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Mars venus combination

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Dear All, The following write-up is from: http://jyotish-blog.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.htmlLove and regards,Sreendh========================Wednesday, March 29, 2006 Mars venus combination balasubramanian_natesan2002 < parvamaniMar 29, 2006 7:37 AMRe: [vedic astrology] Re: mars venus combination - Venus exalted in Raasi, Mars vedic astrology kinner patel <ren_nik@> wrote:Can anybody through light on mars venus conjuction,aspect in different houses and its effect in male and female Dear MembersIf mars and Venus Join together, the native is fond of betting,gamblind or speculation.may be wrestler and capable person otherwise.attached to other people's wives.he may be efficient in metallurgy, but is of scheming nature and cunning. he will have a respectable position and may be an important member of his clan. he may be well in mathematics also but his inherent nature is wicked according to Horasara, the person will be rash, under the influence of his wife ( or some other women) and his acts will be vicious but if the conjunction occurs in first,fourth or tenth house from Lagna,he will rise above the station in life he is bornin and will become a leader.Conjunction in Lagna—the native is long lived. condcuct not good, Wastes his wealth on women and is attached to women of loose morals in fourth—Suffers from constant mental anguish. oppressed by various calamities. he has no happiness from sons,relations or friends In seventh house—native is under constant temptation to have more and moreliasions with new women. character is not good. He meets great sorrow and anguish of mind due to women In ninth house—Lives abroad other than home land, Cruel and quarrelsome,resorts much to lying and deception, ungrateful,frustrated with women.In tenth—native is well versed in use of weapons. very intelligent and learned. wealthy and leads a life of luxury. Attains fame and occupies a high rank. In tenth from Moon—Lives abroad( at places other than home land), income fromtrade and commerce also from gold and pearls,also due to favour and patronage of ladies.Mars and Venus combination make the sex life unsatisfactory. Mars represents the urgeof the erotic passions in a female. Venus is symbolic of lust in a male. When these two combine, the psychology os sex becomes abnormal and the married life is seldom satisfactory. As per Garga Hora When combination of Mars and Venus occurin First House- Suffers from Phlegm, hies efforts go waste,Ungrateful, his son will be valourous, failuresin 2nd—Native sickly, indecent, character bad, untruthfulin 3rd—Skilled in sculpture, adheres dharma, likes to go on pilgimage, goodhabits, strong person, faithfulin 4th—illiterate, mannerlessin 5th—many enemies, Sinnerin 6th—licentious, does sinful deeds,cruel nature,intelligent andlearnedin 7th—Discarded by people, poorin 8th—freindship with bad elements, wealth obtained in unlawful manner,lazyin 9th—Worships guests,handsome,leader of his clan, man of principlesin 10th—leads a luxurious life,charitable nature, submissivein 11th—learned, talkative,in 12th—Not wealthy, Problems through son, friedship with mean peopleThe above analysis may get modified according to aspects of other planets on the combination 1.When the Moon Aspects the conjunct Mars and Venus(i) When in Aries or Scorpio: Curtails happi­ness in, respect ofmother (either there may he premature separation from mother or notmuch love lost hetween the mother and the son); there are wounds orboils on the body; the native is devoid of friends and is inimica1 tohis own people; the native is envious but fond of girls. The native'swife is not a high class lady(the native wife may not come from ahigh family or the native may have liaison with, low class women.)the nativei is very active but of changeable disposition he mayhecome accused in a case.(ii) When in Taurus or Libra: Not good for his mother (the native mayhe inimical to his mother; the native neither even tempered norcooperative; he is attached to a numher of women and is liked bythem. The native is afraid of giving a fight ( i.e. lacking incourage and boldness)the native comes from a high family but he suffers in, happiness­in respect of his sons; he has a rich paraphernalia of luxury, his conduct is good.; he is agreeable to look at and leans a comfortable life.(iii) When in Gemini or Virgo: The native may he in charge of a girlshostel or their guardian or he may he employed in king's house hold.He is good to look at and very courteousThe native has dark hair and black eyes;he has a tender body, anattractive appearance, He enjoys comforts of the hed and conveyancesand leans a prosperous life..(iv) When in Cancer;. The ,native ofcupies an anministrativeposition where he awards punishment. He is bold, pushing andpersevering. But he suffer from bilious disease.The .native has a step-mother (or the native's father has a liaisonwith some women), His first child is a daughter,then...several sonsare born.He is attractive and soft and leans a happy life.(v) When in Leo: ,The native may have.premature separation frommother or she may suffer in health. He is intelligent ; has a solidbody and gains much name and fame. He may gain through a female (hisown wife or some other lany.).The native has, a step-mother. He is wealthy but suffers on accountof woman ( his own wife or other womwen) Suffering may he caused onaccount of his own mental frustration due to unfulfilled desires ordue to circumsatances created by them). He is fickle minded.­(vi) When in Sagittarius or Pisces:,The native is intelligent andlearned but is restlessand quarrel some.He is antagonistic to theking (i.e.He may act in opposition to the government)Having good food,drinks and all kinds of luxuries in abundance. Thenative has extraordinary stamina;he occupies a chief position underthe king and is weel renowned.(vii) When in Capricorn, or Aquarius:.Notan auspicious configurationin respect of native's mother; he is fickle but of generousdisposition. His friendships are not firm and his wealth isfluctuating. He possesses jewellery.The native has much moral stamina and is pushing;he is verycourageous. He has a good body and attractive personality.Venus and Moon are both henefics. Venus is however a planet of sexand luxuries and these instincts and attributes are generallystrengthend by the Moon's aspect. It should,. however,be not lostsight of that an, opposition of the Moon and Venus from the secondand Eighth houses or from the sixth and twelfth houses irnpairs eye-sight.II,.When Jupiter Aspects Mars and Venus combination in(i) Aries or Scorpio:The native has a handsome appearance; he issweet and intelligent, beloved of his parents and wealthy. Heoccupies a unique position and has paraphernalia of luxuries. Thenative has a good large body and attractive eyes. he has a good andgenerous wife.He has several sons.(ii) Taurus or Libra: The native is a connoisseur of singing andmusic; he prospers and is a favourite of his relations. He is clean.The native is blessed with wife, sons and is fortunate in respect ofdwelling houses and conveyances. He is engaged in good work3.(iii) Gemini or Virgo: The native Excels as an agent (orambassador) and may visit foreign countries (or places other than hishomeland) in that capacity. He may engage in government service. Heis very capable in various undertakings and comes to limelight.The native leads a very happy life but has humility. He can excel inmaking of the original. He is learned, an erudite scholar capable ofbeing a good teacher..(iv) Cancer: He is very learned and becomes very famous; he maybecome a king's minister, is much praised but is devoid of luxuriesof lifeThe native is a favourite of the. king; he. is blessed with sons,relations, friends; and servants. He is wealthy and commands,conveyances and luxuries.(v) LEo: The native has a clear mind and much discriminatingintelligence; he is very learned and may be a professor, or be on thestaff of a king and hold charge of a section (of army).He marries more than once (or in present day context it :may indicateseveral love affairs). The native rises to the position of a ministerto the king or some equal rank. He is wealthy a.nd has servants andconveyances(vi) Sagittarius or Pisces: The native is wealthy and is not subduedby his enemies. He engages in much physical exercise. But he isdevoid of wife and happiness.The native is blessed with a good wife and sons. He leads a veryhappy life. He has cattle, horses and elephants and wealthy..(vii) Capricorn or Aquarius: the native, has a number of goodrelations, he is endowed withvarious kingly qualities. Whatever he commences,he applies himselfdeligently to it. He is not hand­some but is long livedCapricorn or Aquarius: The native has good wife; he is a connoisseurof songs and music. He has a soft and elegant body. HE is fond offine.apparel, flowers and scents.Jupiter's aspect tones down the inflammatory Mars. Due to the aspectof Jupiter, the energising qualities of Mars flow in constructivechannels. When the Mars is in fifth or ninth from Jupiter, onlyJupiter will have full aspect over Mars, but If Mars and Jupiter arein seventh from each other, both will equally aspect each other andthe aspect of Mars on Jupiter should also be taken into considerationin arriving at the resultant effect,III.1.When Saturn Aspects Mars and Venus conjunction in(i) Aries or Scorpio: The native is courage­ous in putting downthieves but generally speaking has not much stamina; he is bereft ofclose relations: .is attached to another person's wife and maintainsher (or spends money on her).The native is indolent very slovenly in appearance,wandrersaimlessly,serves a person of same temperament as the native;he hasthievish tendencies(ii) Taurus or Libra: The native is happy,renowned, wealthy, learned,having relations and friends; he is the head of a village, town or aunion of people.The native has little money and little happiness, His temper is notgood. He is the husbund of a low woman;( or he may be attached to lowwomen), he suffers from some chronic disease..(iii) Gemini or Virgo: The native is engaged in some work connectedwith mines, forts or mountains or agricultural work. He is veryvalorous but has a very slovenly appearapce. He is poor and sufferssorrows.The native leads a life of grief he is defeated, and overpowered byothers he is very fickle and inimical to others. He is stupid.(iv) Cancer: The native has a very elegant body and his actions areanalogous to those of a prince he gains money by water transport (orimport export in the modern context),He is fallen (due to low conduct) ficklE:and poor. He does not have awell-groomed appearance; is devoid. of comforts of life; he is underthe, influence of his wife (or some other woman)(v) LEo: The native has the appearance of aged person; is withoutwealth; he visits other people's houses or resides there; is fond oftravelling; sorrowful. .The native occupies a very exalted:position and is renowned; haswealth and conveyances: He has good looks but is sorrowful. He isattached to a widow(or may marry a widow)..(vi) Sagittarius or Pjsces: The native does not have a good body,(his health may suffer or the physical appearance be not good); isfond of strife and battle; wanders aimlessly; follows other religionand is sinful and bereft of happiness.The native has an attractive personality; He is always wealthy,happy, and commanding luxuries. He. leads a happy and comfortablelife.(vii) Capricorn or Aquarius: The native is intelligent and learned,courageous in warfare,very rich and rises to a high position; he has many children butdamsels arc inimical to him; he is bereft of happiness.The natlve is rich; has a number of attendants and conveyances; hehas a large parapheranilia of luxuries; he has a dark but attractivepersonality.He is however slovenly dressed.N.Balasubramanian. ========================

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