Guest guest Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 Dear Manoj-ji, I have sent a small write-up to your mail id. Not thru this forum regards Chakraborty On Behalf Of Manoj ChandranSaturday, November 14, 2009 2:08 AM Subject: Re: AIA Quiz -3 Dear Chakraborty Ji, Very nice effort indeed. Very educative about BCP. Can you please refer me to Books/Websites/Articles where I can learn more about BCP method and how to apply in charts? You have given a nice demonstration, but if there are other text book/article sources, that would be great. Regards, -Manoj "Chakraborty, PL" <CHAKRABORTYP2 (AT) iocl (DOT)> Thu, November 12, 2009 11:37:27 PMRE: AIA Quiz -3 Dear Neelam-ji, Let me try this..... but I am not sure about the actual date. It is more of a guess. My guess is ... 7th July 1987 I am trying Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati. Frankly, I am yet to learn the nuances of the system and so the application part may be totally off-mark. I am experimenting with system and so pitfall/accuracy are mine only. Neither I will be able to logically answer all related query. Methodology : 1) Finding out possible dates - with logic 2) Checking the dates against transit, ____________ _________ _________ _________ ________ The BCP system relies on degree-cal differences between Lagna and different planets. So the system is independent of Ayanamsha to certain extent - not fully though. The system assumes that lagna progresses at 30 deg/360 days and when it reaches any sensitive points in a house, events may occur, subject to dasha/transit etc. Sensitive points are : a) The degree of sign lord b) Degree of planets aspecting c) Degree of planets who are posited in th sign d) Degree of planets who are posited at the sign in navamsa ________ A) Checking the accuracy of Lagna with date of marriage The date of marriage (would be) given as 29.11.09. If that is to be correlated with the chart.... It is 27th year+ or 28th year. So, it will be (12x2+4)=4H affair. 4H lord Jupiter is associated with Ketu, 7L Mercury & 8L (Mangalya-sthan) Moon. So it can give Marriage. It posited in Scorpio. So it can be influenced by Mars too. From Date difference calculator, the elapsed day between DOb & marriage is 9791 days = 27 year + 71 days (year =360 days considered) So, distance travelled by lagna will be degree of ascendant+degree travelled in 71 days. That should be related to either degree of Jup / Mars primarily. If we take Jup's degree, then the ascendant should be = Jup's degree - degree travelled in 71 days (=71/12 =5.91..) = 13.923942-5. 9166666 = 8.0072753 deg = 8 d 0'26" So, it is a very close match and the same value will be used. B) Actual event : Death of brother First let us find out possible maraka. Younger brother will be represented by 3rd House, 3L & Mars too. The maraka should be 4H (being 2nd to 3rd), 9H & may be 10H (8H to 3rd). The 5L Mars may also indicate something as this indicates Ayu of 3L Out of all these possible factors, I have chosen Mars, and Jup after spending 5 days about possible combinations. (Not the best way for any prediction)And possibly Moon too... being in Aries navamshaka.( secondary importance) Reason : Jup is maraka. It is associated with Mars (being posited in Scorpio). Mars also aspects 9H & 10H. Jup will be activated along with Mars. Mars will be activated in 5th year and 12th year when progressed lagna reaches Aries and Scorpio respectively. Checking for 5th year..... Possible sensitive points are - degree of Mars & Jup & Moon which are 23.150392, 13.923942 & 0.076956 respectively. Progressed lagna will reach these points after travelling ((4x360)+(23. 150392-8. 0072753)x12) = 1622 ((4x360)+(13. 923942-8. 0072753)x12) =1511 ((3x360)+(30+ 0.076956- 8.0072753) x12)=1344. 84 days The respective days will be 7th July 1987, 30th March 1987 & (14th October, 1986 - Not applicable). Similarly, for Scorpio, the respective days will be 11x360+(23.150392- 8.0072753) x12=4142 11x360+(13.923942-8.0072753)x12) =4031 10x360+)+(30+0.076956-8.0072753)x12= 3865 The respective dates would be 12th June, 1994, 21st Feb 1994 & 8th Sept 1993. Out of all these possible six dates, Transit position is to be checked. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ TRANSIT I have relied entirely on 64th Navamsa (Nadi method). The rules as I know are simple. a) Check the degree of concerned planet (Saturn at Li, 10d48') b) Add 210 (Taurus 10d48) c) Also check the 64th navamsa (4th Navamsa of Ta= Aries). d) Also check Navamsa sphuta. (But here Ayanamsha is very important.) It will be approx 7.5 d. Any strong malefic here indicates possibility of death. However, the transit should also correspond with Younger brothers LL Saturn which is at 19d19 of Scorpio So, important points here are a) 19d19 of Gemini b) Pisces (64th navamsha) with Navamsha sphuta of 25d So, the transit should show minimum Any one of Malefic at (Ta 10d48 or Aries - 6-8d) & Plus Any one of Malefic at (Ge 19d19 or Pisces 25d) The possible dates will be checked against these Transit scenario ____________ _________ _________ _________ ________ Elimination Round 1) 14th October 1986 : Not applicable. 2) 30th March, 1987 Pisces has Rahu, Moon Sun etc. So illnesse of younger brother may be there. However the 1st condition does not match 3) 7th July 1987: For younger brothers chart, it does match (Rahu at Pi 22d Sun at Ge 20 d). However, no malefic at Ta 10d48. In navamsa Jup (which is malefic for Sat) is at Ar 3d. It may match provided the actual degree of Sat is close to 10 Li 13'...not 10Li48' Strong possibility. ..can not confirmed. 4) 8 Sept 1993 Ketu is there at 12 Ta... does not match 5) 21st Feb, 1994 : Ketu at 4 ta, Mo at 7 Ge.. does not mtach 6) 12th June 1994 The transits position are close . But Sat is in Aqu..own house So it is strong. Hence ruled out. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ Conclusion : Not fully satisfied. But after working out so much, I am entitled for a GUESS. And I put it as 7th July 1987 It seems I need to practice more & more.... regards Chakraborty ancient_indian_ astrology [ancient_ indian_astrology ] On Behalf Of neelam guptaMonday, November 02, 2009 1:40 PMancient_indian_ astrologyRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] AIA Quiz -3 This is Ok Chakraborty ji.RegardsNeelam 2009/11/2 Chakraborty, PL <CHAKRABORTYP2@> Dear Neelam-ji, For younger brother, I am getting lagna as 29 Cp 12'. Is that ok ? regards Chakraborty ancient_indian_ astrology [ancient_indian_ astrology] On Behalf Of neelam guptaSunday, November 01, 2009 10:31 PMancient_indian_ astrology[ancient_indian_ astrology] AIA Quiz -3 Dear All,Encouraged by the enthusiastic response of the last quiz, I am presenting another one today. Hope this makes a good learning experience too.Birth data: Boy, 8 February 1983/4.16 hrs/Delhi. (Dhanu lagna)(BT verified for correctness as per my understanding) .The boy lost his younger brother. What is the DATE/time period of the unfortunate happening?Background events:He had only one younger brother born on 11 Dec 1986/11.15 hrs/DelhiHe is going to get married this month on 29.11.2009Kindly post your readings at the earliest, but not later than 24.00 hrs IST on 15.11.2009Please post only one response whichever you choose as your best, accompanied by a brief justification. All approaches are welcome. Please feel free to ask if there’s any query. Best Wishes to All.RegardsNeelam This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Dear Neelam ji,//> Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence?// Ha..Ha..Ha.... I liked it; but I still don't know whether it is a coincidence or a trick by Renu ji. Anyway, the message counts stand reset - and "AIA Quiz-3" is still the fore-runner, live and kicking! Love and regards,Sreenadh , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Renu ji,> > Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence?> > Yes, gandantha noon should be watched out. The other boy also suffers> frequent health problems.> > Regards> Neelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Dear Neelam ji, //Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence?// I wonder!...but I am sure we ladies here are shrewd enough not to get caught to men's baits. Thanks for the clarification...Yes, and for this boy it is his 8HL. But his Moon dasha is yet to come. By the way Moon is his Jaimini Dara Karaka. Would the gandantha placement of Moon affect his marriage/partner too? blessings, Renu , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote: > > Dear Renu ji, > > Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence? > > Yes, gandantha noon should be watched out. The other boy also suffers > frequent health problems. > > Regards > Neelam > > 2009/11/21 renunw <renunw > > > > > > > Dear Neelam ji, > > > > In both the charts given by you in this quiz, Moon is in Gandantha. Does > > gandantha Moon always bring negative results to a native? > > > > 83 born boy's Moon the 8th lord is in 0 Sag. 04' degrees, which is his > > lagna too. > > > > The deceased bro has his Moon the 7HL, placed in 29 Pi 21'and along > > Rahu-Ketu axis too. > > > > blessings, > > > > Renu > > > > > > --- In <%40.\ com>, > > neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@> wrote: > > > > > > Dear All, > > > > > > Encouraged by the enthusiastic response of the last quiz, I am presenting > > > another one today. Hope this makes a good learning experience too. > > > > > > Birth data: Boy, 8 February 1983/4.16 hrs/Delhi. (Dhanu lagna) > > > (BT verified for correctness as per my understanding). > > > > > > The boy lost his younger brother. What is the DATE/time period of the > > > unfortunate happening? > > > > > > Background events: > > > He had only one younger brother born on 11 Dec 1986/11.15 hrs/Delhi > > > He is going to get married this month on 29.11.2009 > > > > > > Kindly post your readings at the earliest, but not later than 24.00 hrs > > IST > > > on 15.11.2009 > > > Please post only one response whichever you choose as your best, > > accompanied > > > by a brief justification. All approaches are welcome. > > > Please feel free to ask if there's any query. > > > > > > Best Wishes to All. > > > > > > Regards > > > Neelam > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Dear Sreenadh ji,//I still don't know whether it is a coincidence or a trick by Renu ji//Well! You will never know! To know that you'll have to come back as a woman!:-) Not a bad idea!!!RegardsNeelam 2009/11/21 sreesog <sreesog Dear Neelam ji,//> Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence?// Ha..Ha..Ha.... I liked it; but I still don't know whether it is a coincidence or a trick by Renu ji. Anyway, the message counts stand reset - and " AIA Quiz-3 " is still the fore-runner, live and kicking! Love and regards,Sreenadh , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote: >> Dear Renu ji,> > Is this Sreenadh ji's bait? Or just a coincidence?> > Yes, gandantha noon should be watched out. The other boy also suffers> frequent health problems. > > Regards> Neelam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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