today I've been thinking about sidereal elements (again and again). Sidereal

water is a glamorous, social, extraverted, humorous and dramatic element,

that's clear - there is certain connection to tropical Fire, this drama and

theatricality. It's the queen of hearts. But unlike tropical Fire, sidereal

Water is feminine. Sidereal Fire is... fiery; it's very hot and dry like a

desert, choleric, aggressive, factual, sharp, workaholic, simple, ascetic,

austere, masculine etc., here again we have a sort of connection to tropical



But sidereal Earth... it's actually not much like astrologers think tropical

Air is. Tropical Air should be intellectual, conceptual, theoretical, like

mountain air, but sidereal Earth is, well, its earthy. It's a bit hick-like,

a bit red-neckey element. Down-to-earth, practical, calculating, having its

boots in cowdung, not caring about too much snobbery. It's a Saturnine

element; I know Ernst Wilhelm says, building on the traditional jyotish

texts, that Saturn is an Airy planet, but I think that Indians have simply

got something wrong along the way here; they've confused Vata, that's one of

the three gunas, with Air, that's one of the four elements.


And then sidereal Air, it's warm and moist, sanguine, very sympathetic,

friendly, human element, a lot like tropical Water. But at the same time

it's masculine element... maybe, if we think - like I argue on my site -

that actually archetypical femininity is extraverted and archetypical

masculinity is introverted (the strong, silent type, " a real man neither

talks nor kisses " , like we say a bit ironically here in Finland), then

sidereal Air would be this introverted, intuitive dreamer, this spiritual

one (when connecting masculinity with day, light and spirit; and femininity

with night, darkness and flesh, like ancient philosophers did), that would

possibly make sense in that way. And then in the hellenistic Thema Mundi

chart the 4th, 8th and 12th houses are the " Airy " ones...

http://planetwavesweekly.com/dadatemp/1832374392.html )


Therese wrote:


> I guess the question is: If Neptune did not exist, which planet or

> combination of planets would we look to for spirituality?




Okay, maybe it is Jupiter and Air, possibly also " moksha houses " (4, 8, 12)

after all.


Best, Sari

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At 02:53 PM 3/18/08 +0200, Sari wrote:


>And then sidereal Air, it's warm and moist, sanguine, very sympathetic,

>friendly, human element...


Hi Sari,


I don't have time to reply to all your posts in detail, so I wrote that

separate post on sidereal trigons. But what you wrote above--no I don't

think the warm/moist, etc categories have anything to do with the sidereal

zodiac. Ptolemy realted much of this to the seasons, so those categories

are tropical. And different authors have given those qualities to different

signs. (Greenbaum lists these in her book.)


>...maybe, if we think - like I argue on my site -

>that actually archetypical femininity is extraverted and archetypical

>masculinity is introverted (the strong, silent type, " a real man neither

>talks nor kisses " , like we say a bit ironically here in Finland)


I first wrote about this in the mid 80s, and it's been on my web site for a

few years. Yes, it's women who are friendly, socialble and more

extraverted, men who are more self-contained and sometimes just plain

unsociabale. So the sidereal signs act accordingly.


In the tropical zodiac my signs are almost all feminine, in the sidereal

chart they're mixed, but Sun-Moon-Asc lord are masculine. I've always been

a quiet loner, even when I had various jobs when I was younger.


>>[Therese wrote:] I guess the question is: If Neptune did not exist, which

planet or

>> combination of planets would we look to for spirituality?


>{Sari wrote:] Okay, maybe it is Jupiter and Air, possibly also " moksha

houses " (4, 8, 12)

>after all.


I don't believe there are 'moksha houses.' That's a very modern concept

that doesn't check out at all.


Sorry--I'm having to be quick and brief with my replies. I still have a

mailbox full of e-mails and posts to reply to. And not much time.



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