Guest guest Posted August 28, 2009 Report Share Posted August 28, 2009 SIDEREAL AQUARIUS--Part 2 Therese Hamilton August 28, 2009 (Notes: Survey draft only) There are different ways that the effects of a sign can be studied. In Part 1 I simply took Aquarian stelliums composed of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus and/or Mars. This part of the study looked at 10th house Suns in Aquarius square Taurus ascendants within 7 degrees. Invariably, there were additional planets in Aquarius along with the Sun. There were 47 charts in ADB 4 that filled the research requirements. As usual I igonred charts with such designations as " Child of famous person X. " The largest group (9) could be called HUMANITARIAN in that their careers or occupations were aimed at helping their fellow human beings. These included astrologers interested in counseling and healing, a psychic, psychologists, and two other professions which were given humanitarian emphasis. I'll briefly describe those plus one of the astrologer's biographies. TUN RAZAK (Sun, MC, Uranus in Aquarius) was a Malayasian politician who was instrumental in helping Malaysia gain independence from Great Britain. He was also a key figure in furthering the country's rural and national development. His leadership led to the establishment of friendly relations with China. He was known to have high personal integrity and lived a simple, frugal lifestyle. As can be seen by his biography, Razak wasn't the typical Jupiterian politician. Since he did work with groups (not an Aquarian trait), this is shown astrologically by Mars in Scorpio squaring his Aquarian planets. (Recall that Scorpio moves in stimulating circles that are usually group oriented. Anciently Mars also was a patron of farming.) As for establishing friendly relations with China, Razak also has Venus (his ascendant lord) in Pisces near the zenith. Another atypical Aquarian who was a humanitarian is BRUCE RITTER, a Catholic priest who was called " the Mother Teresa of Times Square. " Ritter has Sun and Jupiter at the zenith, but Mars conjunct the ascendant. So again we see the combination of Mars with Aquarius. Scorpio also comes into the mix since Saturn applies to the Moon in Scorpio on the 7th cusp. Ritter established shelters aimed at getting drug addicted kids off the streets and into work and recovery programs. Again, simply classifying Ritter as a priest doesn't really tell the story of his life. His efforts led to the establishment of similar recovery centers in other major cities. Astrologer DOUGLAS BLOCH is an author, teacher and counselor who writes and speaks on the topics of psychology, healing and spirituality. He's known as a lifeline for those who suffer mental disorders. Among other books, he's written " Healing from Depression. " In Boch's chart we see that the more depressive side of Aquaius (Saturn and Uranus) is used in the role of healer. As something of a crusader, Bloch also has a Mars emphasis since his Sun applies to Mars in Aquarius. Uranus trines this conjunction while Saturn opposes it. Bloch's Sun-Mars conjunction has been applied in counseling rather than athletics: Sun is in the bounds of Venus while Mars is in the bounds of Jupiter. There are no planets in Scorpio. At any rate, the motivation of those in the humanitarian group is more important than the professional titles they happen to carry. This is no doubt why the Gauquelins moved from emphasizing professional groups per se to paying more attention to individual psychology. The next largest professional group (8) was the ARTS group composed of artists, designers and writers. What are these doing in Aquarius? I believe the answer is in viewing each trigon of signs as more or less a unified whole. The other two signs of Aquarius' trigon are Venus ruled Libra and Mercury ruled Gemini. This trigon is also more likely to choose occupations with a lot of alone time rather than working in a group situation as Scorpio prefers. This group includes fashion icon Andre Courreges who has Mercury, M.C., Uranus, Fortuna and South node in Aquarius in 10th. Another large group (8) is the homosexual group composed of both Gay men and Lesbians. This symbolism may combine Venus (from Libra) and Uranus from Aquarius as a less socially accepted sexual preference. It's interesting to speculate that this situation may change as homosexuality becomes more generally accepted. The older traditional texts link homosexuality to a combination of Venus and Saturn and the interchange of their signs. Another group (8) is loosely composed of vocalists, dance, and acting. But the emphasis is on stage and theater rather than film, and the only big name in this group is Harry Belafonte, folk and ethnic artist. (Again, the emphasis is on those less accepted in society.) Tragic situations (homicides, birth defects, major health conditions) account for anther 8 charts The worst of these was the Dunblane massacre, the Scottish shooting of a teacher and class of children. Fifteen children died along with a teacher. This chart has Mars at the zenith in Aquarius in the same degree as the ascendant. Mars applies to the Aquarian sun, both in the bounds of Saturn. Because Scotland is so far north, the M.C. is a sign and a half away from the zenith. Uranus is at the M.C. in mid Capricorn, but it is the Mars square to the ascendant that is the most descriptive. There were 2 scientists, but 5 athletes in this group of Aquarian 10th house suns. The athletic charts illustrate how planetary influence trumps the signs. I looked individually at the athletic charts: William Russell, basketball center. Sun with Mars at the zenith (both Aquarius); Mars is lord of 7th, competition. Mars is also on the navamsa ascendant and conjunct natal Sun. Lionel Mallier, rugby; Sun is in the bounds of Mars, and Mars conjoins the ascendant; Mars is also in navamsa Aries. Kenny Dalglish, soccer coach; This isn't the chart of an athlete and after one season Dalglish was let go due to poor performance. Claude Piquemal, field and track (non team sport); Jupiter at the zenith (Aquarius) is in the bounds of Mars, and Mars applies to the Moon in the 7th. Mars is in Aries in the navamsa chart. David Douillet, judo champ (non-team sport); Mars on cusp 7 in its own bounds is square Sun at the zenith. No other information was given for the atheltes, so we don't know in what other ways Aquarian energy might have been expressed. Comparing Aquarius to Scorpio, we see that the Aquarian picture is quite different from Scorpio. In Aquarius there's emphasis on the helping professions, arts, sexual deviations, and tragedies. There isn't much emphasis on science as we might expect from astrological texts. If there are sportsmen, it's due to a strong angular Mars influence including planets in the bounds of Mars. So this quick survey does illustrate Scorpio-Aquarian sign differences, mainly related to ruling planets (domicile lords) and trigon characteristics and rulerships. ----End of Draft Notes----August 28, 2009 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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