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dear jhon Date of Birth : 31st March 1961Time of birth : 9 10 amPlace of birth : Yadgir in Gulbarga district. 77E08 16N46. doj :02-08-2006toj: 15,20 hrs.poj : tenali; A.P.; INDIA (16.14N;80,38 E) RP : ASC- MAR, MER; MOON-VEN,RAH D.L.-MER I WISH TO increse the tob by 1'.45" to bring mar as asc s-s lord.(see READERIII-RECTIFIACTION OF BIRTH TIME)SO TOB WILL BE 9:11:45; sir u r right mer is sld of 7th cusp.but it is not connected to dual sign through its staror sub mer's power is absorbed to a greater extent by nodes.mer is in fixed sign and in the star of benign jup l/o 9 in 9 (elders/religion) thts why ur parents accepted ur marriage.and ur marital life is full of

affection.11th csl ket is also signifing 9,11 at sub level. u married for the first time on dec 19, 1990(wed) in the period of rah/mer/sat/merrah-- 4,11,star-2,5,10;sub-9,11.mer-- 2,5,10.star-8,9;sub-9,11;sat---9,10,11.star-11;sub-2,5,10;sat/mer is ruling the star and sub respectively on 7th. for sec. time on 26-05-1991(mar) in the period of rah/ket/venRAH AS SAID ABOVE;ket--2,5,10,star-4,11;sub-9,10,11.ven -6,12,star-2,5,10;sub-2,5,10. i think this is to be considered as second marriage because in kp sec marriage wil happen in the conjoined period of 2,11 houses.7th house is not involved at the time of ur subsequent marriage.ket brought the result by virtue of mer.thus the mer'sdual nature is completely manifested.dasa lord jup in ven sub l/o of 6 in

12 .this might led them to predictseperation from wife etc ..but 6,12 also show change in place(12) in connection to service(6) i said sobecause ven in the starof ket in 10.in ven sub period ther will be a sigificant change in ur job.some health problems to her are also signifing related to head\heart,s 7th csl mer is strong her span is good.i am not anticipating 2nd marriage or other connections or so. OTHER OBSERVATIONS: daughter :dob-22/04/1992;22:25 hrs .banglore in the priod of rah\ket\mer\jupas discussed above thre are strongly signifing 2,5,11.ur kid born uder the controlof jup,ket,ven,mer all are 2,5,11 significators. acorrding to our guruji sri.ksk ""period rulers or their star lords are the ruling planetsof the child\partner etc.."" rah in ket star,ket in rah star,mer in jup star,jup in ven sub.so jup,ket,ven,mer,rah are the rp. on the same anology at the time of

first marriage.rah\mer\sat\merrah in ket star,mer in jup star,sat in sun star so rah,ket,mer,sat,sun,jup should be her rp. GOOD LUCK. LEARNED MEMBERS COMMENTS SHOULD BE ENLIGHTENING WITH RGDS............................................................ Miny dear Learned members, I have been a member of this group and have been trying to learn the ropes of KP. The learning is still going on and I hope one day I will be able to start making predictions on my own. The reason I am making this posting here is because of a personal turmoil I am going through because of similar predictions given to me by astrologers who practice 3 different types of astrological processes. I thought it could be of interest for you learned members to study my chart and debate over it and in the process help me find a solution by letting me know what destiny holds for me. My birth details

are : Date of Birth : 31st March 1961Time of birth : 9 10 amPlace of birth : Yadgir in Gulbarga district. 77E08 16N46. I am working in Jakarta in Indonesia and am happily married and have a loving wife and daughter of 14 years old. We are a close knit family and are emotionally dependant on each other. My wife and myself had a love marriage. We frst got married on December 19th 1990 in the court in bangalore against our parents wishes and then my family members solemnised the marriage later in the church on May 26th 1991. My daughter was born on April 22nd 1992 at 10 25 pm in bangalore. I do not have my wife's birth details except that she was born on November 26th 1967 in Shillong. She does not know the timings. The question that has come up is that whether if in a chart there is indications of 2 marriages, then is these two marriages to happen with two different girls or whether marriage

with the same girl twice also signifies two marriages. The reason for this question rising is because all the three astrologers who have seen my chart have predicted that I will have two marriages. When I raised this question to them they were clueless. I am giving the details of the predictions hereunder. The first one is a Vedic astrologer, a good friend of mine who dropped a bombshell to me stating that because I have mars in second house, Rahu in 4th and Venus in 12th, there is a second marriage for me. And he went to the extent to say that in the next 2 to 3 months I will find another job and immediately after that my wife in a fit of rage will decide to go back to India and file for a divorce because of some misunderstandings. And then there are many changes which will start occuring which will push me into a marriage once again. And he could not elaborate further. The second

astrologer was a person who practises the KAS system and he also made a similar prediction.And he went one step further to state that I will find a girl friend who could be a foreigner and will have a live in relationship with her which in long run will be as good as marriage. This has shocked me because this is against my cultural upbringing and this tradtion is not in my family. The last person was a KP astrologer who said that my 5th cusp and 7th cusp sublord is mercury which signifies 2 marriages. This has indeed shattered me. It is because we are a very close knit family and I love my wife and daughter very much. And moreover, we are emotionally dependant a lot on each other. I would be grateful if the learned group members could deliberate on my chart and let me know whether me having married my wife twice is good enough to fulfill two marriages. Or whether there are two marriages

with two different individuals. and if so when is the second marriage supposed to be and is there a remedy that I could do to avert it. This will prepare me to face the destiny with courage. And help me reconcile to the reality of God's will. Or is it that me having married my wife twice is itself the reality to signify it in my horoscope which these astrologers are not able to read. I will be grateful if you learned members could enlighten me. Regards, John

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