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kerala_vedic_astrology , " Suresh Babu " <sureshbabuag




Dear All,


Nature of Land indicated by planets.


vedaashramahitaatiraktasiktopetaa dR^iDaapaittikaa

bhaanoralpa mahiiruhaa sakaDukaa tiikshaNaa mahiisaa smR^itaa

vR^ittaa toyayutaa samiirabahulaa shvetaa phalairanvitaa

shiitaaMshoshchachalaahyasau salavaNaa shiighraa~Nkuraa saa varaa

Sun: square, praised, red sand, strong (hard soil), creates pitha dosha, very

little number of trees, spicy hot taste, harsh.

Moon: round shaped, never going dry, windy, white sand, lots trees that bear

lots of fruits, loose sand, salty, fast growing if sawn. This land is " shreshta "

& prosperous.



kruuraa madhyakR^ishaa vishaalavadanaa raktaari kopapradaa

saChidraa chapalaa sa tiktakarasaa bhamasya syaatyulbaNaa'

vaataaDyaa kapilaa mahiiruhayutaa puShpaH phalairanvitaa

dhaatrii mishrarasaa vichitraphaladaa GYasyaati saukhyapradaa..

Mars: rough, less width in the middle & front side wider, creating " Rakta kopa "

blood related aliments, enmity, rats & snakes dwell, bitter tasting,


Mercury: Vata prakriti, windy, reddish / yellowish brown, having flowering trees

and with fruits, mixed taste, wonderfull / strange / diversified effects and




sthuulaaMgaati manoharaa sumadhuraa piitaa dR^iDaatyujjvalaa

deveDyasya phalaanvitaa sasalilaa puShpairyutaa medinii

shvetaa komaLa paaMsulaa.atimR^idulaa saukhyaanvitaa.aChasya vaa

toyaaDyaamlarasaa sugandha kusumairvR^ikshaishcha patrairyutaa

Jupiter : bulky, beautiful, sweat, yellowish, strong, fiery, bearing fruits,

with rivers/water, lost of fruits, flowering

Venus : White colored, soft dusty sand, comforting, having water which never

dries, sour tasting, sweat smelling flowers, trees having lots of good leaves &

coconut trees



diirghaa kR^iShNanibhaa shilaatalayutaa ghoraahimaarggaanvitaa

nistoyaahita taskaro suchapalaa mandasya vaatolbaNaa

tiivraa dhuumranibhaa bhujaMgamayutaa nimnonnataa medinii

raahoH kshudramR^igaadiduSTanivahairniichaishcha saMsevitaa..

Saturn: long and lesser width, black soil, flat rocks, dangerous snakes, without

water, habited by thieves & enemies, shaky soil, Vata Prakriti.

Rahu: Hard & tough, foggy, inhabited by snakes, having varying heights,

inhabited by dangerous animals & people.


This should help in find more about land from planets.


Direction from Rasi - Nature of land from Rasi

Direction from planets - Nature of land from planets


combining these cues we should be able to understand a little more of a chart.


I think it is time to conclude this discussion on directions


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.





kerala_vedic_astrology , " Suresh Babu " <sureshbabuag@>




> Dear All,


> I am adding a few verses that indicate the nature of places provided in

another traditional text.


> siMhe tu kaanane tasmin meShe kaanana saMyute

> kuMbhe maanuShagehaM cha ki~nchil kaananeva cha

> Leo: Forests, Aries : land including forests.

> Aquarius : Human dwellings and little amount of forests.


> vR^ishchike kaananaM sarppavalmiikabilasaMyutaM

> makare puurvabhaage tu vanaantaramudiirayel

> Scorpio : forests along with snake pits and anthills

> Capricorn –First half: forests areas


> makarasyaaparaardham syaannimnagaasaagarothavaa

> karkkaTe saagarashchaiva miine bahujalaashrayaH

> Capricorn – second half: rivers & oceans meet

> Cancer : Ocean

> Pisces : where there is lots of water


> vR^iShe tu gokulaM juuke viithyaapaNasamanvitaM

> ityuuhyamaMshakaadiinaaM yoge dR^iShTau phalaM vadel..

> Taurus: Gokul

> Libra : Business streets

> The above indications should be considered from Yoga, aspect (drishti), Amsa

(navamsa) etc.


> So it is very clear that Navamsa also should be considered while determining

the nature of place.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.



> kerala_vedic_astrology , " Suresh Babu " <sureshbabuag@>


> >

> > Dear All

> >

> > I feel this will compliment the study of directions. Particularly since

Girish has asked how to identify the places. When we look at a direction, the

natural next question will be nature of place

> >

> > Every sign as well as planet has indications pertaining to nature of land. I

am giving here portions from Prashna Marga.

> >

> > meShasya dhaatvaakararatnabhuumiH

> > kulyaa pradesho bhujagaalayashcha

> > puurvapradesho vR^iShabhasya pashchaal

> > kR^iShiivalakshetrasuramyabhuumiH..

> >

> > Aries : land of having minerals, precious stones, canals and where snakes

habitat including sand dumes of snakes.

> > Taurus : All the places similar to Aries, farm lands, farm houses and

beautiful lands.

> >

> >

> > udyaanadevaalayanR^ittabhuumi

> > }rryamasya ramyaM pravadanti taGYaaH

> > devaaMganaavaasataTaakaramyaM

> > jalaantikaM karkaTasya raasheH..

> > Gemini: Recreational parks, place of worship, places having precious stones,

pleasure seeking places, lovers corners etc.

> > Cancer: Water tanks, tracts of water (small streams etc), where women folks

frequent the water tanks. Devangana is special word indicating celestial bodies


> >

> > sthaanaM mR^igendrasya tu tuMgadesho

> > gokshetradevadvijavaasabhuumiH

> > devaalayaashvadvipamandiraabdhi-

> > kshetreShu vaaso vanitaagR^ihasya..

> > Leo: Mountain/ hilly/ elevated places, frequented by lions, cows, Brahmins &

deities and temple areas.

> > Virgo: Temples, Elephant & Horse stables, seacoast and ladies rooms.

> >

> > juukasya viithyaapaNakaananeShu

> > kiiTasya valmiikataTaakayoshcha

> > aaraamasenaagR^ihayuddhabhuumi

> > saaleShu vaaso navamasya raasheH..

> > Libra: streets, business areas

> > Scorpio : forests, Anthills & ponds

> > Sagittarius : Resting places , military houses, barraks, battlefields, walls

& embarkements.

> >

> > nadiimukhaaraNyaniShaadavaase

> > ShveNasya rasherghaTabhasya tadval

> > shvabhraaMbupuurNaamaramandireShu

> > tdhaShasya vaasaH kathito muniindraiH..

> > Capricorn: River beds, where river joins oceans, forests where wild tribes


> > Aquarius : gutters land and water looged (I will add places where they make

pots etc using mud)

> > Pisces : deep caves, watery places, and temples.

> >

> > vanaM kshetraM puraM kulyaa shailagraamaapaNaaH kramaal

> > kuupakaantaarajaladhitaTaakasaritastvajaal..

> > Aries=forests, Taurus – farm fields, Gemini=castle, Cancer=canals,

Leo=mountains,Viro=Village, Libra=bazaar, Scorpio=well, Sagittarius=Forest,

Capricorn=Ocean, Aquarius=ponds & pisces=rivers.

> >

> > These are general indicators of land related to signs. Several classical

authors over a period of time coming from various lands have also added their

variants to these ideas.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > kerala_vedic_astrology , " Suresh Babu " <sureshbabuag@>


> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > I have extended the discussion on Directions.

> > >

> > > Variations regarding Directions

> > >

> > > ravishukrabhaumabhujagau balinassaurendusaumyavaakpatayaH

> > > praadakshiNyaalpatayaH praachyaadiinaaM dishaaM jjheyaaH..

> > > Krishneeyam

> > >

> > >

> > > Sun = East (Mesha, Vrishabha)

> > > Venus = South East (Gemini)

> > > Mars = South (Karkata, Simha)

> > > Rahu = South West (Kanya)

> > > Saturn = West (Thula, Vrishika)

> > > Moon = North West (Dhanu)

> > > Mercury = North (Makara, Kumbha)

> > > Jupiter = North East (Meena)

> > >

> > > ravikujasuraguruushashisutabhrgusuta saurendusaimhikeyaanaaM

> > > praadakshiNyena dishaH praachyaadyaaH kalpitaashchaanyaiH..

> > > krishneeyam

> > >

> > > Sun = East (Mesha, Virshabh)

> > > Mars = South East (Gemini)

> > > Jupiter = South (Karkata, Kumbha)

> > > Mercury = South West (Kanya)

> > > Venus = West (Thula, Vrishika)

> > > Saturn = North West (Dhanu)

> > > Moon = North (Makara, Kumbha)

> > > Rahu = North East (Meena)

> > >

> > > From the above two verses it is very clear that the Krishneeya Acharya

first would look at directions as per the first set. The word

" kalpithaashchaanyaiH " – anyaiH kalpitaH dictated by others. He does not imply

that it is wrong, otherwise he would not have mentioned the second set in his

work. So it is safe to consider the second set but with caution since the

acharya seems to be confident with the first set of planetary directions.

> > >

> > > In fact the first set is what was mentioned in Saravali as well.

> > >

> > > praagaadyaashaasu suryaaraaryaGYaacChaarkividhuragaan

> > > api saMpuujya taaH spR^iShTvaa punaHsaaShTashataM japel..

> > > Prashna Marga:

> > > This verse reflects the second set of Directions and is mentioned where

the Pooja of Rasi Chakra is done. Hence, the directions mainly relates to the

Tantra / agama.

> > >

> > >

> > > praagaadidikshu muurdhaadiShva~NgeShvaShTasu cha sthitaaH

> > > dhvajaadyaastalsthitisparshaphalamapyatha kathyate..

> > > Prashna Marga

> > >

> > > The above classification is further used in the Ashtamagala Sankya (Not

the Aruda) and refers to the dikpalakas, yoni etc of those numbers.

> > >

> > > The present discussion is out of purview of this. I have only included

this to show the difference and where & how it is used. So in all general

matters the first classification of Planetory directions hold good.

> > >

> > >

> > > Pathala & akasha:

> > >

> > > hibukenaadhaHsaliilaM nadyaagamanaM tu saptamenaiva

> > > dashamena vR^iShTipatanaM bruuyaadudayena tattritayam..

> > > Prashna Marga

> > > One should see wells, ponds & water in lower regions from the 4th house, ,

direction of the flow of water in the river from the 7th house, rain falling

from sky from 10th house and from lagna all the three.

> > >

> > > Hence 4th house also indicates the underground and 10th house indicates

the sky or in today's world in upstairs or upperfloors.

> > >

> > > uurdhwamukho ravimuktaa raashiryuktastwadhomukho jjheyaH

> > > abhilaShitastiryak syaatteShaaM kendraashcha talsaMjjhaaH..

> > > Krishneeyam

> > >

> > > Sign left by Sun is urdhvamuka(facing upwards), Sign occupied by Sun is

Adhomukha(Facing downwards) and Sign about to enter is Tiryanmukha( facing

horizontaly). Here sign means its kendras as well.

> > >

> > > So 12th from Sun & its kendras are Urdhvamukha, Sign occupied by Sun & its

kendras are Adhomukha and 2nd from Sun & its kendras are Tiryangmukha.

> > >

> > > We can combine the above two as well in confirming the directions or


> > >

> > > Planets also has similar classifications.

> > >

> > > viikshate ravibhaumaavuurdhwam shukrendujau kaDaaksheNa

> > > induguruu samadrShTyaa raahuH sauro.apyadhodrShTyaa..

> > > Krishneeyam

> > > Sun & Mars look upwards, Venus & Mercury to the side (Horizontal) , Moon &

Jupiter looks straight (Sama drishti) and Rahu & Saturn looks downwards (adho


> > >

> > > Hence,

> > > 4th house, sign occupied by Sun & Its kendras as well as Rahu & Saturn

determines the Pathala or underground

> > > 10th house, Sign in the 12th & its kendras as well as Sun & Mars determine

the Akasha or sky / upstairs/upper floors.

> > >

> > >

> > > I have used the concept of directions including those of Pathala & Akasha

very successfully in actual analysis both in Horoscope as well as Prashna.

> > >

> > > NB: when we think about rasi & planets occupying them, consider the

planets having Navamsa in those signs as well.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps you all.

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > kerala_vedic_astrology , " Suresh Babu "

<sureshbabuag@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > Directional classification of signs are basically three types.

> > > > 1) 4 directions

> > > > 2) 8 directions

> > > > 3) 10 directions

> > > >

> > > > Rasi Directions:

> > > >

> > > > endraadyaM parivartaistritayaM tritayaM tribhistu meShaadyaiH

> > > > ebhirdikshu vibadvairyaatraadi vikalpayetkaarye..

> > > > Saravali:

> > > >

> > > > Aries and its trikonas are East (Mesha, Simha, Dhanu)

> > > > Taurus and its Trikonas are South (Vrishabha, Kanya, Makara)

> > > > Gemini and its Trikonas are West (Mithuna, Thula, Kumbha)

> > > > Cancer and its Trikonas are North.(Karkata, Vrishchiika, Meena)

> > > >

> > > > Same idea is given by Varaha Mihira

> > > > praagadiishaaH kriyavR^iShanR^iyuk{}karkkaTaaH satrikoNaaH..

> > > > Varaha Mihira

> > > >

> > > > This method is used when we have to consider only 4 directions or the

basic classification.

> > > >

> > > > 8 directions

> > > > aindryaaM meShavR^iShaavagnikoNe mithunabhaM sthitam

> > > > yaamyaaM karkaTasiMhau sto nairityaaM dishi kanyakaa..

> > > > vaaruNyaaM tu tulaakiiTau vaayukoNe dhanusthitiH

> > > > saumyaaM mR^igaghaTau syaataamaishaanyaaM dishi miinabham..

> > > > Prashna Marga

> > > > Accordingly

> > > > Aindram – East = Mesha & Vrushabha

> > > > Agni Kone – South-East – Mithuna

> > > > Yama – South = Karkata & Simha

> > > > Niriti – South-West = Kanya

> > > > Varuna – West = Thula & Vrischika

> > > > Vaayu kone – North-West = Dhanu

> > > > Saumya - North = Makara & Kumbha

> > > > Ishanyam = North-East = Meena

> > > >

> > > > These are the normal 8 directions consider on the rasi chakra.

> > > >

> > > > How do we use it.

> > > >

> > > > A few years back I participated in a Special Sahasranama Archana held at

our local temple. We were sitting around the main Peeta in a circle. We sat

there quietly for some as if waiting for something. I noticed one seat was

vacant. So presumed that it was for that person we were waiting. As I wondering

who that might be, I noticed, a strange seat arrangement. The persons who were

sitting (As I know most of them) in the direction of each sign resembling the

planetary positions, either by their profession of looks.

> > > >

> > > > Jupiter was in Karkata and Acharya was sitting there. The temple

Adhikari was sitting in the sign of Thula. Two students were near Kanya and so

on. Saturn was transiting in Gemini and that was the seat which was vacant. So I

thought of Saturn and told the person next to me that the person should be of

medium height, golden yellowish color, fairly fat may be with a pounch and

walks slowely. After about a few minutes, a squat person slowly stepped in and

sat in the vacant space. The description did not falter too much but surpassed

my own deduction. He was a doctor and know what Kind? An Anesthetic !. We had a

good laugh but the incident taught a great deal, thought very minor. What more

do we require to associate simple factors around us with signs & planets. We

have to keep our eyes, years & senses keen and open and learn to relate

different factors.

> > > >

> > > > Now consider this example.

> > > > DOB : 12-Nov-1970

> > > > TOB : 14:50

> > > > Lon : 76:17 E

> > > > Lan : 09:58 N

> > > >

> > > > He is charted accountant and was based locally and also working as a

consultant for a local company along with his own practice. That company was

taken over by another, one the India's Biggest group and was transferred to Up.

> > > >

> > > > He went away during the kalachakra dasa of

> > > > Thula- Vrishabha – Karkata : 12-Dec-2008 till 26-Jun-2009

> > > > He resigned due to extereme climatic conditions and partially due to he

was earning far higher that what he got actually in that company. He again

started his own previous consultancy.

> > > > He came back when

> > > > Thula-Vrishbha-Mithuna is running till 05-Nov-2009

> > > >

> > > > Note the direction and character of signs.

> > > > Thula is a chara sign

> > > > Karkata & its trikonas ( vrischika & meena) are north

> > > > He traveled to Varanasi from cochin.

> > > > Came back to his own 4th house of Gemini later.

> > > >

> > > > If we look at Vimshottari

> > > >

> > > > He was going through

> > > > Mars – Saturn – Mars / rahu / Jupiter and later

> > > > Mars – Mercury – Mercury / Ketu / Venus / Sun

> > > >

> > > > Mars is in the 7th house (gamanaagamana)

> > > > Rahu in the 12 house – leaving the native land.

> > > > He came back in the chidra of sun in whose sign lagna & moon has navamsa

as well as Mercury (4th lord).

> > > >

> > > > I took this one chart because of its unique characteristic. Normally

persons rarely do keep of travels. This person is local based and never was an

employee, but to personal reasons and since the company offered a good

opportunity he joined them. However, He came back.

> > > >

> > > > Pls note that even a single minute difference in TOB, Kalachakra dasa

can vary. Hence, it is good tool to correct TOB if we learn to judge it


> > > >

> > > > I hope you got some idea about linking rasi directions & their

characteristics and also with dasa system.

> > > >

> > > > To be continued…..

> > > >

> > >

> >



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