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The Zodiac and a Pole Shift (LOL)

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Hypothetically speaking, if the rotation pole of the earth where to shift

rapidly, the equinox would not change, those are as they are do to the shape of

the earth orbit around the earth. not its rotation motion. the relation of the

rotation motion to the yearly motion about the sun produces the location of the

tropics. technically speaking. the Sub Solar Point. the tropics would be

displaced relative to the known topography of the earth. the angle with which

the ecliptic meats the horizon would shift for all localities on earth.

cartographically speaking, If a mercator chart of the sidereal sphere where

drawn before and after the mythical event of Pole shift, a definite change would

occur. the current undulation of the ecliptic, below and above the sidereal

Equator would be more or less pronounced.


Before We get side tracked, I will say that there the idea that the rotation

pole could shift is very difficult to support. the amount of energy required to

accomplish this is proportional to the weight of the entire planet. As the earth

rotates it conserves its rotational moment. This is expressed as the velocity of

rotation times the weight of the earth. This product points to a very large

amount of energy embodied in the earths rotation as we know it now. The energy

involved in the rotation of the planet can be redistributed very slowly. The the

redistribution of mass over time, is Work. It can be accomplished in small

increments over geologic time.


It is imaginable but unreasonable to propose that a large shift in the

rotational axis of the planet can occur over a generation. Physically it wold

require an amount of energy that surpasses many times the energy already

involved in the rotation of the earth as it is know. Where would the weight in

motion be found to change the earth rotation if not in earth is self? thus

geographical pole shift is a hallucination.



Take Mars as an example: The rotation pole of Mars has been modeled with

detailed mathematical models of its measured physical attributes. these models

have been observed to tilt over millennia. mars rotation axis wonders over many

millennia! Planetary geologist have deduced that it once lay, for long periods

of time forty degrees or so, from its current location . Mars has a slightly

erratic orbit. its sidereal period varies. Its orbital eccentricity is the

highest in the solar system. nine times greater than Earth. It is also a third

of Earths mass. Mars has a very large basin in its current southern hemisphere.

Its an enormous impact crater. across the planetary center, on the opposite

hemisphere we find the largest set of volcanic cones in the solar system. Mt.

Olympus is part of it. An enormous amount of energy was pumped in to mars by a

collision of planetary scale. that energy caused a slightly erratic behavior of

the orbit of mars and the bulge

and volcanoes on the opposite side. Cataclysmic eternal cause! Just as a

thought experiment. try to imagine the proportions and the magnitude of the

numbers involved!


On the other hand, I have seen the reports in the scientific literature that

point to the Earth having an inner and an outer core which rotate at slightly

different rates below the mantel of the planet. The crust is above the mantel

and it is what we climb and drive around. This compound core is only been

indirectly observed through the measurement of arrival times of seismic waves.

we can not be certain how this fact relates specifically to the magnetic dynamo

of the planet. in actuality it may in deed be part of the mechanism that

generates the magnetic field of the planet. this field does in dead shift and

flip. there is a well studied record and reconstruction of the magnetic field

reversals of planet earth. Currently the magnetic pole location, relative to the

geography has been in greater rate of motion than ever observed. our observation

are only little more than a century old. the considerations of mass and moment

of rotation still hod here.


I have also seen recent observations that have detected a tube of magnetic

energy that stretched from the sun to the earth much like a gourd has a vine of

its top. this is something that the very latest research using coordinated

spacecraft flying sensitive magnetometers through and around the magnetosphere

of the earth. We can not be certain how this affects the magnetic pole reversal

of the earth. the magnetotail and magnetosphere of the earth is a energetic

reality that astrologers do not track. this is a laps of consciousness in

sidereal astrology that has to be remedied. If we are going to express our inner

perceptions with the term " Energy " we should use it carefully and account for

all the invisible energy incidents about observable human events.



Another consequence of the mythical geographic pole shift would be an alteration

the angle between the Ecliptic and the local horizon. in my research, this is a

very significant thing. In natural terms this angle determines the climate for

all localities on earth. it may score the souls of all earth born creatures.

the astrological effect of this Planetary geometry is not observed because the

ecliptic latitude of planets is not observed systematically along with its

ecliptic longitude. This is an unsuspected flaw in sidereal astrology that must

be remedied. Once again I call attention to this fact with the out most

seriousness and concern.



Another consequence of a mythical geographical pole shift is the alteration of

the sub lunar point. the moon would continue to orbit as it does, regardless of

the orientation of the earth rotation axis. the orbit of the moon hangs on the

center of mass of the planet earth. the earth and the moon share a center of

gravity that is not a the center of rotation of the earth. it is displaced. The

pull of the moon over the eons at the earth has shifted the mantel and

establishes a beaten path. Once the sub lunar point is shifted away from this

establishes zone of stability a new zone of geological stability with in the

mantle and crust would have to be worn in by countless lunar orbits along a new

sub lunar swath. Many millions of years later and many, many earthquakes later

things would calm down. but this is a silly hypothetical scenario.


on the other hand the sublunar point and the co-center of mass of the Earth-Moon

system is a true and dynamic phenomena that may affect the gravitational and

magnetic environment of the earth. It may affect the earth magnetic Dynamo. this

fact and the continuous interaction of the magneto-sheath of the Earth with the

solar wind and the solar corona may be significant factors in the incarnation of

human beings in to physical bodies. this to should be studied and clarified.

there are a variety of astrological indicators which we have inherited from a

historical period of dimmer physical science that may unsuspectingly track

these geophysical and astrophysical realities.








Therese Hamilton <eastwest


Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:25:15 PM

The Zodiac and a Pole Shift



Hi everyone,


Just now I had an interesting phone conversation with my granddaughter

who's a student at U.C. Santa Cruz on the California coast. She said there

has been a lot of talk among students of the predicted geographic pole

shift with a target date of 2012 or before. There are a number of books on

this topic, the shift being predicted by Edgar Cayce and many others. One

noted author who has much to say about the shift is Ruth Montgomery

('Strangers Among Us' and 'The World to Come').


Just supposing something like this would happen, would this change the

dates of the equinoxes and solstices (that is, the start of the tropical

zodiac) or only change the climate around the globe? The equator is

supposed to shift its position during the predicted pole shift. Is there

anyone on this forum well versed in astronomy who can answer this question?










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