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KP System case answered correctly by Raghunatha Rao Nemani.

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I w'd like to present my case accurately predicted by

Raghunatha Rao Garu using the KP system.My question was

" When will my son be born? " ,I gave him the number 79.



His Analysis:

As per your request I have casted a KP Prashna Chart with the

following details. I have considered your number 79 for this also. The

question asked by you is : " When my son will be born ? " ( As per him,

Doctors have given the date as Dec 18th 2006)


November 6, 2006

Time: 16:03:13

Time Zone: 6:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place: 93 W 10' 00 " , 44 N 48' 15 "



1) Moon the Asc lord is placed in 11th house and also signifying the

houses of 2nd and 4th. This is a confirmation about the native

thinking about child hence I am going forward.


2) 5th Cusp Sub Lord is Merc ( who is retrograde right now ) and Merc

is in a Star of Jup. So there is a delay in the fructification of the

event. Merc is significator of 3,4,6,9 and 12th houses. Jup is

significator of 4,6 and 9th houses. None of them are connected with

2,5 and 11 houses, so how come ?


3) 11th Cusp Sub Lord is Sat and Sat is in a Star of Ketu. Sat is

significator of 1,2,7 and 8th houses. Ketu is significator of 2 and

4th houses. Here 2nd house is connected which confirming the child birth.


4) The Significators of 2,5 and 11 th houses are : Sat,Ketu, Moon,

Sun, Mars and Ven


5) The Ruling Planets are : Ketu, Mars, Sun, Ven and Moon so are the

common signifying planets. Merc is with Mars, Sun, Ven and aspecting

Moon by rasi drishti, hence Merc is very strong and will be considered

as Strong Ruling Planet and it is currently retrograde so the result

will be given only when it is in direction motion. So the Merc will be

in direct motion on Nov 18th 2006. So the result can not be before that.


6) During this time, Sat Antara is running and Sat is not signifying

hence can not give the result so I am rejecting this and going to the

next Antara which is Merc.


7) Merc Antar dasa is as follows and the result will be given during

this period only.


SUN Dasa 28 02 2001 TO 28 02 2007

VEN Bhk. 28 02 2006 TO 28 02 2007

MERC Ant. 16 12 2006 TO 07 02 2007


8) So Sun is transiting in Dhanus on Dec 16th 2006 on Moola Nakshatra

ruled by Ketu, so this is a candidate. Sun will be transiting in

P.Ashada Nakshatra on Dec 28th which is ruled by Ven and not a

candidate. So it has to be in Moola only. So the date range are : Dec

12th 2006 to Dec 28th 2006.

SUN Dasa 28 02 2001 TO 28 02 2007

VEN Bhk. 28 02 2006 TO 28 02 2007

MERC Ant. 16 12 2006 TO 07 02 2007

MERC Soo. 16 12 2006 TO 23 12 2006


9) Now let us see what date is the event is going to take place.

Dec 16 = Sunday, Moon is transiting in Rahu Nakshatra, hence rejected

Dec 17 = Monday, Moon is transiting in Jup Nakshatra, hence rejected


Dec 18 = Tuesday, Moon is transiting in Sat Nakshatra, a Candidate.

Dec 19 = Wednesday, Moon is transiting in Merc Nakshatra, a Candidate.


Dec 20 = Thursday, rejected

Dec 21 = Friday, Moon is transiting in Moon Nakshatra, a Candidate.

Dec 22 = Saturday, Moon is transiting in Mars Nakshatra, a Candidate.

Dec 23 = Sunday, Moon is transiting in Ketu Nakshatra a Candidate.


As I do not have the right KP Software to the finest calculation, so I

am guessing now.


Summary : The delivery will be taken on Friday Dec 22nd when Moon is

transiting in Mars Nakshatra between 22:42:28 and 7:55 AM of Dec 23rd




The doctor's had given a due date of Dec 18th,so we were not sure if

the above dates given were correct and I sent an email to Raghunatha Rao.


The actual birth took place on Dec 23rd 2006 00:12AM.


Hope this helps everyone on the forum.

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