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Vidhya Ji-Your Misplaced Car RC Book-My Analysis

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Om Krishna Guru Namaste Vidya Ji, Gurus and Learned Members, I have casted a Prashna with the Horary number 134 supplied by the native to find the answer to the question “When will I find misplaced RC Book ?". 1) The Prashna (Horary ) Chart details are:- Horary Number Provided by the Native = 134

September 19, 2006 Time: 21:47:47 Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT) Place: 93 W 20' 59", 44 N 53' 23"

USA 1) Let us see the KP Principles first:- I am using the principle mentioned by Yogesh Rao Ji (Message # 10083) for my analysis: - The lost item will be found soon if the Sub Lord of 11th

signifies 2nd and 11th and also if it is a fast moving-planet and placed in a moveable sign. The period operating will be of 1st, 2nd and 11th. a) In this chart, the 11th Cusp Sub lord is Sun ( a fast moving planet) signifying 11th house and placed in a Dual sign. b) Sat is placed in Moon sign indicating a Punarphoo. c) Moon is Significator of 10th and 11 houses. Hence combining all the above, the item lost will be found but after a little delay. 2) Now let us see the significators or 1, 2 and 11th houses. 1st = Jup, Rahu and Ven 2nd = Mars 11th = Sun, Ketu, Sat, Mar and Mer So the combined Significators are : Jup, Rahu, Ven, Mar, Sun, Ketu and Mer 3) Ruling Planets are: Ven, Ketu, Mars and Rahu 4) The common significators are : Ven,Ketu,Mar and Rahu 5) At the present the running dasa is Ketu, which is capable enough to give the lost item to the native, because it is one of the

significators. KETU Dasa 21 10 2002 TO 21 10 2009 6) Now let us see the Bhukti next. The current Bhukti is Rahu, which is also part of the significator hence it will give the results in this Bhukti. RAHU Bhk. 21 09 2005 TO 09 10 2006 7) Now let us see which Antar Dasa?. Currently Mar Antar is running and which is also part of the significator hence it will give the results in this Antara. MARS Ant. 17 09 2006 TO 09 10 2006 8) Next, let us see which Sookshma dasa will give the result?. Current Sookshma dasa is Rahu, which can give the result, but a delay is indicated by the Punarphoo, so I am not considering this and moving forward. Next is Jup and which is not a significator and next to that is Sat Sookshma, which can give the result. But I am still moving forward till Ven Sookshma as Ven is one of the significators and can give the results. MARS Soo. 17 09 2006 TO 18 09

2006 RAHU Soo. 18 09 2006 TO 22 09 2006 JUP Soo. 22 09 2006 TO 24 09 2006 SAT Soo. 24 09 2006 TO 28 09 2006 MERC Soo.

28 09 2006 TO 01 10 2006 KETU Soo. 01 10 2006 TO 02 10 2006 ---->> VEN Soo. 02 10 2006 TO 06 10 2006 SUN Soo. 06 10 2006 TO 07 10 2006 MOON Soo. 07 10 2006 TO 09 10

2006 So the event should happen during the following Dasa sequence:- KETU Dasa 21 10 2002 TO 21 10 2009 RAHU Bhk. 21 09 2005 TO 09 10 2006 MARS Ant. 17 09 2006 TO 09 10 2006 VEN Soo. 02 10 2006 TO 06 10 2006 9) Next step is to find a single date which can give the result between Oct 2nd 2006 and Oct 6th 2006. a) Oct 3rd is Tuesday and ruled by Mars. b) Oct 6th is Friday ruled by Ven both are also happened to be the significators, hence I am considering these two for now and rejecting other days in the range from Oct 2nd 2006 to Oct 6th 2006. 10) Now let us try to narrow this down a bit further. On Oct 3rd, the Moon is transiting on Dhanishta Nakshatra ruled by Mars. On Oct 6th, the Moon is transiting on U.Bhadra Nakshatra ruled by Sat. So this is indicating me that the event should take place

on Oct 3rd. 11) I have not learnt the principles yet to answer the following: a) How to find out on what direction and place the missing item will be found b) Also to pinpoint the Lagna / minute. So I will stop here for now and

request learned members to give me some pointers to answer the above two things. Summary is : The native should locate / find the missing CAR RC Book on Oct 3rd. Having said that, may I request Gurus and Learned members to go thru my analysis and correct me wherever I am wrong by giving the correct analysis, so that I can learn from your reply. This will also help my fellow students too. Thanks for your help in advance. Regards Raghunatha Rao ----- original message --- /message/10074 Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:52 am Car RC book - misplaced Dear learned scholars, Namaskar I am one of the follower of KP system and currently i am trying to workout on a real situation. I have misplaced my Car RC book somewhere in my house a month back and went for vaccation and i am not able to remember the place. Could anyone of you help me how to find it. The horary number i am giving is 134. Thanks and kind regards. Vidya

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Check within house, room on the South-side. On the

table/floor/in the drawer/cupboard. Within a lether







> Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:52 am


> Car RC book - misplaced


> Dear learned scholars,








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